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  1. #461
    At the end of the day and in this case, it's really just Trump being Trump again. He heard something on Fox news and repeated it because it sounded catchy and like it could prove his point, without actually checking if it was true or not.
    Now, that obviously doesn't make it much better, but it really is nothing new and to be expected from him at this point.

  2. #462
    Herald of the Titans Vorkreist's Avatar
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    Its called Swedistan for a reason.

  3. #463
    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    Yelling racist at everything, really? Are you confusing reality with CinemaSins where they actually do refer to most forms of prejudice as racism?

    In reality most people use the term racism for prejudices against groups based on ethnic characteristics such as "race," nationality or religion; for example declaring "I don't like Islam" despite it being the religion of a quarter of the world's population, the vast majority of whom happily and peacefully go about their lives without bothering anyone.
    And using a word for hating a race when confronting people who don't like a religion or culture is just idiotic. Prejudice is a better word, true, but it doesn't have the same weight behind it so it's better to just go with racist.

    And again; if I don't like Islam doesn't mean I think everyone who follows Islam is a terrorist and on to get me. But I think it's fair to call me somewhat prejudiced. Everyone is prejudiced in some way to some things.

  4. #464
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikkonen View Post
    You can translate our HMF as "Incitement to hatred" but with the addition of having derogatory or insulting speech added into it in addition to calls for violence, the USA equivalent of the law only covers violence, not derogatory or insulting speech. The dangers about our HMF law is that it can potentially be used as a blasphemy law when people are reported for mocking or criticizing religion. All the other aspects it covers are things that are not a choice, things that you are born with, which is fine. Covering religion on the other hand is bad, if it's not for protection against calls of violence since it just functions as a blasphemy law, shielding religion from criticism/mockery and so on.
    In this case though, it's protecting Freedom of Religion, which is another Fundamental Freedom. That's what the laws are designed to do; they work the same in most EU countries to be compliant with EU Human Rights legislation. Like I say, one Freedom ends when it tries to stop another. All the 16 year olds who cry 'Muh Freedom of Speech' fail to understand this.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Phlegethon View Post
    You know, that's the cornerstone of the Satanic Church. "Your freedom ends where mine begins."
    It's funny how that goes
    It makes a lot of sense, this is why I take on board a lot of Luciferianism myself.

  5. #465
    Quote Originally Posted by Venant View Post
    So yesterday Trump alluded to incidents involving the hundreds of thousands of migrants taken in by Sweden, and today the media has come out with dozens of stories saying that there's nothing to see here.

    So is Sweden doing as badly as people are claiming? Is the Swedish government really cracking down on anyone who talks about what is going on? Is everything fine in Sweden and this is all a massive hoax in regards to stories of migrant problems?

    Now that Trump has talked about it, I hope we can get to the bottom of what is really going on.
    nothing happend in Sweden

    what happened was in USA few months ago when people in there elected complete retard as their president.

  6. #466
    Quote Originally Posted by Mikkonen View Post
    I have, several times. The prequisite is about force.

    Den som genom misshandel eller annars med våld eller genom hot om brottslig gärning tvingar en person till samlag eller till att företa eller tåla en annan sexuell handling som med hänsyn till kränkningens art och omständigheterna i övrigt är jämförlig med samlag, döms för våldtäkt till fängelse i lägst två och högst sex år.

    Consent doesn't even play into it.
    I'm not even sure what you're reading, here's the text in full:

