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  1. #1

    Really Blizzard? REALLY?

    Gushing wounds, didn't make final cut. Ok, would have been nice, but oh well.
    However I don't really like Heroic Leap. Personally I think with a two minute cooldown we should get a little more than some weapon damage that won't do jack, and a pathetic little two second stun and oh lewk a shiney thunder klap o yay ADD children are happy.
    HOWEVER I do sort of like how they re-did Inner rage, it gives a few attacks of retarded burst then goes back to normal damage, which I like instead of 15 seconds of 15% additional rage cost, then again the 50% damage for 15 wasn't too bad either, it's debateable.

    The trees are just... unholy. No. Do not want. Arms is gimped, fury is buffed to shit and I don't really know about prot since I have never really full-time tanked. I say this mostly from a PvP perspective, since I don't PvE much anymore, however even in PvE Arms no longer even stands a CHANCE due to sheer cooldown-ness. Fury can (theorically) have sustained 10% increased damage with maybe 5-10 second gaps in between (unless they will adjust Berserker Rage and Bloodrage to share a cooldown, while arms sits there with sweeping strikes and Bladestorm, the only real use for Bladestorm in PvE is to put you on top of the meter so you can have a vague attempt at staying there. I mostly say Fury will dominate Arms in PvP is because of it's retarded amounts of self-healing, something Arms cannot get anymore save for Second Wind, while Fury has on-proc Victory Rush (which heals for 20% of max health), Blood Craze (which is no longer attainable by Arms, unless more important talents are dropped), and Bloodthirst, which does miniscule healing but every point of HP counts, right? Unless glyphed then it heals for 6% over 4 attacks, or was it 3? Haven't played fury since Naxx. They also don't even need to need to use rage to apply a Mortal Strike-esque attack, albeit 5% less effective on the reduced healing, but thats not very much, compared to the amount of self-healing and retarded amounts of cooldowns and damage put together.

    God help us.
    Quote Originally Posted by Goldjman View Post
    Warriors viable in multiple comps? lolno. Any high rated warrior falls under the following;
    1) wintraded.
    2) very high mmr at the start of the season, so they fought their way to glad at 5 am vs 2k teams.
    3) has their connections from previous seasons carry their class.
    Also, we most certainly weren't the most op in S9. Dk's were a better warrior in every aspect. Thanks for trying though.

  2. #2
    The Lightbringer Malthurius's Avatar
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    Beta. Subject to change. And yes, really.
    "Questions are for those seeking answers. Those who have answers are those who have asked questions." -Mike R. (Malthurius)

  3. #3
    Wow, we get a FIRST GLANCE at BETA Talent trees, and people already QQ about it, nice.

  4. #4
    I'm really happy about where fury is sitting. It looks awesome.

    Quote Originally Posted by Farahawnee View Post
    Not having an authenticator on your account is like not locking your windows because your front door is locked, and then wondering how a burglar got in.

  5. #5
    Yeh we have to remember this is still early beta. But I also agree it would suck if Gushing Wound don't make the cut since it's by far the coolest new talent i was looking forward too.

  6. #6
    The bonus from Impale only working on specific attacks makes me a sad panda.

    No more piercing howl for arms pvp.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Malthurius View Post
    Beta. Subject to change. And yes, really.
    Please enlighten us what your contribution is to making WoW a better game?

    I hate to break it to you but this is what game-forums are meant for. Providing game-feedback and discussing issues.

    "STFU its BETA" responses help no one, even Ghostcrawler said that.

    On Topic: I'm not sure which talent-trees you looked at but the ones I'm seeing have an even stronger self-healing component for Arms Warriors. Field Dressing + Second Wind + Bloodcraze are all accessible for Arms and should amount to quite a bit of self-healing.

    I can't comment on how all the mechanics will work out or even how much damage each specc will be doing but these talent-trees look a lot better than f.e. Priests.
    Last edited by mmoc433ceb40ad; 2010-07-14 at 09:20 AM.

  8. #8
    I lol'd i like new arms talents.... gunna cry about improved mortal strike missing? DUDE ITS 1ST TIER IN FURY NOW 10% more MS dmg with two other skills... TWO yes talents have been moved about but still... its still there what u crying for? only talent i see missing that hasnt had a name change or move is the fricking parry talent i always got when specing pvp.... thank the lord its gone.

  9. #9
    Finally a guy that tell his thoughts about the beta tree an everyone jumps on him and tells him "STFU THIS IS BETA". Well if ppl dont "qq" about this beta talent trees they will remain most likely unchanged. So stop this "stfu is beta" just for +1 and try to give some constructive feedback.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by bigfoot1291 View Post
    I'm really happy about where fury is sitting. It looks awesome.
    Arms will be trash the first few months of the xpack, like every single xpack, and maybe begining of classic (i don't know, i wasn't there at the time).

