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  1. #1

    It's been an epic journey

    So after 2 years WOTLK has now come to an end.
    I must say that I enjoyed vanilla and TBC more but, wotlk has been a epic journey aswell, alot of good memories from this expansion.
    So whats your most epic memories from WOTLK? Mine is defo the first time I entered northrend, and the first time I did the dungeons, good memories, and ulduar, oh my. One of the best instances ever created.
    So whats your best memories from this expansion? After all it's only 10 hours until it all changes.

  2. #2
    Pandaren Monk Azahel's Avatar
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    Getting lost in northreds, I like to get lost on places :P They get kind of boring when you know where everything is.
    Doing the epic quests that wrath introduced, ones that gives you a lot more of involvement with the game than on the previous games, seeing how they worked hard on the world and most of it is actually useful as quest areas instead of just a random place with no use at all.
    Killing giants, saving little girls with rabbit pets, participating on the wrath gate and other epic events for the first time, fighting on wintergasp with so many allies and enemies that the server would crash! Epic expansion indeed, now, come on cata, I need moar!

  3. #3
    Dreadlord bethofwow's Avatar
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    Right here *waves*
    Being in the first raid group on my realm to encounter Yogg Saron. When he popped out of the ground, I nearly fell out of my chair.
    Have you hugged a Gnome today?

  4. #4
    Coming home, when I found my current guild.

  5. #5
    Dreadlord sweepdeepsPL's Avatar
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    Ah Nostalgia. I remember when Heroics were hard, bosses were harder, and Gearscore wasn't in full swing yet.

    Those were the days.
    Quote Originally Posted by perix View Post
    there are people that think war is like cod.
    That covers just about every twelve year old in America.

  6. #6
    realizing that now i have a real job i can pay for the subscription :P..... or did you mean in game???

  7. #7
    I loved arriving to Northrend on the boat and starting the quest chains and exploring the new zones. WotLk was amazing, but it just drag on a little longer than it should have. I thought it was a very immersive expansion, as the quests dealt more directly with the storyline than previous quests. Can't freakin' wait to see what Cataclysm has in store for us...

  8. #8
    When we downed KT for the first time, Damn i was screaming alot, taking down other bosses we used to wipe on (alot) also was good times but not as good as KT

  9. #9
    Crying in the corner screaming all hope is lost when kel'thuzud froze half the raid due to poor positioning.
    Screw your faction pride, Play both like a real man.... or woman

  10. #10
    The Patient
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    my greatest experience would have to have been joining a small 10man raiding guild when i first hit 80. This guild grew into the 5th best raiding guild on the server it sadly fell apart when icc came out like half the guilds. other than that i would say it would be seeing the place and experiencing the new quests. i had a ton of fun. i would say about as much as BC quests maybe more. also getting the 8th server kill on 10m heroic anub in toc with 0 wipes that was satisfying.

  11. #11
    I started playing about halfway through the expansion. My first raid was in OS. I was in awe.

  12. #12
    in the mountains

  13. #13
    Falling asleep on the keyboard when i died against Kel'Thuzad, just resting my eyes, saved countless DKP up for T7,5 helm and The Turning Tide. Turns out the day after, my IRL friend in the guild told me that they went for about 300 for helm and 1,2k for Turning Tide, i facepalmed my sleepy eyes, but it was quite fun for my guild.

  14. #14
    Bloodsail Admiral
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    killing XT a few days after ulduar released and getting the mail helmet from it (was still a noob back then and some 10 man guild PuG'd me) I was so excited, kept that helmet for months
    0/2 = 0 , ∞/2 = ∞
    2/0 = error , 2/∞ = error
    0*2 = 0 , ∞*2 = ∞

  15. #15
    Ahh yes.... reaching lvl80 when ulduar just came out... Firstly raiding OS and VoA, OS was sooo much fun, then naxx when i got my [EPIC] achiev, Thadius.... ARGH! >.> , not to mention that wg was fun at that time
    Good times, good times

  16. #16
    Beating yogg on 25man for the first time pretty much was the climax of this expansion the rest was a miserable denouement.

    Ulduar felt so epic, they put more effort on the journey to Mimiron alone with the train and the interesting trash than they did in most other raids in total.

    I am hoping in Cataclysm that every raid feels as epic as Ulduar.

    Also the music/overall design in the Northrend zones is amazing.

  17. #17
    Aaah, WoTLK.
    I enjoyed this expansion above them all. Great quests, great scenery and alot of awesome storytelling and good laughs. Although raid content could have been harder, I've had some of the greatest moments of gaming with this here expansion.

    Of all the epic moments I had, the one that stands out the most is one I had with a friend of mine. As we slowly leveled towards 80, enjoying the quests and things we found, he discovered something that would take up hours of gaming time. That something, that place; was the minefield in Storm Peaks. Both of us are engineers of proffesion, so we jumped headfirst into it. Throwing rockets at each other, using rocket boots to zip around, parachuting from here to there. We even dusted off our old Gnomish Battle Chickens, just to unleash the madness at each other. Come Winter's Veil, we dressed up as santas and dueled till we'd drop dead from mine-explosions and falling-damage. Playing unfitting music, as we blew ourselves and our surroundings into bits. Only to fly over on our ghost-gryphons, and repeat.

    Had some of my best laughs on that mine-field, and although it cost me a fair bit of repair bills: It'll always be in my heart.
    Last edited by Flooperstein McGoof; 2010-10-22 at 08:27 PM.

  18. #18
    The Patient deepred's Avatar
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    The Quel'Delar quest chain, and the lore and politics surrounding it. That weapon served my nelf warrior well for a very long while, and when she picked up Shadow's Edge, I couldn't bring myself to dispose of it. So I stashed it in the bank as an "heirloom".

  19. #19
    Meeting Alexstrasza, Kalecgos (again) and all the others up the top of Wyrmrest temple was pretty insane...

    But then, I missed the start of WotLK after I took a break at the end of TBC... and it took me a while to really enjoy it, trying to get over the shock that now everyone was a Paladin tank, and it took no skill, we used the same gear as everyone else, and the new moves (Like Hammer of the Righteous) were incredibly boring. Bad times =[

    But I must admit, despite the ease of WotLK and the ridiculous burst tactics / strength of healers in PvP, the two main glaring flaws, the questing was fun, the music was good, a lot of the gear was well designed, we had decent raids like Ulduar, TotC, fantastic quests that really involved you in the storyline and bought you closer to lore characters, and the environments were very well made.

  20. #20
    getting my sunreaver dragonhawk.or the indepth story

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