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  1. #1

    How many healers have you went through in a single heroic?

    Today I did Stonecore with a guildy and went through 5 healers which is a new record for me, time and time again I have healers leaving alot and they are the new emos after tanks who used to leave over spilt milk, now it's healers, so here's how it went:

    1st healer left about 5 seconds after stonecore loaded.
    2nd healer left after the very first pack because she had to go eat.
    3rd healer left after he stood still on the 1st boss and wiped us, the irony.
    4th healer left after thinking his gear made him godlike when in actual fact he failed several times and emo raged when I laughed at him and left.
    5th healer left after disconnecting halfway through Ozruk.

    And we ended up with a druid healer who luckily stayed for the remainder of the heroic, in this order the healers were priest, druid, druid, priest, priest, druid.

    I asked the 4th healer if he could move, his reply was "you saw my gear?" then " what you think?" he then went on to die from those adds that quake before emo raging and leaving, apparently having epic gear means you can move and are pro sadly that isn't how it goes.

    So question is, how many healers have you had to replace in a single heroic? and do you think healers are massive emos these days or am I just unlucky? and while I'm here, when you tank how much do you shit yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 when you see the healer is a priest? for me they are by far the very worst healers (in heroics atleast) on the game and whenever I end up with one I expect the worst. For the record I have 3 healers so this isn't an anti-healer thread.

  2. #2
    I have gone through 4 healers in Heroic Stonecore... there is something about that place. I am curious about your bad experiences with priests though... Most of the time the fail healers I see are shammy

  3. #3
    Oh the a HPriest, I have seen as many as 4 different tanks in Stonecore. This instance really brings out the capability of PUG members to demonstrate their raiding capabilities. You have the awareness part in the first boss with the ground dust/tremor thing, the crystal shards, casting mechanics of the quake-stomping pats, dealing with restrictions to LoS on Slabhide, and the true testament of the tank on Ozruk. Maybe it's just me, but I sometimes cringe when I see Stonecore come up for my heroic daily since it can be a real bruiser on the group.

    I will say that this was the instance, with a close second being Grim Batol, is the hardest for me to PUG because of having to rely on everyone to play their part effectively, including myself.
    Disc/Shadow Priest

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Aceso Jenkins View Post
    Oh the a HPriest, I have seen as many as 4 different tanks in Stonecore. This instance really brings out the capability of PUG members to demonstrate their raiding capabilities. You have the awareness part in the first boss with the ground dust/tremor thing, the crystal shards, casting mechanics of the quake-stomping pats, dealing with restrictions to LoS on Slabhide, and the true testament of the tank on Ozruk. Maybe it's just me, but I sometimes cringe when I see Stonecore come up for my heroic daily since it can be a real bruiser on the group.

    I will say that this was the instance, with a close second being Grim Batol, is the hardest for me to PUG because of having to rely on everyone to play their part effectively, including myself.
    Very true... I also cringe when I see I am the only person in the group with aoe... which has happened a lot lately... makes the first boss harder than it should be ><

  5. #5
    The Lightbringer jvbastel's Avatar
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    in cata not a lot since I healed, in WOTLK, POS hc, I had an 8 healer run once

  6. #6
    I went through 12 different healers in a single Heroic SFK run. The first healer was absurdly undergeared for heroics (ilvl 308 highest) so we vote kicked him before the first boss. We got a new one and went for a try at the first boss, however the healer couldnt keep up with the final phase of the fight and rage quit. Got our third healer and then downed the next boss no problem. On our approach to Commander Springvale the healer said he didnt want to do it, but the other 4 group members said we were for it so he rage quit. Got healer 4 in and downed Springvale with no issue.

    Then came the really fun part, we didnt check the gear on healer 4 (didnt see he was about as bad as #1, around ilvl 316 avg) and we fought our way to the poison boss (cant remember his name). On the poison boss he didnt move when he got the green poison and ate it. We wiped it up to try again, so 2nd try on that boss the healer does the same thing and dies and rage quits mid fight. Me being a DK tank said screw it im not dying and i proceeded to solo heal myself while we requeued. We went through 7 healers by them joining the group, teleporting in to me (i was the dungeon guide), getting off one heal then dying. Eventually with the dps running back in and healer #12 not rage quitting right after he died upon zoning in we finally killed him. Went on to kill Godfrey with absolutely no issues.

