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  1. #1

    Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    So, I've been a holy priest since vanilla. Always felt I was pretty damn good at it. Until lately. I'm just not competing as much as I used to. Gone over numbers, done some theory crafting, looked around and asked other priests for advice, all to not much change in my performance. Any help that can be given would be greatly appreciated.

    My Armory:


    Possible factors that are killing my healing:
    • I have great latency, usually around 20ms. But my FPS blows hard, usually about 15 in combat.
    • We run 2 resto druids... Hots galore
    • I just picked up clique today per reading through these forums, normally Im a click raidframe/hit keybind healer
    • not enough crit?

    I'm willing to take all criticism, so if you think Im an idiot and doing something wrong PLEASE tell me! Cause, at this point, no matter how much I bust my ass healing, I'm just not putting out the HPS I feel I should be.

    Thank You all In Advance.

  2. #2

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    Anyone else think his healing looks completely fine meterwise for a holy priest? :/ FPS seems to be an obvious problem, but other than that, I don't see anything wrong. This is where we are on meters now generally. Nm I read 1.5fps =[ Mybad/ 15 is fine ><

    Predicting damage - the right way.

  3. #3

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaleti
    I just picked up clique today per reading through these forums, normally Im a click raidframe/hit keybind healer
    I dont heal mainspec, i sucked at it really badly the few times i tried it, and thats the way i healed. Then i got a razer naga for x-mas, made some [@mouseover] macros for my healing spells, and immediately started healing a hundred times better, but im still not a real raid healer. Just taking away that one click makes it much faster and simpler.

    and seeing as you are with tree druids, those damn hots are probably sniping some of each of your heals. As long as people aren't dying from lack of heals, i wouldnt worry about topping meters as a healer. come cata, the whole healing game will change anyway...
    Good players spend their time trying to figure out how to be better,
    Bad players spend their time trying to prove that they are already the best.

  4. #4

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    Yeah, you're really not putting out the numbers you should be. Dusting off the spec might help, but it looks like you're a bit confused on what you should be casting. Part of it is also 7 healing, which gets really annoying if you have other decent healers. No fights in ICC require more than 6 and most require 4-5, so having 7 means someone is going to get shafted on heals.

    Some quick things just from looking things over:
    - You're under-using Prayer of Healing. It's a very important tool on quite a few ICC fights.
    - You're not using Binding Heal. It should replace Flash Heal on fights with damage auras.
    - You're relying too much on Circle of Healing. It's a great spell, but even when used on cooldown it shouldn't be your top heal.
    - You're using two sloppy specs. I'd recommend a standard 13/58 renew spec (here) for your playstyle.
    - You're using some odd gem setups. At your mana level you should be using Insightful Earthsiege and you should not be using a crit gem. It's also generally not best to use straight hybrid gems. With your gear I would recommend SP/Haste in reds and SP/Spirit to activate good socket bonuses, but 20 haste in yellow sockets and any slot with a bonus you don't want.
    - You don't have a bracer enchant. A little odd.

  5. #5

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    :X ABove post made me wanna l2p holy again. For ICC anyway

    Predicting damage - the right way.

  6. #6

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    Feel free to ignore what harky said about binding heal or prayer of healing.
    You're not using Prayer of Mending enough, the usual mister obvious forgot to see that simple thing.

    Taking a quick look at your Twins HC parse says more than enough, other fights confirm it - especially BQL. Get accustomed to grid + clique since it'll speed up your reaction time.
    15fps in combat is playable, I played with less. Get an addon that will tell you when you got Surge of Light up, fire it instantly and build up Serendipity to 3x and THEN use PoH if it's needed and if you can actually pull a heal off with it.

    On BQL you used Flash Heal 17 times, 2 times it critted so it means it wasn't SoL. Don't do that - use PoM > CoH (if SoL up use it), spam renew, when you get SoL use it again and get your serendipity to 3x and use your PoH.
    You didn't use Divine Hymn at all at BQL, you have a perfect chance to do it while she's in the air doing her thingy.
    Use 2x T9 bonus, 20% on PoM is incredible, especially while our healing T10 bonus sucks (until it gets changed).

    I checked only BQL fight and Twins fight since those are heavy AoE fights where you can shine with your arsenal. Those fights also favor use of Glyph of PoH.
    Also, how are you using your Guardian Spirit? I am trigger happy person, I prefer to blow such cooldowns as fast as possible (not at the pull ofc) in order to increase healing on targets that are likely to get owned by an ability.

