1. #241
    Hey guys, iv saved up 3150 IP and deciding on what hero to buy, I want a hero what can dish out a ton of damage but can also survive decently. Any 3150 heroes or should i save up 6k ip?

  2. #242
    Elemental Lord sam86's Avatar
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    except graves (who will get nerf), most high dmg heroes don't have good survive
    If you want a hero can can kill you in 3sec, take Le Blanc (she falls off late game however), or Veigar (he shines late game), both can kill you in a blink literally without the need to be heavy fed, just play on your mistakes (both are casters however)
    Also, from experience, try to get runes for a hero, its annoying but runes are very important
    The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn
    http://youtu.be/x3ejO7Nssj8 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

  3. #243
    Considering the high risk and low gain*, a level 1 or 2 dragon is really only good for bragging about how you did it at such a low level, thus referencing back to my e-peen comment

    *Yes. Low gain. As was explained above, doing a level 1/2 Dragon means you are sacrificing your ability to make plays from the jungle, which is one of the strong points of having a jungler. You also open your entire jungle up to be easily invaded, which could quickly snowball against you faster than that early dragon would snowball for you. It is far safer and more beneficial in the long run to clear jungle, provide ganks for lanes, and then take dragon when the risk/reward isn't so offbalanced.

    Not sure if trolling..

    You aren't sacrificing anything. A global 190 g in early game is huge and can make the difference between several starting items and a completed item, stat- or gameplaywise two - three times more worth it than the individual components itself (think about wriggles).

    Most junglers start ganking at around their own lvl 3 - 5, in some rare cases there are a few lvl 2 ganks. If any jungler kindly asks me to hold on for another 20-30 seconds till he finishes dragon and starts ganking, I would play defensively as fuck just to make sure we are getting that huge advantage and give that guy an medal afterwards.
    Another big advantage of having an really early dragon kill is control. First of all, you make sure that the enemy team won't get dragon for the next 6 minutes. Second, your team knows when the dragon respawns, while the other team has to ward the area while not being able to set up an following perfectly timed dragon kill. Its just "Oh hey, dragons back up. Fuck."

    A lot of jungle routes back then involved an really early dragon solokill, that was the reason for Riot for buffing dragon. That way, Riot at least makes sure that not all junglers can easily solo him that early on.

    IF you are able to do an early dragon, do it.
    If your team is able to support the jungler in any form to do so, do it.
    If it is really too risky (probably a lucky or wellplaced CV or maybe even an early ward), don't do it.

    Overall, the risk isn't THAT high, but the gain is.

  4. #244
    People don't seem to see the difference between an "early" dragon and a lvl 2 dragon. Fiddle, as far as i know, cannot lvl 2 dragon any more. Not since the dragon buffs. To do so, he probably buys different items, and perhaps even uses a different rune page. All this work for something that could be ruined, just like that by a lucky CV or a paranoid support. When i play fiddle, i will attempt dragon at lvl 5, that is what i call an early dragon. All my camps are dead and i probably don't have a shot at a gank since every lane is pushing. So i go for it. The part i don't agree with is building your character around something that isn't certain.

    If someone can provide me with proof that fiddle can solo dragon at lvl 2 without impacting his jungling, i'll give it a go, untill then it's worthless in my opinion.
    Last edited by Thigrai; 2011-11-02 at 10:01 AM.
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  5. #245
    Quote Originally Posted by sam86 View Post
    except graves (who will get nerf), most high dmg heroes don't have good survive
    If you want a hero can can kill you in 3sec, take Le Blanc (she falls off late game however), or Veigar (he shines late game), both can kill you in a blink literally without the need to be heavy fed, just play on your mistakes (both are casters however)
    Also, from experience, try to get runes for a hero, its annoying but runes are very important
    Thanks for reply, for rune pages, if i buy a runes bundle or whatever its called does that mean i can make like 7 pages with all the runes i need?

  6. #246
    Saved up 3150 IP and cant decide between Shaco, Nidalee and Udyr.

    Shaco seems like a fun assassin, but i dont know if he's more considered of a troll champ since i rarely ever see him being played.
    Dont know how Udyr's use, but i've seen some streams where people tear things apart with Udyr.
    Nidalee's spear looks good, but i feel like she's weak late game (i might be wrong tho).


  7. #247
    @ Thewax

    Udyr isnt really the strongest of champions out there at the moment. Wouldnt suggest him
    Shaco is really really good if played correctly, put takes alot of practise but super fun when you start juking them )
    Nidalee is just something to laugh of, spears too strong. If you buy nidalee you can almost say you bought 2 champions, loads of fun as you can jump away from many situations, only negative is that shes very squishy if focused.

    Much more to be added but aint doing it now

  8. #248
    Udyr might not be the strongest but he's by far the fastest jungler + he's a great top champ with his sustain + tiger burst.

