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  1. #401
    I'd like them to:

    1: Make interesting content that isn't necessarily tied to the story / expansion, and for the love of god, don't make me feel forced to do it by tacking on incredibly important power gains.

    2: Take advantage of their genre just once, and make content that can be expanded expansion to expansion. The Torghast system could have been this, but since it's tied to Shadowlands, and not received well, it's over and done. Could have been a system that was expanded upon patch to patch, or expansion to expansion, with new powers, floors, bosses, challenges and cosmetic rewards. But why take advantage of an ever evolving game?

  2. #402
    I'll eventually come back to the game on my own.

    I quit because I wasn't happy with the lack of viability of Destruction and I was also going through some burnout. I've actually stopped playing all video games.

    Last time I took an extended break from WoW, it lasted nearly 3 years, I am uncertain how long this one will last.

  3. #403

  4. #404
    Tom Chilton takes over as game director again and undoes the work of Ion Hazzikostas. World quests are gone, MoP style reputation storylines come back. Mission table is gone. Artifacts/Azerite Power/Covenants are thrown out. No more endless chores. Stop with the wanking over raids that only a small percentage of the playerbase does and actually give casuals the casual content they want. Metzen takes over as the lead story creative. Jeremy Soule comes back to compose music and Russell Brower becomes more involved in the soundtrack of the game again. Implement FFXIV's controller support (which Yoshi-P graciously did not patent in the hopes that other MMOs would use it).

  5. #405
    Never going to happen, but:

    - Delete all store mounts

    - Remove all timegating

    -flying at launch

    - Tier sets and legendaries, remove all other borrowed power systems.

    - Legendaries/ soul ash equivalent currency drops from raids, dungeons, PvP, and world content.

    - Torghast needs to be optional, challenging, and have far more cosmetic rewards.

    - There needs to be more content. More than 8 dungeons at launch, more than 5 zones, and more than 1 raid. We had more content in the past, and it was more frequent, so this shouldn’t be a big ask.

    Overall, less development time spent on systems players hate (Covenants, Torghast, Islands, Warfronts) and more development on systems players enjoy (raids, dungeons, PvP, world content).

  6. #406
    The Insane Glorious Leader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eli85 View Post
    I re-subbed for 9.1. I'm not going with 9.1 is bad, therefore I quit again, but I fully realized what I don't like: there are too many daily and weekly activities tied to player power. If your objective is progression (not necessarily world first, but pushing your chosen content) the game demands a considerable amount of time from you. To some people this is good, but I've come to realize that this isn't what I want from a game anymore.

    To answer the question directly : there would need to be a separation of player power and all these daily and weekly activities. I mean, some would have to remain, but I would want to see a game where if all I wanted to do is progression (M+ or raids), that I could only do that, ignore everything else, and not feel like I'm leaving player power on the table.

    edit: I would also like to see some community-centric reworks on M+. I really enjoy the system, but the idea that I need to grind out every dungeon (and likely on Tyrannical and Fortified) to 12-13+ just to either join or attract good players for +15s (and thus cap out on rewards), is just so unappealing to me. I have no idea what can be done to remedy this, but feeling forced to grind out dungeons I don't want to do, just to get into high level dungeons I want to do, just doesn't work for me anymore.
    This is an awful idea. You're essentially asking for the rest of the game to have no impact on character progression so you can effectively raid log. That being said I hope they do exactly this. It's grossly incompetent but they need a change of leadership anyway.
    The hammer comes down:
    Quote Originally Posted by Osmeric View Post
    Normal should be reduced in difficulty. Heroic should be reduced in difficulty.
    And the tiny fraction for whom heroic raids are currently well tuned? Too bad,so sad! With the arterial bleed of subs the fastest it's ever been, the vanity development that gives you guys your own content is no longer supportable.

  7. #407
    classic vanilla + content that is in line with vanilla design.