    Its really nothing new.

    BTW @ the QQMOAR crowd.

    Beta is exactly the best time to voice your opinion on something that is about to come out, after its released ITS TOO LATE, so STFU with that, kthxbye.
    Last edited by GrieverXIII; 2010-07-14 at 09:04 AM.

  11. #11
    Herald of the Titans Kilpi's Avatar
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    With stuff changing alot and stuff, people actually thinks that the numbers are going to be the same as in current live build.. The classes might do weird damage when 4.0 hits live, but once Cata is released and you get the new gear and itemization the numbers are going to change to direction they want. It happened before when x-pacs were released.

    Bottom line: Even if your talents are changing it doesn't mean that your class competetivity (lol sp?) suffers, every class is going through the same thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xhosas View Post
    Finally a guy that tell his thoughts about the beta tree an everyone jumps on him and tells him "STFU THIS IS BETA". Well if ppl dont "qq" about this beta talent trees they will remain most likely unchanged. So stop this "stfu is beta" just for +1 and try to give some constructive feedback.
    But how can you give proper feedback if you're just reading stuff and not actually testing them? And even if Blizzard is reading these forums I bet with beta they have enough reading on the official beta forums and they won't be reading the thousands of "zomg new talents sucks"-topics in fansites. The idea in beta TESTING is to TEST them, not to read and think "zomg they changed this i don't like it".. And feedback =/= QQ.
    Last edited by Kilpi; 2010-07-14 at 09:07 AM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Kilpi View Post

    Bottom line: Even if your talents are changing it doesn't mean that your class competetivity (lol sp?) suffers, every class is going through the same thing.
    You weren't around when 3.0 hit right?

    Took blizzard 2 major patches to fix the mess they created when 3.0 hit at level 70. Classes started to be balanced in ToC.

    Some class will be OP when 4.0 hit and some classes will be broken, and Arms is at the top of the future ''broken'' specs. A beta is nice to fine bugs and major problems, but its a really small scale to balance numbers. Thats why things are always fucked up at the begining of x.0 patches, cataclysm won't be different.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Valdemar View Post
    Gushing wounds, didn't make final cut. Ok, would have been nice, but oh well.
    However I don't really like Heroic Leap. Personally I think with a two minute cooldown we should get a little more than some weapon damage that won't do jack, and a pathetic little two second stun and oh lewk a shiney thunder klap o yay ADD children are happy.
    HOWEVER I do sort of like how they re-did Inner rage, it gives a few attacks of retarded burst then goes back to normal damage, which I like instead of 15 seconds of 15% additional rage cost, then again the 50% damage for 15 wasn't too bad either, it's debateable.

    The trees are just... unholy. No. Do not want. Arms is gimped, fury is buffed to shit and I don't really know about prot since I have never really full-time tanked. I say this mostly from a PvP perspective, since I don't PvE much anymore, however even in PvE Arms no longer even stands a CHANCE due to sheer cooldown-ness. Fury can (theorically) have sustained 10% increased damage with maybe 5-10 second gaps in between (unless they will adjust Berserker Rage and Bloodrage to share a cooldown, while arms sits there with sweeping strikes and Bladestorm, the only real use for Bladestorm in PvE is to put you on top of the meter so you can have a vague attempt at staying there. I mostly say Fury will dominate Arms in PvP is because of it's retarded amounts of self-healing, something Arms cannot get anymore save for Second Wind, while Fury has on-proc Victory Rush (which heals for 20% of max health), Blood Craze (which is no longer attainable by Arms, unless more important talents are dropped), and Bloodthirst, which does miniscule healing but every point of HP counts, right? Unless glyphed then it heals for 6% over 4 attacks, or was it 3? Haven't played fury since Naxx. They also don't even need to need to use rage to apply a Mortal Strike-esque attack, albeit 5% less effective on the reduced healing, but thats not very much, compared to the amount of self-healing and retarded amounts of cooldowns and damage put together.

