Patch 4.1 Archaeology Rewards
As promised in earlier blue posts, Patch 4.1 adds a couple of Archaeology rewards to the game. The Fossile and Troll branches are getting some love and you should be able to find these new rare items after the patches.

Artifact Project Type Branch Fragments
Extinct Turtle Shell Extinct Turtle Shell Shield Fossil 150
Pterrordax Hatchling Pterrordax Hatchling Companion Pet Fossil 120
Voodoo Figurine Voodoo Figurine Companion Pet Troll 100
Vrykul Drinking Horn Vrykyl Drinking Horn Misc. Vrykul 100
Ancient Amber Ancient Amber Misc. Fossil 100
Haunted War Drum Haunted War Drum Misc. Troll 100

Patch 4.1 Public Test Realm Notes - April 8 #2
The Patch 4.1 PTR notes have been updated slightly after Blizzard published the update on their blog yesterday. The change to allow player to use flying mounts in Ghostlands was removed and Sinestra is being slightly tweaked.
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
  • Flying mounts can now be used in Ghostlands.
  • Several persistent ground effects now display different visuals for hostile and friendly players. The following spells have the same visual effects for friendly players, but new alternate visuals for hostile players: Ring of Frost, Consecration, Desecration, Wild Mushroom, Flare, Ice Trap, Power Word: Barrier, Smoke Bomb, and Hand of Gul'dan. As a general rule, the alternate effects have a red tint or hue indicating they are created by an enemy player. There are currently some issues with this new change which are affecting several of these abilities and is not working as intended at this time.

Raids & Dungeons
  • Twilight Slicer is now less likely to target two helers at once.
  • Wrack will avoid jumping to tanks.

Guild Challenges
  • Gold rewards require the qualified guild members of the group to be honored with their guild, and the guild must be are now deposited into the guild bank once the guild reaches level 5. The text for the Cash Flow guild perk has been updated appropriately.

Blue Posts
Blue posts outside of announcements almost feel like christmas lately, I wonder if anyone is going to bring cookies.
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Making WoW Easier
I understand and respect gaming masochism. But, I think that changing mechanics to be more reasonable and less punishing is an improvement, not a detriment, to games in general. Many of us Original Gamers pine for the days of D&D-based yore when games were seemingly intended to break us down into sobbing masses created by an uncaring necromancer of pain and suffering, or at least didn't try to avoid it. Overcoming all of the obstacles (I CHOOSE NOT TO SHOOT HER WITH THE SILVER ARROW... NOOOOO) was a big part of what gaming (I HAVE 1 LIFE!?), and especially PC gaming (HOW DO I LOAD MOUSE DRIVERS?), were about. But, I feel we're lucky to now be in an age where those ideals (intended or not) are giving way to actual fun, actual challenge, and not fabricating it through high-reach requirements (I NEED A FAIRY MONK WITH A MAGIC LOCKPICK?).

What we've always been trying to do, what WoW has always been about (and to which much of its success is due) is to make an accessible MMO. Anyone that looks back at the game at launch and wishes it was as challenging now as it was then is not aware of the painstaking effort put into making this game accessible as compared to its predecessors. Since release we've refined that intent, eventually evolving the very few masochistic designs WoW actually ever started with, but ideally still offering those same prestige goals that give that feeling of achieving something great if you're able to pull it off. We've made a lot of progress toward striking that balance and continuing to evolve the game, but it's not something we're ever likely to perfect, and we'll be constantly working to hit that elusive goal. Hopefully it's to the benefit of everyone playing and enjoying the game, and they'll continue to enjoy the journey that a living, breathing, persistent universe will take us on. (Source)

Blizzard Art Gallery Update
The World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Art gallery has been updated with three pieces representing the Warcraft universe.

