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  1. #141
    Quote Originally Posted by AeneasBK View Post
    I feel this is better design than the "hub" style of getting to a town or village and finding everyone stood outside their house in a nice semicricle waiting to give you quests. To each their own
    Don't get me wrong.
    I also like the discovering part of finding quests around the world. But i don't like it if you have to revisit everything every couple of Levels to see if another quest popped up for your Level.

  2. #142
    The Patient Meow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bzuala View Post
    Because Quest Helper feature is the one of the best thing , which was added to World of Warcraft .
    btw . classic wow is not good expansion, i hope there will be TBC one, i love it.
    Classic is not an expansion.

  3. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by Ruchia View Post
    A question towards all those people playing classic and basically using Joanna's guide or questie or something along the lines of sheer content burning mods.


    I came back to classic to enjoy the vastness of a world, hang out in chat, level up and do some raiding, PvP. Now I notice blizzard already backing down on earlier statements by releasing dire maul earlier.

    Why would you play this game the retail way ? I thought the point was to not treat it like retail. Aren't you denying yourself a more authentic experience ?
    why do you even care??? do what you want and let others do what they want! "denying yourself a more authentic experience" .... what a bunch of bullcrap. you have no idea how I played during vanilla. I have my authentic experience, you have yours.

  4. #144
    I like questie cause it shows alternate areas where I can quest

  5. #145
    Why do I use questie?

    Because I enjoy being happy.

    And seriously, "the retail way"? What a guy. Even since early vanilla and esp. in tbc most people used quest trackers.
    <Progress> - Firemaw EU

  6. #146
    I only use it to make sure I don't miss any quests in a zone.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex86el View Post
    "Orc want, orc take." and "Orc dissagrees, orc kill you to win argument."
    Quote Originally Posted by Toho View Post
    The Horde is basically the guy that gets mad that the guy that they just beat the crap out of had the audacity to bleed on them.
    Why no, people don't just like Sylvie for T&A:

  7. #147
    Quote Originally Posted by Ruchia View Post
    A question towards all those people playing classic and basically using Joanna's guide or questie or something along the lines of sheer content burning mods.


    I came back to classic to enjoy the vastness of a world, hang out in chat, level up and do some raiding, PvP. Now I notice blizzard already backing down on earlier statements by releasing dire maul earlier.

    Why would you play this game the retail way ? I thought the point was to not treat it like retail. Aren't you denying yourself a more authentic experience ?
    Because how else are you going to beat people and prove you are the most competitive person? it's all about epeen and showing the others that you're the fastest, biggest and meanest online champ there is, everyone else is a scrub and you're the bestest doggo so all the pats and attention should go to you!

    I know it's meant to be sarcasm but it's sadly true, welcome to the reality we live in.

  8. #148
    Scarab Lord
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    They're looking for a game experience and not a chat experience. Simpel. Also most have probably already done it all multiple times and don't want to forget or skip anything.
    If you knew the candle was fire then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

  9. #149
    Herald of the Titans
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    I played classic back in the day and there is nothing I need to explore. I just want to do my quests with a minimum of wandering around.
    I'm a crazy taco.

  10. #150
    Alt-tabbing is a waste of time and ruins immersion.

  11. #151
    Because while it is fun to read quest text, after 50 or 100 quests it gets a bit stale to read "go northwest from here somewhere blabla".

  12. #152
    Following the logic of the OP, I guess I now have to sniff glue and effectively halve my IQ whenever I want to play original NES games as I played them first when I was in elementary school and I'd hate for something inconvenient as an intellect to interfere with my nostalgia.

  13. #153
    Quote Originally Posted by Ruchia View Post
    A question towards all those people playing classic and basically using Joanna's guide or questie or something along the lines of sheer content burning mods.


    I came back to classic to enjoy the vastness of a world, hang out in chat, level up and do some raiding, PvP. Now I notice blizzard already backing down on earlier statements by releasing dire maul earlier.

    Why would you play this game the retail way ? I thought the point was to not treat it like retail. Aren't you denying yourself a more authentic experience ?
    Why do you care?
    But quests sucked hard back in vanilla and they still do. The game always started at max level and still does.

  14. #154
    I did the 1-60 blind runs twice 15 years ago. Once on horde (first character) once on alliance (second character). My first character, it took me a long time to get to 60. I want to say close to 6 months. First MMO, stupid 14 year old, etc. My second character was a little bit better, but not much.