  7. #7

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    Quote Originally Posted by syanid
    Feel free to ignore what harky said about binding heal or prayer of healing.
    Yeah, I like PoH and BH a lot, ignore me.

    I checked only BQL fight and Twins fight since those are heavy AoE fights where you can shine with your arsenal. Those fights also favor use of Glyph of PoH.
    Oh wait, don't ignore me? :

    Anyway OP, please never do this:
    Quote Originally Posted by syanid
    Get an addon that will tell you when you got Surge of Light up, fire it instantly and build up Serendipity to 3x and THEN use PoH if it's needed and if you can actually pull a heal off with it.
    If you're going to use PoH, don't bother stacking Serendipity. The fights that favor PoH in ICC allow for it to be tossed off basically whenever you want. By purposefully stacking Serendipity you're only adding time onto your casts, rather than reducing it. Serendipity is great for fights like Festergut where you will shift from tank healing at 3 inhales to raid healing very quickly. It is not good for fights with constant damage to the raid. Time spent on Flash Heals is time better spent on Renew, CoH, PoM, BH, or when possible PoH.

  8. #8

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    Harky - yes, he should ignore you. Find a fellow on your realm and binding heal your asses off and be happy. Btw yes, you stack serendipity if situation allows it.

    OP - we can go all day about what's good and what isn't but my honest advice -

    It tells you straight away what other top players do and you don't. For BQL you'll see that PoM / CoH are casted instantly when they come off the cd, otherwise PoH.

    There are other things to be taken into consideration, such as how well do you cooperate with your fellow healers. Are druids randomly hotting, or do you have specific groups assigned to each other on certain encounters? If you're trying to keep g5 alive and a druid hots randomly what they see - you're going to overlap your healing resulting in massive overheal.

  9. #9

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    Quote Originally Posted by syanid
    Btw yes, you stack serendipity if situation allows it.
    "Btw no, you can cast Prayer of Healing at 0 stacks of Serendipity because no raid situation outside of Festergut actually is modeled from that."

    It tells you straight away what other top players do and you don't. For BQL you'll see that PoM / CoH are casted instantly when they come off the cd, otherwise PoH.
    There are other things to be taken into consideration, such as how well do you cooperate with your fellow healers. Are druids randomly hotting, or do you have specific groups assigned to each other on certain encounters? If you're trying to keep g5 alive and a druid hots randomly what they see - you're going to overlap your healing resulting in massive overheal.
    Then why would you be suggesting to cast Circle on cooldown, if you're talking about cooperating with your other healers? It's the least cooperative spell we have in our arsenal. Instant cast, smart healing 6 targets beats out a Chain Heal with its cast time, Wild Growth with its Heal over Time nature, any other HoTs out there, Ancestral Awakening, Prayer of Healing, the list goes on.

    Back on topic, for the OP:

    Binding Heal is situational, absolutely. But the situations you can use it on are almost every encounter (unless you're already winding up a Prayer on your whole group anyways). Prayer should be getting used a lot. Three people in the same group hurt more than 3k worth of damage (especially on an aura fight)? Toss out a Prayer, because chances are they'll either be hurt more or someone else in the group can take a hit down. Prayer hits hard, with enough haste it's not that unresponsive of a cast, either.

    You don't need Serendipity to get it off, what you do need is a faster reaction time and no hesitation when pushing the button. The time it takes to build a stack to three is time you could've been spent a) casting Mending, Renew's, or a circle, or b) Already casting your Prayer in need, thus not delaying it (omg a slower cast is "faster!").

    ~Former Priest/Guild Wars 2 Moderator~
    Now TESTING: ArcheAge (Alpha)
    Now PLAYING: MonoRed Burn (MtG Standard)
    Twitter: @KelestiMMO come say hi!
    ~When you speak, I hear silence. Every word a defiance~

  10. #10

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelesti
    Back on topic, for the OP:

    Binding Heal is situational, absolutely. But the situations you can use it on are almost every encounter (unless you're already winding up a Prayer on your whole group anyways). Prayer should be getting used a lot. Three people in the same group hurt more than 3k worth of damage (especially on an aura fight)? Toss out a Prayer, because chances are they'll either be hurt more or someone else in the group can take a hit down. Prayer hits hard, with enough haste it's not that unresponsive of a cast, either.