The Daily Blink - Tragedy of the Commons
The Daily Blink published a new comic about the new Call To Arms in the Dungeon Finder.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 4.1 Archaeology Items, 4.1 PTR Notes Update, Blue Posts, Artwork, Daily Blink started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 168 Comments
  1. Cows For Life's Avatar
    It's the same thing that happened in TBC and WOTLK with rating required PVP gear during the Hyjal/BT T6 tier. Real PVPers wanted the gear available to all for the sake of a level competitive field and PVEers used them as stop-gap gear for when big dragon refused to drop x weapon or whatever. The 5/6 SSC 3/4 TK people were the ones that cheered loudest.

    The whining about catering to casuals only comes from middling players in mediocre guilds. The bleeding edge players are always ahead and doing things that the bottom 95% won't be able to do and what others can do, they've already done it months ago.
  1. Ragedaug's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Brett Skullcrack View Post
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    I understand and respect gaming masochism. But, I think that changing mechanics to be more reasonable and less punishing is an improvement, not a detriment, to games in general.
    It's amazing how Blizzard, or at least these guys currently working on WoW, don't understand gaming at all. It's not about masochism or punishing content, it's about providing an artificial challenge of increasing difficulty. Video games since the beginning have had levels that get increasingly difficult, meaning that to get further and see more you need to improve your skills at the game. Yes if you jump straight to the last level it may seem like punishing and unreasonable, but that's just because you haven't gained the skills necessary to reach that level yet.
    What you are responding to isn't about dumbing down content, it's about making the game more accessible. The person that Blue responded to was QQ'ing about month's long grinding being removed. There is no skill involved in that. As matter of fact, the game play being requested, that Blizzard is moving away from is very similar to how Runescape was designed which is played by hundred's of thousands of 10 year olds.

    The skill level required for Cataclysm 5 mans and raiding is higher then it's ever been. So what was it that you were whining about?
  1. Vasz's Avatar
    Anyone have any idea when 4.1 will launch?
  1. zeralol's Avatar
    The skill level required for Cataclysm 5 mans and raiding is higher then it's ever been.
    No, Classic and BC were way harder. It's just harder than WotLK. But now, everythings once more nerfed to the ground.

    So what was it that you were whining about?
    That there is nothing to do besides raiding?
    Maybe raiding is cool, yeah.

    But overall, this game is much too easy.
  1. mmoccd121142ba's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Quackie View Post
    Dailyblink gets it right again. I'm happy about the extra rewards for tanks. The downside is we are going to see an influx of bad players who think they can tank or heal.

    People, if you're a drooling DPS, for the love of God please stick to it and don't try to tank and heal. You'll only irritate other players by wasting their time.
    No it doesn't since you only get goodies AFTER killing the last boss. No way in hell a bad tank can pull that off
  1. Typhus's Avatar
    I was really looking forward to cata, the leveling was great and the raids were alright but Ive just gotten soo bored with them and so have quit. Blizz will probably entice me back at a later date when maybe pvp's more balanced but for now they aint getting me money, now to find something else to play.....
  1. IKT's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by zeralol View Post
    No, Classic and BC were way harder. It's just harder than WotLK. But now, everythings once more nerfed to the ground.
    Oh the joy of doing heroic arcatraz, who gives a fuck about difficulty if the dungeons suck, the dungeons in cata for the most part are the most fun dungeons they've ever released.
  1. zeralol's Avatar
    Oh the joy of doing heroic arcatraz, who gives a fuck about difficulty if the dungeons suck, the dungeons in cata for the most part are the most fun dungeons they've ever released.
    Arcatraz heroic was very challenging. You felt great after completing it, because not every player could do so easily. Nowadays, it's nothing special to finish a 5 man dungeon. You join a group and after 20 minutes it's clear.

    WoW should be harder, thats it.
  1. Shakul's Avatar
    He he Dailyblink, well played.