    That was about one of the funniest times i had ever had in a heroic.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Naoto View Post
    I asked the 4th healer if he could move, his reply was "you saw my gear?" then " what you think?" he then went on to die from those adds that quake before emo raging and leaving, apparently having epic gear means you can move and are pro sadly that isn't how it goes.

    So question is, how many healers have you had to replace in a single heroic? and do you think healers are massive emos these days or am I just unlucky? and while I'm here, when you tank how much do you shit yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 when you see the healer is a priest? for me they are by far the very worst healers (in heroics atleast) on the game and whenever I end up with one I expect the worst. For the record I have 3 healers so this isn't an anti-healer thread.
    Not saying it's what happened to you, but A LOT of the time it could be blamed on someone other than the healer. Last night I ran heroic GB in a pug and this stam stacking Pally tank just kept chain pulling, using no CC (and these are all groups not just the weakened ones).

    I'm about a 353 ilvl Healer, and I've been playing this toon since early in WotLK, so I think I have the gear and knowledge that while I may not be perfect I am above average by a good margin. But I was struggling to keep this guy up, popping CDs and using all the tricks I know. Luckily we never wiped, but I'm guessing this guy just left the group and went back to telling his buddies what an awesome tank he is. Now imagine if he had an undergeared healer, or someone trying to heal a heroic for the first time, or someone just not quite on the ball. He would have been blaming healers and ranting about them the whole time.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by icemanjmw View Post
    Not saying it's what happened to you, but A LOT of the time it could be blamed on someone other than the healer. Last night I ran heroic GB in a pug and this stam stacking Pally tank just kept chain pulling, using no CC (and these are all groups not just the weakened ones).

    I'm about a 353 ilvl Healer, and I've been playing this toon since early in WotLK, so I think I have the gear and knowledge that while I may not be perfect I am above average by a good margin. But I was struggling to keep this guy up, popping CDs and using all the tricks I know. Luckily we never wiped, but I'm guessing this guy just left the group and went back to telling his buddies what an awesome tank he is. Now imagine if he had an undergeared healer, or someone trying to heal a heroic for the first time, or someone just not quite on the ball. He would have been blaming healers and ranting about them the whole time.
    Haha that sounds like me mate, I'm a pala tank who 2 days ago swapped mast for stam gems to see what difference it made and if the healer is average geared I'll ask if he wants cc else I'll just pile in without cc for a quicker run, GB is imo the hardest heroic to heal because of the damage that the whole group takes but apart from what, 3 packs in stonecore, it's a very easy heroic to heal but does rely on the tank for Ozruk and more often than not they do indeed fail.

    People need to keep in mind if the tank dies chances are the healer IS to blame, if the healer dies you blame the tank but when I die I don't emo rage and blame anyone I res and get my ass back in but I've had healers who simply couldn't heal yet instead of accepting they suck they do blame the tank, even though nobody died so I don't quite get that, blame the tank if he fails but blaming the tank when nobody dies? dumb.

  9. #9
    Herald of the Titans Agallochh's Avatar
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    I see more tanks per instance than healers (prolly cause I'm a resto sham and bomb-diggity healer)
    Lained - 60 Shaman | Lainedtv - 60 Druid | Lainedz - 60 Paladin

  10. #10
    Not just healers - but one Heroic Throne of Tides which took me 5 hours to do, had a total cast of around 30.

    During that time, had around 8 healers, 5 tanks and a cast of many DPS.

    I was the only one to stick it out (hadn't been in a successful heroic for over a week by then and really wanted some points).

    That one heroic killed WoW for me.... for the first time in 6 years I'm not raiding, grouping or doing any multi-player stuff at all any more.

  11. #11
    been through 4 tanks once. I am a healer myself and I don't leave unless stupidity reaches epic heights.

  12. #12
    Not even in heroics, I was on my hunter alt yesterday (level 83) and got Stonecore. We literally went through 5 tanks before Ozruk. The majority of them accepting the queue invite, zone in, only to see we were on the pulls before Ozruk, and peaced the hell out. I think the worst group I've ever had across all of my characters was on my resto druid doing Deadmines (pre nerfs, even still--wasn't hard!) and that group literally went through about 15 people total to complete it.