    You don't need Serendipity to get it off, what you do need is a faster reaction time and no hesitation when pushing the button. The time it takes to build a stack to three is time you could've been spent a) casting Mending, Renew's, or a circle, or b) Already casting your Prayer in need, thus not delaying it (omg a slower cast is "faster!").
    Yep, this. Binding Heal is useful any time you personally take damage and any time you feel the need to cast Flash Heal on a fight with a damage aura, Binding Heal will heal for more. Prayer of Healing on the other hand is amazing on those same fights.

    Let's say CoH on cooldown, PoM on cooldown. If you purposefully cast 3x FH between PoH you'll cast PoH about 6 times per minute. If you're using Renew and only using FH with SoL then you'll cast PoH about 4 timer per minute. If you just use PoH as filler you'll cast it about 12 times per minute. That's at 0 haste.

    0 haste:
    PoH - 3s
    1x FH, PoH - 4.14s
    2x FH, PoH - 5.28s
    3x FH, PoH - 6.42s
    2x PoH - 6s

    25% haste (35% raid buffed)
    PoH - 2.22s
    1x FH, PoH - 3.06s
    2x FH, PoH - 3.9s
    3x FH, PoH - 4.75s
    2x PoH - 4.44s

    If a situation calls for PoH. Cast PoH. Do not intentionally stack Serendipity first. If Serendipity happens to be partially stacked then it's great. If not then it's not a big deal, cast PoH anyway. On fights in ICC with big damage auras the times you can use PoH will exceed how often you can cast PoH when stacking Serendipity to 3 for each cast. In normal you can typically cast it every 4-6 seconds. In HM you can cast it every 2 seconds safely, though you'd need 1269 haste to pull that off.

    Anyway last I'll post in this thread: OP, you should be using PoH more and more spells in general. CoH topping your heals is typical of someone who is not casting enough spells. Use your filler (be it FH, BH, Renew, or PoH) more and you should see that pass CoH/PoM on healing. Those should never be your top heal unless you have too many healers for an encounter.

  11. #11

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelesti
    "Btw no, you can cast Prayer of Healing at 0 stacks of Serendipity because no raid situation outside of Festergut actually is modeled from that."
    Then why would you be suggesting to cast Circle on cooldown, if you're talking about cooperating with your other healers? It's the least cooperative spell we have in our arsenal. Instant cast, smart healing 6 targets beats out a Chain Heal with its cast time, Wild Growth with its Heal over Time nature, any other HoTs out there, Ancestral Awakening, Prayer of Healing, the list goes on.
    Ok, I'll break it down to you so you can slowly process it. You have PoH. It targets 1 group. If 2 druids heal G5 and you heal G5 - OH MAI GAWD you overlap each others' heals. Easy to comprende or should I try to translate it to Japanese so it sets in with you? Don't ask stupid questions please, it's becoming boring already.

    As for why casting CoH on cd.. I won't bother.. I'll just stop here, I guess you even mentioning that says something about your mental capabilities. To the OP: I won't derail this thread anymore with arguments with 2 useless members but:

    1) Sort your UI. Clique + Grid help immensely
    2) Check the top logs on fights, see what other guys cast and when - link is posted (you're not casting enough PoM and PoH, you Renew too much).
    3) Use your cooldowns, especially GS - not to just prevent killing blow but to increase healing done.

    You also have very odd gemming choice, but that's been covered already so I won't post double information.

  12. #12

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    I heard CoH is a smart heal and overheals so you should wait to use it.

    It targets 1 group. If 2 druids heal G5 and you heal G5 - OH MAI GAWD you overlap each others' heals. Easy to comprende or should I try to translate it to Japanese so it sets in with you? Don't ask stupid questions please, it's becoming boring already.
    Also, this.

  13. #13

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    A lot of immaturity in this thread. Maybe you should argue the topic rather than calling each other names. Just sayin'

    Predicting damage - the right way.

  14. #14
    Field Marshal
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    Sep 2008
    Fort Worth, TX

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    Who cares abought healing numbers? If your a healer the only thing that matters is....... CAN YOU KEEP YOUR TARGET ALIVE! If you can do that your fine. But if you constantly are having your target/ targets die. Well then you need to look at what your playstyle is.

