Thread: Agent Rykiel

  1. #1

    Agent Rykiel

    Name: Rykiel
    Old Name: Can't Remeber
    Gender: Male
    Race: Night Elf
    Age: 1284
    Class: Hunter / Mage-Hunter
    Birthplace: Astranaar
    Family: All Deceased
    Current Residence: None
    Likes: Good, Hunting, Alchemy, Solitude, Nature, Priests, Hunters, Bows, The Master
    Dislikes: Evil, Crowds, Cities, Druids, Stuck-Up People, Guns, Gadgets, Sithilid, Magic


    Rykiel is a elf with extreme purpose, which can be easily be seen in his stature and serious look. He is constantly on the move, working for the Master even when he is taking time off. Even though he maintains his serious attitude, he is not above making jokes, using them to lighten the mood in seemingly hopeless situations. He has no home, using the whole of nature as his residence. He only goes into the city on business, and when he does it puts him in a bad mood. His past haunts him, and often makes him sad and even fearless in the face of death, but he knows when he is outmatched and will not hesitate to slip away silently. Regardless of this fact, he loves what he does and follows the Master's orders without question and with extreme precision.

    Back story:

    Growing Up

    Growing up Rykiel had a sheltered existence among the towering trees of Astranaar. At a young age he explored the cities with his best friend Metharin. The city was his play thing, and eventually he grew tired of doing the same boring thing every day. Once they reached age 80 it was time to put child like things behind and they each found a niche being productive members of society. Metharin had a knack for druidic magic and soon became an apprentice. Rykiel did not possess the same affinity and was jealous of him, but soon gave in to his father's trade of hunting. His father was based off to the north near the World Tree, bringing food back after long trips, but he held no desire to journey away from his home. The small but lovely forests of Ashenvale called him, and soon he fell in love with it. Running among the animals and spending days at a time lost in its mystery. He became a skilled hunter, carpenter, and bowman.

    When he was about 100 years old he started to sense a taint take hold of the forest in which he loved so much. He asked his mother what was happening and she explained to him of evil magic, a concept which before know he only had just heard about but never seen. He saw the natural magic casted by the druids, but never before seen any other types of spells outside of the occasional mage passing through. It had always made him excited to see such things, but this was a different story. Demons came from the ground itself, causing a chaotic imbalance in nature. He could not understand how magic could go turn evil in this way, and started to despise all forms of it.


    In the mean time, Metharin took a bride; a beautiful priest named Elandra who worked as a priestess of Elune. When she was introduced to Rykiel, the three of them became instant friends. Even though they were from three different worlds, they would always return to each other and talk of all the adventures they had and all they had learned. Rykiel started to develop a romantic interest to Elandra but quickly put it outside his mind, getting himself lost in the forest whenever he would think of her. He cared about his friends too much to make a stir in their relationship.

    When Metharin become busy with his druidic studies however, Rykiel and Elandra were left alone. They would harmlessly flirt from time to time, but both knew it could never be. She loved Metharin and was very happy with the choices she had made. However, the chemistry between the two did not go unnoticed.

    War of the Shifting Sands

    At age 284 he was called to participate in the war against C’thun and his Quarji/sithilid army far across the sea. It was the first time he would be so far from home, but he felt it was something he had to do. The druids were the major players, but they needed others to such as hunters to fight and aid the army. He accompanied his friend Metharin to war and vowed to be a guardian of the Cenarion Circle and to fight alongside them.

    During the trip Metharin confronted Rykiel about his feelings for his bride, assure that she had been cheating on him. But Rykiel confessed to no such thing, and told him the truth about his feelings for her. Metharin came to his own conclusions regardless of Rykiel had said and became more hateful with each passing day. During the war, the sithilid were fierce enemies, showing no mercy and slaughtering countless soldiers. The druids were losing and everyone had thought it was finished.

    It was in this most tense hour that Metharin saw his chance to get revenge on Rykiel and assure he never would steal his bride away from him. At the battle for Southwind Village, there was death everywhere. The sithilid swarmed over the city like flies on a piece of food, slaughtering every elf they could find. It was then, when him and Rykiel were alone that he attacked him. He pulled him to the ground using entangling roots from a nearby dying tree and attempted to choke the life out of him. With tears in his eyes, Metharin apologized to his friend, but did not let up.

    Rykiel felt a moment where the roots tied around his belt loosened slightly. He took the opportunity to pull the dagger out from his compressed sheath, and cut through the root. With one quick movement, the constrain around his right arm was cut loose. Before Metharin could react in any way, Rykiel threw the dagger straight at his heart. If it had been under better conditions (and perhaps if he was not his friend), he would have not missed. It struck him deep in the shoulder and forced him to let go of the roots. He fell to the floor defeated and in agony. He stared up into the sky as the sithilid swarm descended upon them, knowing this was the end for them both. Now free from the roots, Rykiel made his way to Metharin. A sithilid was attempting to impale Metharin from above and Rykiel foiled its plan by putting an arrow threw it's head, causing it to fall lifelessly onto Metharin. As it was a flying sithilid, it was very light and did not pin Metharin that strongly into the ground. But without a working shoulder, he could not hope to pull it off.