    I'm lucky enough that my main is a resto druid, so I don't come across fail healers for heroics (unless I'm on my alts). Most of the time though, I still come across WAY more emo/bad tanks than healers by far in randoms. Maybe for every 10 fail tanks, I get 1 fail healer. Majority of them can't play their role properly or decided to be douches and pull mobs and then drop group. /sigh
    Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.
    Melodi, Resto Druid

  13. #13
    I dunno that is a lot of healers to go through and Stonecore isn't healing intensive that I am aware have you considered that possibly by comparison you are hard to heal? My wife is a Shammy healer and it is great as a Tank to know what is truly up.. If I am having threat problems she tells me right away and if I am missing mitigation stats she notices instantly.. The biggest thing I did as a Paladin tank to make a happy healer is dump hit/exp for mitigation stats and to get more proactive with holding threat instead. When I did this suddenly my wife the shamy healer loves roics and calls them out as soon as I get home from work not even sitting down yet.. You see if I miss my taunts or make mistakes I get an ear full because she wants to kick back on the mic with the rest of us and have an enjoyable run.. She doesn't want to be healing through mistakes in gearing, class knowledge or standing in fire.. Standing in stuff is a quick way to her hatred too =}

    P.S. My max number of healers for a pug dungeon is still only 2..

  14. #14
    As a healer, I have no problems with the healer in heroics. : ]

    However, on fights that take some effort on behalf of the tank, the group tends to burn through tanks.

    Ozruk, Third boss in BRC (guy with the stacks), even Naz'jir in TotT.

  15. #15
    As a pally healer, back when the LotD buff was still 5%, i'd instaleave when one of the following happened (which was about one third of the times i queued)

    1) tank with sub 100k health, happened a few times
    2) people shouting at me because i beacon the tank "bcuz beacon is usless wen u directheal the target nub". Happened twice
    3) triggerhappy tank/hunter pulling 1 second after i said mb
    4) the group was consisted entirely of guild members. I knew i would end up insulting them on how terrible they were and get kicked (i did that anyway, but in pure PuGs i'd never get kicked because i was carrying the group)
    5) mages and locks needing and winning items with spirit which i wanted.
    Of course in cases 2 through 5 i left after the tank had pulled a trash pack for maximum satisfaction.

    That said, on my first Stonecore heroic run i switched maybe 7 or 8 tanks split on Corborus and Ozruk. Now with the 15% buff however and all the nerfs, when i run heroics on my alt i usually finish them with the same group as i started.

    Feel free to PM me about any question you might have regarding LoL.
    Holy paladin

  16. #16
    Never more than one, clearly because I'm just a fantastic tank and also have the ability to ward off unexpected real life circumstances.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Agallochh View Post
    I see more tanks per instance than healers (prolly cause I'm a resto sham and bomb-diggity healer)
    I second this one.

    And I have to laugh at the priest dying to the adds that quake.

  18. #18
    Herald of the Titans Ynna's Avatar
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    Since both the characters I do heroics with are healers, I don't have this particular problem.
    But I have been annoyed with tanks leaving for no good reason.
    I'm very patient, both in-game and in real life, so I hardly ever leave a group. But the stuff some people do is enough to drive anyone mad. So in order to add a little nuance to this thread (which might devolve in yelling at healers) I'll post some common annoyances:
    - Tank pulling with 70k health (or more) missing. There's nothing wrong with eating a bit in between pulls, don't expect the healer to top you off in between pulls.
    - Not interrupting. A lot of damage can be avoided by proper use of interrupts. I hate it when I play my Holy Paladin and I'm on top on the interrupt meter.
    - No communication. The number of times I had die only to have them tell us that they'd never done that boss before.
    - Chain-pulling tanks. On my priest this isn't a real problem, but stays slightly annoying, and this ties in with my first point.
    - No CC: No, I don't really need it, but it does make my life so much easier. I help you out by giving you speed increased and lifegripping you out of bad shit. You can help me out by CC'ing and interrupting.
    Resurrected Holy Priest

  19. #19
    I never like playing the blame game, it becomes a nasty disease and especially when it's full of generalizing, try looking from the other side of the window, maybe the healer that had to go eat wasn't expecting food to arrive? I have had times where a g/f just comes through the door with some chinese food and I would never be so rude as to take a plate and go back to playing, RL comes first Some healers are bad, just like some tanks are bad, some DPS are bad... it happens move on.

  20. #20
    Not healers for me (I was healing) but I once went through 8 tanks in heroic VC...

    the first two stuck around for about a combined time of half the instance, then left.
    3-7 joined and left 5 seconds later. One pally even hilariously said "ARE YOU READY... to find another tank" before leaving
    8 was a crappy warrior but he got the job done...
    Zhenji 90 Mistweaver
    Eonar US

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