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  1. #21
    ^Poor Man's Hunter^

    On topic: I rolled one awhile back and didn't like it. They take so much damage. Having to heal after every fight is not my thing. Prolly be fun to pvp with though.

  2. #22
    Rogue since the start. There have been times when I hated it but right now I like it equally as much as I did at the very beginning.

    The important part is enjoying what a specific class excels at. A lot of people like the "idea" of a Rogue but their ideas are usually not what we are about. Which is why there are so few Rogues these days I believe. If you want to tear up a BG, roll a Warrior or Warlock. If you want to feel important, roll a healer. In pve a dps is a dps so I won't comment. In pvp I will kill your healers or protect my own while my friends do what they do.

    edit, Rogues are one of the hardest pvp classes to master for arena. They were at one time the most annoying class to solo level but now are much better, I enjoyed 80-85.

    Rogues are the unseen killers. I may not be top of HKs. I may not be top of damage charts. I may not be appreciated. The more you underestimate me the happier I am.
    Last edited by Zidayn; 2011-01-14 at 08:09 PM.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by WOWKings View Post
    and when I think my head hurts
    You're a Warrior, alright
    Is it solipsistic in here, or is it just me?

  4. #24
    Everyone and their grandma has a rogue.
    Last edited by mmoc2be35aa327; 2011-01-14 at 08:28 PM.

  5. #25
    Worgen Rogues are freaking nasty, and worth a look.
    The past is gone, now is all there is.

    Enjoy reading reviews on video games and other fun stuff? Check out my site Updated when I have time!

  6. #26
    If you would have said this to vanilla players nobody would have believed you.

  7. #27
    I rolled a mage first in the long long ago, but eventually I switched my main to my rogue. I like healing, I like tanking (someday I'll level some of my tanks through the 80-85 content) and casting is fun sometimes... but I just can't level anything before my rogue. I always come back to my rogue.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Razorgreg View Post
    I rolled a mage first in the long long ago, but eventually I switched my main to my rogue. I like healing, I like tanking (someday I'll level some of my tanks through the 80-85 content) and casting is fun sometimes... but I just can't level anything before my rogue. I always come back to my rogue.
    I have the same feeling with my enhancement shaman :3
    I have many alts, but if it comes to 'leveling', my shaman gets the priority. The class and spec has something that attracts me, it might be the wolves/windfury weapon proc, but whatever it is, i love my shaman :3

  9. #29
    I love playing my rogue, were not raping everything in site like back in the day, but we can do some damage like a well timed 5 sec silence plus a kidney shot when that enemy druid pops tree form

  10. #30
    Just gonna put out there that my rogue is a babe.
    So, so much fun. I could never switch mains.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Shiravan View Post
    Just gonna put out there that my rogue is a babe.
    So, so much fun. I could never switch mains.
    Awesome really suprised at all of the responses I am going to stick with my Rogue I think!

  12. #32
    On PTR there're like millions of them, so maybe just ppl haven't rerolled for cataclysm yet, as wrath killed rogue population.

  13. #33
    I hate rogues, my first ever character was a rogue, first 60 was a rogue, second 70 was a rogue, first 80 was a rogue and when I got to 80 I was like why am I playing this class? I'm the same as I was at like 10 and I find this class utterly boring. Some people may like it, but in all of wow I think personally they are the most boring class in the game.

    Retired hopefully forever: Clerya. (Only reason I will level it is to hopefully have every class at 85 by the end of Cataclysm )

    Off-topic, play a a paladin =D They have never stopped being fun for me!

  14. #34
    The assissination rogue is one of the best, if not the best, dps specs currently performing in-game. Check out

  15. #35
    Rolling a rogue aswell. 67 and growing!

  16. #36
    Rogues are lame. Why would I ever roll a rogue? If I wanted to be like a rogue I'd just go to the mall to punch little kids and take their ice cream.

  17. #37
    I've had a number of rogues and they're definitely my favorite PvP class. At most of the lower brackets, rogues make a huge difference in BG's. They can defend and return flags, dealing out a ton of damage. Plus, there's nothing better than one-shotting opponents of the same level.

    They're a great class to level with too, as you have so many tools available to either stay out of trouble, or keep mobs locked down while you shred through them.

    The worst part is that most players seem to hate rogues, especially in PvP situations. The assumption is that rogues are OP, it's not fair, and they take no skill to play. It does take some skill to become a 'good' rogue, but have to ignore the haters to get there.
    Last edited by Gahgoots; 2011-01-19 at 08:54 PM.

  18. #38
    Their rotation is extremely static and will put you to sleep. The bad part is your a melee in leather, so will get ko'd.

    My rogue has been 85 and heroic ready for two weeks, but have no desire to play her. Qued twice, and didnt finish either.

  19. #39
    I've just rolled a female Dwarf Rogue. I'm loving sub pve and Muti pvp! I'd really recommend it if you are thinking of levelling one.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Chadwixx View Post
    Their rotation is extremely static and will put you to sleep. The bad part is your a melee in leather, so will get ko'd.

    My rogue has been 85 and heroic ready for two weeks, but have no desire to play her. Qued twice, and didnt finish either.
    I assume you're talking assassination? Combat is competitive (about to be better with 4.0.6), and bandit's guile/revealing strike make for a very dynamic rotation, and sub is just ridiculous, but sub also sucks in DPS so whatever on that one. As for leather, we have Recuperate, an -improved- talent that half-gainst the healing and adds damage resistance, there is a huge armor talent in combat, and there is deadened nerves. Our survivability squish issues pretty much went away with cata. In fact they had to cut recuperate in half really early on because people were going absolutely nuts over it.

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