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  1. #1

    Exclamation Pro Raiding Guilds

    I'm stuck in a guild where people can't do anything beyond 12/12 ICC 10 & 7/12 ICC 25, so I'm trying to find another guild, but all my applications to pro raiding guilds get declined because of this vicious cirlce.
    I have a 6k gs, my applications are always decent and I'm a good raider. Some guilds told me they that they don't see me stepping up into the hard modes at the time when most of my gear is BiS for MM hunters.
    Started playing in 2009, so I don't have many Naxx and Ulduar achievements either. I don't really feel like guild hopping, to be honest.

    Any tips on how to get into a good guild?

    Invites will be appreciated also! :P
    Last edited by Duncano; 2010-07-21 at 11:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Be honest with us...
    I dont think you are.

    just DONT
    a raiding guild wont give a flying fuck

    BIS means best in slot...lots of it for MM is from the last 5 bosses on 25 man, also tbh BIS is hardmode gear.
    What kinda of dps do you pull...should be easily 12 - 13k at a minimum for a MM hunter and basic ICC gear ( with 25% buff yet to see 30% :O ) taking a guess at that number from my slightly undergeared alt hunter. (bits of 264/ 251 maybe less)

    Naxx was a joke tbh. unless you got immortal or glory of the raider it wont matter
    Ulduar is good but not current content.

    What you making an app to... 11/12 hm guild that are realm top ? you wont have a chance.

    Guilds need proof that you will preform unless you can provide it you wont raise an eye.

  3. #3
    Reroll a rare and wanted healer :P mostly it's shaman.

    Other than that, most guilds are already full on DPS so they don't want to take more. Either wait till Cata (when a lot will reroll or quit) or just scan all the sites and see if some guild really wants your class.

  4. #4
    Hmmm...Don't suck. Just kidding. Honestly, get to know a few members in the guild that you want to apply for, and try to get in that way. Alot of guilds will allow friends to join as a non-raiding member. That being said, work your way into pug or alt runs with the members nad prove yourself on that end. Honestly, when it comes down to it, it all depends on people knowing you, your reputation on the server, your performance in raids and dungeons, general attitude, knowledge of the class, and whether they have an opening for your particular class at the moment. I've been invited to several top end guilds just on the recommendation of a friend, and, from there, I've proven myself to the guild as a raider and member through my actions. If your applications are being denied, then take a look in the mirror and see what you can do to improve. Gearscore means nothing. I'll take a lower geared player who knows his class over a well-geared player that stands in fire and wipes the raid. Trust me. I've seen healers and tanks kicked from the guild for merely screwing up. Meet the members and prove yourself. You'll eventually get an invite.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Duncano View Post
    I'm stuck in a guild where people can't do anything beyond 12/12 ICC 10 & 7/12 ICC 25, so I'm trying to find another guild, but all my applications to pro raiding guilds get declined because of this vicious cirlce.
    I have a 6k gs, my applications are always decent and I'm a good raider. Some guilds told me they that they don't see me stepping up into the hard modes at the time when most of my gear is BiS for MM hunters.
    Started playing in 2009, so I don't have many Naxx and Ulduar achievements either. I don't really feel like guild hopping, to be honest.

    Any tips on how to get into a good guild?

    Invites will be appreciated also! :P
    LIE ... LIE and LIE some more.

    SERIOUSLY you have to lie a little. Most job interviews you gotta lie a little bit to get into and this is no different. Im not saying tell them you got the world first heroic lk kill or something. But exaggerate some of your real achievements.

  6. #6
    I am being totally honest in my applications. And of course, I don't mention my GS, it's just a reference here. You're right about gear. All I can raid now is first 6 bosses (weak guild runs/pugs), and it's not fun any more after 20 times, so I started slacking, thus pulling about 9k dps, and I don't really see anyone doing much more than that, occasionally I run into a lock/mage who will outperform me by 1k but that's about it.

    Yea, trying to get into such guilds, don't wanna be a guild hopper, wanna find a new home and settle down among good players.