  8. #408
    Quote Originally Posted by arkanon View Post
    If they are making the systems so complicated not "everything" is caught before the product goes live, then those systems are far too complicated to be in the game. If a system has so many unforeseen complication, implications, and combinations / results, then the system is far too complicated for the average player.

    As the saying goes, "if it aint broke, dont fix it". Blizzard should never have tried to fix something that was extremely popular and straight forward. Personally, i believe the introduction of all these supplementary power systems was the beginning of some really bad design choices, and things have only gotten worse since the doubled down on them. They had a really simple recipe for a Sunday roast that was very popular, and they added so many other ingredient's and side dishes the average consumer cant even remember if it was Lamb or Beef. Actually, it was Chicken (Turns out it was Turkey).
    you realize those extra systems basically just replace the complete redo of classes we would get every expansion prior right? even back in wrath we had extras like raid set bonuses, meta gems, enchants, you had to hit certain metrics for hit/exp soft caps etc etc. theres always been systems, its just the new thing to hate on nowadays. the only issue i really see with anything right now is switching covenants shouldnt be punished and switching soulbind traits shouldnt be punished and legos should be refundable. putting in punishments because top players will min max every single fight shouldnt be a decision they make for the rest of the playerbase.

    and you're dreaming if you think they caught all issues before launch in any expansion prior lol they still have never fixed shadowmeld bug(i hope they never do) since wrath where it drops your threat and never returns it when you break out of it as the tooltip says lol

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Mightytasty View Post
    Never going to happen, but:

    - Delete all store mounts

    - Remove all timegating

    -flying at launch

    - Tier sets and legendaries, remove all other borrowed power systems.

    - Legendaries/ soul ash equivalent currency drops from raids, dungeons, PvP, and world content.

    - Torghast needs to be optional, challenging, and have far more cosmetic rewards.

    - There needs to be more content. More than 8 dungeons at launch, more than 5 zones, and more than 1 raid. We had more content in the past, and it was more frequent, so this shouldn’t be a big ask.

    Overall, less development time spent on systems players hate (Covenants, Torghast, Islands, Warfronts) and more development on systems players enjoy (raids, dungeons, PvP, world content).
    woah woah woah slow down there bud lol

    - at launch 8 dungeons is more than adequate (especially because usually 1st season is nowhere near this long)
    - i personally love not having flying at launch, makes you explore more
    - agree that soul ash should come from everywhere
    - torghast just needs to be way different and more complicated piece of content. needs to be as hard as mage tower all the way through meaning tons of movement and planning
    - dont need more zones than what we got, theyre actually pretty huge as is
    - i think we could do with 1 reg raid and 1 single boss raid at launch
    - i like covenants though i wish there was a more grandiose story instead of a a quest line that isnt enough
    - raids dungeons pvp are all in a great place right now, world content has been crappy for a long time. i have so many ideas to make the world better but they really dont capitalize on the beautiful world theyve created and instead we live in instanced content

  9. #409
    Quote Originally Posted by Glorious Leader View Post
    This is an awful idea. You're essentially asking for the rest of the game to have no impact on character progression so you can effectively raid log. That being said I hope they do exactly this. It's grossly incompetent but they need a change of leadership anyway.
    Yes, that is exactly what I'm asking, and it's precisely what the game (more or less) was pre-Legion. I am just done with grinding out endless chores and systems, that I don't find fun in the slightest, just to stay competitive.

    The idea, also, isn't awful nor grossly incompetent. One of the major problems of modern WoW design is tying up player power in so many different activities, then encouraging / forcing players to do all of them. Your average player likely finds a few of these activities fun, but rarely all of them; and then when players realize they have to do activities they don't find fun just to remain competitive in what they find fun, that leads to players, like myself, being discontent with the game. That's a problem.

    Honestly, allowing players to progress their characters in activities that they find fun, and allowing them to ignore what they don't find fun, is very, very competent design.