    1 § Den som genom misshandel eller annars med våld eller genom hot om brottslig gärning tvingar en person till samlag eller till att företa eller tåla en annan sexuell handling som med hänsyn till kränkningens allvar är jämförlig med samlag, döms för våldtäkt till fängelse i lägst två och högst sex år.
    Detsamma gäller den som med en person genomför ett samlag eller en sexuell handling som enligt första stycket är jämförlig med samlag genom att otillbörligt utnyttja att personen på grund av medvetslöshet, sömn, allvarlig rädsla, berusning eller annan drogpåverkan, sjukdom, kroppsskada eller psykisk störning eller annars med hänsyn till omständigheterna befinner sig i en särskilt utsatt situation.
    Är ett brott som avses i första eller andra stycket med hänsyn till omständigheterna vid brottet att anse som mindre grovt, döms för våldtäkt till fängelse i högst fyra år.
    Är brott som avses i första eller andra stycket att anse som grovt, döms för grov våldtäkt till fängelse i lägst fyra och högst tio år. Vid bedömande av om brottet är grovt ska det särskilt beaktas, om våldet eller hotet varit av särskilt allvarlig art eller om fler än en förgripit sig på offret eller på annat sätt deltagit i övergreppet eller om gärningsmannen med hänsyn till tillvägagångssättet eller annars visat särskild hänsynslöshet eller råhet. Lag (2013:365).
    2 § Den som, i annat fall än som avses i 1 § första stycket, genom olaga tvång förmår en person att företa eller tåla en sexuell handling, döms för sexuellt tvång till fängelse i högst två år.
    Detsamma gäller den som genomför en annan sexuell handling än som avses i 1 § andra stycket med en person under de förutsättningar i övrigt som anges där.
    Är brott som avses i första eller andra stycket att anse som grovt, döms för grovt sexuellt tvång till fängelse i lägst sex månader och högst sex år. Vid bedömande av om brottet är grovt skall särskilt beaktas om fler än en förgripit sig på offret eller på annat sätt deltagit i övergreppet eller om gärningsmannen annars visat särskild hänsynslöshet eller råhet. Lag (2005:90).
    3 § Den som förmår en person att företa eller tåla en sexuell handling genom att allvarligt missbruka att personen befinner sig i beroendeställning till gärningsmannen döms för sexuellt utnyttjande av person i beroendeställning till fängelse i högst två år.
    Är brottet grovt, döms för grovt sexuellt utnyttjande av person i beroendeställning till fängelse i lägst sex månader och högst fyra år. Vid bedömande av om brottet är grovt skall särskilt beaktas om fler än en förgripit sig på offret eller på annat sätt deltagit i övergreppet eller om gärningsmannen annars visat särskild hänsynslöshet. Lag (2005:90).
    4 § Den som har samlag med ett barn under femton år eller som med ett sådant barn genomför en annan sexuell handling som med hänsyn till kränkningens allvar är jämförlig med samlag, döms för våldtäkt mot barn till fängelse i lägst två och högst sex år.
    Detsamma gäller den som begår en gärning som avses i första stycket mot ett barn som fyllt femton men inte arton år och som är avkomling till gärningsmannen eller står under fostran av eller har ett liknande förhållande till gärningsmannen, eller för vars vård eller tillsyn gärningsmannen ska svara på grund av en myndighets beslut.
    Är brott som avses i första eller andra stycket att anse som grovt, döms för grov våldtäkt mot barn till fängelse i lägst fyra och högst tio år. Vid bedömande av om brottet är grovt ska det särskilt beaktas om gärningsmannen har använt våld eller hot om brottslig gärning eller om fler än en förgripit sig på barnet eller på annat sätt deltagit i övergreppet eller om gärningsmannen med hänsyn till tillvägagångssättet eller barnets låga ålder eller annars visat särskild hänsynslöshet eller råhet. Lag (2013:365).
    5 § Är ett brott som avses i 4 § första eller andra stycket med hänsyn till omständigheterna vid brottet att anse som mindre allvarligt, döms för sexuellt utnyttjande av barn till fängelse i högst fyra år. Lag (2005:90).
    6 § Den som genomför en annan sexuell handling än som avses i 4 och 5 §§ med ett barn under femton år, eller med ett barn som fyllt femton men inte arton år och som gärningsmannen står i ett sådant förhållande till som avses i 4 § andra stycket, döms för sexuellt övergrepp mot barn till fängelse i högst två år.
    Är brottet grovt, döms för grovt sexuellt övergrepp mot barn till fängelse i lägst ett och högst sex år. Vid bedömande av om brottet är grovt ska det särskilt beaktas om gärningsmannen är närstående till barnet eller i övrigt utnyttjat sin ställning eller missbrukat ett särskilt förtroende eller om fler än en förgripit sig på barnet eller på annat sätt deltagit i övergreppet eller om brottet med hänsyn till tillvägagångssättet eller barnets låga ålder eller annars inneburit ett hänsynslöst utnyttjande av barnet. Lag (2013:365).
    7 § Den som, i annat fall än som avses förut i detta kapitel, har samlag med eget barn eller dess avkomling, döms för samlag med avkomling till fängelse i högst två år.
    Den som, i annat fall än som avses förut i detta kapitel, har samlag med sitt helsyskon, döms för samlag med syskon till fängelse i högst ett år.
    Vad som sägs i denna paragraf gäller inte den som förmåtts till gärningen genom olaga tvång eller på annat otillbörligt sätt. Lag (2005:90).
