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  1. #1

    Ex-World of Warcraft dev Mark Kern explains why Blizzard open vanilla servers

    It’s understandable that Blizzard wants private servers closed down, it’s always been their policy, so why do you think there’s been a push now for an older version of WoW.

    Mark Kern: First, Blizzard has every legal right to shut down these servers, it’s true. They also have an interest in protecting their business, and I can’t fault them for that. But what I can say, is that I feel Blizzard could have handled the matter much better. In a time where gamers and developers can be so connected with each other in social media and the net, companies need to form strong communities and fandom. I would ask Blizzard to take a look at Nostalrius’s team and what they did out of pure passion, not greed, but passion, and find a way to acknowledge that. I think it’s possible, you can look at the way Valve treats fan projects and ends up hiring these teams and making great products with them. Valve channels gamer passion very well, and Blizzard could look to that as a potential model.

    As for the demand, I think it’s always been there. 10 years is a long time for a game and for gamers, and as it stands today there is no way to play the original version of WoW or even TBC or WotLK versions of the mechanics. It’s like a whole new game. I think we’ve seen a huge number of gamers that are now saying “we want this, we want to experience this again.” Yes, it’s nostalgia, but its more than that…many veteran MMO players want to feel that challenge again, without the automation and the hand-holding. They want to feel that sense of accomplishment again when the modern version of WoW doesn’t give that to them. That’s what I’m hearing from WoW fans.

    Do you think there will be enough support for vanilla servers from the community? There were 800K registered accounts on Nostalrius but only 150,000 active players.

    MK: Let’s put that in perspective. When we planned World of Warcraft, we only expected 1M sold and 500k active. And yet..and yet that was enough to bet the whole company on making WoW. It was the most expensive game Blizzard had ever made, and a huge risk. And yet, we would have been happy with 1M accounts back then. So I don’t understand this talk about 850k account not being worthwhile. That’s bunk. And you know what? With Blizzard officially behind legacy servers, you would see far more than 1M account re-activations. If a relatively unknown private server can reach 850k, then think what putting the Blizzard name behind it could do…far, far more.

    As for 150k active, my understanding is that was measured over a 10 day window. The industry standard for measuring active is 30 days. I bet the 30 day number is higher, but even at 150k, during vanilla WoW we only expected around 450k active subscribers, and it would have been a huge success. Nostalrius is not that far off from what would have been a home run for us at the time. Of course, we ended up doing much, much more than that, but I’m talking about what we would have been thrilled with in the beginning and been very profitable.

    As you worked on WoW in the early days you will appreciate the amount of work it took to launch the game. Do you think that a petition and your support can make Blizzard change their mind? When Blizzard says “no” it usually means “no”.

    MK: Blizzard is great at ignoring a bad intersection until somebody gets run over, then they are real good at putting up traffic lights. I always used to say this at Blizzard. Blizzard has a lot of strong thinking, but they also prize making the right decision for the game in the end. If it can be shown that gamers want this, really, really want this, then I’m sure Blizzard will do what it always has and respond strongly and positively.

    I don’t know if we can change their minds with 200k petitioners and dozen of streamers who are pledging to re-stream legacy/progression servers to their millions of fans. I can only bring this to Blizzard, as a gaming ambassador of sorts, and say “Hey, you really should hear these gamers out.” But I know they would be throwing away a great opportunity to connect with their fan-base if they didn’t acknowledge it. Even if they said no, getting an official answer and response would be far more than they’ve done so far, and ultimately be great for them. Gamers will know that Blizzard is listening after all. But right now, this radio silence is killing their community and their brand. From a business perspective, surely they can appreciate that.

    Legacy servers have done well for the likes of Jagex but how much work would this actually be for Blizzard? Thinking about hardware, support, BattleNet compatibility etc. Would it even be possible now the game has moved on?

    MK: I’ve heard that legacy servers have done well for Jagex and that, like Blizzard, they initially resisted the call to do so. But in the end, it was a smart decision for them and it reinvigorated their fan base. I would take that as a good data point that says this would be a smart move on Blizzard’s part, to put up legacy or progression servers and get their older fan base back into the game. I know I would play, and my friends would play again.

    As for hardware, I’ll say this…what took hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of gear to host the original WoW servers can now be done for far less. Server hardware is so much better now, storage is so much faster now. We have VMs and cloud servers that can be spun up and down on demand. The Nostralrius servers only cost a few hundred dollars a month to run. Bandwidth is so much cheaper. The hardware is not the issue. Support is not the issue. They have more GMs now than we ever planned for or need for vanilla WoW. They have better tools than when we launched, that’s not a real issue.

    ased on say around 300K active users, what kind of infrastructure and support do you think Blizzard would need to provide? Would the cost just be too much to make it viable today?

