World of Warcraft News and Raiding Strategies RSS Feed

by Published on 2015-06-26 04:48 AM

Update (4:15 PM EDT): Hotfixes are coming to increase tier set pieces and Warforged upgrades in Timewalking and Mythic dungeons.

Diablo 3 Patch 2.3 PTR Datamined - Class changes, Set items, Kanai's Cube, and MUCH more

The Banana Brawl - Info & Decks, Archon Team League Update

Malthael's Phantom - Diablo 3 Cross-Promotional Heroes Mount

Timewalker Dungeons
The Burning Crusade Timewalking Dungeon Event is active now until Monday night!

Patch 6.2 Hotfixes - June 25
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Death Knight
  • [Hotfix in testing] Frost Strike and Obliterate have been reduced to their pre-6.2 damage levels.
    • The change to Might of the Frozen Wastes remains in place and is a significant buff to Frost Strike damage while dual-wielding.
    • Obliterate once again deals full damage to players.
  • [Hotfix in testing] Howling Blast damage has been reduced by 13.5% but is still a slight buff from its pre-6.2 damage levels.
    • The change to Howling Blast's area damage remains in place, and continues to deal full damage to all enemies within range.

Beast Mastery
  • [Hotfix in testing] Improved Focus Fire should now correctly increase attack power.

  • [Hotfix in testing] Lava Lash now deals 20% more damage.
  • [Hotfix in testing] Stormstrike now deals 20% more damage.
  • [Hotfix in testing] Windstrike now deals 20% more damage.

World Environment and Events
Tanaan Jungle
  • Enabled a graveyard much closer to the Throne of Kil'jaeden area to no longer require completion of the quest "The Assault Base".
  • Looted Bleeding Hollow Treasure should now contain more Garrison Resources.
Midsummer Fire Festival
  • Burning Blossom's Fire Festival Fury effect no longer stacks with flasks.

Creatures and NPCs
Tanaan Jungle
  • Savage Whale Shark has migrated to a savage new home in the waters around Ironhold Harbor.
  • Players should no longer be seeing zone wide messages from rare creatures or NPCs that are not in their area.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to block the beams to activate Varyx the Damned.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to not receive loot after defeating Supreme Lord Kazzak.

Garrison Quests
  • If At First You Fail, Try Again!: Fixed an issue that could cause players to be unable to complete the quest.
Tanaan Jungle
  • Tooth and Claw: The quest now awards 100 Blackfang Claws on competition (up from 25 Blackfang Claws).
Legendary Ring Quest Line
  • Legacy of the Sorcerer Kings: Tracking and credit for obtaining Abrogator Stones should be working correctly once more.
  • The Shadow War: The location for quest turn-in should now be updated correctly if Khadgar has moved to a new location.

Raids and Dungeons
Hellfire Citadel
  • Increased the chance for non-boss enemies (“trash”) in Hellfire Citadel to drop epic items.
Hellfire Assault
  • Contracted Engineer now has roughly 5% less health on Heroic difficulty.
  • Gorebound Felcaster now has roughly 5% less health on Heroic difficulty.
  • Hulking Berserker now has roughly 15% less health on Heroic difficulty.
  • Iron Dragoon now has roughly 5% less health on Heroic difficulty.
Kilrogg Deadeye
  • Fixed an issue where players that died during the encounter while the raid group completes the achievement "A Race Against Slime" was not receiving Ariok as a follower.
Shadow-Lord Iskar
  • Fel Bomb should no longer be incorrectly removed by Mistweaver Monk's Revival if the player is not holding the Eye of Anzu.
Socrethar the Eternal
  • Soulbound Construct while it's under player control should no longer be affected by Rallying Cry.
  • Sargerei Dominators now have a very brief delay before attacking after being spawned.
Fel Lord Zakuun
  • The number of players chosen for Seed of Destruction should now scale correctly based on raid size.
  • Players should now be able to see a buff on Fel Iron Summoners to indicate the type of portal being opened during Stage One of the encounter.
  • Defeating a Hellfire Deathcaller should now correctly only remove a single stack of Death Brand on the target.