    8 § Den som främjar eller utnyttjar att ett barn under femton år utför eller medverkar i sexuell posering, döms för utnyttjande av barn för sexuell posering till böter eller fängelse i högst två år.
    Detsamma gäller den som begår en sådan gärning mot ett barn som fyllt femton men inte arton år, om poseringen är ägnad att skada barnets hälsa eller utveckling.
    Är brottet grovt, döms för grovt utnyttjande av barn för sexuell posering till fängelse i lägst sex månader och högst sex år. Vid bedömande av om brottet är grovt skall särskilt beaktas om brottet avsett en verksamhet som bedrivits i större omfattning, medfört betydande vinning eller inneburit ett hänsynslöst utnyttjande av barnet. Lag (2005:90).
    9 § Den som, i annat fall än som avses förut i detta kapitel, förmår ett barn som inte fyllt arton år att mot ersättning företa eller tåla en sexuell handling, döms för köp av sexuell handling av barn till böter eller fängelse i högst två år.
    Vad som sägs i första stycket gäller även om ersättningen har utlovats eller getts av någon annan. Lag (2005:90).
    10 § Den som, i annat fall än som avses förut i detta kapitel, sexuellt berör ett barn under femton år eller förmår barnet att företa eller medverka i någon handling med sexuell innebörd, döms för sexuellt ofredande till böter eller fängelse i högst två år.
    Detsamma gäller den som blottar sig för någon annan på ett sätt som är ägnat att väcka obehag eller annars genom ord eller handlande ofredar en person på ett sätt som är ägnat att kränka personens sexuella integritet. Lag (2005:90).
    10 a § Den som, i syfte att mot ett barn under femton år begå en gärning för vilken straff föreskrivs i 4, 5, 6, 8 eller 10 §, träffar en överenskommelse med barnet om ett sammanträffande samt därefter vidtar någon åtgärd som är ägnad att främja att ett sådant sammanträffande kommer till stånd, döms för kontakt med barn i sexuellt syfte till böter eller fängelse i högst ett år. Lag (2009:343).
    11 § Den som, i annat fall än som avses förut i detta kapitel, skaffar sig en tillfällig sexuell förbindelse mot ersättning, döms för köp av sexuell tjänst till böter eller fängelse i högst ett år.
    Vad som sägs i första stycket gäller även om ersättningen har utlovats eller getts av någon annan. Lag (2011:517).
    12 § Den som främjar eller på ett otillbörligt sätt ekonomiskt utnyttjar att en person har tillfälliga sexuella förbindelser mot ersättning, döms för koppleri till fängelse i högst fyra år.
    Om en person som med nyttjanderätt har upplåtit en lägenhet får veta att lägenheten helt eller till väsentlig del används för tillfälliga sexuella förbindelser mot ersättning och inte gör vad som skäligen kan begäras för att få upplåtelsen att upphöra, skall han eller hon, om verksamheten fortsätter eller återupptas i lägenheten, anses ha främjat verksamheten och dömas till ansvar enligt första stycket.
    Är brott som avses i första eller andra stycket att anse som grovt, döms för grovt koppleri till fängelse i lägst två och högst åtta år. Vid bedömande av om brottet är grovt skall särskilt beaktas om brottet avsett en verksamhet som bedrivits i större omfattning, medfört betydande vinning eller inneburit ett hänsynslöst utnyttjande av annan. Lag (2005:90).
    13 § Till ansvar som i detta kapitel är föreskrivet för en gärning som begås mot någon under en viss ålder skall dömas även den som inte insåg men hade skälig anledning att anta att den andra personen inte uppnått den åldern. Lag (2005:90).
    14 § Den som har begått en gärning enligt 5 § eller 6 § första stycket mot ett barn under femton år eller enligt 8 § första stycket eller 10 § första stycket, ska inte dömas till ansvar om det är uppenbart att gärningen inte inneburit något övergrepp mot barnet med hänsyn till den ringa skillnaden i ålder och utveckling mellan den som har begått gärningen och barnet samt omständigheterna i övrigt.
    Detsamma gäller den som har begått en gärning enligt 10 a § om den har syftat till en sådan gärning som anges i första stycket och som, om den hade fullbordats, enligt vad som anges där uppenbarligen inte skulle ha inneburit något övergrepp mot barnet. Lag (2009:343).
    15 § För försök till våldtäkt, grov våldtäkt, sexuellt tvång, grovt sexuellt tvång, sexuellt utnyttjande av person i beroendeställning, grovt sexuellt utnyttjande av person i beroendeställning, våldtäkt mot barn, grov våldtäkt mot barn, sexuellt utnyttjande av barn, sexuellt övergrepp mot barn, grovt sexuellt övergrepp mot barn, utnyttjande av barn för sexuell posering, grovt utnyttjande av barn för sexuell posering, köp av sexuell handling av barn, köp av sexuell tjänst, koppleri och grovt koppleri döms det till ansvar enligt 23 kap.
    Detsamma gäller för förberedelse till koppleri samt för förberedelse och stämpling till och underlåtenhet att avslöja eller förhindra våldtäkt, grov våldtäkt, våldtäkt mot barn, grov våldtäkt mot barn, grovt utnyttjande av barn för sexuell posering och grovt koppleri. Lag (2016:508).
    As you can see there are numerous additions to the law in recent times, many which expanded the defintion of rape in Sweden.
    "In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance." Paradox of tolerance

