1. #1681
    Nova 9/11 some 10 minutes ago

  2. #1682
    release mythic first, and then heroic/normal in three weeks or as soon as mythic is cleared somewhere in the world

  3. #1683
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Not in Europe Anymore Yay
    It was nice to watch some US kill videos. Love their accents.

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzylogic111 View Post
    release mythic first, and then heroic/normal in three weeks or as soon as mythic is cleared somewhere in the world
    Or just make it so you can't run Mythic if you've already run it on an easier difficulty for the week.

  4. #1684
    Or let people play the amount of time they want?

  5. #1685
    Quote Originally Posted by Jastall View Post
    Because there is no solution that ''fixes'' split raiding (as if it was a big problem to begin with) and doesn't fuck over a lot of players in the process.
    I think every solution that trys to limit things isn't going to work.

    Split runs are there to get the maximum available loot before tackling mythic bosses first time. Just give it to them. I suggest a new achievement "way ahead of the curve" (clearing HC raid before opening of mythic in a guild group) that enables a new heirloom tab with every HC loot of the raid for 2 weeks (ilvl may be udjusted to tuning of mythic). Heirlooms are accountwide so just go in there with 30 players clear the place and have any of your Alts geared. The heirlooms then just vanish after two weeks.

  6. #1686
    Quote Originally Posted by Cracked View Post
    I'm not so sure about this. Many many guilds run splits, but where is it still considered fun and where does it cause you to burn out? I'd say 3 or even 4 splits are ok, and won't cause too much grief to casuals unless the requirements for beating the instance are exceedingly high. There is obviously a fun factor involved in seeing your character pimped out in 1 week. It would be interesting to see a statistic of how many guilds run how many splits, we know that top guilds are currently sitting at 7, and I know several guilds in the top 100 that do 3-4, but then also several guilds in the top 100-500 who also run 3-4 splits.
    That's still a significant minority though right? I'm definitely not saying they don't matter because they clearly do, but I don't think Blizzard would consider any change that would negatively affect the lower tier guilds when they try to tackle split runs, or if it's even something that they consider necessary.

    I'm just rambling a little, I'm not a game designer and maybe Blizzard can solve it in a way that doesn't impact the experience of other players.

    I just don't really think Blizzard sees as much of a problem here.

  7. #1687
    If people want to make the race "longer", they just need to get rid of Titanforging.

    But I'm still curious why people care so much about how many split runs and how fast the top guilds clear content. I mean, those guilds are made just for that, clearing the stuff as fast as they can.

  8. #1688
    Quote Originally Posted by Woobels View Post
    That's still a significant minority though right? I'm definitely not saying they don't matter because they clearly do, but I don't think Blizzard would consider any change that would negatively affect the lower tier guilds when they try to tackle split runs, or if it's even something that they consider necessary.

    I'm just rambling a little, I'm not a game designer and maybe Blizzard can solve it in a way that doesn't impact the experience of other players.

    I just don't really think Blizzard sees as much of a problem here.
    Is it insignificant? I'm pretty sure that if you remove everyone in the top 500 guilds, you would be removing a very big majority of your most loyal fans. That's not a group you want to alienate. It may not be the group that pays the bills, but ignoring it would be very shortsighted, it's the group that makes this game relevant, creates external content, etc.

  9. #1689
    so what's the deal with mythic aggramar adds? you have to kill the big ones before handling the small ones?

  10. #1690
    For all those "we could also be there if blizzard payed us to play". Why would blizzard pay guilds for the race when:

    1. Everything happens behind the doors because everyone is afraid of others guilds using their tactics. We have absolutely no idea what kind of progress is being made, only thing we see is killshots or maybe some random twitter posts how some boss is bugged or hard.
    2. The amount of shit happening against the TOS that blizzard allows players to do since they are not monitoring it. Character swapping between accounts etc.

    Blizzard would gain absolutely nothing for paying the top guilds for the race since the whole thing is so fucking shady. Players could actually get payed to play if they played at top level and streamed that shit for viewers and get sponsors for it. Method would be swimming in money if they started to stream their progress on Argus. But they cant do that for the aforementioned reasons.

  11. #1691
    Quote Originally Posted by RoKPaNda View Post
    It was nice to watch some US kill videos. Love their accents.

    Or just make it so you can't run Mythic if you've already run it on an easier difficulty for the week.
    Most suggestions are a variation of creating really heavy handed restrictions on all raiding. The reality is that normal and heroic in their current format work really well for their audience and messing with that would be a disaster. My solution is simply the logical conclusion of the same reasoning for LFR having a delayed release. Put content out first in it's hardest form and later in easier difficulties. Cutting edge guilds will have a vastly improved experience with much less farming and much more progression, the fights themselves could be tuned more reliably with the interaction of titanforge and split raiding being largely eliminated, and the sacrifice of the majority would be minimal. They would get the same game they expect but just a little later.

