1. #37881
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    United Airlines is probably not alone in getting out in front of the problem, by which I mean, announcing publicly their plan to take the bailout money but still lay people off.

    I don't even care if they're being perfectly innocently honest or money-grubbing fuckwits. The fact that anyone's saying this is alarming. $2.2 trillion is a massive amount of money, and people are saying "that's not enough" even before the ink is dry.

  2. #37882
    Quote Originally Posted by Acidbaron View Post
    Within a week or at most two, everything but Fox news will be fake news by his standard and only they will attend white house pressers.
    Fox has already fallen into "FAKE NEWS" territory repeatedly. He likes Hannity and Dobbs and a few others, but he's no longer blindly in love with Fox.

    I think his favorite now is One America News Network, which is basically Fox if every news show was hosted by Hannity and his bunch of loonies.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    United Airlines is probably not alone in getting out in front of the problem, by which I mean, announcing publicly their plan to take the bailout money but still lay people off.

    I don't even care if they're being perfectly innocently honest or money-grubbing fuckwits. The fact that anyone's saying this is alarming. $2.2 trillion is a massive amount of money, and people are saying "that's not enough" even before the ink is dry.
    If only companies had some cash reserves to see them through hard times. Something like a "rainy day" fund...something that maybe they could have been saving for with some kind of tax cut that would leave them with more quarterly profits due to a reduced tax burden.

    That would be a neat concept, eh?

  3. #37883

    There are 2 more tweets in that thread

    hmm, what happens now? Senate is not in session anymore to override the vetos? I don't understand what exactly will happen now tbh. Any American can enlighten me?

    Can he even veto single items? He can't, right?

  4. #37884
    Quote Originally Posted by Inuyaki View Post

    There are 2 more tweets in that thread

    hmm, what happens now? Senate is not in session anymore to override the vetos? I don't understand what exactly will happen now tbh. Any American can enlighten me?

    Can he even veto single items? He can't, right?
    Signing statements allow him some level of power to do this, yes. I'm not sure the legality of all these moves specifically, but they do allow the president the ability to make limited alterations to legislation that pass their disk.

    This is another thing that I doubt anyone expected presidents to abuse that Trump seems more than happy to abuse.

  5. #37885
    Quote Originally Posted by Orbitus View Post
    LOL, he just called Murdoch's newspaper, the Wallstreet Journal, fake news. Wonder how Murdoch is going to respond to that.
    He's called Fox News fake news too, especially their polling because it's never favorable to him. 99% of Fox is favorable to him, but when it isn't, it's fake news. Especially when that Shepperd guy used to work there.

  6. #37886
    Quote Originally Posted by Dacien View Post
    AOC out there doing her best "Look at me I'm still important don't forget me" act on the House floor.


    I'd post this in the "Democrat Sh*tshow thread", but we don't have that, so it's going here.
    So you admit to posting off topic while complaining that someone is actually doing their job. What's the point of this post again?

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  7. #37887
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Signing statements allow him some level of power to do this, yes. I'm not sure the legality of all these moves specifically, but they do allow the president the ability to make limited alterations to legislation that pass their disk.

    This is another thing that I doubt anyone expected presidents to abuse that Trump seems more than happy to abuse.
    House and Senate do not have to reconfirm?

    I mean the stuff he wants to change is obviously an important part for the Dems

  8. #37888
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inuyaki View Post
    I don't understand what exactly will happen now tbh
    Trump didn't use the word "veto". He can't. The US has no line-item veto.

    He just said "I see this law, I sign this law, I'm just not going to follow it." Trump considers himself without oversight, and even though the restrictions were a major part of the Democrats getting on board, he's going to ignore those restrictions and do what he wants anyhow in direct violation of the law he signed in public.

    EDIT: Remember, the issue is this IG role going to Team Trump and asking for information like "how are you spending this money", Team Trump refusing to answer, and now, Trump wants to block this IG from telling Congress that he asked Team Trump for information, and was blocked. Although, quite frankly, the IG could probably do it anyhow.

    EDIT EDIT OH GOD INCEPTION: I misread, the IG is in the Treasury. So, Congress is asking for info, Team Trump is just refusing to answer, even though he signed the law saying he had to.
    Last edited by Breccia; 2020-03-27 at 11:26 PM.

  9. #37889
    Quote Originally Posted by Inuyaki View Post
    House and Senate do not have to reconfirm?

    I mean the stuff he wants to change is obviously an important part for the Dems

    Nope. This is a more recent thing, at least in terms of it changing bills in various ways, but it's still not a power expressly restricted.

