Tier 12 Models Preview - Warrior
The Warrior armor set was also included in the files of yesterday's PTR build! If you missed the official preview a few days ago you might want to check it out if you're a Paladin, Mage, Rogue, Hunter, DK, or Priest.

A few things worth mentioning:

  • Other classes aren't in the game files yet
  • The helm of the warrior set is bugged on female models.
  • Multiple recolors have ALWAYS been here, and doesn't mean that Blizzard is going to use one color for each spec or anything like that. It's been like this for years. The official previews don't have multiple colors so just assume there's only one.

Official Previews





Death Knight

This article was originally published in forum thread: Tier 12 Models Preview - Warrior started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 248 Comments
  1. Herecius's Avatar
    Dat helm. Dat helm.

    EDIT: Also, warriors. What's with you guys and having faces on your gear? There's got to be some sort of scientific name for that fetish.
  1. mmoc8ee790e781's Avatar
    ouch, sorry for warriors
  1. lrdbyrn88's Avatar
    Well well well. They CAN make good looking Tier gear... its only taken them 4-6 tiers of boring crap.
  1. Strafer's Avatar
    Imagine this on a Tauren.

  1. Felspark's Avatar
    looks good, grats warrs!
  1. Kognit0's Avatar
    That's neat! Wicked..
  1. prZ's Avatar
    LAL, design fail. Anyways, gonna roll Sith Warrior Juggernaut! BB!
  1. ghostmutt's Avatar
    awesome looking war tier...
  1. Zhaine's Avatar
    Im not too keen, not sure whether i like it or love it, i might grow to like it, maybe it will look better ingame
  1. mmoc3d5e9cedde's Avatar
    Looks better than most of the sets so far IMO (from t12 preview that is).
  1. rillak's Avatar
    That has to be the coolest god damn helmet in the entire game. Nicely done, Blizzard.
  1. Cairm's Avatar
    Where are the shaman Tier preview!!??? D:
  1. HardlyWaken's Avatar
    How can you say that looks bad?! o.O
  1. Baracuda's Avatar
    Looks pretty awesome.

    Edit: I like the orange and red one, blue = not so much.
  1. mmoc18646deaeb's Avatar
    I kinda dislike it - I prefer more the T6 Warrior style.
    Looking forward to the shammy set!

    It looks the same from the front and the back!! haha
  1. mmocd40210244c's Avatar
    Warrior t12 reaction video


    lol XD
  1. Xcruiser's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Herecius View Post
    Dat helm. Dat helm.

    EDIT: Also, warriors. What's with you guys and having faces on your gear? There's got to be some sort of scientific name for that fetish.
    Molten Giant faces are cool. =p
  1. ilo's Avatar
    That belt... It looks like their stomach is spitting damn lava.
  1. Devistates's Avatar
    I'm only into the shoulders.
  1. Xcruiser's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ilo View Post
    That belt... It looks like their stomach is spitting damn lava.
    Warrior C-section, imo. ^_^

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