    ---------- Post added 2010-07-21 at 11:41 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Myrok View Post
    I'll take a lower geared player who knows his class over a well-geared player that stands in fire and wipes the raid.
    Yea, I hear ya, but there's no way to prove it in an application.

    ---------- Post added 2010-07-21 at 11:43 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Russelcoight View Post
    LIE ... LIE and LIE some more.

    SERIOUSLY you have to lie a little. Most job interviews you gotta lie a little bit to get into and this is no different. Im not saying tell them you got the world first heroic lk kill or something. But exaggerate some of your real achievements.
    Heh, everything is easily checked, I've seen some guild dig up my 2 month old dps logs...

  7. #7
    Well, your only other posts indicate that you might be dumb since you ask if Shadowmourne will be surpassed by new items in the expansion, which it of course will be, but the whole point of legendaries is that they are rare and cool, not that they last forever statswise.

    Maybe this general ignorance/stupidity shines through in your applications?

  8. #8
    its hard to get into a decent raiding guild without previous experience, I've been able to join with less than best possible gear pre-hardmodes because I've done everything b4 icc, everytime I get accepted I hear comments about that and the way I talk about my class/raiding, dunno what u can do to get accepted for wotlk raiding without joining a 6/12 HC guild first and then join a 11/12 HC guild

    I don't approve of the lying in applications but I guess its an option

  9. #9

  10. #10
    It's always going to be hard as DPS since there are so many around.

    Try to make your application stand out - include funny pictures, be witty and smart. Another thing is that your chances will drastically improve if you're willing to apply to guilds cross-realm. Make the guild feel special, make it sound like the guild you're applying to is the guild of your dreams (without sounding desperate) and that you really feel like you would fit in. Hard-core guilds don't want just well-geared people; they want loyal, selfless and helpful players who won't leave because of real life issues or get bored of the game.

    All in all, there are a thousand different reasons you could have been denied by those precious guilds and they might have been simply too polite to tell you the real reason. It could be anything from age, attitude to way of writing.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by CptAwesome View Post
    Well, your only other posts indicate that you might be dumb since you ask if Shadowmourne will be surpassed by new items in the expansion, which it of course will be, but the whole point of legendaries is that they are rare and cool, not that they last forever statswise.

    Maybe this general ignorance/stupidity shines through in your applications?
    LOL, thumbs up on checking my old posts, something definitely shines from your quick judgements.

  12. #12
    For starters, don't slack even in your short runs so you can get some good DPS logs. If your guild isn't keeping parses, just get a WoL account and make some parses yourself of you doing good (very good - well over 10k, preferably more like 12k in ICC with the huge-ass buff) on pretty much every fight, especially given that it's normal mode content you're doing.

    Also, don't really expect to jump from 7/12 normal to a guild that's 10 or 11/12 HC. It just won't happen. Unless you find a guild that desperately (DESPERATELY) needs your class, it isn't happening. And frankly, guilds that are super desperate for hunter DPS aren't that common. Nonetheless, try to only app to guilds that are in need of your class.

    Don't lie on the application either. It's dumb, and anybody can check your story out, and if they find out you are lying later on, then the jig is up.

    Finally, don't rush an app. Treat it like a resume and take the time to make thoughtful responses to the questions. When an app says 'what can you bring to our guild that somebody else can't' do NOT just say 'leet dps lol!' And yeah, don't try to claim that your gear is BiS either; you can't get BiS gear with 7/12 normal.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by shanattah View Post

    I don't approve of the lying in applications but I guess its an option
    Go to and see all the truth.

  14. #14
    Don't lie. Almost everything can be proved.

    A rogue apped to our guild with very, very poor gear + experience (6/12 ICC). In his app he kept saying how he knew 12/12 Heroic and was this amazing raider. He said his main was on another server and they linked an armory of a resto druid who was 12/12 H ICC with Valynar in a top 100 guild.

    We in no way believed that was his main, and were able to disprove him by asking him to take off certain pieces of gear and logging out to prove it was him.
    Damage Control [Suramar-US]

  15. #15
    I have a tip, BE A PRO RAIDER

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Xentin View Post
    Don't lie. Almost everything can be proved.

