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  1. #761
    Quote Originally Posted by rym View Post
    Is that the reason you do alt-right propaganda in an american forum?
    Must be easy to drive an argument when all you do is deflect and stick your head in the sand.

    Furthermore, thinking the biggest fansite of one of the biggest games in the world (which has more European players than American) is an american forum is quite rich. One could even say really fucking stupid.

  2. #762
    Very informative video about what happened in sweden the day before trumps speech:

  3. #763
    Quote Originally Posted by Mafic View Post
    That was worldwide culture change during that time period as it wasn't just in Europe, but it was prevalent throughout south America and USA/Canada.
    It stuck in Sweden. The left is marxist here, we've had people like Lars Ohly who are openly communist having influence in politics and now Jonas Sjöstedt who is reluctant to condemn movements like RF, Megafonen(Part of the instigators behind the husby riots) or AFA.
    Last edited by mmoc6608731cf5; 2017-03-22 at 05:37 PM.

  4. #764
    Quote Originally Posted by Segus1992 View Post
    Furthermore, thinking the biggest fansite of one of the biggest games in the world (which has more European players than American) is an american forum is quite rich. One could even say really fucking stupid.
    Nearly as stupid as taking Sweden as a scapegoat for immigration.

  5. #765
    Quote Originally Posted by rym View Post
    Nearly as stupid as taking Sweden as a scapegoat for immigration.
    Except you're arguing with Swedes with your arguments that might work against uninformed Americans. It's not in the slightest intelligent to do so.

  6. #766
    So lets sum it up:

    The american president and his populist right wing propaganda drones abuse "an incident" and sweden itself as scapegoat for arguments against immigration and as arguments for bans, in which way it ever will happen

    But what did he really mean when he talked about the "things that happened in sweden"?

    The answer: Nothing.

    There have been no criminal incidents about immigrants that day. The swedish newspaper "Aftonbladet" answered to Trumps reference by listing up all incidents happening that day. Some examples:

    The artist Owe Thörnqvist had technical problems at a checkup for a Music festival.
    Because of winter weather, streets had to be closed.

    Fox news showed an interview (where trump refered to) with movie maker Ami Horowitz. Horowitz asked a journalist and two police officers about the consequences of the immigration to sweden. In the interview it was about "raising criminal rates and social problems". Is that actually correct?

    The report had a lot of mistakes and exagerations, as the swedish newspaper "Aftonbladet" wrote. They published an english fact check on their website. Also "Expressen" wrote about the errors made in the movie.

    Horowitz said, that there "was a first immigrant terrorist attack not long ago". But what did Horowitz talk about? There is no link between an incident and immigration. Also, it is already 6 years ago, when a swedish citizen who immigrated from irak hurt two people by a suicide attack.
    "Aftonbladet" also adresses Fox News desinformation, that in sweden the number of gun crimes and rapes raised in the time immigrants came to the country.

    "Aftonbladet" shows a complete opposte report: The criminal rate raised in 2015 compared to 2014, but on the same level as in 2005. Gun violence decreased in the years. And the number of reported rapes also were lower in 2015 in comparison to the numbers of the year before.
    Another obvious error was brought up by the swedish media "Expressen": Fox News said, in 2016 160.000 refugees came to Sweden but its just only 30.000. The number is from 2015.

    It is also desinformation, that, additionally to having a apartment and education, immigrant asylum seekers have gotten "great financial support.". "Aftonbladet" writes: Asylum seekers get 2200 Krones at maximum, which is round about 220 €.

    The "New York Times" reports about the fact that Sweden is abused as a negative example in right wing filter bubbles in the USA where its mainly about "big problems" in sweden due to its immigration rules.

    Every time these filter bubbles also invoke rape rates in Sweden. Swedish officials and extperts refer to the fact the the high number does not mean that there are more rapes in sweden, but that there are way more rapes being reported to the police and that the rape law itself includes even none sexual violence which is different in other countries, which leads to higher rape statistic values based on a larger group of incidents included.

    At the end, Sweden is just a main example (and even a wrong example) for negative consequences of immigration, which is being abused by american right wing fanatics and populists to get an argumentation going.

  7. #767
    Aftonbladet and expressen. Lol. Why would you use aftonbladet and expressen instead of BRÅ to get data from regarding crime?

    It is also desinformation, that, additionally to having a apartment and education, immigrant asylum seekers have gotten "great financial support.". "Aftonbladet" writes: Asylum seekers get 2200 Krones at maximum, which is round about 220 €.
    Yeh, asylum seekers. Once they're granted asylum they can be receiving as much as an industrial worker due to child benefits, etableringsersättning etc. without lifting a finger.