  9. #249
    Quote Originally Posted by meteo View Post
    Udyr might not be the strongest but he's by far the fastest jungler + he's a great top champ with his sustain + tiger burst.
    And udyr is a much easier jungle to use than something more top tier like lee sin, miss a kick and the gank is over.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SeaKitten View Post
    those two ads for wow.. the one with the ugly dumb Gnome and Goblin dancing really stupid like.. it made my rage so hard i personally now will never play this game EVER again yes because of those two stupid ads i will never play this game.

  10. #250
    I've played for a while, but so sparsely that I still feel like I'm not that great at the game. I still have a lot to work on in terms of my farming and game sense/map awareness.

    The main champions that I know well are Sivir, Warwick, and Garen.
    I really, really love Garen. The problem is, I feel like he doesn't really have a niche. He's great early game because of his regen, and I do very well holding a 2v1 lane if the other team doesn't have a jungle, but I never know where to go with him late game. I feel like he doesn't have enough disruption to cause the enemy team to focus him or protect a carry if I build heavy tank, and I feel like he gets focused and dies too fast if I build for offense. Mixing my build between offense and defense, I can play a decent off tank, but sort of feel like I get into this "not great at either role" spot.

    I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions of a similar champ to Garen or Warwick who will make a good tanky dps, and maybe can jungle. So far, tanky dps is my favorite role.

  11. #251
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Gangplank (try him, he's in the free rotation), but he will get banned a lot.

  12. #252
    Elemental Lord sam86's Avatar
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    Nasus, if they let you farm 20min+, and your team score is at worst case only 5kills less than them, and (sorry lot of conditions) they don't have Nasus or Veigar, game over for them
    Specially early lvls where people don't know all heroes right, Nasus can farm safely, let Nasus farm.. he will 1shot most heroes except tank (who still need 4 shots at best)
    he is also very tank, just get him tirinity force then go full tanking items to do insane Q dmg
    However, unlike Garen, while Nasus can "hold" his line, he is worthless if he doesn't Q farm (or just great slower), he is risky

    Another tanky dps is renekton, but I'll let others explain him since I can't judge him right
    Jax is also tanky dps, not that tanky like others but still can't be tanky, the big bonus of jax he counter most AD heroes, unless they insanely farmed Jax will counter them with high dodge+stun and fast attack speed, however Jax vs Le Blanc is usually one side

    There are many, to say you like "tanky" dps you must also specify something else
    Irelia is tanky dps who has very good passive (reduce cc hugely), small passive heal to survive 2v1lane, and a good stun if they zerg her under tower
    The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn
    http://youtu.be/x3ejO7Nssj8 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

  13. #253
    I tend to disagree with people saying Udyr isn't one of the best champions available; he isn't ranked very high in the Solo-Q tier list because you can't really carry an entire team on your shoulders with him, but he is the highest tier jungler in the game because of his sustain, ability to counter, speed, and ganks. He is a very solid pick at any level of play, honestly.

    As for Shaco, he isn't seen very often at some levels because he is rather difficult to play properly, as you really need to make good use of JitB to secure both ganks and map control, as well as constantly gank and counterjungle to bring him to his full potential. He falls off a bit late game, especially if a team is built to counter him or has oracles during team fights, but he can compensate with split push ability(or by just screwing the other team over hard in the early game).
    Last edited by Synaptic; 2011-11-03 at 01:33 AM.

  14. #254
    Quote Originally Posted by Fryseboks View Post
    @ Thewax

    Udyr isnt really the strongest of champions out there at the moment. Wouldnt suggest him
    Shaco is really really good if played correctly, put takes alot of practise but super fun when you start juking them )
    Nidalee is just something to laugh of, spears too strong. If you buy nidalee you can almost say you bought 2 champions, loads of fun as you can jump away from many situations, only negative is that shes very squishy if focused.

    Much more to be added but aint doing it now
    Thanks, but i somehow bought myself Olaf, and Holy Shit, that True Damage from his E ability is just insane

  15. #255
    Quote Originally Posted by thewax View Post
    Thanks, but i somehow bought myself Olaf, and Holy Shit, that True Damage from his E ability is just insane
    Was a good choice, olaf is a very nice champion overall even thought he lacks a bit mobility when ghost is down

  16. #256
    Fryseboks, any reasons why you wouldn't suggest Udyr?

  17. #257
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    How hard is it to get any good with Shaco?

    He looks really really appealing.

  18. #258
    Elemental Lord sam86's Avatar
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    Shaco is just.. weird, scale with AP better than AD, I can think of many heroes who are better than him as junglers / gankers, he has great advantage however of stacking boxes and if a noob follow him to bush die in secs (specially early game)
    He has very strong early game thanks to his boxes, where fights are mainly lanes, and you can predict where enemy will move easily
    Also he is like ultimate troll face
    The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn
    http://youtu.be/x3ejO7Nssj8 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

  19. #259
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Can he be play solidly without full rune page / masteries? Seeing how I'm not 30 yet.

  20. #260
    im wondering the same about shaco. i usually come across absolutely garbage players or ones who are super fed, so i don't really know how great of a champ he is. all i do know is that triple box = i'm dead. how easy is it to actually get someone to follow you into a box stack is the main reason that i haven't bought him, because outside of those he doesn't seem to do much damage at all.

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