    And it definiatly looks like we're headed for the end of TBC and WoTLK again....... Say goodbye to some challenging dungeons that required some brainpower, say hello to more "FARM FARM FARM FARM LOLOLOLOLOLOL" and say hello to even more braindead players.
  1. Freese's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by zeralol View Post
    Arcatraz heroic was very challenging. You felt great after completing it, because not every player could do so easily. Nowadays, it's nothing special to finish a 5 man dungeon. You join a group and after 20 minutes it's clear.

    WoW should be harder, thats it.
    The true challenges in WoW are found in the heroic raids, which, according to you, you don't want to do, so I don't know how else Blizzard can help you. Try out Ascendant Council on heroic mode and tell me that WoW is too easy.

    Also, do you guys remember how difficult the heroics were at the start of the expansion or did you forget already?
  1. Pumps's Avatar
    Guess that means I'll get Extinct Turtle Shell, Pterrordax Hatchling and Ancient Amber whilst I dig for the recipe for vial of the sands, for the 5th month running.

  1. Sonneillon's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by lekein View Post
    Why no flight in Ghostlands? is too much to ask for?
    Nooooo how dare blizzard not spend weeks of time working on flight in the ghost lands (adjusting Deathholme, fixing the mountain issues, adding the ZA to the world physically as well as adding all the remaining troll lands that exist in the lore but are left out) so that I can spend 5 minutes afk'd flying over it! Those monsters, I needs to fly over all the starting zones on my end game Toon to show the noobs how awesome I am, its the only reason I play the game! Delaying such a thing, I totally program and understand how much work goes into things so that justifies my right to bitch about delaying a feature.


    I also enjoy looking gift horses in the mouth. When it comes to games and coding things are more complicated than they appear to someone who doesn't understand the work that goes into these things. Bugs often arise, Blizzard isn't a group of wizards that summon things from thin air out of magic and willpower. They use math, thousands of lines of code, programs designed in house to adjust things. Stuff doesn't always sink up. I hate people that bitch about things that they can't do that don't understand what goes on behind the curtain. What SEEMS like something thats easy, just isn't always possible without weeks of work for 25 people, time and money better spent on designing new dungeons/raids, new zones/events thats what the world team does, they could just recycle MC instead of the firelands and have spent more time fixing ghost lands for you... or they could have made the firelands. It's the same guys doing both, so what would you prefer, flying over Ghostlands or Recycled MC, what do you think would cause more bitching.
  1. Gouky's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sonneillon View Post
    Nooooo how dare blizzard not spend weeks of time working on flight in the ghost lands (adjusting Deathholme, fixing the mountain issues, adding the ZA to the world physically as well as adding all the remaining troll lands that exist in the lore but are left out) so that I can spend 5 minutes afk'd flying over it! Those monsters, I needs to fly over all the starting zones on my end game Toon to show the noobs how awesome I am, its the only reason I play the game! Delaying such a thing, I totally program and understand how much work goes into things so that justifies my right to bitch about delaying a feature.


    I also enjoy looking gift horses in the mouth. When it comes to games and coding things are more complicated than they appear to someone who doesn't understand the work that goes into these things. Bugs often arise, Blizzard isn't a group of wizards that summon things from thin air out of magic and willpower. They use math, thousands of lines of code, programs designed in house to adjust things. Stuff doesn't always sink up. I hate people that bitch about things that they can't do that don't understand what goes on behind the curtain. What SEEMS like something thats easy, just isn't always possible without weeks of work for 25 people, time and money better spent on designing new dungeons/raids, new zones/events thats what the world team does, they could just recycle MC instead of the firelands and have spent more time fixing ghost lands for you... or they could have made the firelands. It's the same guys doing both, so what would you prefer, flying over Ghostlands or Recycled MC, what do you think would cause more bitching.
    path of titans says hello

    Guild lvling says hello

    Dancing studio says hello

    voice chat says hello ( but you can barely hear anything)

    well they might as well recycle MC, cos most of the raids are prity much the same anyway.
  1. Pumps's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sonneillon View Post