    MK: Again, I’ll say that we were only planning on 450k subs to make vanilla World of Warcraft a great success. So 300k? definitely worthwhile. We spent tens of millions betting on 450k subs, so why wouldn’t Blizzard agree to spending a few hundred thousand to prep the code and art and infrastructure to get 300k users back? Esp since I firmly believe that this will trigger a wave of returns to the game, including getting older players to play the new stuff. That’s what WoW needs, that’s what Blizzard needs to revitalize the game. It’s a no-brainer in my mind. It’s a great deal. Its an economic deal. It’s a community building, game-revitalizing deal. My advice is to jump into it with both feet.

    Why do you think there’s a hankering to play in the old world still? Is it purely nostalgia or something else?

    MK: Part of it is nostalgia, definitely, but I think that’s simplifying and dismissing some real trends that have worked against the game. World of Warcraft players is tired of the trivialization of the game mechanics in WoW. The loss of any sense of achievement. I’ve been working with @sodapoppintv to build a list of top streamers that have pledged to come back and stream WoW again if Blizzard does legacy/progression servers. He just finished a stream where he got to level 100 in a day, and level 87 or so in just 4-6 hours. He did it to make a point. Where is the satisfaction in that? Where is the fun? It’s too late for Blizzard to radically change current WoW to recapture that, but they can bring back older versions that do satisfy that need. And that is what I think is really driving this, the combination of a) more meaningful leveling and progression mechanics and b) nostalgia for the old content and game systems.

    WoW has been steadily losing subscribers over the years so how do you think they could monetise the vanilla servers? A special pricing sub perhaps?

    MK: You don’t have to do anything fancy. Just make them available as part of the core subscription and watch the players come back. 1M, 2M…these players will not only play vanilla World of Warcraft , they will player WoD and Legion and all the new content. The knock-on effect or ripple effect would be huge. It really that simple.

    There is concern that vanilla servers would fragment the community. What’s your thoughts on that?

    MK: What community? Cross realm, flying, LFG/LFR and garrisons have already made it into a single player game. You never see anyone anymore and the people you meet are soon forgotten in your next group. Old servers had community, we worked really hard to make sure it was a social experience. Old servers would bring back community, bring back friends, and be a far “stickier” experience that will retain players longer, because social bonds are what keep people re-subbing and playing.

    What’s your take on the World of Warcraft we see today on the live servers?

    I don’t play WoW anymore, I haven’t really since WotLC and the beginning of Cat. But I can see the simplification and streamlining to reach a wider audience has cost Blizzard something. It’s cost them long term retention, put them into a content trap where the only thing worth playing is the just the latest expansion, and how that only last 3 weeks. I hear this from WoW fans everywhere I go. They all say the same thing, that they left WoW because of the way the game has been oversimplified. Now, there are millions that are playing now that do enjoy this streamlined experience, because we all have less time these days. But these veteran players, the ones who left, will only come back if the challenge is restored. Legacy/Progression servers are a good way to do that.


    - there is no way to play the original version of WoW or even TBC or WotLK versions of the mechanics. It’s like a whole new game
    - veteran MMO players want to feel that challenge again, without the automation and the hand-holding.
    - Retail level 100 in a day, and level 87 or so in just 4-6 hours. Where is the satisfaction in that? Where is the fun?
    - 2Million people…these players will not only play vanilla World of Warcraft
    - Cross realm, flying, LFG/LFR and garrisons have already made retail into a single player game
    - simplification and streamlining to reach a wider audience has cost Blizzard something

  2. #2
    Hitting the nail on the head.

  3. #3
    People think that lack of QoL features is bad.
    No, that's exactly why people are looking forward to playing Classic.

  4. #4
    Yeah, the guy is an absolute asshat and just wants some time in the spotlight or maybe a job.

    Not sure why people bother with him at all.

  5. #5
    I'm so happy that Mark is able to see through this retail vs classic groupings and just shoots it home: There is no sense of community on current retail and everything has been trivialised. Yes, some players don't have time to do it like in Vanilla, all the grinding and such, but a lot of us do and I think Blizzard will see success in this, making both camps happy. Many that were fans of vanilla have any clue about there existing private servers and have given up playing the current game, but I'm sure they will be the first to subscribe once Classic servers are launched. Blizzard needs to start sharing some details soon, while the hype is real!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Mushkins View Post
    People think that lack of QoL features is bad.
    No, that's exactly why people are looking forward to playing Classic.
    Correlation does not imply causation.
    Quote Originally Posted by kbarh View Post
    may i suggest you check out wowwiki or any similar site, it's Grom that orders the murder of Cairne

  7. #7
    There is no community in the game if YOU don't do anything about it. People have changed the last 10 years. If you want to have a community in the game, then join a guild, say hi when you enter a lfg and so on, its all up to you.

    Vanilla won't change the community one bit.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Doffen View Post
    There is no community in the game if YOU don't do anything about it. People have changed the last 10 years. If you want to have a community in the game, then join a guild, say hi when you enter a lfg and so on, its all up to you.

