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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by mackeral View Post
    be glad you are getting a wage, even min wage lucky to be getting these days.

    This is coming from someone who has worked since14yrs old, has 2 degrees and still in this *progressive* country I live in would give left nut to have a decent job
    Yep, pretty much.

    It's worth it if the alternative is sitting around watching TV for $0/hr instead of $8/hr or w/e minimum wage is for you. Certainly don't quit until you have a new job lined up, because let me assure you, as much as "unemployment is down" the reality is it's harder than ever to actually get a job if you don't have one. I agree that it's difficult to justify a job that puts you in danger, but you have to wonder how "safe" you'll be, long term, if you leave the job and end up unable to support yourself, pay for an apartment, etc.

    I think part of your solution is in your own post: instead of "watching TV all night" why don't you try to get a degree of some sort. Not, of course, one of these silly degrees for the sake of a degree. If you can get your hands on a cheap laptop, or if you have one, try teaching yourself a programming language. I know these qualifactions are not the same meal-tickets they used to be, but imagine going to an interview a year or two from now with a technical associates degree and two years of experience, even an hour or two a day, in Java or HTML or something. I guarantee, even in this economy, you'll find something $13/hr or more if you look hard enough with those new assets on your resume.

  2. #22
    The amount of pay someone gets for a job should be proportional to how fucked the world would be if fewer people were doing that job.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Asrialol View Post
    Why are you making minimum wage as a 29 year old? If you don't have education then at least you would've had some experience. I didn't go to a University but already earn almost twice as much as my friends who has at least a bachelor, mainly because I've been working since I've been 13 years old..
    "I did something, how come you haven't done that? There must be something wrong with you"

  4. #24
    Banned Orlong's Avatar
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    I dont think it should pay more than minimum wage, especially since youve said you spend the majority of your time watching TV. OF course if you feel its worth more, you can always quit and find something else. UPS is always hiring and they pay around $11/HR where I live to load and unload trucks. Of course many people are too lazy to do that job which is why they can never find enough workers even though there are like 8 million people claiming they cant find a job

  5. #25
    The Undying Wildtree's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orlong View Post
    I dont think it should pay more than minimum wage, especially since youve said you spend the majority of your time watching TV. OF course if you feel its worth more, you can always quit and find something else. UPS is always hiring and they pay around $11/HR where I live to load and unload trucks. Of course many people are too lazy to do that job which is why they can never find enough workers even though there are like 8 million people claiming they cant find a job
    Think about it here for a moment.....
    You know, a lot of the time on duty, a fireman spends with leisure activities? They are on duty, until they are called... When they are out there fighting fires and what not, they put their lives on the line more often than not. But they still also getting paid for watching TV, washing the trucks, hell... here in my super market, I can see them daily doing their grocery shopping while on duty..
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  6. #26
    Legendary! Zecora's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shardik617 View Post
    So I work night audit at a well known hotel chain. This particular hotel is old, and in bad need of renovations. Quite often, nights are uneventful, and I get paid minimum wage to watch TV most of the night.

    Often, though, I deal with the shittiest type of people. Tonight, for instance, I had to call the police to remove a couple of drunk assholes who were fighting in the hallways, and throwing shit around in their room.

    I'm a 29 year old female, I'm not strong, I can't fight a drunk man if he decides he wants to stop me from calling the police. Is minimum wage worth this type of behavior? Should I suck it up and just deal with it?

    To me, the con's are severely outweighing the pros. I don't like seeing this side of people, but a job's a job, right? When does it become not worth it?

    How much have you guys put up with for minimum wage?
    If you are seriously worried about your safety, it's not worth it.
    We did't have minimum wage where I grew up, the wage was set by negotiations between the union and employer (and it was always high enough to live on). I did a few less-than-fun jobs when I had to though, but I moved on when I saw an opportunity to do so. I know that might be harder in a country with less social mobility, but...keep looking? And good luck!

  7. #27
    The Insane Masark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mackeral View Post
    This is coming from someone who has worked since14yrs old, has 2 degrees and still in this *progressive* country I live in would give left nut to have a decent job
    Thanks to the Tories, the UK appears to be regressing rapidly.

    Warning : Above post may contain snark and/or sarcasm. Try reparsing with the /s argument before replying.
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  8. #28
    Contrary to most merchants, Costco is siding with Obama in his call to increase the federal minimum wage to $9 an hour. In fact, it would do the President one better, supporting a minimum hourly wage of $10.10.

  9. #29
    Old God Captain N's Avatar
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    People may laugh at this but please anyone close to a freight rail yard who can handle working in thr elements. Check for jobs there. They have wonderful training and many positions start at $22 an hour or more.

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