Cross-Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon
Originally Posted by Slorkuz (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
With the continued popularity of the Dungeon Finder, many players have been asking for a way to group up with real-life friends who play on other realms to take on instances together. Today, we wanted to give you a heads up about a new feature currently in development that will allow players to invite Real ID friends of the same faction to a party regardless of the realm they play on, and then queue up for a 5-player regular or Heroic dungeon.

As this is a fairly complex service to develop, we don’t have a release date to share quite yet. It’s important to note that as with some of the other convenience- and connectivity-oriented features we offer, certain elements of the cross-realm Real ID party system will be premium-based, though only the player sending the invitations will need to have access to the premium service. We'll have more details to share with you as development progresses -- in the meantime, you may begin to see elements of the feature appear on the World of Warcraft PTR.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Cross-Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 1746 Comments
  1. panamajack's Avatar
    commenting on what hogomo said. what other MMO game charges a monthly fee and has raised its monthly charges? i can't think of any. and what made wow which is online pc games diff from say ps3 and xbox 360 was ps3 and xbox once you bought the game thats it. its your no more charges. so wow charging 14.99 since 2004 and stay that way is no big deal we pay for our exspanions for extra content if they want to add a feature they want ppl to pay for they should put it in the next exspansion.
  1. mmocfc9b192690's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kragragh View Post
    Feel free to disagree all you want...but when your point is that this "should" be included in your price, then yes, you don't agree with them, and they're the ones in charge. So to just say what "should" and shouldn't be included is relative, and unfortunately for you, there's only one RIGHT answer - theirs.
    Here is the point *
    Here is your head O_o

    Sorry, but people are allowed opinions, and when enough people share an opinion, they can have quite a loud voice. With a loud enough voice, you can affect change.

    I feel sorry for anyone who feels that every decision that is not in their hands will always be the right one.
  1. Kragragh's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Knirps View Post
    And since when were you?

    Since when are you the overlord of all ideas about deciding whether or not someone has the right to have an opinion on what should or should not be sub based?

    And no, that is not what they've always done. They have had us pay for things outside the sub before. Things know....expansions? Like, BC, WotLK, and Cata?

    Ya'll need to learn to turn your questions on yourselves.'re missing my I SAID, I'M not, YOU'RE not, THEY are...and I've made the point multiple times here that yes, we have to pay for things outside the monthly sub fee - so why is this any different?

    Thanks for making my point for me.
  1. Scratches's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kragragh View Post
    I would have no problem with that, because I don't play PTR, I wouldn't pay for it, so why would I be pissed about it?
    Of course you wouldn't, and that's fine. But the problem lies in that it could very well set a slippery precedent for things like the hypothetical situation I joked about to come to fruition, and then some.

    Say it continues down that road, though, and they start converting more "unnecessary" features, both present and future, into new premium services; "Hey, no one said anything about it before, so we thought you'd like more." How long would it take until you start to take issue with the practice? What feature would they have to hit for you to then speak up? RDF? Mounts? AH access? Dual-spec? All of them could be argued as completely unnecessary features...

    Sure, I would love to not have to go on about slippery slope arguments and such wild, precedent-setting behaviour, but, alas, we're talking about and dealing with an apparently spineless company whose primary language is Vagueness and whom also doesn't stand up and say what it means unless poked and prodded to the nth degree, at which point it's usually too late as damage has already been done. So, forgive the above rhetoric, as it's just to make a point with what little information we are given...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hugglebug View Post
    Oh and by the way, just because Blizzard are the ones in charge of 'their' game, it doesn't make everything they do OK. I'd love to see the reaction if they let a press release out tomorrow saying the game would be shut down permanently in 30 days. You'd all go mental at them taking away 'your' game.
    Honestly, you don't even have to wait for that. Just look at what happened with their idea to use Real ID names on forums...
  1. Keosen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaminiri View Post
    So by your logic, LFD should cost us money? Guild Finder should cost us money?
    What if they did? how could you blame Blizzard since the feature was never there before they implemented it?
    If you buy a car and the company produces the same model with optional airbags should give them to you for free?
  1. Kragragh's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Auto-Unstuck View Post
    I feel sorry for anyone who feels that every decision that is not in their hands will always be the right one.
    What an odd thing to say - I've never known anyone who felt that way. Personally, I don't feel like that in this case - I don't understand the outrage about having THE OPTION of paying a few bucks more for something you may or may not want. I'm an adult, I have discretionary income, and I have alts on a few different servers and friends on different servers, so this works out well for me. Much better than paying for a server transfer to play with friends.