    What we've discovered under this administration is actually how few constraints there are on the executive branch. Almost every time people have asked, "But...can he even DO that?" the answer is usually "Yes, because there is no law specifically restricting that."

    Which has rarely been a major issue as presidents have abided by rules and norms and not sought to abuse and exploit the powers of the presidency. It's part of the fantastic civics lesson for all of us that is this administration.

  10. #37890
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    So you admit to posting off topic while complaining that someone is actually doing their job. What's the point of this post again?
    They're getting so desperate to convince, or at least distract... I really don't know who... from realizing Trump's complete and utter mishandling of the situation that they'll post random disparaging nonsense pointed at the democrats in an attempt to... I guess make them look worse so that Trump appears better?

    It's sad at this point. And then they don't even stick around to even attempt to defend their nonsense.

    But it's a valuable insight into their mind. They just ignore what Trump does... wholesale. They've tuned themselves to react and engage only to things the democrats do.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  11. #37891
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Trump considers himself without oversight,
    To be fair, the Senate did vote earlier this year that he's without oversight apparently.

  12. #37892

    And nobody wants the fucking country "open by Easter". It's one of the rare moments Americans can come together on a bipartisan basis to agree that yes, Trumps idea is fucking dumb as shit.

  13. #37893
    Quote Originally Posted by Inuyaki View Post

    There are 2 more tweets in that thread

    hmm, what happens now? Senate is not in session anymore to override the vetos? I don't understand what exactly will happen now tbh. Any American can enlighten me?

    Can he even veto single items? He can't, right?
    Technically no, but when has a little thing like the law ever stopped him from doing whatever he wants.

  14. #37894
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    So, remember how the Trump administration said the reason they didn't take test kits was because they were unreliable?

    Well, they're pretty much wrong from top to bottom.

    The study they cite was from China and was focused on test kits produced there.

    The kits that the US rejected were produced in Germany.

    The study also didn't look at the performance of the test, but rather to testing on a-symptomatic individuals.

    And it was retracted within days of publishing it.

    TLDR: The administrations story on why they turned down test kits is still bad.
    I'd like to slightly weigh in on this. Just some fun trivia.

    The first set of these 'German-engineered tests' were the ones developed by Dr. Dorsten and his team at the Berliner Charité. And they actually have a downside. *GASP*

    They test for certain markers that are produced in the natural incubation and procreation process of SARS-CoV2 viruses. These markers are also found in the 'remains' of other strands of decaying Coronaviruses. So in theory, the test can give you a false positive for Covid-19. WHAT? GERMANS LIED TO US? Not so fast.

    This 'fact' has been repeated by many conspiracy theorists all over German social media in the past few weeks. And, from a technical standpoint, I don't think Dr. Dorsten should have neglected to mention this. But, before we all get angry at ze germans:

    A fact neglected to mention by all these conspiracy theories is that the other strains of Corona this test would give you a positive for have never been proven to infect Homo Sapiens. So any reasonable person would understand that, while the test technically doesn't test exclusively for Covid-19, as long as you only apply it to humans, and not Pangolins and several species of Bat, it's accurate.

    I assume Trump read this report and filtered the term 'false positive' out as a bottom line to take away from it.

  15. #37895
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skulltaker View Post
    I assume Trump read this report...
    Whoa, whoa, whoa... let me stop you right there.

    How big was the font, did it fit on one page, and did it have pictures?


    EDIT: And did someone remember to take away his sharpie?
    Last edited by PhaelixWW; 2020-03-27 at 11:45 PM.
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

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  16. #37896
    I have a feeling Trump is going to manage to funnel millions, if not billions of this stimulus to himself and friends in exchange for favors/debt payoff.

  17. #37897

  18. #37898
    Donald J. Trump, president of the United States, protector to its people, but apparently only to those who sucks his shroomy dingus.

  19. #37899
    Scarab Lord Zaydin's Avatar
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    Fuck Trump and fuck anyone who supports him. Hillary was too nice when she called half of his supporters deplorable.

    One of the most important responsibilities that comes with the office of President of the United States is to calm the nation during a time of crisis. Trump is failing miserably and his cult is busy insisting Emperor Trump is doing great as Rome burns down around them while he plays a violin on a balcony above them.
    Last edited by Zaydin; 2020-03-28 at 02:22 AM.
    "If you are ever asking yourself 'Is Trump lying or is he stupid?', the answer is most likely C: All of the Above" - Seth Meyers

  20. #37900
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blur4stuff View Post
    I have a feeling Trump is going to manage to funnel millions, if not billions of this stimulus to himself and friends in exchange for favors/debt payoff.
    The bill specifically says Trump, Pence, and Congress can't profit. If they try to work around it, I hope they're caught.

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