If you missed it yesterday - Ragnaros 25 Heroic Mode World First Kill by DREAM Paragon

Patch 4.2 Hotfixes - July 19
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
July 19

  • The frequency at which players can use /yell, /say, and any emotes is now throttled to prevent excessive spamming of chat logs from occurring.

Death Knights
  • Improved Death Strike now provides 40/80/120% bonus damage, up from 30/60/90%, and a 10/20/30% critical strike bonus, up from 3/6/9%.

  • Flight Form now cancels the Leyara’s Locket buff.
  • Moonfire will now generate Lunar Energy when crossing from Solar to Lunar on the Eclipse bar.

Dungeons & Raids
  • All bosses in The Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent, and Throne of the Four Winds once again award Valor Points in all raid sizes and difficulties. 10-player bosses award 35 Valor Points, while 25-player bosses award 45 Valor Points. This change does not apply to Argaloth in Baradin Hold. More information can be found here.

  • Superheated cannot be cast on players, even if they attack the Flamewaker Animators as they are channeling energy towards the Unstable Magma.
  • Alysrazor
    • Collecting Blazing Power now refreshes Wings of Flame to its full duration each time.
    • Alysrazor will now always face the correct direction during Firestorm.
    • Imprinted should now be cleared from characters under all conditions when the encounter resets.
    • Interacting with a Molten Feather will now dismount characters, preventing the feather from being wasted.
  • Beth’tilac
    • Beth'tilac will now only eat spiderlings that move very close to her (the range on her ability to consume them has been reduced). In addition, eaten spiderlings will no longer sometimes remain on the ground or on players once she consumes them.
    • Drones should no longer evade or aggro characters on top of the web.
    • Fixate now truly fixates on random targets.
  • Ragnaros
    • On 25-player Heroic difficulty, Cloudbursts will now always properly apply Deluge to 3 players before fading away.
    • It should always be possible to interact with Cloudbursts, even if several players click on one at the same time.

  • Heroic bind-on-equip items now sell to vendors for gold.

  • A resolution has been put into place which should help alleviate Rated Battleground matchmaking delays. This fix corrects an issue that could occur if a team at the front of the queue was particularly difficult to match, resulting in a bottleneck which slowed matchmaking for all players in queue. More information can be found here.

Quests & Creatures
  • The melee evasion angle of several creatures has been adjusted. Most notably, melee classes should no longer be seeing abilities, such as Backstab or Shred, getting parried when standing well enough out of Ragnaros’s melee evasion angle, or other bosses/creatures with similar evasion angles.

Season Transition Compensation Action - Hotfix
Originally Posted by Bashiok (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Around 50% of the intended recipients did not receive the 4000 honor that they should have with today’s maintenance. We’re in the process of scheduling an off-peak maintenance early tomorrow morning to correct that and deliver the remaining compensation packages.

Sorry for the hiccup, we’ll get them to you soon.

WoWArmory Facebook Application Closing
Originally Posted by Bashiok (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
We're in the process of deploying a new, open World of Warcraft Web API, which among other functions will provide a more fully-featured replacement for the existing WoWArmory website. Over the past few months we’ve been working with our partners and fansites to help them migrate away from using WoWArmory.com, and on August 2 we will decommission it, as well as the WoWArmory Facebook application.

When the Facebook application is turned off, users who installed it will no longer see it in their list of Facebook applications. They will also no longer have the ability to access Facebook pages that were associated with the application, and all news feed entries created by it will be removed.

Our hope is that through the new Web API, we can encourage a broad range of community-created features like the WoWArmory application, and are excited to see what else can be done by opening this information up to application and website developers. If you have any questions or comments about this change, please refer to our World of Warcraft Community Platform API forum here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/2626217/

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Tier 11 Instance Valor Points Change
The change is that instead of chain-running troll dungeons to cap VP they have an additional option. Adding that additional option doesn't suddenly make the valor rewards more accessible. Especially because the option that's being added is entirely less accessible than what's been available this entire time.

You can make an argument that current tier shouldn't be available for purchase with Valor at all, that's a valid opinion to state. But that's a different topic.

What you're saying is that by us adding additional but less accessible ways (raids) to obtain VP that it somehow makes the rewards less meaningful than they were when people could 'only use Dungeon Finder' to get them. Sorry but that just doesn't make any sense. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Arena Boosting
If by that you mean that you pay someone gold to join their team or they join yours and you all participate in Arenas, etc... together while they'll help you get to a higher rating because they are far more skilled than you? No, in and of itself that is not a violation of our policies. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Acquiring PvP Gear when you reach level 85
What Aarschott explained to you does make sense. Level-85 PvP gear is intended to be earned and awarded to level-85 players. There is too much potential to "game" the system and stockpile really powerful gear so that you're fully equipped when you hit 85, if we were to allow you to buy level-85 gear with Honor you earned below the level cap.

