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  1. #81

    Re: Lady Deathwhisper EU PTR Testing

    My reply wasn't concerning how imaginative fight mechanics are - expecially since in this case, having I cited Aion, well, WoW's endgame pve content is still leaps and bounds ahead of it. The boss design in Aion as far as mechanics go is for now barely more complex than tank and spank.
    And yes, there's only so much you can do when you have a certain set of game mechanics in place - Blizzard can't invent hot water at every instance, and I'm not complaining about that.

    I'm speaking of artistic design - ie how mobs gear etc *look*. And I find it depressing to see a more believable and convincing design in an "anime" game than in the most important western MMO.
    I'm "complaining" about the fact that WoW stopped trying to deliver this:

    and started obsessing with delivering this:

    It has nothing to do with polygon counts, it has to do with the artistic design of WoW going down the land of kindergarden and the only reason I bring up Aion is because it sticks out like a sore thumb that a supposedly silly "anime" game is delivering western fantasy better than WoW does.

    And now, I'm not gonna go off playing Aion and leave you alone, dude. Not only because I still play WoW, but also for the subtle pleasure of annoying you to no end. I like WoW, but I think I have the right to complain about what's not living up to its standards.

  2. #82

    Re: Lady Deathwhisper EU PTR Testing

    This sounds rather fun.
    Has anyone managed to upload a vid of this encounter to Youtube Yet?

  3. #83

    Re: Lady Deathwhisper EU PTR Testing

    doesn't someone frapsed the fight? its nothing on youtube or similar atm

    edit: oh sry, iteken asked the same in the post before :-X

  4. #84

    Re: Lady Deathwhisper EU PTR Testing

    Affenjungs INC vs Lady Deathwhisper 25 Player Normal Mode (HD Quality coming soon ... and the PTR was very laggy ... sorry for not the best Quality ^.^)

    Loomz from Affenjungs INC ///

  5. #85

    Re: Lady Deathwhisper EU PTR Testing

    I'm pretty sure phase two was broken, as there was absolutely no evidence of a 'bomb' in the Deathwhisper testing, ala her achievement.

    I've also seen several sources saying that phase 2 is a joke, which leads me to believe there is a mechanic missing from that part of the fight.

  6. #86

    Re: Lady Deathwhisper EU PTR Testing

    Quote Originally Posted by jarell88
    So, we're fighting a lame reskinned hydross with mechanics similar to firefighter/grobbulus where we only have a narrow pathway to kite through, lame adds that "add nothing to the fight", and a boss that has to be ranged tank which has been done ala capernian, gruul, illidari council, mimiron, where the room explodes like yogg/firefighter if we don't make the enrage.

    Point here being that, what the guy 2 posts up said is correct. You can only put so many new ideas into a game before you have to reuse some of them, and once you do, the QQ'ers all crawl out of the woodwork. They will always find something to QQ about, no matter how good something is. Just don't feed the trolls and move on.
    I have to agree, and people also forget the coding that goes into making this encounters it's not just as simplie as copying and pasting a line of code.

  7. #87

    Re: Lady Deathwhisper EU PTR Testing

    Quote Originally Posted by LoomZ
    Affenjungs INC vs Lady Deathwhisper 25 Player Normal Mode (HD Quality coming soon ... and the PTR was very laggy ... sorry for not the best Quality ^.^)

    Loomz from Affenjungs INC ///
    thx mate =)

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