    In those heated moments, Rykiel twisted the sithilid around where he could see the face of his fallen friend and speak to him. He told him that he was going to get him out of the city to safety, but had to make a promise first. Rykiel could not forget how he had betrayed him. He never did sleep with Elandra, but could not let a murderer return home to the praise of a hero. He said he would tell her that he was dead, but only if he never returned to Astranaar again.

    "Let her remember you as you were," he said to him. And he reluctantly agreed.

    Rykiel pulled the sithilid corpse off of Metharin and pulled the dagger out. Druidic magic was used to heal the opening and then to two retreated to the outside the city, dodging the sithilid and running as fast as they could. When Staghelm found out that his son had died trying to protect Southwind, he rallied his armies in fury and vowed he would get revenge. Soon after the incident, Staghelm with the aid of dragons had pushed back the sithilid to their temple where they were sealed within. Now being free to return, Rykiel came back to Astranaar, but Metharin did not.

    Return Home

    When he told Elandra of her husbands demise she was broken, but she too had news. Rykiel's father had taken ill with a serious incurable disease. It was not long before Rykiel's father had died, and he became as depressed as Elandra. It was only the familiar comforts of the forest that could heal his heart. When she was done grieving she began to move on, and while Rykiel tried to push her away, her influence on him was too strong. In four years time they fell deeply in love with each other and got married. Everything was going well, until a mysterious hooded elf showed up at their front door. It was Metharin.

    As soon as Elandra had discovered the situation in its entirety she became absolutely destroyed. Not only had her pervious husband tried to kill his best friend, but Rykiel had lied to her and married her despite it all. It was too much for her to handle. She prayed to Elune for days on end, in heavy seclusion at the temple, while the two past friends fought physically and verbally. Both became mad in there quest for her love and it was only when Elandra had scarified her own life to the Moon God did they stop there insistent sparing. The ritual, while banned by the temple, was not seen as a suicide, but a desperate attempt to leave an unhappy life. But all Rykiel could see was a man who had succeeded in murdering his wife. In a fit of rage he pulled out his bow and shot Metharin in the back, seven times. He then disappeared into the forest and was never seen by the people of Astranaar again.

    Lost and Found

    Ashamed at what he had done and all he lost, he became suicidal and lost. Wandering the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale he felt he had no purpose and no reason to keep on breathing. He set up a camp deep in the jungle where no one could find him, and there he spent many hundreds of lonely years hunting and working on his skills (alchemy in particular). Then one day, close to the recent era, he heard a hissing sound from a nearby shrub, followed by a tiny jungle snake that slithered right up to him and tilted its head. It almost had a pitying look, but Rykiel knew that was impossible. He tried to walk away from the snake, but it continued to follow him wherever he went. He even tried yelling at it, but it did not go away. It was then he heard the voice, that would change his life forever.

    "Is this how you treat my gift to you," the words of a man formed in his mind.

    He had no idea where it came from; he thought he was going mad. But the voice continued. It was peaceful and wise and told him of many wondrous and perhaps dreadful things. He told Rykiel that there was great evil within this world and it would threaten to destroy everything. Though it had many forms it essentially stemmed from the same source: Sargeras. He heard the name before, but never really understood it much (he wasn't much of a scholar or listener for that matter). But even Sargeras was not the source of all evil, and he was his mission to destroy or convert as much of it as he could.

    The voice told Rykiel of a hidden organization that he was forming, and how Rykiel was the very first to be given this offer. It was clear to Rykiel that the man behind the voice produced great power. The voice told him that if he would accpet, he would reveal himself to Rykiel and train him in the ways of the mage-hunter, building upon his pervious experience as a hunter and warrior. In exchange he would do what the voice would tell him to do, and trust that he had only good intentions. Because he had no hope or direction, he accepted the offer, but the pact was not yet complete.

    "Open your mind to me and you will know what I know and I will know what you know. We will be one and you will officially become an agent of my army."

    He did as he was told and at once he understood everything and knew for a fact that he had found his purpose. At that instant he had forgotten the name he had been given as a child and had chosen a new one. A name that did not reflect where he had come from, but his new identity as a servant of good: Rykiel.

    "Now take up the snake named Bijouu as my gift to you, a humble companion on your missions and your travels."

    He did so, the snake conforming to his arm and moving up to his sleeve. A good fit. Smiling for the first time in a long time, he walked off into the jungle. But this time, he knew exactly where he had to go.

    Agent of the Master

    Rykiel now works for the Master ((whose identity I will keep secret for now)), and the unknown organization which attempts to suppress evil wherever it may be found. His main objectives include: hunting down and killing evil targets, scouting for potential new agents, and intelligence gathering. All these roles are very subtle and Rykiel avoids confrontation whenever possible. He is a part (though important part) of a pool of many different agents, integrated into society to aid the good and defeat evil (even though many of them carry evil within). They carry no allegiance outside the Master but used different factions as a tool to further their goals.

