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    [A] <SK>-7/7 HM Firelands LFM

    Guild Name: Sleepless Knights
    Server: Bronzebeard (PvE PST)
    Raid Schedule: Monday-Thursday 6pm-10pm PST (9pm-1am EST) (Alt+casual raid on weekend)
    Raid type - 25man (H.Rag - 3% Phase 4)
    Raid progression - 7/7 HM Firelands (6/7 HM Pre-Nerf in 25man & killed Heroic Rag in 10man)
    Real ID from one of our officer - Aureai :

    We currently have openings available for the following Classes/Specs:

    Tank openings:
    1 Highly Skilled Tank

    Healer openings: 1

    DPS openings: 3
    Feral Druid
    Also, we will consider all exceptional players.

    Guild Info:
    Sleepless Knights was founded in January of 2005 and has remained a strong force in progression over the past 6 years as a top ranking guild on US-Bronzbeard. We pride ourselves on maintaining a professional yet positive, fun, and friendly raid atmosphere while also providing a casual off-time environment. Many members organize active pvp, weekend alt raids, guild heroics, and achievements to fill those potentially lonely hours between raids . We are a mature group of adults that strive to uphold a respectable reputation on our server and progress through the many challenges presented to us.

    We offer a stable guild with strong leadership and low drama. Guild leadership considers their position as a position of service rather then a position of power and always has an ear for concerns, comments, and suggestions.

    What we are looking for:
    We are looking for mature players focused on progression content in Heroic Mode encounters. Applicants should be more than comfortable with their chosen class and role and be self motivated to continuously improve their play and learn quickly from mistakes. Potential members are expected to be respectful and courteous to both fellow guild-members and other players; use of trade chat beyond that of trading is frowned upon. Players should be well versed in all encounters that the guild may face in a coming week and be familiar with any roles that they may need to fill themselves. You must have great communication, be a team-player, and be willing to do even the little things for the raid to be successful.

    Naxx40 was a little over half cleared when TBC was released. Kil'jaeden was being attempted pre 3.0 and killed on the first pull after the patch released. In WotLK we maintained our strong push for progression as the number 1 ranked guild on server from Mid Ulduar and onward. All Hard Mode content was clear prior to the release of patch 4.0.1.

    Realm First! Celestial Defender
    Realm First! Death's Demise
    Realm First! Grand Crusader
    Realm First! Fall of the Lich King
    Realm First! Working as a team
    Realm First! Guild level 25
    Realm First! Nefarian
    Realm First! Al'Akir
    Realm First! Cho'gall
    Realm First! Sinestra
    Realm First! Ragnaros

    Firelands - 7/7 Heroic Modes

    Bastion of Twilight - 5/5 Heroic Modes

    Blackwing Descent - 6/6 Heroic Modes

    Throne of the Four Winds - 2/2 Heroic Modes

    If interested please visit us at and feel free to message Rage, Tinytot, Wenora, Aureai or Munchies in game on the Bronzebeard server if you have any questions.

    (Pls ask any members in SK to check if any officer is on their alt if you cant find them)
    Last edited by JACKQQQ; 2011-11-27 at 05:00 AM.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    good afternoon & still looking

  4. #4

  5. #5
    hi, still looking

  6. #6

  7. #7

  8. #8
    How good is your ret pally(s)?

  9. #9

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  13. #13

  14. #14

  15. #15
    we have Bacon Ham Lincoln

  16. #16

  17. #17

  18. #18
    tomorrow is Friday

  19. #19

  20. #20

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