  12. #1692
    Quote Originally Posted by Twdft View Post
    I think every solution that trys to limit things isn't going to work.

    Split runs are there to get the maximum available loot before tackling mythic bosses first time. Just give it to them. I suggest a new achievement "way ahead of the curve" (clearing HC raid before opening of mythic in a guild group) that enables a new heirloom tab with every HC loot of the raid for 2 weeks (ilvl may be udjusted to tuning of mythic). Heirlooms are accountwide so just go in there with 30 players clear the place and have any of your Alts geared. The heirlooms then just vanish after two weeks.
    That just gives even more of an edge to the guilds who progress the most during said first two weeks. So semi-hardcore Mythic guilds who usually do things at their own pace (and definitely can get AOTC week 1) are now pressured to play as much as possible while they have two weeks of free BiS loot and things are easier; then bam, their progression resets afterwards.

    Leave split running as it is. I don't care if the race take 5 instead of 8 days, and I don't care that people in Method and such split like madmen for 2-3 weeks then go back to normal raiding hours for months on end. It is not an issue and it does not deserve changing game systems.

  13. #1693
    Quote Originally Posted by Kuruption View Post
    If people want to make the race "longer", they just need to get rid of Titanforging.
    The race is already balanced around war/titanforging. They don't assume all your gear is non-forged.
    You're not allowed to discuss conspiracy theories on mmo-champion, which makes me wonder what they're trying to hide.

  14. #1694
    Quote Originally Posted by Onikaroshi View Post
    No use arguing about this, they've already confirmed they're keeping it, though looking at lowering the rate.
    Sure there is, it remains a terrible idea. It doesn't actually retain players.

    Quote Originally Posted by Onikaroshi View Post
    Could potentially work, but would increase ilvl gaps and ilvl over the course of the expansion overall, probably would mess something up eventually
    I don't think this causes any problems. They've made mobs scale based on ilvl specifically to deal with an issue this massive inflation was causing. People were 1-shotting fodder mobs in the world with relatively low ilvls, and new zones if they were to be challenging for most players they would be impossible for fresh cap characters working their way through the story. If they plan to continue with this scaling tech, this shouldn't cause any concern. It'll also require fewer re-tunings of M+ going forward.

    Quote Originally Posted by Onikaroshi View Post
    This could definitely help limit them, really no reason i can think of NOT to release them together
    Yeah I think the very minimum thing they could do is stop the staggered release. It wouldn't stop splits during the mythic week, but it would cost progression time. If they want progression to take 1-2 weeks, it'd still be worth it to do splits, but I think combined with some other minor changes (like reducing the ilvl growth tier over tier or massively limiting how WF works for raid gear) would make them hardly worth doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Onikaroshi View Post
    this however would hurt the majority of mythic guilds who kill 5-7 mythic bosses and then start heroic when they hit a wall, that's 5-7 less bosses to loot without doing splits and really doesn't help all that much.
    Well no, they get partial mythic loot and partial heroic loot. It doesn't have to work the way it currently does where guilds are going in with gear levels that can down almost every boss. If the last few bosses are tuned to be quite difficult in heroic gear, the first guilds that get there will be dealing with something quite hard and be undergeared to boot. The stragglers at world 10+ will have another week or two of gear, making it a bit easier, and the typical guilds at world 50+ will be in full mythic, which is a substantial effective nerf.

    As it works today, most guilds just do a single heroic clear before the mythic week, then a heroic clear each week until they no longer need gear (or indefinitely because TF). Since the top guilds that are clearing bosses with difficulty already have full heroic gear with 5-7 splits, and maybe more splits in the first mythic week, normal guilds are already months behind on the first week of mythic. I'd much rather a world where you work to get gear above what the guilds that first downed content needed right away.

  15. #1695
    Future kill Varimathras for 8/11, gap is closing


  16. #1696
    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzylogic111 View Post
    release mythic first, and then heroic/normal in three weeks or as soon as mythic is cleared somewhere in the world
    "Let's delay the raid for the 99% to solve an issues for the .5%"

  17. #1697
    Quote Originally Posted by Onikaroshi View Post
    "Let's delay the raid for the 99% to solve an issues for the .5%"
    I'm compelled to ask what the other 0.5% are doing.
    Did you think we had forgotten? Did you think we had forgiven? Behold, now, the terrible vengeance of the Forsaken!

  18. #1698
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimson View Post
    I'm compelled to ask what the other 0.5% are doing.
    Pet battles

  19. #1699
    Quote Originally Posted by Onikaroshi View Post
    "Let's delay the raid for the 99% to solve an issues for the .5%"
    I'm not even saying its a realistic change. Just compare it to any other suggestion made and its way less of an impact on the majority.

    Obviously this is all wishful thinking in the end.

  20. #1700
    remove gear

    there you go splits fixed

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