    Why would you be outraged about an optional service? Pay or don't. It's like going to the store and screaming at them because they have expensive wines you can't afford, even though you didn't even go to buy a bottle of wine and you wouldn't anyway.

    The sky isn't falling, people.

    ---------- Post added 2011-05-18 at 12:42 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Scratches View Post
    Of course you wouldn't, and that's fine. But the problem lies in that it could very well set a slippery precedent for things like the hypothetical situation I joked about to come to fruition, and then some.

    Say it continues down that road, though, and they start converting more "unnecessary" features, both present and future, into new premium services; "Hey, no one said anything about it before, so we thought you'd like more." How long would it take until you start to take issue with the practice? What feature would they have to hit for you to then speak up? RDF? Mounts? AH access? Dual-spec? All of them could be argued as completely unnecessary features...

    Sure, I would love to not have to go on about slippery slope arguments and such wild, precedent-setting behaviour, but, alas, we're talking about and dealing with an apparently spineless company whose primary language is Vagueness and whom also doesn't stand up and say what it means unless poked and prodded to the nth degree, at which point it's usually too late as damage has already been done. So, forgive the above rhetoric, as it's just to make a point with what little information we are given... slope arguments are useless and a waste of time. What if the world ends this Saturday...2012...whatever. Freak out when it DOES happen, not that it COULD happen someday.

    An apparently spineless your logic, standing up the whiners who are threatening to quit but never will isn't really spineless to me. But that's just my opinion.
  1. Duster505's Avatar
    The fanboyism on MMO-Champion has been taken to new lvl.

    Do these ppl pay for beeing fanboys or... ?
  1. Shanto94's Avatar
    I dont see why people QQ
    Do you think inventing all this new stuff is free?
    Would you prefer thosse who wants this paying 5 more euros every month, or do you want them to just raise the monthly fee with 5 euros?
  1. Arean's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Duster505 View Post
    The fanboyism on MMO-Champion has been taken to new lvl.

    Do these ppl pay for beeing fanboys or... ?
    Yeah, how strange, finding fans on a fansite...

    OT: Not sure about this change yet, need to wait to see what these "certain elements" are before I go yay/nay.
  1. mmocfc9b192690's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kragragh View Post
    What an odd thing to say
    An odd thing to say? God I feel bad for humanity at times.
  1. Sambal's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Keosen View Post
    What if they did? how could you blame Blizzard since the feature was never there before they implemented it?
    If you buy a car and the company produces the same model with optional airbags should give them to you for free?
    If I would be paying a monthly fee to the company where I bought my car so I can make use of the car I think I can expect the optional airbags because I am paying for their services monthly. What else would I be paying for?
  1. mmocf983e2506b's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Keosen View Post
    What if they did? how could you blame Blizzard since the feature was never there before they implemented it?
    If you buy a car and the company produces the same model with optional airbags should give them to you for free?
    Yes, but if you are paying monthly for a car and then then your reseller says he has installed new engine, double the power of the original, while you were asleep and suddenly your monthly payment raises ? He could, of course, remove a few cylinders if you don't want to pay for it. Have fun watching your neighbor speeding around the neighborhood, while you are still crawling behind him.
  1. Kragragh's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Auto-Unstuck View Post
    An odd thing to say? God I feel bad for humanity at times.
    Wow you're soooooo cool because you think for yourself and NO ONE ELSE DOES and god they're all such SHEEP
  1. mmoc176454de01's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Shanto94 View Post
    I dont see why people QQ
    Do you think inventing all this new stuff is free?
    Would you prefer thosse who wants this paying 5 more euros every month, or do you want them to just raise the monthly fee with 5 euros?
    I want them to use the money from the sub I already pay to develop these new features. If Blizzard was the same company five years ago it is today, speech bubbles would have been a premium feature.

    I hate the way Blizzard go on about 'lack of resources' and 'it's really complex so we'll have to make it a premium feature'. How can the worlds largest MMO developer, one of the most profitable developers in the industry have a problem with resources? How can they not have the best coders in the business who can do this stuff in their sleep? It just stinks of taking the playerbase for one big ride.

    If tiny developers like CCP can continually expand upon something huge and seamless like EVE, for nothing more than the subscriptions people pay (yes, the HUGE content patches/expansions they do are free) then it really baffles me as to how Blizzard can't even implement something like cross-realm BOA sending.
  1. mmoc03b0e9abe6's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kragragh View Post
    Feel free to disagree all you want...but when your point is that this "should" be included in your price, then yes, you don't agree with them, and they're the ones in charge. So to just say what "should" and shouldn't be included is relative, and unfortunately for you, there's only one RIGHT answer - theirs.
    Feel free to disagree all you want...but when their point is that this "should" be included in your payment, then yes, they don't agree with you, and you're the one in charge. So to just say what "should" and shouldn't be included is relative, and unfortunately for them, there's only one RIGHT answer - yours.