    I'm playing now for dungeons, professions, pvp (when it comes out) and contributing to a guild (farming)

    I don't need the leveling process to be more convoluted then I need it to be when I have other things I want to do.

    PS - Comparing the use of Questie to being equal to retail WoW. That is either a clever troll to get a response out of people. Or you are generally incapable of doing a just comparison.
    Last edited by Potatowizard; 2019-10-11 at 04:14 PM.

  15. #155
    Quote Originally Posted by Ruchia View Post
    A question towards all those people playing classic and basically using Joanna's guide or questie or something along the lines of sheer content burning mods.


    I came back to classic to enjoy the vastness of a world, hang out in chat, level up and do some raiding, PvP. Now I notice blizzard already backing down on earlier statements by releasing dire maul earlier.

    Why would you play this game the retail way ? I thought the point was to not treat it like retail. Aren't you denying yourself a more authentic experience ?
    I've heard this sentiment expressed, and I find it silly. Don't use it if you don't want to. It doesn't harm you in any way.

    As for why I use it, I've leveled at least 4 characters to 60 in actual vanilla. I don't really need to "experience" it again, and questie isn't exactly speeding it up a whole lot, I'm level 57.

    Where it really shines is in the shit you couldn't possibly know about. It told me to buy a Mithril casing before going to Un'Goro, for example. Otherwise, you'd go there, get deep into a gorilla cave, and realize "oh shit I need to go back to a city and buy this thing and then come all the way back to Un'Goro and fight through the cave again to complete these quests". If that's more immersive for you, by all means, go for it.

    It's also can help out when quest mobs are hard to find or camped. I needed to kill some Slavering Ghouls in WP. But hey, the Light's Hope Chapel area was camped by AOE scumbags. Normally I'd fear bomb them to grief the mages, but undead are immune =( Fortunately, Questie saved us both some time by letting me know that hey, there are also Slavering Ghouls up north in the Felstone Field. Thanks Questie.
    Last edited by phattsao; 2019-10-11 at 04:25 PM.

  16. #156
    High Overlord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruchia View Post
    Not saying they weren't. But the level of professionalism of those mods were really not of the same quality
    They really were. Because I was there. But you do you, honey.
    Last edited by Nixiuz; 2019-10-11 at 07:34 PM.

  17. #157
    Because I've done the quests for 15 years already...
    just get me to 60. FAST.

  18. #158
    Herald of the Titans Will's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dekkers View Post
    Because I've done the quests for 15 years already...
    just get me to 60. FAST.
    If you've done the quests for 15 years, why do you even need an addon?
    if your goal is to get to 60 fast, why on earth are you questing instead of zerging dungeons?

  19. #159
    Pit Lord Mrbleedinggums's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruchia View Post
    A question towards all those people playing classic and basically using Joanna's guide or questie or something along the lines of sheer content burning mods.


    I came back to classic to enjoy the vastness of a world, hang out in chat, level up and do some raiding, PvP. Now I notice blizzard already backing down on earlier statements by releasing dire maul earlier.

    Why would you play this game the retail way ? I thought the point was to not treat it like retail. Aren't you denying yourself a more authentic experience ?
    Because Classic is built upon a shit system when it has no QoL that made the game bearable to play. Also, don't pretend like nobody looked up every quest or just followed a guide eventually. That's like saying nobody looked up what talents were actually worth going for and made into cookie cutter specs. (Warlock is literally only SM/Ruin or DS/Ruin, DS/Ruin being the go-to build for every lock except maybe 1 that is allowed to use corruption as the 1 of 16 debuff slots on raid bosses.)

    Having the knowledge and ease of access that people do now to be able to know where to farm recipes like Enchant Weapon: Crusader or which quests to avoid, what bosses to farm, and how to quickly get attuned is just a given since it's only a re-release. A sizeable number of people wanted Classic+ but they couldn't decide amongst themselves what the + should have been, so that along with those screaming "#NOCHANGES" made Blizzard decide to just give the base version minus some exploits or bugs that were available back then.

    but I mean, if you wanted a truly authentic experience you would call your ISP and tell them to roll back your internet to a broadband modem of ~800 kb/s to go with your PowerMac G5 so why are you denying yourself an authentic experience OP? Stop playing it like retail.
    "Why of course the people don't want war…. But, after all… it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

  20. #160
    Cause i did look like a headless chicken back in classic trying to solve the mystery of each quest area and where to find the items i needed,dont want to go through that again.

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