  10. #410
    Quote Originally Posted by arkanon View Post
    I dont disagree, but for arguments sake, what EXACTLY would you log into MoP tonight to do, that you cannot do in SL right now? Not a general overview of it, a SPECIFIC thing you would get home from work tonight and be excited to do, that you cannot do now.
    It's not so much that there aren't things to do post-MoP, it's just that there's almost no reason to even bother doing anything, because once you do it once, there's little reason to ever do it again, save for Mythic+ and "real" raiding. In MoP, badge gear was still a thing, there was a legitimate reason to do LFR, there was the legendary questlines, there was even scenarios, which weren't, like... the best thing in the world, but now in WoW, everything that isn't Mythic+ or raiding pretty much feels like what scenarios felt like then, which is weird, and frankly, sort of wrong IMO. To me, in MoP, it seemed like all styles of play had their own little treadmill they could climb to progress their character, now, only kind of hardcore and really hardcore players have that. Everyone else has content that gets exhausted in a week, at best, pretty much, with basically no reason to ever repeat anything. You usually outgear everything that's not hardcore as, or before you do it, non-mythic+ dungeons become worthless immediately. LFR becomes worthless before it's even out. Normal Raids, even, encroach on becoming worthless WAY too fast, too. I don't know how it is now with Heroic raids, but even those last expansion become fairly worthless fairly fast, too.

    Seriously though, you could solve almost all of this just by having badge gear again. Otherwise, if you don't raid and don't do mythic+, why even sub more than for one month every time there's a major patch?

  11. #411
    I'm not having fun when I play anymore and I can't tell if I'm playing the game or if the game is playing me. It feels like a soulless and stubborn corporation is in charge of decisions compared to what it used to be. I would get rid of LFR, make mythic+ trivial content, and lean back on what worked before and wasn't broken.

  12. #412
    Quote Originally Posted by Otimus View Post
    It's not so much that there aren't things to do post-MoP, it's just that there's almost no reason to even bother doing anything, because once you do it once, there's little reason to ever do it again, save for Mythic+ and "real" raiding. In MoP, badge gear was still a thing, there was a legitimate reason to do LFR, there was the legendary questlines, there was even scenarios, which weren't, like... the best thing in the world, but now in WoW, everything that isn't Mythic+ or raiding pretty much feels like what scenarios felt like then, which is weird, and frankly, sort of wrong IMO. To me, in MoP, it seemed like all styles of play had their own little treadmill they could climb to progress their character, now, only kind of hardcore and really hardcore players have that. Everyone else has content that gets exhausted in a week, at best, pretty much, with basically no reason to ever repeat anything. You usually outgear everything that's not hardcore as, or before you do it, non-mythic+ dungeons become worthless immediately. LFR becomes worthless before it's even out. Normal Raids, even, encroach on becoming worthless WAY too fast, too. I don't know how it is now with Heroic raids, but even those last expansion become fairly worthless fairly fast, too.

    Seriously though, you could solve almost all of this just by having badge gear again. Otherwise, if you don't raid and don't do mythic+, why even sub more than for one month every time there's a major patch?
    So you can currently gear to the highest level in the history of wow, relative to raiding and pvp, by doing solo content, and there is still "nothing to do"? Your post is quite confusing where you say nothing is worth doing more than once, and yet one of the most common complaints about modern wow is the endless repetition of dungeons through M+, before that is was spamming IE, and before that it guessed it..........farming dungeons for badges.

    I agree SL is in a very bad place, however I do not accept it is for any of the reasons you listed. You say there is nothing "worth doing" and yet acknowledge that you can essentially bypass normal mode raiding without even stepping foot in the raid. I believe SL is in a bad place not because there is "nothing to do" or that the things there to do are unrewarding, I think its far more simple than that - the gameplay just isnt that fun anymore.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyanion View Post
    In no way are you entitled to the 'complete' game when you buy it, because DLC/cosmetics and so on are there for companies to make more money
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Others, including myself, are saying that they only exist because Blizzard needed to create things so they could monetize it.