  7. #467
    Quote Originally Posted by Fojos View Post
    It's obvious you just have glimpses of the country I live in. Yes, more rapes were reported after the change in the law, estimated as high as 23% of actual rapes in 2010. But that's 2010. Now the estimated rate is 9% while we still have more rapes reported.

    Last few years the percentage of women that reported themselves as having beem victims of some sexual crime was 2%. Now, in 2016, after accepting all the refugees, it's 3%.

    Another thing is the false argument many use that rapes are mostly done inside by someone the victim knows. This is completely wrong for Sweden where the large majority of rapes are committed by complete strangers.
    Who say that its a false argument? I assume you read this in a study?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikkonen View Post
    Can we stop pretending that it's as common in cultures which puts equality as a highly valued part of the culture than a culture where equality is not valued?
    Can we stop pretending that just because our culture supposedly put equality high we dont have people that are quite opposite in that equality. Just look at all the shit women have to endure as soon as they get online and have an opinion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Venant View Post
    I will admit, from non 'main stream' media sources I have been hearing about problems in Sweden for awhile, but after Trump's comment there was suddenly massive attention aimed at whats going on, and there was a massive wall of stories being pushed by the legacy media and the online narrative pushers that there was no problem at all. From somebody who doesn't live in Sweden, it is incredibly difficult to determine whether there is actually a 'migrant problem', or if all the supposed incidents have been cherry-picked to push somebody's agenda.

    Lots of people in this thread don't think there is an issue, and they came to this conclusion without living in Sweden as well. Some sources are claiming that only something like 500 out of 160,000 new migrants were able to find work last year, which sounds like a huge issue. Furthermore, the population of Sweden was last estimated around 10 million, and if they took in 160,000 people last year that is an insanely huge number for such a low population country.

    I imagine its impossible to take in over 2% of your population in a single year without having significant effects on society.
    For starters last years asylumseekers was around 30-40k , but you are probably thinking about 2015 the there was sowhere around 160k that came here , and normally authorities get people into programs asap but since we took so many they could not process all of them into programs as fast as they came. Dont Know what the stats are for 2016 with regards to this but i would be surprised if they have caught up yet.

  8. #468
    Quote Originally Posted by Deianeira View Post
    Can we stop pretending that just because our culture supposedly put equality high we dont have people that are quite opposite in that equality. Just look at all the shit women have to endure as soon as they get online and have an opinion.
    Please, do enlighten us. Because this is relevant. You know, privileged white women getting called out for their opinion is so in the same ballpark as refugees and their issues.
    Anyway, don't get your panties in a bunch and stay on topic.
    (see what I did there x-) )
    -=Z=- Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek! -=Z=-

  9. #469
    The idea that the media wouldn't report terrorist attacks is ludicrous. The media exists to make money and nothing makes money like tragedy.

