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  1. #1

    How can i increase my DPS?

    On a normal bossfight i do around 4-4,5k DPS, depending on the group setup with buffs etc.

    This is my gear:

    Of course i know that if i get better gear my DPS will get better, but i was wondering if anyone of you had some tips regarding my rotation or any other thing.

    On a boss i use this rotation

    Serpent Sting - Chirema Shot - Aimed Shot - Arcane Shot - Silencing Shot - Steady Shot - Steady Shot - Readiness - Chirema Shot - Aimed Shot - Arcane Shot - Steady Shot - Steady Shot - Steady Shot. Then the whole thing over again.

    I pop Call of the Wild at the beginning and use Rapid Fire after the second Arcane Shot so i can do 3x Steady Shot before i do Chirema again. I also pop Silencing Shot and Kill Command every time they are off CD because they dont effect the Global CD.

    Anyone have any tips for me to increase my DPS? Is there anything i should do with my rotation or something?

  2. #2

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    Try upgrading your expertise ring, not very useful.

    Not so sure about this one but, as far as I know MM Requires a nice amount of armour pen, try getting the armour pen trinket from ToC normal.

  3. #3

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    Macro silencing shot to 1-2 of your abilities in your rotation.
    Due to it being off the GCD, you would get more burst and have less things to worry about.
    Hell i just macroed kill comand and silencing shot to my chimera, due to every 2-3 chimeras a silencing shot goes off.
    "Mr. Powers,you'll notice all the sharks have lasor beams attached to their heads, i figure every fish deserves a warm meal!"-Dr.Evil

  4. #4

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    With your gear, raid as 0/15/56 and l2 play survival.

    When your gear gets better, go back to mm

  5. #5

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    Respec SV, get a spreadsheet and do exactly what it tells you to.

    I'm sure Shandara's Spreadsheet is actually smarter than you.

  6. #6

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?


  7. #7

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    Go play a rogue.

  8. #8

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    Quote Originally Posted by AleriyaEU
    Not so sure about this one but, as far as I know MM Requires a nice amount of armour pen, try getting the armour pen trinket from ToC normal.
    It doesn't require it, but it helps.

    What MM requires is a high-ilvl ranged weapon, since unlike Explosive Shot (which is based off of raw AP score), Chimera (as well as Aimed and Steady) are based off of modified weapon damage. A low damage ranged weapon will make your Aimed and Chimera weak, which is the crux of the whole spec.

    I advise people that if they are interested in damage and not what they want to play (assuming they enjoy one playstyle over another), that they should not make the jump to MM until they have at least a 226/232 ranged weapon.

    Though, since Onyxia 25 drops MM's 4BIS gun, getting to that point is not very difficult. :P
    Signature removed. Please read our guidelines. Venara

  9. #9

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    I searched around and saw people with worste gear than me getting advices to change to MM thats why i did it, and because i think MM is mutch cooler to play than surv.

    So is there nothing wrong with my rotation? i know the gear needs to be better, but that comes over time, can really change that in a second. I will try to buy myself some nightmare tears instead of the blue 8agi 16stam gems.

    How does the macro look like if i wanna bind kill command and silecing shot to chirema shot? not very good at macros:S

    Any other thing you think i should change? Have seen hunters with like 6k dps, and i wanna try getting therre too.

  10. #10

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    It would look like
    /cast Chimera
    /cast Kill Command
    /cast Silencing shot
    it would require some mambo-jumbo if you don't want the game to pop that *spell not ready yet* message, but that's the basic idea.

    If you want to saty MM, by all means do so. Just gem and enchant hit tiil you are over 8%, that's your problem. You have low hit, enchant your gloves, your boots with hit, slap more pure + hit gems and you are good, Surv might be more DPS with your weapon indeed, but your main issue is hit rating really.
    (This signature was removed for violation of the Avatar & Signature Guidelines)

  11. #11

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    Also, I would advise you to drop the 3 points in Efficiency and go for Imp Arcane. Try dropping 1 point in each imp Steady Shot and Rapid Recuperation for 2/2 Rapid killing.
    (This signature was removed for violation of the Avatar & Signature Guidelines)

  12. #12

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    Switch out the blue lvl gems with epics of same cut for increase of stats, add a socket to belt for another gem to increase your Hit rating which is way way to low.
    Swith out the agil crit gems for agil hit gems, change the ap gems for best agil gems, and if your hit is still low enchant gloves for hit, and boots for hit/crit.
    With no points in focused aim, your hit should be at 264 for an 8% if you raid with out a draini member in raid.

