hello all im copying this from another WoW site so i can share it here:

Okay, so I'll lay it out straight that I am a left-handed World of Warcraft gamer (use mouse on left hand, so no WASD for me.) I started out my WoW days by consistently being a clicker for all my spells and abilities. When I got into raiding and pvp I decided to search for a better alternative to quench my southpaw needs. I'll just give a quick glance of what I have done to help vastly improve my overall gameplay to compete on-par to the traditional right-haned WoW gamer. For any of you suffering left-handed WoW players or closeted southpaws, take a look at these couple of tips:

1. I use a left-handed gaming mouse; there are few out on the market and online (ambidextrous included) but to obtain the advantage of having ease of access to buttons I really have taken a liking to the Razer Death Adder left handed edition - http://store.razerzone.com/store/raz...oryId.39116800

2. Keybinds - Considering I use the mouse with my left hand, I cant efficiently use the WASD keys to move and bind abilities around that vicinity without reaching my right hand all the way over. Thus, I have found that using the NUM pad works extremely well when keybinding. For example, on the bottom "0" on the NUM pad is my jump key (Because jumping is awesome amirite?), "1" "2" "3" and so is for other abilities I may have. Now here is the tricky part, you may discover that you have a very limited amount of keys on the NUM pad (around 16 is the usual amount). Certainly hardcore WoW players use more than 16 keybinds. For right-handers, modifier keys are used for additional keybinds on the same keys (shift, alt, ctrl.) A left-hander can do this simply by remapping 2-3 keys on the keyboard. I have used a simple, free program too remap my keyboard you can easily find online. For me personally, I have the ENTER key on my NUM pad to act as my alt key, and the "+" key on my NUM pad to act as my ctrl key, allowing me ease of access when clicking my main buttons I use for my abilities on my NUM pad.