The same applies for PvE gear. If you want powerful endgame items, you need to earn them via playing through endgame content.

Why don't you want a player having honor gear the second he/she hits 85? It's not necessarily good entertainment to go and get your butt kicked repeatedly in BGs for 150 sessions before you can begin to compete.
There are crafted items available to level-85 players which will help them substantially when first setting foot into Battlegrounds or Tol Barad. Getting a hold of this gear isn't too difficult.

The fact is that endgame progression is its own experience. Leveling is a very direct and obvious act of progression, but that changes when players hit the cap. Progression then trends much more toward itemization -- you have to participate in the endgame experience to get more powerful gear. But as I said, there is underrated entry-level crafting gear which can be very useful for helping to ease PvP-oriented players into level-85 Battlegrounds. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

OK, then why do we start earning Justice Points at 70? We can stockpile them till we have 4K; so if this really is your reasoning, why don't we get our JP/Honor wiped when we ding 85? I mean we didn't earn them doing endgame content, why should we be able to buy a few pieces of gear with them?
No, that's exactly the point of the design. If you enjoy doing some leveling via Battlegrounds, you're afforded the opportunity to buy up to two pieces of epic item level 371 PvP gear when you hit 85. You can then use gold and/or crafting materials to fill out just about every other slot, plus use enchantments, gems, and reforging to get your character into a competitive state for collecting additional epic Honor gear. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Shaman (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
It doesn't matter at all unless you can verify and prove that Heroic Ragnaros is impossible, or way more difficult to kill, when a specific class or specialization is represented in the raid.

You're forcing together a couple of incredibly fragmented pieces of data -- and the sample size of that tested data is 25 players in the whole world fighting one boss in the entire game -- to extrapolate an entire thesis on class balance.

No one is going to benefit from trying to make an argument out of this.

And why do you think the world first guilds continue to not bring any Shamans. Is it because they're in such a good place right now they didn't want people to complain that they were class stacking Shamans because of how amazing they are?

This is the 3rd world first end boss kill in the past 3 patches where there was not ONE DPS Shaman in the raid makeup (And only one Resto Shaman in the past 3 world first end boss kills). You can keep saying EVERY new patch that they can bring what they want and that there is nothing that you can do, but you should really look at why they aren't bringing one class every single time.
That's a pretty ineffective way to consider class balance. It's as though you're suggesting the answer to perceived shaman woes is for us to buff them until the top guilds in the world must bring them to their raids for world first kills. That's a vacuum in which class balance should never work.

One thing you're certainly not doing is counting all of the kills of each of the Heroic bosses which followed the world firsts. Shaman have certainly been present for Heroic boss kills in Cataclysm, but that data doesn't support your argument. You want to focus on, what, four total boss kills over the last eight months? Out of tens of thousands of Heroic boss kills which have occurred globally since Cataclysm, do you really think you're presenting a fair case? (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

The Daily Blink - From the Boys in R&D
The Daily Blink came up with an awesome alarm clock idea, hopefully Blizzard will find a way to manufacture it before christmas. Plz.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 4.2 Hotfixes - July 19, PvP Compensation, WoWArmory Facebook Closing started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 79 Comments
  1. Ny0ka's Avatar
    Dunno if anyone noticed but Blizz forgot to change anything on DKs in the maintenance! Any idea when this hotfix is going to happen?
  1. mmoc58a2a4b64e's Avatar
    Realy blizzard? That's your arguement? "And why do you think the world first guilds continue to not bring any Shamans. Is it because they're in such a good place right now they didn't want people to complain that they were class stacking Shamans because of how amazing they are?" You know what i say? Eat my shorts like Bart would say. You are saying that shamans are good, but how good are they if no guilds that get 1st kill on a new content raid don't have a single shaman? I think you guys/girls realy should think of a better arguement.... Wish you good luck cause i'm realy interested in hearing a new one.
  1. The Last DJ's Avatar
    I'm hoping the "throttle" is less stringent than the General/Trade spam one. While I'd appreciate not getting spammed by emotes during PvP and/or RP griefers, it will make RP difficult, to say the least. (I cannot wait to hear the freakout by those very special entitled RPers, screaming more about deserving this and that louder than any of the hardest of the hardcore PvPers or PvEers. The WrA forums are going to be amazing.)
  1. Niight9's Avatar
    And why do you think the world first guilds continue to not bring any Shamans. Is it because they're in such a good place right now they didn't want people to complain that they were class stacking Shamans because of how amazing they are?
    Really Blizzard REALLY ????? stop taking a dump on, us, resto shaman. Stacking what ?? You nerf tide totem to the ground, and in term ouf healing output whe're simply last. Mage and huntard got Bloodlust, our totem buff doesn't stack with most of others class buff. And don't event get me started on the mobility / survivabilty.

