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  1. #301
    A better question is what is with Communists and their desire for violence. They so want to murder the bourgeoisie, but what comes next? Only anarchy and a group taking power. The next group then becomes the bourgeoisie.

    Communism cannot exist in a world where greed and scarce resources exist.

  2. #302
    Quote Originally Posted by shimerra View Post
    No they do not. And apparently neither do you.
    -If the table is sorted by "amount of murders" then U.S. is 14th. This does not take into consideration how many people in a country. It is just the total amount of murders.

    -If the table is sorted by "Murder rate per million people" then U.S. is no99. This is a much more meaningful info, since of course, countries with less people, will have a lower total amount of murders
    (If you click the per capita button, U.S. is 99th)

  3. #303
    Quote Originally Posted by Slicer299 View Post
    Yep, socialism is AWESOME!!![/url]
    On a scale where 0 represents a dictatorship, 50 represents some sort of a functional democracy, and 100 represents a socialist state, how do you rate Venezuela?

    This whole conversation is like rate my poo (lotta shit, no substance) inasmuch as we are attempting to talk about different political systems by using examples that don't match expectations on any basis.

    I tend to agree with Caliph on page one, and that's speaking as a natural born U.S. citizen. That said, being a citizen of the country in question doesn't make me blind to its possible defects or those of its inhabitants. But I guess that's infraction-worthy talk 'round these parts...

  4. #304
    Quote Originally Posted by Surfd View Post
    Completely irrelevant without context. What country do you live in? What does an 2 dollars American get you in your country, compared to in America? There are countries out there where you could live like kings for 2 bucks an hour American.
    In Eastern EU. The WoW sub is more expensive than in the US. Any electronic device is more expensive here also any home appliances. Games also cost more here. Also most of the daily foods are at similar price as in the US or UK. (I lived a bit in the UK, literally I could get cheaper stuff in UK tesco than any other store in my country, probably because the tax is way lower in the UK)

    Obviously if you go out to a restaurant, then it is a bit cheaper for us, but does not matter to me because I won't waste my hard earned money on restaurants.

    I don't get food stamps either, I have to buy the foods for myself, which is bigger deal here, because the food prices are similar but the salary is way lower.

    You have so good life in USA, yet you endlessly complain on the internet. (I am not talking specifically about you but I have seen this on reddit and here endlessly. Why English language even have the same word for singular and plural "you"?)

    At least I feel safe in my city because people don't carry guns and we have very very low immigrants rate. I don't think there ever happened a mass shooting like in the US in my country.

  5. #305
    Quote Originally Posted by nanook12 View Post
    Income inequality in the U.S. is the highest among all developed nations. With the federal minimum wage being only $7.25 per hour, people are living in modern slavery just making enough money to barely survive. The republicans in the senate just voted to give an express lane that is going to make inequality far worse.

    How long can this go on without some kind of major revolution?
    Why aren't you doing something to get a better paying job?

    There are lots of options. Unless you have some serious medical issues I don't know what's stopping you from getting into a better situation.

  6. #306
    The Insane Acidbaron's Avatar
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    Outrage is easily misdirected at the wrong thing, especially if you have backing of millions of dollars and the talent willing to make tons of misinformation campaigns.

    Another part is probably their basic education system, to this day we still have people on these forums who cannot see the difference between communism, socialism and socialist programs in a democratic and setting. Add in some black and white thinking and voila. I also sometimes get the impression there's a new religion structure in the USA, First there are Multi-National Corporations, followed by God, Followed by Jezus, Followed by their Boss, Followed by their preacher.

    Rarely have i seen a group of people defend the interest of others that do not benefit them at all, but again this goes back to misinformation campaigns.

    We revolt a bit too little even in Europe but at least we managed to put a bigger limit on how much power can be bought. Hence all the consumer laws, privacy laws and so forth.

  7. #307
    Quote Originally Posted by nanook12 View Post
    If society needs low level workers as well as high level workers, then why don't we give low lever workers fair pay? They perform a task that society needs.
    Because they're expendable. There's always someone who can work that job, willing to be paid that amount. Our entire population isn't going to have PhD's in physics, and making that a theoretical situation is honestly stupid. If it were so common it wouldn't be valuable. It's like anything. Make yourself valuable.

  8. #308
    Quote Originally Posted by Ragedaug View Post
    "We want to go back to a time where income was far more equal."
    - "You mean back when we were all living in squalor and had to work 2-3 jobs just to put food on the table?"
    "Yeah, that's it. The good ol' days."
    here the thing - when people say they want to go back they in 90% time means the 1940-1970 time period when US florished due to rest of world being ravaged d by 2 world wars - but time passed and economy of EU and East florished while US dominished.

    its not fault of rich - just what was happening in 1940-1970 was anomaly not new norm . and wee see it now - US is just uneappealing compared to many other better to live in countries.

    and yet its still very appealing for over half of word where people live for less then 200$ a day . but you closed your borders so without huge import of very cheap labour ofrces your economy suffers immenly - loosen immigration laws and suddenly you will have milions of cheap labour leaving good work places for citizens.

