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  1. #1

    What the HELL am I doing wrong?

    I have a 721 MM Hunter

    I 250 flask 250 food and rune

    I rotate the way all guides and other hunters tell me to

    And yet I have been beaten by or kept up with by Hunters of notably less gear

    What in the actual fuck am I doing wrong?

    I even took one guys advice and made /stopcasting macros for chimaera and aimed shot so I could do them mid steady shot

    I stopped using barrage on single target

    Should I rapid fire on cooldown (I.E. on pull) even though careful aim is validated when boss is above 80% hp?

    Please tell me how to play my class in a top percentile ranking manner ._.

    Also, Mythic Fel-Spring Coil or Heroic Malicious Censer?

    I'm not sure what else I can do

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by TonyMonktana View Post
    I even took one guys advice and made /stopcasting macros for chimaera and aimed shot so I could do them mid steady shot
    This is why you don't take random people's advice.

  3. #3
    You really need to record/post logs then we could see what you were doing wrong.

    But last I checked, isn't barrage still a gain in ST?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Bareno View Post
    You really need to record/post logs then we could see what you were doing wrong.

    But last I checked, isn't barrage still a gain in ST?
    You wouldn't use it in a ST scenario.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Nemesiz View Post
    You wouldn't use it in a ST scenario.
    Yes you would, if it doesn't delay Chimaera(counting time to cast and possible time to refill focus) and you have no TotH procs.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Nemesiz View Post
    You wouldn't use it in a ST scenario.
    Don't stop casting steady shot delete those cancel cast macros , Barrage is a dps gain single IF you have spare focus, CS on cd no ToTH procs , and steady focus buffs not applicable.
    Swap targets take advantage of steady focus on high hp mobs and kill shot on low hp mobs.

  7. #7
    Without logs it's hard to tell someone how to get better... so yeah, find out if anyone in your guild is logging your raids, or start doing it yourself.

    One thing I would say look more closely at your gear and what you're taking as "upgrades." You have a few pieces that are terribly itemized, and you're therefore losing out on a lot of crit. These other hunters who are "less geared" than you may have way better itemization, which could be a contributing factor.

    Your question regarding trinkets should be referred to Azor's guide.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Tehterokkar View Post
    Yes you would, if it doesn't delay Chimaera(counting time to cast and possible time to refill focus) and you have no TotH procs.
    When has this become the new norm? I was quite sure Barrage wasn't worth casting ST even with no TotH procs.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Nemesiz View Post
    When has this become the new norm? I was quite sure Barrage wasn't worth casting ST even with no TotH procs.
    There are so few situations in which it would be optimal to cast Barrage ST that I personally don't even find it worth casting ST. Mainly enough Focus and CS shot CD high enough so that you don't delay it being the right circumstances.

    The only spell I have a stopcast macro attached to is Kill Shot and I only use it when an add mob is close to dying and I'm mid-cast of Steady Shot.

    Check your logs and make sure you're casting CS on cooldown. Divide the duration of your encounters by 9 seconds. So if a fight was 3:00 minutes long (180 / 3), you should be getting 20 CS off, minus MAYBE 1-3 depending on the type of encounter.

    Also, typically disregard guides that say you should try to "hang around X amount of Focus". Just make sure you always have enough Focus for CS. So say you get a TOTH proc and CS is coming off cooldown in 1 second, prioritize CS and then spam your Aimed Shot (with Steady Shots between if needed and/or if ToTH duration is ending soon).

    It all becomes instinctual after a while.

  10. #10
    Honestly it's probably less to do with your rotation and more to do with how efficiently you do everything. In my time of raiding i've found that even if my rotation isn't perfect I can rank incredibly high (i've had a few rank 1s on mythic (old hc) fights as various classes), just make sure your uptime is high, you switch target the moment it's beneficial, make use of any damage modifier you recieve, never focus cap, kill shot as much as possible and aoe whenever possible. With all that being said, you're actually just scumbagging the meters if you do all these things all of the time, high dps doesn't mean you're performing well, in fact you could be hurting the group.

    Honestly while it's true that you could probably tweak your rotation a bit, i'd say it's more important to just focus on making sure that you spend every second of the fight doing something beneficial and you're never not casting or focus capped. Also, make sure your gear has the right stats - High item level =/= great stats.

    Just don't cap

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Azortharion View Post
    This is why you don't take random people's advice.
    you're right, im not using your guide anymore you random person. boom! :OOOO

    if all seriousness "if youre not trolling" post some logs, or go to the fix my dps thread, please and thank you. ill be soon to help you!

    without logs the best i can do for you is to read azors guide (even if i helped you figure out whats wrong you should still give it a in depth read, it will teach you everything, EVERYTHING. you need to know)

    heres the link -

    oh and tell warmsodas, gaar said hi
    Last edited by Gaarashatan; 2015-10-23 at 05:54 PM.