    I wouldn't' call it sarcasm, more hysteria.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sonneillon View Post
    I also enjoy looking gift horses in the mouth. When it comes to games and coding things are more complicated than they appear to someone who doesn't understand the work that goes into these things. Bugs often arise, Blizzard isn't a group of wizards that summon things from thin air out of magic and willpower. They use math, thousands of lines of code, programs designed in house to adjust things. Stuff doesn't always sink up. I hate people that bitch about things that they can't do that don't understand what goes on behind the curtain. What SEEMS like something thats easy, just isn't always possible without weeks of work for 25 people, time and money better spent on designing new dungeons/raids, new zones/events thats what the world team does, they could just recycle MC instead of the firelands and have spent more time fixing ghost lands for you... or they could have made the firelands. It's the same guys doing both, so what would you prefer, flying over Ghostlands or Recycled MC, what do you think would cause more bitching.
    I think you don't understand what's going on with this. There is no coding involved, and its not hard - what is required is time, and the sooner the get working on it, the sooner they will be back with that they have promised people.
  1. Vook's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by scvd View Post
    Now that everyone else is catered to from archeology, lets see some god damn agility items.
    Archaeology is not meant to be a gear farm.
  1. zeralol's Avatar
    The true challenges in WoW are found in the heroic raids, which, according to you, you don't want to do, so I don't know how else Blizzard can help you. Try out Ascendant Council on heroic mode and tell me that WoW is too easy.
    H: Ascendant Council Jan 20, 2011 19:00 world:12 eu:7 realm: 1 1400.00 / 1500.00

    i don't say raids are too easy. just besides raiding there is nothing to do.
  1. mmoc7db8c28b88's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Brett Skullcrack View Post
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    I understand and respect gaming masochism. But, I think that changing mechanics to be more reasonable and less punishing is an improvement, not a detriment, to games in general.
    It's amazing how Blizzard, or at least these guys currently working on WoW, don't understand gaming at all. It's not about masochism or punishing content, it's about providing an artificial challenge of increasing difficulty. Video games since the beginning have had levels that get increasingly difficult, meaning that to get further and see more you need to improve your skills at the game. Yes if you jump straight to the last level it may seem like punishing and unreasonable, but that's just because you haven't gained the skills necessary to reach that level yet.

    Dumbing down the game has been happening since WotLK because a large part of the players and designers are not gamers. They're people who fuck around Sims or Farmville and who think just paying for the game means they should get a free ride through it. And that's fine if Blizzard actually stated what they're doing up front: "There's a lot more money being made from the Facebook 'gamers' than real gamers so that's who we will develop for." But they don't have the balls to admit that.

    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    We've made a lot of progress toward striking that balance and continuing to evolve the game, but it's not something we're ever likely to perfect, and we'll be constantly working to hit that elusive goal.
    Even the designers themselves admit they're not skilled enough to get it right. Do they think their customers want to keep paying monthly to see them "try their hardest"? Fuck no, if you can't get it right then quit and let Blizzard hire people who can get it right - they've had plenty of these people in the past.

    haha.....u are just stoned and u are prolly just thinking that u talk real this all is a big bunch of crap. Not worth commenting even
  1. Eleveneleven's Avatar
    lol why do people always demand tanks be well-geared? They go to dungeons to get geared...stop being asses.
  1. Cows For Life's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by zeralol View Post
    Arcatraz heroic was very challenging. You felt great after completing it, because not every player could do so easily. Nowadays, it's nothing special to finish a 5 man dungeon. You join a group and after 20 minutes it's clear.

    WoW should be harder, thats it.
    That's just your ignorance showing then. Arcatraz heroic was balanced for players already in T4 115/120 epic gear not players in 115 blues.
  1. zeralol's Avatar
    That's just your ignorance showing then. Arcatraz heroic was balanced for players already in T4 115/120 epic gear not players in 115 blues.
    So? I don't see such instances nowadays.
    And besides that, you WERE able to clear Arcatraz HC with blue gear. Sure thing.

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