  9. #309
    Quote Originally Posted by Linkedblade View Post
    A better question is what is with Communists and their desire for violence. They so want to murder the bourgeoisie, but what comes next? Only anarchy and a group taking power. The next group then becomes the bourgeoisie.

    Communism cannot exist in a world where greed and scarce resources exist.
    Capitalism is bad. Stalin told me its full of decadent westerners exploiting small black children.

    That's what you sound like.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Virtua View Post
    Yes, according to Fox News it's a lie. According to data that has been collected by our own government along with data compiled by independent agencies's the truth.
    It is funny how myopic Americans generally are about this stuff.

    There is a general tendency towards opposition towards the United States government in most of the world expressed repeatedly in numerous independent studies spanning years. It improved a lot when Obama was elected but subsided again quickly. US news networks rarely report these numbers because of the collective narcissism of much of the population.

    Western Europeans do not tend to want to move to the US except for obvious reasons: marriage, job opportunities etc. The main reason you would want to move to the US relative to other countries is to access a larger market and pay less tax. However weighed against this is a general perception that the US is extremely violent and many of its people are utterly crazy.

    There is some desire to immigrate to the US and western europe in parts of Eastern Europe. However, this is mostly the product of poor understanding of the situation. They don't understand the US has almost no safety net in terms of welfare and healthcare relative to their own countries, which have a hangover of western systems. When discovering this they become less interested.

    Of course, people living in the developed world want to go the US: or indeed anywhere with a functioning state.

  10. #310
    Quote Originally Posted by Virtua View Post
    Only Mexicans and people from developing countries want to move here. And that's only because it's easy to move here and slightly less terrible than their home nation. You don't exactly see Canadians and Europeans lining up to immigrate here. Most are afraid to even travel here due to our insanely high violent crime rate, which by the by is similar to most 3rd world countries.
    Well, that's just bullshit. I know about plenty of people who moved to the US from my home country, friends and friends of friends.

  11. #311
    There is no such thing as income inequality
    what realy exists is work ethic inequality

    some people are busting there ass to make a living and you have people in the midwest getting high on heroin blaming everyone else for their problems instead of the only person they have control over, themselves.

  12. #312
    We are saving the revolt for when a commie-liberal takes office.

  13. #313
    Scarab Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by arandomuser View Post
    There is no such thing as income inequality
    what realy exists is work ethic inequality

    some people are busting there ass to make a living and you have people in the midwest getting high on heroin blaming everyone else for their problems instead of the only person they have control over, themselves.
    Por que no los dos?
    Why do people do drugs/alcohol/smoke? Escape from reality because they're sick of busting their ass for little to no gain and hardly making ends meet still.
    Last edited by Tiwack; 2017-12-03 at 11:55 AM.
    If you knew the candle was fire then the meal was cooked a long time ago.

  14. #314
    Quote Originally Posted by Freighter View Post
    Well, that's just bullshit. I know about plenty of people who moved to the US from my home country, friends and friends of friends.
    Whats your home country?

    Living in the Netherlands myself, I know I would never ever want to live in the US, and all my family and friends agree that we're so much better off in here.

  15. #315
    Quote Originally Posted by Freighter View Post
    Well, that's just bullshit. I know about plenty of people who moved to the US from my home country, friends and friends of friends.
    A personal anecdote, let's forget about all the surveys conducted meticulously across multiple nations.

    Last edited by mmoc1414832408; 2017-12-03 at 11:56 AM.

  16. #316
    As you can see from these comments OP, many Americans are utterly revolting. The ongoing weakening of their corrupt and ignorant nation as a world power might end up being a better thing for all of us.

  17. #317
    Quote Originally Posted by advanta View Post
    A personal anecdote, let's forget about all the surveys conducted meticulously across multiple nations.

    I mean, if you ignore that USA is one of the top destinations for emigrants from South Korea, okay. It's because they hate it so much.

  18. #318
    The Lightbringer
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    I dunno the Antfia fatties are pretty revolting.
    Paladin Bash has spoken.

  19. #319
    Frankly in the US if you aren't making a decent wage it's for a handful of reasons generally.

    1. You offer no skills other than basic labor.
    2. You are unwilling to move to where the jobs are.
    3. You aren't taking the opportunities afforded you by the government by getting the training many states will help provide. For instance in my home state, if you can finish a program in 18 months or less they will help pay for it. These are jobs like Maintenance, Welding, HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, etc. Many of these jobs pay very well because they are in high demand and the supply is limited. They are actually begging people to learn how to do these jobs they are in such short supply ( well maybe not HVAC)
    4. You are too dumb, stupid, lazy, and stuck in your ways to change your life.

    That might not cover every little thing, but I'm betting it's 95% of it.

    I'm about to have the 3rd factory in 12 years shut down on me, and I'm not worried in the least. Yeah sure I'm going to need to drop in pay, but I learned how to operate printing presses in college, something in this country is always going to need to be printed. Longest I've been without a job since dropping out of college is 6 months, and that is because I chose to do that.

  20. #320
    Quote Originally Posted by Freighter View Post
    I mean, if you ignore that USA is one of the top destinations for emigrants from South Korea, okay. It's because they hate it so much.
    South Korea is quite a different story then western Europe tho. Your ties with the US are so much tighter and for safety reasons alone I would move to the US...

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