    You're afraid ppl gonna stack shaman ? to what end ? World first down Hogger ?
  1. Pocketzest's Avatar
    @ Daily Blink I knew I ground that rep for a good reason. It was just that i wasn't of that reason until now.
  1. mmoc593332b4b3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Vasz View Post
    The fact that an enhancement shaman is in the top 10 DPS on Beth'tilic, Majordomo Shanoxx, Baleroc and Rag on both 25 and 10 man normal modes, must be irrelevant?
    Flawed logic. All of those fights with the exception of Beth'tilic have no or next to no movement. Of course Enhancement shaman are going to do well.

    Personally, I'm an elemental shaman. I have geared my shaman as best as I can and I'm still 6-10k dps behind most classes with equal gear on stationary fights. If I want to move during fights, I have to lose 10% damage from my lava burst and my dps is presumably balanced around the 2 set bonus I don't have yet.

    The level of difference in classes is just retarded - For example, lets pick on mages again for the fun.

    Priority System and proc based dps (rolling thunder, lava surge) Vs 2 button Arcane spam. We all know who the winner is - Just retarded.
  1. Spike`'s Avatar
    "On 25-player Heroic difficulty, Cloudbursts will now always properly apply Deluge to 3 players before fading away." i haven't had the change to get to him, this "fix" could have stopped world first yesterday?
  1. mmoc4cfe4591b7's Avatar
    I really don't get why Blizzard won't look in to Shaman a bit more.

    My main is a Shaman and my dps is good enough compared to other ele shamans, so it ain't my skill. I'm playing my fury warrior again and he is doing better dps with less gear then my ele shaman. And I'm pretty rusty at playing my fury warrior atm.

    I'm not 1 to complain normaly, but this is getting annoying. I don't mind doing a bit less dps then pure dps classes, but the difference is to big now. If it's like 5% of 10% average difference, you won't hear me. I don't need a shaman to be the best, but I do want Shaman to be compatative enough.

    I've never seen so much ppl telling, writing, shouting that a class is doing bad. Normaly it is the same class telling they need a buff, but this time all classes agree on shamans being bad atm.

    And Blizzard is just telling ppl there is nothing wrong with shamans. I really don't get it. Why Blizzard? Why are you defending Shaman so much atm? DREAM Paragon is pretty clear on why not to bring Shamans: Resto ain't pulling the heals compared to others, ele and enhanced aren't doing the dps compared to others. All totem buffs aren't special anymore since other classes will have simular buffs and nothing stacks anymore.

    ppl might say DREAM Paragon is top guild and it's not the same comparing to 'normal' situations. But on my server Shamans will be last to pick on raids and dungeons atm. In trade ppl will ask for all classes, but shamans.

    I might drop my ele shaman a main soon (with pain in my heart).
  1. Vasz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Oleh View Post
    Flawed logic. All of those fights with the exception of Beth'tilic have no or next to no movement. Of course Enhancement shaman are going to do well.

    Personally, I'm an elemental shaman. I have geared my shaman as best as I can and I'm still 6-10k dps behind most classes with equal gear on stationary fights. If I want to move during fights, I have to lose 10% damage from my lava burst and my dps is presumably balanced around the 2 set bonus I don't have yet.

    The level of difference in classes is just retarded - For example, lets pick on mages again for the fun.

    Priority System and proc based dps (rolling thunder, lava surge) Vs 2 button Arcane spam. We all know who the winner is - Just retarded.
    Oh don't get me wrong, I played an enhancement shaman since vanilla. I stopped half way through ICC, as I just couldn't bare the lack of movement, low dps and stupid rotation/priority. I don't mind a hard rotation, but I expect good dps for my pain (a la feral druid).
  1. mmocae473f3414's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by vertex705 View Post
    good, spam during Swifty's ban was horrible
    no shitty!!! it shows blizzards desperation and incompetence in handling massive player events...
    really sad...
  1. mmoc593332b4b3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Tracker View Post
    And why do you think the world first guilds continue to not bring any Shamans. Is it because they're in such a good place right now they didn't want people to complain that they were class stacking Shamans because of how amazing they are?

    Quote Originally Posted by Niight974 View Post
    Really Blizzard REALLY ????? stop taking a dump on, us, resto shaman. Stacking what ?? You nerf tide totem to the ground, and in term ouf healing output whe're simply last. Mage and huntard got Bloodlust, our totem buff doesn't stack with most of others class buff. And don't event get me started on the mobility / survivabilty.

