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  1. #121
    Out of the four, cloth seems the most appealing, leather and mail are decent, and plate seems like there was more effort put into resolution of the armor than any actual creativity.

    Thankfully this is just the Pre-Raid to the better stuff but still expected a bit better blizz.

  2. #122
    ugliest shit you've ever seen!

  3. #123
    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    and the armor in highmaul was literally the same as the armor from blackrock foundry.
    I mean, it was the same tier- but iirc you couldn't complete the set in Highmaul- You'd get head, chest, feet of one set, gloves and legs of another and waists were from yet another. The items that dropped in Highmaul also had the worst stats and distribution and a lower item level than BRF.

    These just look bad.

  4. #124
    Yeh no thanks. My paladin won't want this. I guess I'll just use challenge mode/Red tier 20.. When I play Paladin I want light to be shining off of me from my armor.. not this dull clay shit. Why can't we just have titan themed paladin set with origniation disks and light everywhere and stuff, blood god warlock set, blood mage set (sort of like the heart of fear set in MoP), Skulls in troll theme and blood swirling around for dk, Titan keeper warrior set, etc... You can have sets based on the raid/dungeon that are still based on the class. You just have to spend more than 5 seconds linking them together. It's not that hard. How does that cloth set fit on a warlock? When I play a class, my class should be wearing armor that fits the fantasy of that class.

    I think the problem with armor sets is that the artists come up with really cool concept art and so they get approved, but with the engine and how it actually works in the game it just becomes shit/simplified.
    Last edited by GreenJesus; 2018-09-03 at 12:27 AM.

  5. #125
    Looks like I might be able to make a mog with a piece here or there.. but for the most part forgettable. Clearly the whole making of new armor is going to the way side and just having old mogs is being the thing going forward.

  6. #126
    its sad to see raid tier this shit from blizz.

  7. #127
    Why does cloth armor look like it should be plate?

  8. #128
    Yikes, these aren't very good.

  9. #129
    Scarab Lord Triggered Fridgekin's Avatar
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    This is why transmog is great.
    A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.

  10. #130
    People seem to forget that this is the first raid, not the first tier (yes I know no tier sets). This is the equivalent of EN, no need to get your panties in a knot yet.

  11. #131
    EN had the same tier as Nighthold. >_>

  12. #132
    Hideous and lazy. But for a first raid tier I guess it's ok, they need to save money.

  13. #133
    Why do you guys keep saying first raid tier doesn't get tier sets?

    Vanilla - MC had T1
    TBC - Karazhan, Gruul, Magtheridon all had t4
    WotLK - Naxx had T6
    Cata - Blackrock and Twilight had T11

    Its only been recently when Blizzard stopped putting in effort and started gating stuff due to low effort that we stopped seeing them

  14. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by Shambulanced View Post
    Leather and mail look particularly like garbage.

    Also remember how Ion said in the Q&A that it wouldn't be a reduction in armor art per tier?
    And remember how Lore made him clarify, 3 times, that it would be one set (plus mythic flair) per armor type?

    Yeah. That math added up. Glad they took the extra time/resources and invested it in clearly superior art... /s
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    "Armor set number" Comparisons are a pain in the ass because of how armor gets thrown around everywhere, recolored, reused in various places, and the existence of random pieces that aren't parts of sets, but at a rough glance looking at their respective launches (ignoring Crafting which I assume is the same):

    Tier 19: 12 (EN/NH)
    PvP: 12
    Questing: 8 (there's a lower level set and an upper level set, the upper level is also used for dungeons and WQs)
    Demon Hunters: 2 (a green initial set and blue "upgrade" set)

    Uldir+Azshara: 8 (4 for each raid of the first tier)
    Questing: 8 (4 on KT, 4 on Zand)
    Dungeon: 8 (4 on KT, 4 on Zand)
    Warfronts: 8 (4 Alliance, 4 Horde)
    Allied Races: 4 (Mag'har, Dark Iron, Zandalari, Kul Tirans)

    So basically exactly what they said, they stepped away from Tier sets and wanted to focus more on sets that match where the armor is coming from. The upper and lower questing sets became KT and Zandalari sets, and PvP/Raid tier lost 8 sets total, that became 8 dungeon sets based on their respective locales--with the rest of those becoming the raid sets and warfront sets.
    36 vs 32, not including the 4 island expedition sets.

  15. #135
    Why do people continuously make excuses for Blizzard? This is a massive company whose game has had massive successes. The game is still extremely profitable and thriving.

    In their current state azerite armor, island expeditions, follower missions and these raid sets are not up to the quality I've come to expect from Blizzard and we as players deserve better.
    Last edited by Treydor; 2018-09-03 at 12:48 AM.

  16. #136
    Quote Originally Posted by Azikt View Post
    Players, they would complain it was the wrong supermodel going down on them.
    Bro, this is retarded. Do you not see how bland these armors are? Fuck that.

  17. #137
    Scarab Lord Crackleslap's Avatar
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    They get rid of tier sets the least they could do is make these ones amazing and yet we get this dumpster fire. Keeping my female dwarf slut mog i guess.

  18. #138
    Quote Originally Posted by Sammonoske View Post
    Transmog isn't an excuse. Come up with a better answer.
    No but
    1. people crying about "this set is shit fuck off blizz" there will be "bad" sets every so often, what you find bad lots of people will find great.
    2. and people comparing it to old places.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Mercane View Post
    I mean, it was the same tier- but iirc you couldn't complete the set in Highmaul- You'd get head, chest, feet of one set, gloves and legs of another and waists were from yet another. The items that dropped in Highmaul also had the worst stats and distribution and a lower item level than BRF.

    These just look bad.
    Subjective, i know alot of people very excited by the simplistic titan look.

    also you literally just said highmaul did not have a unique set, but here we are where uldir does.

  19. #139
    remarkable. they manage to make all four look bad. least maybe you can do something with the mail pieces without the helm/shoulder? Maybe a few pieces from the other sets as well


  20. #140
    The Unstoppable Force Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blankfaced View Post
    The cloth and plate sets look creepy with those emotionless faces. And won't all the people playing those classes just look the same with their faces covered like that? Like an army of lifeless clay.
    The emotionless faces is what I really like about the sets masks like that always seems pretty cool.

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