  • Decreased the maximum number of players on each faction to 40. To compensate for this change, we've also increased the number of Ashran instances.
  • [Requires a realm restart] If a faction repeatedly loses at an Ashran event, they will now receive an invisible progressive buff that increases their damage, healing, and damage absorption by 5% per stack. This effect can stack up to 10 times. A stack of the buff will be removed each time the losing faction wins an event.


Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to be dismounted while on a quest flight path.

Hellfire Citadel Loot
Naval missions will not give you caches from a difficulty of HFC above what you are clearing and HFC trash is Personal Loot only.

Salvage Yard Nerf
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Unless you were Doing It Wrong™ your Garrison has/had a Salvage Yard. That's not an interesting building choice, and clearly the rewards it provided were just too good to value any other potential options. Buildings providing clear benefits at different stages through character level and Garrison progression work out, but the Salvage Yard was just the only correct answer for everyone.

I totally get that the rewards were really good, and now they are not as good, and... that's bad because we all like good rewards for little effort, but the goal of balance is not to have one clear path of least resistance, especially considering the gameplay it involved were simply Garrison missions. It was impactful enough a change though that we waited until 6.2 instead of changing it earlier through a hotfix.

Upcoming Ashran Hotfixes
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
We have a couple hotfixes in the works intended to improve the player experience in Ashran, and wanted to bring them to your attention.

First, we've reduced the maximum number of players per side to 40. We've also increased the number of available Ashran instances, to compensate for having fewer spaces in each Ashran. Since Ashran was changed in Patch 6.2 to automatically place players in a raid group upon entering, we feel that having 40 players on each side makes more sense, instead of splitting players into two separate raid groups. This hotfix went live yesterday.

The second hotfix is intended to limit situations where one faction is unable to win events for extended periods of time, by increasing their damage and healing. Once this hotfix is in effect, a bonus will be granted to the faction that has been losing the most events in a particular Ashran instance. For example, when the Alliance are winning more events, the Horde will have the bonus, and vice versa. The bonus is decreased or increased in increments of 5% for every event that faction wins or loses, up to a possible maximum of 50% increased damage and healing in extreme cases.

In other words, every time your faction loses an event, it will be 5% easier for you to win the next one. If your faction currently has the damage and healing buff, it will go up by another 5%. If the opposing faction has the buff, then it will go down by 5%.

Please note that, due to the nature of this hotfix, there is no visible buff on the player that shows you what benefit you're currently receiving. We may be able to add a visible buff in the future, but that would require a patch, and we didn't want to delay getting this hotfix out. It will go live the next time realms are restarted.

Hello everyone, I'd like to address some of the common points I'm seeing mentioned in this thread.

First, I want to stress that the intent of Ashran is to provide a very different play experience than Arenas or Battlegrounds. The vision is a large PvP space where players are moving throughout the zone, competing for rewards, in a faction themed conflict. As many of you know, there hasn't been enough fighting in Ashran, for a number of reasons and we're looking to change that.

One of the most important factors driving player behavior in Ashran is the reward structure and how efficiency drives group behavior. Specifically, I mean that when the same reward is available in multiple locations at the same time, the two factions avoid each other. It is easier and more efficient to not fight for an event if killing a rare offers the same benefit. Right now, at the launch of 6.2, we are in an atmosphere where the primary concern for most players is earning Honor. Honor can be earned throughout Ashran in a number of ways and as a result, there isn't a lot of competition going on.

The new season will begin soon and inevitably players will turn their attention to earning Conquest. There are only two ways to earn Conquest in Ashran in 6.2. The first is to complete the quests to kill the faction leader and win 4 events. This will put both factions in direct competition with each other over events and the Road of Glory. The second is to kill 200 players of the enemy faction. Obviously, this drives players to kill each other. Our expectation is that if players feel they can compete for these rewards they will.

We're obviously concerned from comments we've seen on these forums and within the game that the Horde feel they cannot compete at events and the central road. When it comes to PvP, players will only participate if they feel they can compete. This is the primary motivation behind the mechanic Lore explained above. When a faction falls behind, it is easy for everyone to go their separate ways and never engage the enemy. This buff should help players win some engagements and hopefully build the confidence (and numbers) needed to compete in the larger battles.