    Abilities of Rykiel:

    Acrobatic and stealthy.
    Extremely good with a bow and arrow.
    Can craft a variety of potions and poisons.
    Decent melee fighter; usually with daggers.
    Trained to withstand mental manipulation.
    Does not keep a fighting pet, but carries a well-trained snake with him.
    Has limited magical ability centered around anti-magic: mana burn, counterspell, ect.
    Knows every interrupt in the book: silencing shot, kick, counterspell, ect.
    Carries a charm given to him by the Master that gives him resistance to one type of spell at a time (depending on which elemental essence is held within it). He carries a sack of these essences with him.

    Abilities of the Master (only the ones he uses on agents to help them in there tasks):

    Mental manipulations.
    Is capable of sensing dark power.

    The Master must be focused and in range of the agent to use these abilities and he does make mistakes. He uses these abilities sparingly and in secret to decrease suspicion that he exists and is using his magic on others.

  2. #2

    Re: Agent Rykiel

    I like your bio, but your timeline is a bit messed up

    Teldrassil was only grown 6 years ago. This means that no grown elf in the WoW will have been born in Teldrassil. It's an oft-made mistake though. That's about the only thing I see wrong with it - Good job, see you on the RP boards asap!

  3. #3

    Re: Agent Rykiel

    Thanks for the information. I fixed it.

  4. #4

    Re: Agent Rykiel

    Problems with age . At 30, a night elf would be the equivelant of 3-5 years old; you aren't a member of society at age 5. The other one I spotted when I skimmed through was joining the War of the Shifting Sands at age 84; you'd be a young teenager, 12 or thirteen equivelant. Also, I'm pretty suren night elves, at the time of the War of the Shifting Sands, were immune to disease.
    The Master seems to be a bit Mary Sueish... Also, how would he remember his birth place if he couldn't remember his name?
    Soviet Russia was merely a setback!

    Relys Sunwalker
    Rakzor Frostwolf
    Descle Dubraig

  5. #5

    Re: Agent Rykiel

    Quote Originally Posted by Relys Sunwalker

    Also, how would he remember his birth place if he couldn't remember his name?
    I can remember the first time I flew a kite, it was when I was in kindergarden, I had a nice triangular plastic kite with a bombardier design printed on it. The bombardier had a very neat camo pattern on it, with green, brown, peach and grey, it had two exhausts on both wings, and a blue cockpit.

    I can't remember my own cell phone number.
    Elizabeth, Paladin of Stormwind, read the story of A Paladin in the Making.
    Featuring now: Agent Vanseph, human Rogue agent of SI: 7, and Floral, the mysterious night elf Huntress
    accompanied by Hummer, ex-lion Pridelord!

    The Dog sheds its fur! It's actually a chick?!

  6. #6

    Re: Agent Rykiel

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Elizabeth
    I can remember the first time I flew a kite, it was when I was in kindergarden, I had a nice triangular plastic kite with a bombardier design printed on it. The bombardier had a very neat camo pattern on it, with green, brown, peach and grey, it had two exhausts on both wings, and a blue cockpit.

    I can't remember my own cell phone number.
    When did you get your cell phone? If it was recently, then the number would still be stored in your short-term memory and thus overwritten unless you constantly looked at it.
    Soviet Russia was merely a setback!

    Relys Sunwalker
    Rakzor Frostwolf
    Descle Dubraig

  7. #7

    Re: Agent Rykiel

    Quote Originally Posted by Relys Sunwalker
    When did you get your cell phone? If it was recently, then the number would still be stored in your short-term memory and thus overwritten unless you constantly looked at it.
    For two-and-a-half years, I could honestly not remember my cellphone #

    Now, I can.

    I won't give it out, but it has 867-5309 in it
    Quote Originally Posted by Mortis Darkskull View Post
    1st south park garots... now happy garots... next one must be overdramatic seinen manga garots...
    Best of 5 years!

  8. #8

    Re: Agent Rykiel

    Quote Originally Posted by Relys Sunwalker
    When did you get your cell phone? If it was recently, then the number would still be stored in your short-term memory and thus overwritten unless you constantly looked at it.
    I've had two different phones over the course of the three years I've been in University, and I don't remember neither of them.

    Maybe it's because of the fact I rarely use it :/ I didn't had a cell phone before entering college due to that same fact.
    Elizabeth, Paladin of Stormwind, read the story of A Paladin in the Making.
    Featuring now: Agent Vanseph, human Rogue agent of SI: 7, and Floral, the mysterious night elf Huntress
    accompanied by Hummer, ex-lion Pridelord!

    The Dog sheds its fur! It's actually a chick?!

  9. #9

    Re: Agent Rykiel

    Cell phones give you brain cancer
    Soviet Russia was merely a setback!

    Relys Sunwalker
    Rakzor Frostwolf
    Descle Dubraig

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