    Now this is a scenario based on 2013:

    A woman with 3 children gets asylum, lives in a rental apartment that's 85 sqm and costs 7000 sek in rent.

    She is eligible to get:

    6776 in etableringsersättning
    3000 in etableringstillägg
    3754 in barnbidrag
    3819 in underhållsstöd
    4900 in bostadsbidrag

    which makes a total of... 22 249 sek per month. Without lifting a finger.
    Last edited by mmoc6608731cf5; 2017-03-22 at 05:51 PM.

  8. #768
    Quote Originally Posted by God-King Skovald View Post
    Deflect! Deflect!

    B-B-But Americuh!
    Ironic that this post is more deflection. Comparisons with the US are absolutely irrelevant.

    Also, did you rewrite my post to quote me..? That isn't how I wrote it.

  9. #769
    Quote Originally Posted by Njorun View Post
    Yeh, asylum seekers. Once they're granted asylum they can be receiving as much as an industrial worker due to child benefits, etableringsersättning etc. without lifting a finger.
    And you post that without bringing up a source. I actually linked a source.

    And really, "Lol, press" is your only argument here?

    Try to get better in your propaganda tries, wont you?

  10. #770
    Quote Originally Posted by rym View Post
    And you post that without bringing up a source. I actually linked a source.
    Go ask Försäkringskassan, they're the ones who provide the numbers.

    And yes, "lol aftonbladet and expressen". They're shit tabloids. If you actually want news then you check the news on TV, read SVT or some local newspapers, not big tabloid media.

  11. #771
    Quote Originally Posted by Njorun View Post
    And yes, "lol aftonbladet and expressen". They're shit tabloids. If you actually want news then you check the news on TV, read SVT or some local newspapers, not big tabloid media.
    "Lügenpresse". Amazing.

    You need to get better, friend.

  12. #772
    Quote Originally Posted by rym View Post
    "Lügenpresse". Amazing.

    You need to get better, friend.
    Hah, no. Aftonbladet and Expressen has little trust among the populace in Sweden, like 21% trust aftonbladet. In contrast like 70%+ trust the state media.

    See, this is what happens when you start arguing about things you have no clue about. The people who trust aftonbladet or expressen are people who like tabloids with clickbait articles and who misrepresent shit to make money and profit from outrage.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by rym View Post
    And you post that without bringing up a source. I actually linked a source.
    And here's the letter from FK that the numbers are from:

    Hej Stefan och tack för frågan jag ska försöka svara så tydligt som möjligt men detta är en komplexa frågor som berör en teoretisk situation som inte är helt vanlig men som ändå skulle kunna förekomma. Eftersom man dessutom enbart kan ha etableringsersättning under 24 månader så gäller situationen under den nyanländes två första år dvs under den tid som den som invandrat har en etableringsplan.
    Nu till beräkningarna och förutsättningarna som angavs var: (barnen antas här vara 12, 13 och 14 år och de har en hyresrätt på 85 kvm med 7 000 kr i hyra)

    1. Etableringsersättningen administreras av Arbetsförmedlingen och ersättningen kan som högst bli på 308 kr per dag (fem dagar per vecka) och på 22 dagar i månaden ger detta 6 776 kr för en sådan månad. Detta förutsätter att den sökande har en etableringsplan på 100% (som ska vara normalt) och ersättningen ges när den sökande deltar i aktiviteter i etableringsplanen. Under den tid det tar att utforma en etableringsplan tillsammans med arbetsförmedlaren ges en ersättning på 231 kr per dag.
    (Etableringsersättning betalas ut med 308 kronor per dag för fem kalenderdagar per vecka. Om planen omfattar 75, 50 eller 25 procent av heltid blir ersättningen 231, 154 respektive 77 kronor per dag. (2 kap. 2 § förordningen [2010:407]