On a related note, I've seen comments that the Horde think they are outnumbered in Ashran, but this just isn't true. We strictly enforce faction balance numbers in Ashran. If there are ten Horde players in Ashran, we will not let an eleventh Alliance player in. We've looked at the data several times and it is clear. The number of Horde and Alliance players in any given Ashran is the same at all times. However, there are a lot more Alliance waiting to get into Ashran. Since we enforce faction balance, the only way to get more Alliance players into Ashran is to get more Horde players into Ashran.

As a small note, I know some people have compared this new buff to Tenacity, but the situation is very different. Tenacity was a buff that scaled based on how lopsided faction balance was in the zone at any given time. Players would have several stacks of Tenacity but they would be terribly outnumbered. We don't allow either faction to be outnumbered in Ashran. This buff is primarily in place to help the faction that's losing recover and hopefully win the next big fight.

Finally, we've have seen the feedback about the desire to see premade raid groups return to Ashran but we don't think this is a good idea. Ultimately, it led to a situation where if you knew to use the premade group finder, you would wait a long time but get into an Ashran where you were guaranteed to win. Unfortunately, if you didn't know about the premade group finder, you would get in immediately but were almost guaranteed to get demolished. We don't think this is a healthy environment for the zone to be in.

We appreciate how passionate everyone has been about the zone. We'll continue to monitor your feedback here and in-game. Thanks for playing and we'll see you on the battlefield!

Strongboxes in Random Battlegrounds
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
We've been seeing some confusion about how Strongboxes are awarded in Random BG's, so I wanted to take a moment to clarify.

In point-based Battlegrounds (Arathi Basin, Eye of the Storm, Battle for Gilneas, Temple of Kotmogu, Silvershard Mines, and Deepwind Gorge), Strongboxes are awarded based on how many points the losing team was able to earn before the match ended. Earning 500 points will award a Bronze Strongbox, and earning 1000 points will award a Silver Strongbox.

In capture the flag Battlegrounds (Warsong Gulch and Twin Peaks), Strongboxes are awarded based on how many times the losing team was able to capture the flag. One capture will award a Bronze Strongbox, and 2 captures will award a Silver Strongbox.

In Alterac Valley and Isle of Conquest, Strongboxes are awarded to the losing team based on how many reinforcements the winning team had remaining when the match ended. If the winning team had 300 or fewer reinforcements left, the losing team will be awarded a Bronze Strongbox. If the winning team had 100 or fewer reinforcements left, the losing team will be awarded a Silver Strongbox.

In Strand of the Ancients, Strongboxes are awarded to the losing team based on how far they were able to progress before their turn ended. Destroying either the blue or green gate will award a Bronze Strongbox. Destroying the yellow gate will award a Silver Strongbox.

Of course, winning any Battleground will award a Gold Strongbox. In addition, Strongboxes are awarded to every player on the team that earned them, as long as they are still in the game when the match ends.

The goal of this system is to ensure that, even if you think your team is likely to lose, it's still worth your while to put up as much of a fight as possible and stay through to the end of the match.

A couple days ago I was in a SotA where my team attacked first. We captured the relic, but then the other team captured faster on their turn and we received a Bronze strongbox. Intentional or oversight? Seems like it ought to give a Silver based on those guidelines.
Hmm. You're correct, it sounds like you should have gotten Silver. We'll investigate.

Can you look at adjusting this? Maybe I've just been an anomaly, but a small portion of my CTF games have ended as a result of 3 flag caps, the vast majority being 1-0 or 1-1. It doesn't seem fair that a 0-0 game for 14 minutes with a good play to make it 1-0 results in a gold strongbox on one side, nothing on the other. It's even more unfair when one team holds a 1-0 lead for the majority, gives up a point to even it up at the end, and gets a Bronze strongbox despite holding a 10 minute lead and losing 1-1.
We agree that the system isn't working perfectly for CTF games at the moment. I can't promise any incoming changes as of yet, but it's something we'd like to improve.

I thought the confusion was why we were getting old (redundant) gear in the boxes?
We're looking into this as well.

Blue Posts
Be sure to check your mail on alts, as it is not returning automatically currently.
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
"Return" button on mail removed in 6.2? Why?
For some reason you can no longer "Return" mail as you could before 6.2.

Any reason this was removed?

