1. #1
    High Overlord lawlpoo's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Nov 2010
    In Katy Perry.

    So the other day...

    So the other day I was thinking to my self.

    Warlocks are pretty awesome, I mean we have Damage Over TIME spells which you know... KIND OF PWN! I bet I could do a lot of damage with these!!

    Pff now with Soul Swap I can DoT up target and quickly put all my DoTs on another target!!! Not only that but as long as I have MY FAVORITE SPELL Unstable Affliction up, Healers can't dispell my fears!!! This means I'm just puting out my DoTs on whoever I please.

    Fear is awesome I mean... who wouldn't want to make people run away over and over!!! Everyone is scared of me because of this spell.

    Only thing that was really upsetting me was that I couldn't kill this Pally. Then I remembered HEALERS CANT HEAL WITHOUT MANA!!! I have a spell called Drain Mana so let me just make this silly Pally out of mana really quick. Then BOOM!!! Reapplied my DoTs and the silly fella over.

    Who wouldn't want to play a warlock? I mean come on... Only thing we really have to worry about in PvP is those gosh darn Tremor totems. Those things just make me so MAD. Woo Fear... Time to run away!! Wait it broke almost instantly!! OH NO!! I remembered I can wand/poke those god awful things. Then I was a happy camper PWNINGG NEWBZ!!

    I mean in Cata Warlocks are going to be even better. How are we suppose to die? Soul Link is a base line skill now. OWNAGE!! Plus my DoTs are healing me. I just don't see me dying to anyone. Lets say I am playing Shadowcleave put DoTs on everything, spam fear, and the mana Drain Healer. While I'm doing this my wonderful DK friend is putting his DoTs every where. He is such a great friend. He is the only class that didn't get their MS nerfed. Why wouldn't he want to play with me? I have constant damage and will never go out of mana because of the most OP thing in the game LIFE TAP!! All other classes have to be careful they don't go out of mana. Not me, I just spam my dots and drain life/soul. Plus Don't forgot DRAIN MANA... just so awesome!!!

    Pff I just have such a great time on my Warlock. What could be better? I mean Mages have this annoying spell... Mage Armor. How is that bull crap still in the game? My DoTs last half as long... that means they aren't a viable kill target for me as Affliction. Don't worry though because I always have two other great specs! Destro if I want that crazy burst that just never stops coming at you, Plus Shadowfury... STUNS ARE AWESOME!!! If you aren't really in to that whole DoT spec or that Bursty burst burst, you could always be a Demon! Going Demo is always a good change of pace, I mean YOU GET A FEL GUARD. It has stuns and a Bladestorm that now hits harder then a Warriors. Thats not all, you also get to be a big purple DEMON!!! This gives even more Nifty spells.

    I mean I could go on and on about how awesome warlocks are. BEST CLASS IN THE GAME!!!

  2. #2
    Paladins can heal without mana as long as you damage them :>. WoG. I can at least stay alive vs an affli lock with 0-3% mana until he gives up, or dies of boredom ^^
    Last edited by mmoc409bdafe4d; 2010-11-21 at 09:46 AM.

  3. #3
    Ehm, i pop Lichborne on my DK and after letting the warlock be my bitch for 10 sec his dead. Kthxbye. Warlocks dont have a good dispell, then dont have very good defensive spells. And they cant heal very efficent. ANd they dont have a levitate!!!!

  4. #4
    Thanks for info... i guess ^^

  5. #5
    So, the other day I've wasted 2 minutes of my life by reading this pointless tribute to Warlocks.... nice display of warlock enthusiasm tho.... I will never ever ever ever EVER be this much psyched about them.... I just don't like the class


  6. #6
    A "I fucking LOVE my class!" thread is a VERY welcome change from a "ZOMFG BLIZZ HAETS MY CLASS THEY NERFD CANT PVP QQ" thread.

    I welcome this thread with big, wide, open arms.

    And I agree. Warlocks are awesome.

  7. #7
    The Lightbringer
    15+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I thought the punchline was going to be "THEN A ROGUE GOT ME LOL AND I REROLLED OUTTA THIS STUPID CLASS". Replace whatever is currently complained about instead of rogue.
    Paladin Bash has spoken.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by kaijyuu View Post
    I get the feeling the OP is being sarcastic and actually complaining warlocks are overpowered.

    Maybe I'm just cynical when it comes to these sort of discussions, though.
    I got the same vibe, but against my better (read: cynical) judgement, I'm chosing to just assume that he is being serious and that there may finally be a POSITIVE, NON-QQ thread in this website.

  9. #9
    Funny read :3 Sarchastic or not

  10. #10
    Usual masqueraded pvp QQ thread. If the OP had ever rolled any other classes they would know:

    1) Warlocks are total mincemeat against any melee class. Seriously, I know of no other class that dies so fast to being hit by a melee weapon, except chickens. I'm talking solo here - not specific arena comps. Warriors LOVE locks and chickens!
    2) All classes have counters against Fear, except rogues, but otherwise especially melee. Rogues don't need a counter since they are the nemesis of all locks and always have been due to their opening superiority and CloS. In addition, all class can trinket it away. Then on top of that it suffers from strong Diminishing Returns.
    3) Sure shamans lack defensive abilities. But that has always been the case and its probably by design (shamans and pallies were faction specific. Paladins were defensive, shammies offensive). Also, that's a shaman problem not a lock one. Finally, if you ignore an ele shaman, in one instant+cast they can practically kill you if you have no resilience. Sometimes after that they can just walk away and the dot on you will kill you if you have no direct self-healing - which locks dont in combat afaik.

    All in all, nice try, but no cookie.
    Last edited by mmoc83df313720; 2010-11-21 at 10:43 AM.

  11. #11
    I love the way you expressed your love to warlocks. Let me tell you a story!

    The other day ...

    I was on my warrior and I thought, lime go outside and practice my PvP! So I got there and I saw a warlock that was dueling, he was good, so good that he beat a lot of people. I Decided to go crazy and duel him :O

    Pop recklessness
    pop deathwish

    Charge, 10k auto attack crit 15k heroic strike , 14k blood thirst ...

    I WIN! with over 70% of my hp and not even wasting 5 seconds.

  12. #12
    nothing about paper thin minions? or instant death upon dismount? nothing about relying on said paper thin minions for crucial dispel/silence?

    but we still can cast fear 9999999999999 times

  13. #13
    The skill level in this thread is astonishing. I think we're looking at the best warlocks and melee players in this thread right here. I feel it conclusively settles any and all arguments. Well done guys.

    I'd reroll to something that can win a duel against bad people, but I like a challenge, you know?


  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Elmot View Post
    I love the way you expressed your love to warlocks. Let me tell you a story!

    The other day ...

    I was on my warrior and I thought, lime go outside and practice my PvP! So I got there and I saw a warlock that was dueling, he was good, so good that he beat a lot of people. I Decided to go crazy and duel him :O

    Pop recklessness
    pop deathwish

    Charge, 10k auto attack crit 15k heroic strike , 14k blood thirst ...

    I WIN! with over 70% of my hp and not even wasting 5 seconds.
    Pfft. I don't PvP often myself, though I still dominated our guild's Shadowmourne wielding Warrior in a duel the other day.

    ...okay, by 'dominated', I mean I sometimes got lucky in Demo spec. If he got close, I lost.

  15. #15
    locking thread as a spam magnet. OP was fine in my opinion.

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