  15. #15

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    The op knows that.

    Predicting damage - the right way.

  16. #16

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    Forgive me for ninja'ing this thread, but i madly need an advice regarding the same things.

    This is my armory:

    Before flaming me, i know i fucked my gear bad, because i was dumb and picked up hit gear to replace old 245/232 gear which seemed better. Obviously i was wrong and now i realise that maybe i ditched a lot of haste gear.

    Also, my spec may seem horrid but i like the way it is, and it fits my playstyle, IMO. If i fucked up a very important talent, please let me know though. It will be apreciated.

    My gems were all +23 SP plus 2 more needed for the meta gem, btw. And I don't have mana issues

    As always, constructive criticism is welcomed.

  17. #17

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    Quote Originally Posted by harky
    Yeah, I like PoH and BH a lot, ignore me.

    Oh wait, don't ignore me? :

    Anyway OP, please never do this:
    If you're going to use PoH, don't bother stacking Serendipity. The fights that favor PoH in ICC allow for it to be tossed off basically whenever you want. By purposefully stacking Serendipity you're only adding time onto your casts, rather than reducing it. Serendipity is great for fights like Festergut where you will shift from tank healing at 3 inhales to raid healing very quickly. It is not good for fights with constant damage to the raid. Time spent on Flash Heals is time better spent on Renew, CoH, PoM, BH, or when possible PoH.
    What's exactly wrong with using an addon like ClassTimer to know when Surge of Light is going to expire? I find it useful, IMO. Buffs are always dancing with all the procs around, so i only have to look at one place to know the durations. Oh, and i use it for Serendipity aswell :P

  18. #18

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Restos
    What's exactly wrong with using an addon like ClassTimer to know when Surge of Light is going to expire? I find it useful, IMO. Buffs are always dancing with all the procs around, so i only have to look at one place to know the durations. Oh, and i use it for Serendipity aswell :P
    There's nothing in his post against using a mod to track Surge of Light (though I do solidly recommend Power Auras myself. Strong recommendations from half the priest community, it's a rock-solid peice of work, that one.).

    Using Surge of Light is one thing, for when you need "healz rite nao", but using it "for Serendipity" is not really a keen point in either talent.
    ~Former Priest/Guild Wars 2 Moderator~
    Now TESTING: ArcheAge (Alpha)
    Now PLAYING: MonoRed Burn (MtG Standard)
    Twitter: @KelestiMMO come say hi!
    ~When you speak, I hear silence. Every word a defiance~

  19. #19

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    Quote Originally Posted by Restos
    What's exactly wrong with using an addon like ClassTimer to know when Surge of Light is going to expire? I find it useful, IMO. Buffs are always dancing with all the procs around, so i only have to look at one place to know the durations. Oh, and i use it for Serendipity aswell :P
    As Kelesti mentioned, what you quoted is in regard to intentionally stacking Serendipity for every PoH you cast, which is a very bad idea. I also strongly recommend Power Auras to all specs of all classes. It can pretty much do everything you want from a good buff timer, DoT timer and proc timer with the advantage of allowing configurable visual and auditory cues for events. Hell, it can be used as a full replacement for boss mods as well if you really want to mess with it.

  20. #20

    Re: Please help: Not putting up the numbers (holy healing)

    You need to use PoM way more, it should be rotated on the MT (or whoever is tanking something) 100% of the time when its up, as soon as the cooldown ends, its your #1 priority. Same with renew, it should b on all tanks 100% of the fight, thats #2. You need to use circle efficently. If your having mana problems, try getting solace instead of the trinket that gives u the less mana (i know purified lunto sacrifice a little bit for regen imo. You should not gem pure SP, its rly overrated for Holy imo, you should gem sp/haste on all gems , might need some sp/spirit but i really suggest you try and get your haste over 900, and you should also have over 20% crit, reason beeing with 20%, we will be over 25% raid buffed and surge of light will proc much more often. Also, i dont know if you use Power Auras (really usefull addon for any class), i basicly use it for one thing only when i play holy, SURGE OF LIGHT. A yellow holy cross pops up on my screen and it comes with as sound as soon as Surge of Light procs (the sound is default, comes with power auras; choose a sound that you will recognize, thats pretty loud and short). Everytime i hear that its a free flash heal, its great. Renews shoud be put on anyone thats around 90% or below.

    hope that helped

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