This wasn't intended. We're looking into it. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Another Expansion?
I can't answer on the timing, but we do have more story to tell and more ideas to share. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Will the unarmored Wolf and Hippo mounts' animation speed also be fixed for 6.2?
Very similar issue, but those will be fixed in the next mini-patch after 6.2. (WarcraftDevs)

Character / Items
When can we expect the illusion "Holy Infusion"? Many are still waiting for it since is was announced for 6.1
It likely won’t happen. Scaling the graphic in ways that looked good on most weapons we wanted it to work on was problematic. (WarcraftDevs)

Have there been considerations for rebalancing tier token class distribution? Protector has felt too saturated for a while now
There are no plans for this. (WarcraftDevs)

Quick question re: Timewalking. Will mastery still work as though we were 100 in BC dungeons?
Yes, you still have your mastery, and the stat will still increase its effectiveness. (WarcraftDevs)

Was it ever decided it level 100 would earn a reward during Timewalking events? Seals of Tempered Fate was mentioned.
Yes, the Bonus Event quest for Timewalking will award the new Seal (of Inevitable Fate). (WarcraftDevs)
Will it count in the 3-total of week or be extra like the garrison mission?
It’s a bonus Seal; doesn’t count towards the weekly cap. (WarcraftDevs)

I know this one too! Void Rev's are the remnants of a species overtaken by Void. Not undead, misclassified. (Muffinus)
but aren't spirits undead lol?
Dave stated NPCs can have more than one classification lore-wise
Well, yes, Mannoroth is an undead demon. Demons know how to raise undead, and he was a demon previously. (Muffinus)
do imps possess necromantic knowledge?
No idea, I personally like to think of imps in the Discworld sense, e.g. they will tell you exactly as much as you need to know. (Muffinus)

Overwatch - Bastion Gameplay
We got another look at Overwatch gameplay with the release of some Bastion footage.

by Published on 2015-06-25 07:35 AM

Hellfire Citadel - Archimonde Defeat Cinematic

Blue Post Summary; Patch 2.3 Blue Posts Round-Up

The Banana Brawl - Info & Decks, Archon Team League Update

Tempo Storm NA Open Champion, Gamescon 2015 Contest, Epic Plays of the Week #34

Token Drop Rates
Token drop rates may be adjusted next week!

Patch 6.2 - Trait Replacement Selection
It seems that the patch changed how the items like Supreme Manual of Dance work, allowing you to select the trait being replaced. The reroll items still work the same way.

Master Plan Updated
Master Plan has been updated for Patch 6.2, so you can safely resume doing missions!

Patch 6.2 Hotfixes - June 24
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
  • Horde characters should no longer incorrectly receive an item when attempting to use their garrison's jukebox to play the track "A Siege of Worlds".
Naval Missions
  • Sink or Swim: The naval mission was more difficult than intended and no longer has an Iron Horde Destroyer as a threat.

Creatures and NPCs
Tanaan Jungle
  • Akrrilo, Eyepiercer, and Rendarr are no longer attackable before jumping into the arena in Fang'rila.

Garrison Quests

Raids and Dungeons
Hellfire Citadel
  • Kormrok's Empowered Explosive Runes that have reformed inside the Foul Pool should now correctly still be able to deal damage to the entire raid.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players that had just left Gorefiend's stomach to incorrectly be sent back in.
  • Monks with an active Zen Sphere while affected by Shadow of Death should no longer be getting stuck before being transported into or out of Gorefiend's stomach.
Shadow-Lord Iskar
  • Eye of Anzu should now correctly protect players from the effects of Shadow-Lord Iskar's Phantasmal Winds.
Socrethar the Eternal
  • Fel Prisons should now be able to correctly trap Sargerei Shadowcallers.
  • Soulbound Construct's Reverberating Blow should no longer incorrectly pull mobs from outside of the encounter.
Fel Lord Zakuun
  • Dark Devourer's Collapse ability should now correctly deal damage.
  • Shao'ghun's Shockwave ability now deals less damage.
  • Archimonde's Desecrate ability should no longer deal damage to pets.

Toy Box

  • I'm a Soul Man: Fixed an issue that caused the achievement to be incorrectly awarded.