  13. #413
    I keep my eye on the game, but nothing so far has me saying to myself "oh wow i totally want to do that"

    The one thing I could see that would make me return, would be fresh "progression" type servers. Where you have to clear all content from x-pack to move to the next. Not just level based "look what you can do now". There is a lot of content i think people would like to do

    Currently as it sits, i'm unsubbed since December. Lasted less than 1 month subscription for SL, an all time low as opposed to 3 months in BFA.
    Last edited by Linri; 2021-07-08 at 11:59 PM.

  14. #414
    The Insane Glorious Leader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eli85 View Post
    Yes, that is exactly what I'm asking, and it's precisely what the game (more or less) was pre-Legion.
    Yes exactly what happened in WoD. Now you understand why Legion was a direct response to wod.

    It is grossly incompetent and frankly elitist. The entire game until max level is chasing power and then you want to deny that to people because you're butt hurt that other content may reward something good. Why should anybody else accept that selfishness? Isn't it just better to remove player power from the raid scene entirely? isolate jack asses who can't restrain themselves.
    Last edited by Glorious Leader; 2021-07-09 at 03:55 AM.
    The hammer comes down:
    Quote Originally Posted by Osmeric View Post
    Normal should be reduced in difficulty. Heroic should be reduced in difficulty.
    And the tiny fraction for whom heroic raids are currently well tuned? Too bad,so sad! With the arterial bleed of subs the fastest it's ever been, the vanity development that gives you guys your own content is no longer supportable.

  15. #415
    Fire Ion the liar

  16. #416
    In the wake of the recent cinematic... Yeah. No chance in hell I'm resubbing until Sylvanas is out of the picture

  17. #417
    classes back to MOP design and spells.

    if classes are boring shallow shite then the whole game is boring.

  18. #418
    Quote Originally Posted by Glorious Leader View Post
    Yes exactly what happened in WoD. Now you understand why Legion was a direct response to wod.

    It is grossly incompetent and frankly elitist. The entire game until max level is chasing power and then you want to deny that to people because you're butt hurt that other content may reward something good. Why should anybody else accept that selfishness? Isn't it just better to remove player power from the raid scene entirely? isolate jack asses who can't restrain themselves.
    You're being very disengenuous here, and attacking some very specific wording, without looking at the complaint in its entirety. Which is this: why should players feel forced to do content that they don't find fun, just to do the content that they find fun? Now if you're OK with that design philosophy (do all this not fun gameplay to get to your fun gameplay), more power to you. But that's not something all of us are OK with.

  19. #419
    Field Marshal snusrage's Avatar
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    dont go looking for me
    honestly better itemization , and better dungeon / raid encounter's everything is just kinda bland in my eyes right now and this dead period waiting for major updates to happen need to be shortened ect ect ect its hard i wanna like the game but id much rather not waste my $$$ on this til its fixed

  20. #420
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eli85 View Post
    You're being very disengenuous here, and attacking some very specific wording, without looking at the complaint in its entirety. Which is this: why should players feel forced to do content that they don't find fun, just to do the content that they find fun? Now if you're OK with that design philosophy (do all this not fun gameplay to get to your fun gameplay), more power to you. But that's not something all of us are OK with.
    You aren't in strictest terms forced to do anything. Now you can make an argument that its really all an illusion of choice but removing power from other activities simple eliminates that choice to continue progressing your character outside of the raid. Not to mention that it literally robs the game of that reward mechanism just because you feel put out? You can currently just do the content you find fun. Will you suck? probably too fucking bad...
    The hammer comes down:
    Quote Originally Posted by Osmeric View Post
    Normal should be reduced in difficulty. Heroic should be reduced in difficulty.
    And the tiny fraction for whom heroic raids are currently well tuned? Too bad,so sad! With the arterial bleed of subs the fastest it's ever been, the vanity development that gives you guys your own content is no longer supportable.

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