  12. #12
    Field Marshal Speed's Avatar
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    Pretty easy to find his logs
    Your sniper training is way too low for your amount of mastery.

    Also why aren't you using stampede is it on your bars?
    Last edited by Speed; 2015-10-23 at 05:54 PM.

  13. #13
    with what speed posted, you're also missing about 9 chims you could've done on reaver (reason to believe is cause you're focus starved when the time comes, have to check logs but meh) could be your lack of ability on that part of that weird macro. plus your sniper on a fight like reaver you could easily maintain it at 80%+ easily. you have to think of sniper training like a mythic class trink. you got good wep procs little low on toth procs. dont forget to stay spread, if you time it right you can easily get in a safe position and rdy for any mechanics while keeping sniper up (lots of oyur players are clomped and unstable orb is quite hefty) and for a hunter were the ones looked to move first
    Last edited by Gaarashatan; 2015-10-23 at 06:03 PM.

  14. #14
    I'm looking at these logs and I'm just seeing bad disjointed play. You are talking about how you flask and rune every pull... that's baseline stuff that everyone does in mythic raiding. To play a hunter well you need to understand each fight and how to make the most of your trinkets/cooldowns.

    Here is Kormrok. A link to your buffs, not your damage. 70% Sniper training is unacceptable. You need to think about the eb and flow of the fight and maximize your sniper training up time.

    Look at your rapid fire usage. It's out of sync with your raids ring usage. You always want to know when rings will be used and pool focus leading up to it. Your 2nd agi pot was used half way through maalus. You need to use the agi pot right before maalus is cast on this fight.

    You cast stampede on the pull but your stampede dealt no damage in the logs. Either its a bug in the logs or you managed to get them killed without dealing damage first. In any case you should always hold stampede until after the first jump to a pool. Considering when your guild uses heroism you should hold it for heroism. That 2nd maalus should have a dreanic agi pot, heroism, stampede, and rapid fire. All it got was half a draenic agi pot and you dropped sniper training during it as well. I wouldn't multi shot ever by the way. Sure its a theoretical dps increase on multiple targets but it's jut inefficient dps for a minimal personal gain.

    You just need to put more thought into how you play every fight. When to pot, when to stampede, when to rapid fire. What trinkets to use. There are little decisions and intricacies to the class that a guide cannot explain. Like knowing when it's better to pool focus and hold toth procs. Or using mouseover macros to careful aim snipe near full health mobs.

    You can also put more thought into mirrors usage. On that Kormrok you use it on the pull which the boss moved out of, then you held it until the 1:55 ish mark for hands. You could have used it closer to :30 then again maybe 10 seconds before dragging hands. Dragging hands are never going to live the 20 second duration so precasting doesn't hurt.

    Here is my Kormrok... I'm not exactly elite but my movement is calculated and cool down usage synced properly. I could have gotten my chim off faster while Kormrok is jumping in the first pool, it ended up delaying my barrage during the first hands.

  15. #15
    Pretty much issues with everything in the reaver log.
    1. Get your activity up, if other hunters have 20%+ more shots from everything except barrage you must have idle downtime.
    2. Really use CS on CD.
    3. Get your sniper training to a higher lvl, Preplan movement.
    4. Time your cooldowns, even more important. Use them.

  16. #16
    I do stampede man, on council we're told to save it for burst on the big guy but other than that I use it on CD every time

    - - - Updated - - -

    Thank you for being thorough Zaity, this is the shit I need to hear

  17. #17
    dont stampede on cd , it if you hero on pull on reaver then ya stampede then, if you're not going to hero in a fight more than 5+ mins like mannoroth, then ya stampede again, but if you're only going to get one stampede off, save it for ring and hero

  18. #18
    Field Marshal Speed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TonyMonktana View Post
    I do stampede man, on council we're told to save it for burst on the big guy but other than that I use it on CD every time

    - - - Updated - - -

    Thank you for being thorough Zaity, this is the shit I need to hear
    Your not using stampede because you have 5 BM pets in your stable. Which means when you cast stampede your not summoning any pets which means your stampede is doing zero damage. Use the stampede glyph and have atleast one useable mm pet or don't use the glyph and have 5 mm pets.

    So improve your sniper training and understand how pets work for stampede.

    Right now your biggest problem is not understanding the class.

  19. #19

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Speed View Post
    Your not using stampede because you have 5 BM pets in your stable. Which means when you cast stampede your not summoning any pets which means your stampede is doing zero damage. Use the stampede glyph and have atleast one useable mm pet or don't use the glyph and have 5 mm pets.

    So improve your sniper training and understand how pets work for stampede.

    Right now your biggest problem is not understanding the class.
    I can't test it with 5 BM pets because I don't have that many, but I'm certain that when you have BM pets with you and at least one normal pet, it duplicates normal pets to fill up the spots even without the glyph. Certain as in I see it happen all the time.

    But of course, I'll accept for now that if you have 5 exotics it won't summon any.

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