    Information från Arbetsförmedlingen finns här!
    2. Etableringstillägg administreras av Försäkringskassan – eftersom det i det givna exemplet betalas ut underhållsstöd för tre barn kommer etableringstillägget enbart att beräknas/betalas ut för två barn. Detta pga. en begränsningsregel som finns i SFS 2010:409 2 kap 9 § etableringstillägget blir då 1 500 kr per barn dvs. 3 000 kr totalt och inte 4 500 som anges i exemplet. För att det ska kunna bli 4 500 kr som också är maxbeloppet krävs att man är ensamstående och har minst 4 barn hemma som är över 11 år.
    Information från Försäkringskassan finns här!
    3. Barnbidrag för tre barn är 3 754 kr inklusive flerbarnstillägg och administreras av Försäkringskassan
    Information från Försäkringskassan finns här!
    4. Underhållsstöd administreras av Försäkringskassan
    För tre barn är det 1 273 kr per månad och barn vilket ger 3 819 kr per månad
    5. Bostadsbidrag administreras av FörsäkringskassanEtableringsersättning är en skattefri ersättning som ska ingå i beräkningen av bidragsgrundande inkomst inom Bostadsbidraget. Givet tre hemmavarande barn 12, 13 och 14 år, hyra på 7 000 kr, trea på 85 kvadratmeter och en årsinkomst av etableringsersättning enbart på 81 312 kr om året så blir Bostadsbidraget 4 900 kr per månad. (Etableringstillägg ska inte räknas med i den bidragsgrundande inkomsten)

    Information från Försäkringskassan finns här!
    6. Föräldrapenning administreras av FörsäkringskassanExemplet bygger på att barnen är över 11 år i syfte att maxa etableringstilläggets nivå. Eftersom man enbart kan få föräldrapenning fram till dess att barnet fyller 8 år så kan det sedan inte bli frågan om föräldrapenning i detta exempel. Men om man skulle konstruera om exemplet med tre barn under 8 år jag då skulle föräldrapenning sedan kunna bli aktuellt men då minskar etableringstillägget till 1 600 kr per månad och man kan inte ha etableringsersättning + tillägg och föräldrapenning samtidigt. Så i det fall som föräldrapenningen används så minskas eller försvinner ersättningen från etableringsersättningen och tillägget.

    Total månatlig ersättning givet trebarnsexemplet ovan:

    Etableringsersättning 6 776 kr
    Etableringstillägg 3 000 kr
    Barnbidrag 3 754 kr
    Underhållsstöd 3 819 kr
    Bostadsbidrag 4 900 kr

    = 22 249 kr per månad och detta är inte skattepliktig inkomst.
    Jag vet dock inte hur vanligt förekommande det är att en ensam trebarnsmamma invandrar till Sverige med tre hemmavarande barn över 11 år men det kanske SCB vet. Räknar man istället på två barn så sjunker etableringstillägget, Barnbidraget, Underhållsstödet och Bostadsbidraget.

    Med vänlig hälsning Niklas Löfgren
    Last edited by mmoc6608731cf5; 2017-03-22 at 06:02 PM.

  13. #773
    Quote Originally Posted by Njorun View Post
    Hah, no. Aftonbladet and Expressen has little trust among the populace in Sweden, like 21% trust aftonbladet. In contrast like 70%+ trust the state media.
    I am sure you have sources for these numbers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Njorun View Post
    See, this is what happens when you start arguing about things you have no clue about. The people who trust aftonbladet or expressen are people who like tabloids with clickbait articles and who misrepresent shit to make money and profit from outrage.
    Because only you know as you pretend to come from sweden?

    I am from germany. We took 1,5 mio immigrants last year. And have no big problems with those people.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Njorun View Post
    And here's the letter from FK that the numbers are from:
    Please translate it to english. This is a english forum.

    Or i have to post a counter argument with a 2000 word article in klingon to counter your argument. And the letter you quote, where is it sourced from?

    A right wing miserable, who sends ugly letters to newspapers?

  14. #774
    Quote Originally Posted by rym View Post
    I am sure you have sources for these numbers.

    Fler än 7 av 10 i hela landet har förtroende för Sveriges Television och Sveriges Radio
    . Samtidigt visar undersökningen att det finns ett starkt samband mellan kännedom och förtroende, vilket bekräftas av de högre förtoendesiffrorna för SvD och DN i Stockholms län, där 64 procent har stort förtroende för DN.


    Fyra procent säger sig ha stort förtroende för Avpixlat, att jämföra med 21 procent som har stort förtroende Aftonbladet. Sju procent instämmer i påståendet att Avpixlat ger en sann bild av verkligheten, men när det gäller SD-väljare har dessa mer ofta än andra förtoende för sajten, med en siffra på 21 procent.

    More than 7 out of 10 in the country have confidence in the Swedish Television and Swedish Radio. At the same time, the survey shows that there is a strong connection between knowledge and confidence, which is confirmed by the higher förtoendesiffrorna for Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter in Stockholm County, where 64 percent have great confidence in DN.


    Four percent said they have great confidence in Avpixlat, compared with 21 percent who have great confidence in Aftonbladet. Seven percent agree with the statement that Avpixlat gives a true picture of reality, but in terms of SD voters have them more often than other förtoende for the site, with a figure of 21 percent.

    Quote Originally Posted by rym View Post
    Because only you know as you pretend to come from sweden?