    A rogue apped to our guild with very, very poor gear + experience (6/12 ICC). In his app he kept saying how he knew 12/12 Heroic and was this amazing raider. He said his main was on another server and they linked an armory of a resto druid who was 12/12 H ICC with Valynar in a top 100 guild.

    We in no way believed that was his main, and were able to disprove him by asking him to take off certain pieces of gear and logging out to prove it was him.
    haha epic

  17. #17
    You should probably not be looking for 'pro' guilds, though it depends on what you mean by that. Shanattah's right that you're going to need to show you can handle the heroic content at all, first.

    You may also need to consider changing realms or factions.

    At this point in the expac, you're probably stuck with what you have. A lot of guilds are winding down rather than up, so they're not looking to invest in new players unless they think that player will hit the ground running.

    As for on-your-realm players, your best chance is to get into raid pugs with people from a guild you're interested in and then beat them on the meters (but not in a cheesy way, legit on-boss kind of stuff). Otherwise just set your sights on finding a home for Cata.

  18. #18
    you complain about that? o_o

    the top 4 guilds in my server have cleared 12/12 10 icc reg.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    Having the authority to do a thing doesn't make it just, moral, or even correct.

  19. #19
    This is part of an app that we had a while ago... wont link the whole thing but this section made me lol. tip dont do it !

    - I was ranked 7th best tank on Allaince back in Feb (according to Wow heros) with GS 5800+. This was from raid leading PUG 25 mans for weeks straight. With a decent guild I'm sure I could achieve my real potential. GS 6200+. (My GS is currently 5940).
    - I have a good deal of experience raid leading.
    - Raid led pug 10m ToTGC runs as well to 4/5.

  20. #20
    None of what anyone has said is actually correct. Here is a few things to know about applying to a 'hardcore' raiding guild and about the guilds themselves.

    1) We don't give a flying fuck about your gearscore or any other number/designation that is supposed to be related to how good your average itemlevel of gear is. If you even bring it up in an application most guilds will laugh at you and immediately dismiss you.

    2) Don't be younger than 16 and dont be older than 35. There are some very VERY few exceptions to this but here is the reason. We don't want your mommy or daddy pulling the internet from your computer at midnight because you have to wake up early for school in the morning and we are in the middle of an attempt on a progression boss. If you have work related issues like having to wake up at 6am for work, you have to tough it up and get less sleep on raiding nights.

    3) A well written application goes a very long way. I'm talking good grammar, good sentence structure, and actually answering all the questions that are on the application. Do not respond in one sentence answers but give some depth and length to your answers. High end guilds get so many applications its really easy to pick out shitty apps versus apps that could use a second look.

    4) WoW is a numbers game. Simple as that. If you do not have the best possible gear gemmed with the best possible gems with the best possible professions and the best possible enchants you do not have a chance at getting into a very high end guild. If you are missing out on socket bonuses or a few spellpower here and there due to bad gemming, people will laugh at you and you will not be accepted. WoW is not hard. Being the 'top dps' in your raid usually means shit. Everyone else in your raid sucks. That is why you have only killed 7/12 normal mode with a 30% buff. This brings me to my next point.

    5) Do not apply without logs. Don't apply with a recount of you hitting a test dummy for a few minutes. That doesn't mean shit. We need real logs from multiple raids and multiple bosses to see if you actually use your cooldowns correctly, use prepots, use flasks and all that. High end guilds look at top world parses. If you are not within top 200 world on bosses, then you are not looked at more thoroughly.

    The problem with most people is that they go 12/12 easymode at 25% and suddenly think they are good enough for the best of the best and then find it shocking that they aren't accepted. Baby steps guys. You have to walk before you can run. Find a guild that has a few hardmodes down and try and join them. Make them a better guild, prove you are a better player than their main raiders. Once you get better gear you can move on and once you get some parses and have a lot of BIS gear then yeah, apply to a top tier guild.

    Dougal - CUTIES ONLY - Kalecgos

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