    God help us.
    1. Gushing wounds might make it in a later build.
    2.I dont like this form of leap either. CD should be shorter.
    3.Inner Rage looks fine as long as theorycrafters dont prove that it has to be part of pve to do list during a boss fight.
    4.Arms isnt gimped and fury isnt buffed to shit, far from it. Are you proposing that fury shouldnt stand a chance at pvp like in TBC and in wotlk after TG nerf?
    5.As you admit you judge this mostly from pvp perspective which puts you in a bad start. You never critise things based on one dimension since you wont be able ever to understand the logic and adapt to situations.
    6.Basically Arms cant get blood craze, that's all. I expected better arguments for the lack of piercing howl instead.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Valdemar View Post
    Gushing wounds, didn't make final cut. Ok, would have been nice, but oh well.
    However I don't really like Heroic Leap. Personally I think with a two minute cooldown we should get a little more than some weapon damage that won't do jack, and a pathetic little two second stun and oh lewk a shiney thunder klap o yay ADD children are happy.
    HOWEVER I do sort of like how they re-did Inner rage, it gives a few attacks of retarded burst then goes back to normal damage, which I like instead of 15 seconds of 15% additional rage cost, then again the 50% damage for 15 wasn't too bad either, it's debateable.

    The trees are just... unholy. No. Do not want. Arms is gimped, fury is buffed to shit and I don't really know about prot since I have never really full-time tanked. I say this mostly from a PvP perspective, since I don't PvE much anymore, however even in PvE Arms no longer even stands a CHANCE due to sheer cooldown-ness. Fury can (theorically) have sustained 10% increased damage with maybe 5-10 second gaps in between (unless they will adjust Berserker Rage and Bloodrage to share a cooldown, while arms sits there with sweeping strikes and Bladestorm, the only real use for Bladestorm in PvE is to put you on top of the meter so you can have a vague attempt at staying there. I mostly say Fury will dominate Arms in PvP is because of it's retarded amounts of self-healing, something Arms cannot get anymore save for Second Wind, while Fury has on-proc Victory Rush (which heals for 20% of max health), Blood Craze (which is no longer attainable by Arms, unless more important talents are dropped), and Bloodthirst, which does miniscule healing but every point of HP counts, right? Unless glyphed then it heals for 6% over 4 attacks, or was it 3? Haven't played fury since Naxx. They also don't even need to need to use rage to apply a Mortal Strike-esque attack, albeit 5% less effective on the reduced healing, but thats not very much, compared to the amount of self-healing and retarded amounts of cooldowns and damage put together.

    God help us.
    Don't act like the air is falling, it is just beta. Blizz wants them both to be viable for PvE. One thing though, the Victory Rush buff you get from the proc is not the same as the Victory Rush buff you get from killing a target that gives exp/honor.


    I said this many, many times. Reading comprehension isn't so hard, really.

  15. #15
    Mechagnome Rammellaar's Avatar
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    Why are people always discussing the bad things.. -.-
    "When there is an evil justice cannot defeat, what would you do? Would you taint your hands with evil to defeat evil? Or would you carry out your own justice and succumb to that evil?". - Code Geass

    Also, here is a link to my Döppelganger ^_^

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Pickwickman View Post
    Don't act like the air is falling, it is just beta. Blizz wants them both to be viable for PvE. One thing though, the Victory Rush buff you get from the proc is not the same as the Victory Rush buff you get from killing a target that gives exp/honor.


    I said this many, many times. Reading comprehension isn't so hard, really.
    Are you SURE about this? Because VR atm is basicly the beta VR without the "if used after a killing blow etc."-part, which leads me to think you EITHER kick some butt with it OR you get out of melee range, turn around or w/e and get 20% of your health back. Basicly, VR gets two different kinds of uses, and you need to pick between them. You need to get a killing blow to use it anyways, so "after a killing blow" seems, to me, to mean "when not using it to punch someone in the face". If you, or anyone else, have tried it in beta and can tell me I'm wrong, please feel free to do so English isn't my main language and I'm sometimes not as good at reading tooltips, how things works(I was horrible at card games..) etc.

    Anyways, not directed at anyone, I really don't see the whole world is falling-shit? I see nothing calling out arms for the bottom spot. Also, did I miss something? Because I clearly see blood craze in second tier with three points in my current tryout-build. I also see that I'm going to be missing piercing howl, THAT was uncalled for, but it's not the end of the world. I'd like a shorter cooldown on heroic leap and I demand(lol) gushing wounds, but hey.

  17. #17
    I canceled my account some time ago with the idea of reactivating for Cata, Looks like it may be time to move on to another game.

  18. #18
    Lack of Piercing Howl makes me reroll my warlock. Warriors are doomed, hear me.

  19. #19
    Arms doesn't need Piercing Howl as much we get the disarm + fear effect and a charge that stuns multiple opponents.

    And we get heroic leap. Don't peddle your doom and gloom just yet...

  20. #20
    Having played a warrior since beta I hate these trees.

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