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Garrison Gold Nerf
There is a reduction in gold with alts, but running missions with additional characters (alts) will still have a benefit over just using one. Two characters will still make more gold than one character will, and three will still make more than two, etc. There's a diminishing return sure, but you're still making more.

This is where I get confused. Because the point was supposed to be to make it so that we didn't feel the need to run alts to maximize income. This system ensures we do exactly that because now my main (the only one who is taking her garrison seriously) is making less gold without alts.
Well, you always made less gold if you didn't do missions with alts. You make more gold doing missions with multiple characters. That is still true.

But, taking a step back, are you saying you have no ability to earn an income to cover your main character's repair costs, etc. unless you run Garrison missions on multiple alts and funnel that into your main? I'd be interested to know more about your play habits, and also what income sources you used before Garrisons existed. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Player Feedback
Then you wonder why blizzard doesn't listen to you?
Wait wait wait, I thought we caved to complaints too much!? We can't both ignore all complaints from our castle on top of Mount Wedeci'dewutsphun, AND also cave in to all complaints. Can we?
Maybe the truth is somewhere in between, and that we value constructive feedback, and can admit mistakes, and grow from them, and that we value and enjoy the ability to create entertainment, and honestly striving to make a fun and positive gaming experience.

Any patch day is certain to have a lot of hotfixes being made based on feedback, aaaaand also probably a lot of nonconstructive posts too I guess. We can try to moderate more of those. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Druid (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
Druid talent "Wild Charge" no longer works onto wild mushrooms in battlegrounds. Intended?
Because you can place Wild Mushrooms in lots of weird places, this is an intended change. (WarcraftDevs)

Shaman (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
Top comments on reddit about Q&A followup disagree with you on enh and elemental.Why do you feel the class doesntneed a rework?
Was just reading that thread earlier - lots of focus on totems, not many people saying Ele's rotation needs an overhaul, no? (WatcherDev)

Character / Items
can we still get the Garrosh Heirlooms? Do we have to be on specific classes for specific ones?
No, these were limited-time rewards. (WarcraftDevs)

Are the current PvP sets for Conquest and Honor going to be obtainable in 6.2 like in the past?
Yes! (WarcraftDevs)

What would you consider a minimum ilvl for Normal HFC? Not expecting to be locked out, trying to set expectations w/ team
Target would be people who did at least some (but not necessarily lots of) Normal Foundry, or who have equivalent gear. (WarcraftDevs)

Would Ranked SoloQ in arena be reality in the future, really think i could do a lot for the PvP-Players :-)
We'll discuss it but we have concerns. Specifically, toxicity and a lack of gameplay differentiation from unranked solo queue. (WarcraftDevs)

What is the main purpose of the MMR system for PvP that got introduced in 6.1 - I barely see any benefits from it
There was no change to MMR. The change was to a system that boosts your Current Rating (CR) which used to increase at a... (1) (WarcraftDevs)
...higher rate until it was within 200 points of your MMR. This was heavily abused by boosters. (2) (WarcraftDevs)

Will the chance of getting Felblight from gathering nodes be based on skill?
No, it will not. (WarcraftDevs)

I know it's probably early to say this, but I think a lot of people would be sad if we didn't get a new race/class next xpac
Or what about a class that IS a race??? What would that even be? Like race: Ogre, class: Ogre, spec: Ogre. (Muffinus)

Patch 6.2 in One Minute
Margaret is back with another one minute patch recap!

by Published on 2015-06-24 05:33 AM

Mission Management Addons, Patch 6.2 Hotfixes - June 23, 6.2 Known Issues, DLC #494

Hellfire Citadel - Archimonde Defeat Cinematic
Archimonde isn't dead just yet, but the cinematic is already here!

by Published on 2015-06-24 02:50 AM

Patch 2.3 Preview and PTR

Deck Spotlight: Burst Rogue, Archon $250k Team League, Class Design Competition, HS Commercials

Heroes PTR is Live - Special Event, Official PTR Patch Notes

Addons - Garrison Mission Management
Master Plan doesn't work yet, but the author has indicated that he knows it is an issue! There is a fan updated version that is somewhat functional here.

In the mean time, there are two other mission management addons that should help. Garrison Commander is the more complex one. It has many of the features Master Plan had, but not all of them. It does have some extra features though! Garrison Mission Manager is a simple addon that will allow you to optimize followers for individual missions. It appears to be compatible with both Master Plan and Garrison Commander.