    Your ap will go down, your crit should stay or improve a bit, but with being hit capped at 264, your overal damage with improve significantly.

    Go here and plug/play with changes; for a better idea of what you need.
    My Armory - Tenzi

  13. #13

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    if u do that much dps with thos gear then u are rly good
    u can get an extra slot on belt that will help abit
    try to change some of ur gems and stack agi+20
    try to get better trinkets there is one in totc normal that give arp its rly good for hunters

  14. #14

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    I have now changed some gems. Got +10 all stats and enchanted +hit on both boots and gloves. And i change my orange gems with yellow hit gems.

    I still dont get to 264 to cap. Im at 246 atm. I will farm some toc heroic and hope to get some good drops from Toc 10/25 or Ulduar soon. And maybe then i will reach hit cap. Cause there isnt any other way i can increase my hit now is it?

    Noone of the other gems slots are yellow and i have enchanted both boots and gloves, so is there anything else that getting better gear i should do?

  15. #15

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gloms
    I have now changed some gems. Got +10 all stats and enchanted +hit on both boots and gloves. And i change my orange gems with yellow hit gems.

    I still dont get to 264 to cap. Im at 246 atm. I will farm some toc heroic and hope to get some good drops from Toc 10/25 or Ulduar soon. And maybe then i will reach hit cap. Cause there isnt any other way i can increase my hit now is it?

    Noone of the other gems slots are yellow and i have enchanted both boots and gloves, so is there anything else that getting better gear i should do?
    Add buckle/socket to belt and put in a 20 hit gem and you'd b good to go. For added dps, upgrade all ap/agil possible gems to epic, and you would gain 8 agil and 8 ap for total of 16 ap plus added hp.

    As a further note, why do you have talent points in Rapid recuperation, with none in Rapid Killing? Take 2 out of Efficiency and put into Rapid killing.

    My Armory - Tenzi

  16. #16

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    I will take 2 points from effency and put it in rapid killing

    When you say "add bucket/socket to belt" you mean that i should get a belt with a socket slot right? or can i add a socket slot to my current belt?

    And if i get the trinket from toc normal what trinket will you sugest that i change it with?

    Saw this trinket today:

    Whould you say thats a good choice? And what trinket should i replace it with if i buy is? Dont know how often the trinkets procc tbh, so i dont know if i should remove Bandits Insignia or the Coren trinket. Both are good damage boosters. But then again Mark of Supremacy gives me alot of hit. What do you say?

  17. #17

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    anyone have some inputs on my previous post?

    My thoughts are that that trinket will be nice, cause then i can enchant agility on gloves and boots again and i can gem agi. But i dont know if its good enogh to replace one of my other trinkets. I dont know how often they procc etc.

  18. #18

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gloms
    I will take 2 points from effency and put it in rapid killing

    When you say "add bucket/socket to belt" you mean that i should get a belt with a socket slot right? or can i add a socket slot to my current belt?

    Get a belt buckle from a blacksmith to give you an extra gem to play with, so if you add a 20 hit gem, with a draini in your group, you would b good to go for hit, otherwise you would be 4 points below, which is a lot better than what you had

    And if i get the trinket from toc normal what trinket will you sugest that i change it with?

    Saw this trinket today:

    If you added the hit gem to belt u could get a crit/ap trinket like; or

    Whould you say thats a good choice? And what trinket should i replace it with if i buy is? Dont know how often the trinkets procc tbh, so i dont know if i should remove Bandits Insignia or the Coren trinket. Both are good damage boosters. But then again Mark of Supremacy gives me alot of hit. What do you say?
    My Armory - Tenzi

  19. #19

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    Good thing i found this topic cuz i need some help abt my dps also.

    thats my gear, talents, glyphs, enchants and gems. My Dps in ToC 25 is about 5-5.5k. I always do the rotations right and pop CD at the best posible moment ( on a boss debuff (icehowl stunned etc) and w8ing for heroism) but somehow i feel i could do more. What am i doing wrong or it just is my max?!

  20. #20

    Re: How can i increase my DPS?

    You should probably post in the DK forums instead of in a Hunter thread.

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