    You're afraid ppl gonna stack shaman ? to what end ? World first down Hogger ?
    I had quite the same opinion as you until I read the thread. It's taken completely out of context. A regular user suggested this and the blue poster quoted it. It's not actually a Blue posters opinion.
  1. Weenietot's Avatar
    Re: Shamans While world firsts are a small sample set, they are the gold standard of sample sets. It does not make anyone feel any better about their class (and this is a game where things like this can really steer people away from a class) when the gold standards leave an entire class aside. Agreed that Blizz's response is pretty lacking.
  1. wildcardNS's Avatar
    A chat filter on /say? Really, blizzard? Do you guys even play your own game anymore?
  1. Simca's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Weenietot View Post
    Re: Shamans While world firsts are a small sample set, they are the gold standard of sample sets. It does not make anyone feel any better about their class (and this is a game where things like this can really steer people away from a class) when the gold standards leave an entire class aside. Agreed that Blizz's response is pretty lacking.
    It doesn't matter because what Zarhym said is true. A 1-kill sample size is useless from a statistical standpoint.

    Enhancement is in a good spot. Elemental is slightly weak and could use a buff. Either way, the fact that they didn't take Shaman proves nothing.
  1. Rosary's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Moshic View Post
    • Heroic bind-on-equip items now sell to vendors for gold.
    Could someone elaborate on that?
    I assume there was a bug where there was no gold amount for vendoring the item.
  1. RadGH's Avatar
    Everyone complaining about shamans not being required for world first achievements is dumb.

    Like, unless you're the shaman who had to sit out for the world first achievement, why are you even talking? Is that even the case? Did a DPS shaman not get to go because he was useless? Probably not. I'm sure it's just all the shaman looking at the composition and overreacting.

    If there hasn't already been a DPS shaman to kill Heroic Ragnaros, I'm sure there will be within the next few kills.If you look at _ANY_THER_GAME_IN_EXISTENCE_, that is spectacularly balanced.


    I think Shaman just have a "I must be the most necessary role" complex. Shaman were absolutely necessary in previous expansions. And that was a well-needed change.

    Saying shaman are useless, though? Really? Cry more!
  1. KnickKnack's Avatar
    Daily Blink never fails.
  1. Moonsmaster's Avatar
    They finally woke up to what they did to DKs with all the past nerfs, first unholy gets a DPS boost and now Blood........Those who hated DKs in BGs are really going to howl now............I'm such a happy camper.

    ---------- Post added 2011-07-20 at 09:04 AM ----------

    OK I understand the need to take the servers offline to do the Honors fix (I am one of those who didn't get the promised Honors I had coming so flame away all of you who are pissed they shut the servers down to do it)......but was it really necessary to take down all the forums? Really?

    ---------- Post added 2011-07-20 at 09:12 AM ----------

    Somewhere in the dark recesses of Blizzard's twisted Devs minds they decided (patch 4.2 I think) to make Heroic BOE drops so they could not be sold to vendors for gold (in an attempt to discourage off specc and non specc ninjaing of said items I am assuming). Now you can vendor them again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moshic View Post
    • Heroic bind-on-equip items now sell to vendors for gold.
    Could someone elaborate on that?

    ---------- Post added 2011-07-20 at 09:16 AM ----------

    It didnt affect the mechanics of it no. But since the self healing and damage buff when you are in blood specc is dependent on the amount of damage you do with the strike, it is a significant boost
    Quote Originally Posted by Thallidomaniac View Post
    Apparently, the complaints about the Aly fight and DK tanks having trouble downing their add was that much of an issue. It didn't change the self-healing in anyway though.
  1. Pauleke's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RadGH View Post
    Everyone complaining about shamans not being required for world first achievements is dumb.

    Like, unless you're the shaman who had to sit out for the world first achievement, why are you even talking? Is that even the case? Did a DPS shaman not get to go because he was useless? Probably not. I'm sure it's just all the shaman looking at the composition and overreacting.

    If there hasn't already been a DPS shaman to kill Heroic Ragnaros, I'm sure there will be within the next few kills.If you look at _ANY_THER_GAME_IN_EXISTENCE_, that is spectacularly balanced.


    I think Shaman just have a "I must be the most necessary role" complex. Shaman were absolutely necessary in previous expansions. And that was a well-needed change.

    Saying shaman are useless, though? Really? Cry more!
    Doesn't play a shaman. Clearly. We don't want to be the most necessary role, we just want to be considered a viable class. If you don't think Elemental has a problem, get off the drugs.
  1. Kashydan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Moshic View Post
    • Heroic bind-on-equip items now sell to vendors for gold.
    Could someone elaborate on that?
    anything that sells to vendors for gold, also automatically gets a trading-fee on the auction house => siphoning off more server-cashflow from the stuff that people put in from the crazy dropquotes all day maybe?

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