  10. #470
    I find it funny that as soon as a crime happens in Sweden it's turning to hell. Like we've always been this fairyland country that had 0 crime once upon a time. Like most of our headline news are actually about other countries, because at most there's a car burning here or some rehashed story about this one murder that happened 2 months ago. Sweden isn't perfect, but it's not even close to the hellhole as some people make it out to be.

    OT: Trump is talking out of his ass once again. Nothing of substance has happened here for years (in terms of terrorist attacks). Though the fact that Owe Thörnqvist advanced to Mello finals can be seen as a terrorist attack.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrt View Post
    The idea that the media wouldn't report terrorist attacks is ludicrous. The media exists to make money and nothing makes money like tragedy.
    Some people honestly believe the media is run by government and not by personal profit.
    Last edited by Krille; 2017-02-20 at 12:30 PM.

  11. #471
    Quote Originally Posted by Deianeira View Post
    Can we stop pretending that just because our culture supposedly put equality high we dont have people that are quite opposite in that equality. Just look at all the shit women have to endure as soon as they get online and have an opinion.
    I'd like to point out that the internet, being an immaterial medium also separates us from most things that affect our behaviour, like trying to talk nice-nice to the girls so they wouldn't get so assblasted. Because you're not a woman on the internet.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by victork8 View Post
    I find it funny that as soon as a crime happens in Sweden it's turning to hell. Like we've always been this fairyland country that had 0 crime once upon a time. Like most of our headline news are actually about other countries, because at most there's a car burning here or some rehashed story about this one murder that happened 2 months ago. Sweden isn't perfect, but it's not even close to the hellhole as some people make it out to be.
    Highly homogenous populations tend to be safer. This isn't anything new or radical.

  12. #472
    Quote Originally Posted by Mikkonen View Post
    Oh, look. Someone else who will make a "straw racist" to attack while in reality almost nobody cares about skin color.

    It's like you don't even listen to what people say.
    You were not concerned about Finnish immigrants, even though Finns have insanely higher murder rate than Sweden, yet you for some reason are super worried about African and Middle-Eastern immigrants...

    In any case, Trump is an idiot. This is known. He was referring to specific, non-existent event, as he referred to specific time. This is just another Bowling Green. It is completely mind-boggling that there are still people who are willing to defend him. He lies constantly, and then calls media 'fake news' when they point out his obvious lies. This shit is beyond parody. If couple of years ago someone would have made TV show with such an depiction of Republicans and a Republican president, the conservatives would have been up in arms for depicting them as such absurd caricatures of villainy and stupidity.

    As for Sweden and the immigration situation in Europe in general, yes, the sudden huge influx of refugees due the Syria shit of course has caused some problems. Countries took way more immigrants than they usually do, and the systems put in place to handle the immigration and integration were inadequate. But it was still the right thing to do to help these people, and I commend Sweden for taking such a large amount of immigrants. Of course, it would have been fairer and better for everyone, the refugees included, had the responsibility been divided more equally among the EU nations.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Deianeira View Post
    Can we stop pretending that just because our culture supposedly put equality high we dont have people that are quite opposite in that equality. Just look at all the shit women have to endure as soon as they get online and have an opinion.
    Yeah, it is funny and pathetic how the alt right trolls who are totally fine with sending rape threats to women for daring to express their opinion on video games are suddenly super concerned about the well being of women when they can use that to demonise immigrants.

  13. #473
    Quote Originally Posted by Longinus View Post
    You were not concerned about Finnish immigrants, even though Finns have insanely higher murder rate than Sweden, yet you for some reason are super worried about African and Middle-Eastern immigrants...
    This.. I'm myself part finnish but born in Sweden. And in my personal experience most of the criminal people i've known had finnish background. And funnily enough, i'm from a small town in the middle of Sweden where we had something like 50% finnish populace and guess what, my small hometown used to be ranked the 2nd most criminal town in all of Sweden per capita. So it's a bit odd seeing Finnish people coming on here and talk about crime like they've never seen it before.