    Vanilla won't change the community one bit.
    Come to a private server and play for 3 days.

    First what happnes: You probably get a whisper with an invitation to a leveling guild.
    2. People link stuff they're giving away in guildchat if anyone needs before AH/vendoring (things like mats, bags, enchants)
    3. People runs dungeons constantly so it will be easy to get into the dungeons.
    4. You get lots of friends on your list because people say "this was fun, add me so we can group up later"
    5. Everywhere you run people will buff you running by. Heck, some guy traded me elixirs and health pots while I had downtime during questing.
    6. You feel like helping out, because everyone is just so fucking nice to you all the time.

    I don't find anything like this on retail. It's like singleplayer, every man for em selves. I approached retail as I did vanilla, but really quick I understod that this is not how the game is played anymore. Community feeling is gone.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Nheme View Post
    Come to a private server and play for 3 days.

    First what happnes: You probably get a whisper with an invitation to a leveling guild.
    2. People link stuff they're giving away in guildchat if anyone needs before AH/vendoring (things like mats, bags, enchants)
    3. People runs dungeons constantly so it will be easy to get into the dungeons.
    4. You get lots of friends on your list because people say "this was fun, add me so we can group up later"
    5. Everywhere you run people will buff you running by. Heck, some guy traded me elixirs and health pots while I had downtime during questing.
    6. You feel like helping out, because everyone is just so fucking nice to you all the time.

    I don't find anything like this on retail. It's like singleplayer, every man for em selves. I approached retail as I did vanilla, but really quick I understod that this is not how the game is played anymore. Community feeling is gone.
    The whole list you just wrote is what I experience in the game right now. It's all about what you make out of it. There are really nice people in current game, blizz sums it all up nicely in their loading screen "When interacting with other players a little kindness goes a long way!"

    I remember doing those long Maraudon-runs with some people I used to play with back then. That was indeed fun and we were all new to the game. But I did the same in TBC, in WotLK and all the way till Legion.

    People have actually changed alot the 10 last years. Both in games and in real life relations. Classic server won't change that.

    I am all for the Classic experience for people who loved the game back then, I truly am, so not saying this to be edgy But I think the community in Classic won't be like it used to be. If I'm wrong, I'm happy for those people.

  10. #10
    What community? Cross realm, flying, LFG/LFR and garrisons have already made it into a single player game.
    Exactly what WoW is now. Sit in a que, do your chores, log off.

  11. #11
    The Lightbringer DesoPL's Avatar
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    He allowed to ruin Firefall and he dares talk about WoW classic? Good i lost intrest on his Em8er thing...

  12. #12
    Pretty sure we already had this discussion, over a year and a half ago, when that article was originally posted. But thanks for posting it again, so we can all re-live the awesome nostalgia of having this conversation one more time.

  13. #13
    He sounds jaded. Maybe he's sad he doesn't work at Blizz anymore?

    Also every time Nost comes up in Classic server numbers, every Vanilla fan fails to mention that Blizz's Classic is very unlikely to be free.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Bambs View Post
    He sounds jaded. Maybe he's sad he doesn't work at Blizz anymore?

    Also every time Nost comes up in Classic server numbers, every Vanilla fan fails to mention that Blizz's Classic is very unlikely to be free.
    Well who wouldn't be jaded after leaving and making a failure of an MMO that had a completely retarded advertising campaign?

  15. #15
    But I can see the simplification and streamlining to reach a wider audience has cost Blizzard something. It’s cost them long term retention, put them into a content trap where the only thing worth playing is the just the latest expansion, and how that only last 3 weeks.
    10 million subscribers at the start of each expansion and 3-4 mil by the end of those who think that mount/transmog farming is the real content.

  16. #16
    People need to stop interviewing Mark Kern. He’s a laughing stock of the industry and the last person the Vanilla movement should be associated with. He’s latched onto this issue like an attention craving tick. Just yuck.

  17. #17

    Can't wait!

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Well who wouldn't be jaded after leaving and making a failure of an MMO that had a completely retarded advertising campaign?
    Oh yeah, now I remember who this is

    I thought it was some new stuff after the Classic announcement?

  19. #19
    Stood in the Fire Dentelan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doffen View Post
    There is no community in the game if YOU don't do anything about it. People have changed the last 10 years. If you want to have a community in the game, then join a guild, say hi when you enter a lfg and so on, its all up to you.

    Vanilla won't change the community one bit.
    The difference is that in vanilla you wont succes as a player alone, while in retail you can do it.
    It is not necessary to be part of community in retail, in vanilla - it is.
    Social being determines consciousness.
    Last edited by Dentelan; 2017-11-13 at 10:21 AM.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Dentelan View Post
    The difference is that in vanilla you wont succes as a player alone, while in retail you can do it.
    It is not necessary to be part of community in retail, in vanilla - it is.
    So holding a gun to your head and forcing you to be my friend is what people want?

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