    Quote Originally Posted by rym View Post
    Please translate it to english. This is a english forum.
    I can't. Remember, I pretend to come from Sweden. I obviously can't read swedish then. I can't translate it for you as I'm not from sweden and can't speak swedish, okay?
    Last edited by mmoc6608731cf5; 2017-03-22 at 06:10 PM.

  15. #775
    Quote Originally Posted by rym View Post
    "Aftonbladet" also adresses Fox News desinformation, that in sweden the number of gun crimes raised in the time immigrants came to the country.
    I don't know why it's relevant to bring up immigrants, i'm not going to speculate as to why but, they are entirely incorrect in their assertion that gun crime has not increased.

    Citing directly from BRÅ (Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention)
    "Dödligt våld med illegala skjutvapen har ökat i storstäderna

    I storstadslänen har användningen av illegala enhandsvapen vid kriminella konflikter ökat kontinuerligt. Framför allt är det i Skåne och Västra Götaland som det dödliga skjutvapenvåldet inom ramen för kriminella konflikter har ökat. I Stockholms län har däremot nivån varit mer oförändrad över tid. En påtagligt hög andel av det dödliga skjutvapenvåldet har också skett i storstadslänens socialt mest utsatta områden.

    In other words, there has been a continous increase in illegal gun related violence, in partical Scania and West Götaland.

    PDF outlining their statistics:

    News article outlining that shootings have seen an 84% increase since 2007.

    "På nio år har antalet anmälda mord, dråp, mordförsök och dråpförsök med skjutvapen inblandade ökat med 84 procent.
    – Det är fler skjutvapen i dag. Och när man förr sköt varningsskott eller mot benen, är det i dag frågan om rena avrättningar, säger kriminologen Camila Salazar Atias.

    Kriminella som i allt större utsträckning beväpnar sig är ett växande problem.

    Den som knappar in rätt parametrar i BRÅ:s databas får snart fram en bekymmersamt stigande kurva. Mord, dråp, mordförsök och dråpförsök med skjutvapen inblandade har ökat med 84 procent sedan 2007."

    Quote Originally Posted by rym View Post
    "Aftonbladet" shows a complete opposte report: The criminal rate raised in 2015 compared to 2014, but on the same level as in 2005. Gun violence decreased in the years. And the number of reported rapes also were lower in 2015 in comparison to the numbers of the year before.
    I've already addressed their absolutely incorrect statement that gun violence has decreased.

    BRÅ again showing that reported rape has doubled since 2012

    Quote Originally Posted by rym View Post
    Every time these filter bubbles also invoke rape rates in Sweden. Swedish officials and extperts refer to the fact the the high number does not mean that there are more rapes in sweden, but that there are way more rapes being reported to the police and that the rape law itself includes even none sexual violence which is different in other countries, which leads to higher rape statistic values based on a larger group of incidents included.
    Women are now less likely than ever to report sexual offenses to the police.

    In conclusion, they are not fact checking or they are just being intentionally ignorant and spreading misinformation.

  16. #776
    Quote Originally Posted by Safol View Post
    In conclusion, they are not fact checking or they are just being intentionally ignorant and spreading misinformation.
    You excuse me if i tend to believe the free press more than some forum right wing apologists?

  17. #777
    Quote Originally Posted by rym View Post
    You excuse me if i tend to believe the free press more than some forum right wing apologists?
    You believe the free (ignorant) press more than ???

    The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Swedish: Brottsförebyggande rådet, abbreviated Brå) is a Swedish government agency organized under the Ministry of Justice, and acts as a center for research and development within the judicial system.

    However, mind you I am not right wing by any sort of caliber, haha.
    Last edited by mmocbf3af6dcb2; 2017-03-22 at 06:13 PM.

  18. #778
    Quote Originally Posted by rym View Post
    You excuse me if i tend to believe the free press more than some forum right wing apologists?
    Why would you trust the press more than a research center by the state?

  19. #779
    Quote Originally Posted by Njorun View Post
    Why would you trust the press more than a research center by the state?
    So you trust the news from the state as a right wing "swede" who wants to change his country to become immigrant free?

    That is quite amusing.

    Or do you just trust the arguments you cherry pick and take out of context?

  20. #780
    Quote Originally Posted by rym View Post
    So you trust the news from the state as a right wing swede who wants to change his country to become immigrant free?

    That is quite amusing.

    Or do you just trust the arguments you cherry pick and take out of context?
    What are you even talking about? The research center doesn't publish any news, they publish data.

    I don't remember saying I want sweden to "become immigrant free". Can you quote that?

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