  14. #474
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longinus View Post
    Yeah, it is funny and pathetic how the alt right trolls who are totally fine with sending rape threats to women for daring to express their opinion on video games are suddenly super concerned about the well being of women when they can use that to demonise immigrants.
    This is because they regard women as property and that they can do what they want with their property.

  15. #475
    Quote Originally Posted by victork8 View Post
    Some people honestly believe the media is run by government and not by personal profit.
    on russia and many other countries media is controlled government

    In 2013 Russia ranked 148th out of 179 countries in the Press Freedom Index from Reporters Without Borders. In 2015 Freedom House report Russia got score of 83 (100 being the worst), mostly because of new laws introduced in 2014 that further extended the state control over mass-media.[2] The situation was characterised as even worse in Crimea where, after annexation by Russia, both Russian jurisdiction and extrajudical means are routinely applied to limit freedom of expression.

  16. #476
    Sweden has through modern history run its own course since WW2, pretty much ignoring the rest of the world as it suits them.
    EU kinda changed this up abit, but with EU flopping that pretty much force them back to their extreme swedism.

    This country is probably the european country that illustrates Trumps agenda the best, as russia would be to obvious and less politically correct.
    "Look what happens in Sweden / It may go as far in the US if Trump doesnt do what he wants."

  17. #477
    "My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden."

    I love how he just assumes everyone has seen that Fox news show and is like "remember that show yesterday? What the fuck was that all about?". Talking like he's hanging by the coffee machine.

  18. #478
    Quote Originally Posted by epLe View Post
    This country is probably the european country that illustrates Trumps agenda the best, as russia would be to obvious and less politically correct.
    "Look what happens in Sweden / It may go as far in the US if Trump doesnt do what he wants."
    USA would be really lucky if it became like Sweden. Compared to Sweden USA is some third world hellhole with insane crime rates and shitty healthcare. Sweden is literally one of the best countries to live in by any reasonable metric.

  19. #479
    Quote Originally Posted by Longinus View Post
    You were not concerned about Finnish immigrants, even though Finns have insanely higher murder rate than Sweden, yet you for some reason are super worried about African and Middle-Eastern immigrants...

    In any case, Trump is an idiot. This is known. He was referring to specific, non-existent event, as he referred to specific time. This is just another Bowling Green. It is completely mind-boggling that there are still people who are willing to defend him. He lies constantly, and then calls media 'fake news' when they point out his obvious lies. This shit is beyond parody. If couple of years ago someone would have made TV show with such an depiction of Republicans and a Republican president, the conservatives would have been up in arms for depicting them as such absurd caricatures of villainy and stupidity.

    As for Sweden and the immigration situation in Europe in general, yes, the sudden huge influx of refugees due the Syria shit of course has caused some problems. Countries took way more immigrants than they usually do, and the systems put in place to handle the immigration and integration were inadequate. But it was still the right thing to do to help these people, and I commend Sweden for taking such a large amount of immigrants. Of course, it would have been fairer and better for everyone, the refugees included, had the responsibility been divided more equally among the EU nations.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yeah, it is funny and pathetic how the alt right trolls who are totally fine with sending rape threats to women for daring to express their opinion on video games are suddenly super concerned about the well being of women when they can use that to demonise immigrants.
    Because finns do not have a crime rate of 25%.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by victork8 View Post
    This.. I'm myself part finnish but born in Sweden. And in my personal experience most of the criminal people i've known had finnish background. And funnily enough, i'm from a small town in the middle of Sweden where we had something like 50% finnish populace and guess what, my small hometown used to be ranked the 2nd most criminal town in all of Sweden per capita. So it's a bit odd seeing Finnish people coming on here and talk about crime like they've never seen it before.
    I'm not finnish.

  20. #480
    Quote Originally Posted by May90 View Post
    I'm still surprised the EU lets any Americans in, given that the crime rates around here are generally an order of magnitude higher than in top European countries. Clearly the EU should declare a complete shutdown of Americans entering the union, until they can figure out what the hell is going on!
    Well, we make them leave their weapons behind, that seems to help.
    (Partly because some of them thus won't come here.)

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