    A transaction goes both ways. I give Blizzard money, they give me content I enjoy.

    Up to now, development of new features has been part of the subscription cost. You can wowwiki patch 1.1 and have a look at all the stuff they've added for the subscription only. But then they decide they're not happy with the amount of money they're getting, so they want to make us pay double. Are they allowed to do that? Yes. Are we allowed to protest against it? Yes.

  1. Duster505's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Scratches View Post
    Honestly, you don't even have to wait for that. Just look at what happened with their idea to use Real ID names on forums...
    In truth Blizzard could never have implemented the Named real ID. There were so many legal issues atatched to it cause diffrent countries have difrent laws when it comes to such things.

    On the other hand - Charging ppl for servcie is not porblematic at all. I dont like it -but Blizzard will not change their mind on this one. They will force it upon ppl just like they did with pets and storemounts. I dont like it and we will see more and more features beeing pushed into this extra charge - justifying them raising it to 15$ within 1 or 2 years. They will then add a feature that is marginally a must have feature (most likely character custimization) and force most of the playerbase to pay 30$ per month.

    As long as ppl keep subing to the game in its current state + willing to pay more for other features.... there is nothing anyone can do about it. What ppl CAN do tho is to chancel their sub and simply leave. There are alot of good MMOs out that still offer the sub free alone (RIFT comes to mind). Not to mention that sWTOR is just around the corner.

    The only way to hurt capitalism is to hit it where it hurts. Their wallet. PPL need to realise that BLizzard is now a buisness first and foremost. The games come second or even third.
  1. Sambal's Avatar
    I am wondering if there are GMs/developers who are forced to defend and pretend they like that this feature is getting implemented against a fee and feel totally butt fucked by Activision because they know it should be free.
  1. bergmann620's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sambal View Post
    If I would be paying a monthly fee to the company where I bought my car so I can make use of the car I think I can expect the optional airbags because I am paying for their services monthly. What else would I be paying for?
    This pretty much the exact same as a car lease... The car isn't yours, the account isn't yours...

    You leased the 2010. You could have chosen the "Luxury AH/Chat Package" but you wanted to save a few bucks. Now, the 2011 is out with some new options. You don't get them.

    If you want to pay for the "trade in" (Cata) and the higher monthly payment (Premium) you can have them.

    You know what the only real difference is? Blizzard doesn't inflate your monthly payment every time you upgrade to the newer model, and there's no commitment, so if you are dissatisfied, you can walk away.

    Sounds like they're really screwing you to me.
  1. Kragragh's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Yavvy View Post
    A transaction goes both ways. I give Blizzard money, they give me content I enjoy.

    Up to now, development of new features has been part of the subscription cost. You can wowwiki patch 1.1 and have a look at all the stuff they've added for the subscription only. But then they decide they're not happy with the amount of money they're getting, so they want to make us pay double. Are they allowed to do that? Yes. Are we allowed to protest against it? Yes.

    Then don't participate in the transaction. But you will, you'll pay your monthly fee, and may or may not pay the premium fee, and they know this.

    And double? Who said it was double? Why freak out about something you know ALMOST NOTHING ABOUT? That's just stupid.

    OMG, this car comes with air conditioning but costs more, that one doesn't come with air conditioning and costs less...OMG ALL THEIR CARS SHOULD COME WITH AIR CONDITIONING, WHAT AM I BUYING A CAR FOR, I'M GIVING THEM THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO AFFORD TO BLAH BLAH BLAH...of course some of you kids don't know that there was a time when A/C was optional...

    ---------- Post added 2011-05-18 at 12:59 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by bergmann620 View Post
    This pretty much the exact same as a car lease... The car isn't yours, the account isn't yours...

    You leased the 2010. You could have chosen the "Luxury AH/Chat Package" but you wanted to save a few bucks. Now, the 2011 is out with some new options. You don't get them.

    If you want to pay for the "trade in" (Cata) and the higher monthly payment (Premium) you can have them.

    You know what the only real difference is? Blizzard doesn't inflate your monthly payment every time you upgrade to the newer model, and there's no commitment, so if you are dissatisfied, you can walk away.

    Sounds like they're really screwing you to me.
    Holy cow, someone else gets it...
  1. Granyala's Avatar
    certain elements of the cross-realm Real ID party system will be premium-based, though only the player sending the invitations will need to have access to the premium service
    And so it begins, Premium money affectting actual gameplay. NOT a got development.

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