Hellfire Citadel Progress
The first night of raiding is well underway and Wild Card is already 10/13 Heroic.

Patch 6.2 Hotfixes - June 23
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Tier-18 Set Bonus and Trinket Adjustments

Death Knight (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

Druid (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

Mage (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

Monk (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

Paladin (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

Priest (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

Rogue (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

Shaman (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

Warlock (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

Warrior (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
  • The change to Tier-18 2-piece set bonus for Arms Warriors has been reverted. Chance to reset the cooldown of Mortal Strike from Rend periodic damage ticks is back to the original 60%. Tier-18 2-piece set bonus for Arms Warriors now has a 100% chance to reset the cooldown of Mortal Strike from Rend periodic damage ticks.

  • Empty Drinking Horn now deals roughly 50% less damage with its Fel Burn effect.
  • Prophecy of Fear explosion effect is no longer triggered by Mastery: Icicles for Frost Mages or Mastery: Molten Earth for Elemental Shaman.
  • Soul Capacitor should no longer be dealing less damage than stated in the item's tooltip.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause Naval Missions for Legendary Ring Quest Line items to appear prematurely on the Naval Mission map.

Creatures and NPCs

Frostfire Ridge
  • Rolosh Wavechaser should no longer appear to be floating in the air for Alliance characters that have completed the quest "All Hands on Deck".

  • [Requires a realm restart] Durotan and Yrel at the Iron Docks now have collision geometry.
  • Solog Roark now dismounts players in his immediate vicinity during the quest Hook, Line... and Sink Him!
  • Added a repair vendor to the Iron Docks for both Alliance and Horde characters.

  • Elite Conquest Quartermasters Alixandr Fallor (Alliance) and Legionnaire Gutcrush (Horde) now dismounts players in their immediate vicinity.
  • Fixed an issue where winning an event or completing an Ashran quest could award an incorrect version of Dented Ashmaul Stronbox.


Garrison Quests
  • [Hotfix in testing] The quest chain to obtain and construct a Shipyard can now be completed while in a raid group.
  • A True Naval Commander: Fixed an issue that incorrectly allowed players to construct Destroyers and Transports during the quest.
  • [Requires a realm restart] Hook, Line... and Sink Him!: Blackrock Grapples now have collision geometry and the grapple is automatically triggered by proximity.
  • [Requires a realm restart] The Train Gang: Multiple players can now use the detonator simultaneously to complete the quest objective "Blow Open the Train".
  • Obstacle Course: Multiple players can now use the book and scroll simultaneously to complete the quest.

Tanaan Jungle
  • Rumble in the Jungle: Fixed an issue where players could incorrectly receive the King of the Jungle buff before completing the quest.

Legendary Ring Quest Line
  • The Shadow War: Fixed an issue where players that have built a Shipyard could be unable to complete the quest by speaking to Khadgar.

  • Into the Wilderness: The quest should now correctly award players with 100 Honor Points before the start of the next Warlords PvP season.

Raids and Dungeons
Premade Group Finder
  • [Hotfix in testing] Hellfire Citadel for Normal and Heroic difficulties should now be available as an option for Premade Groups.

Mount Journal
  • Fixed an issue where newly learned account-wide mounts could not be favorited until the character has relogged.

  • [Requires a realm restart] Primal Gladiator gear sets should correctly have their set bonuses once again.

  • Players should no longer be spammed with loot notifications when multiple players obtain a Tome of Chaos for the Legendary Ring Quest Line at the same time.


Death Knight
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Death Coil to not heal a friendly target unless an enemy target is selected.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause Shadow Priests to be unable to shift out of the Shadowform visual effect.

  • Grimoire of Sacrifice should no longer be incorrectly canceled at the end of a raid encounter.

Patch 6.2 Known Issues
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
The following is a list of some of the known issues for World of Warcraft Patch 6.2.0
  • This list is not complete, and will not include all issues.
  • The issues listed here are frequently reported issues that may be addressed at a later date via client patch.
  • Forums threads that report issues already on this Known Issues list my be locked if the are constantly bumped with no new or relevant information.

Classes and PVP:
  • Priest - The Tier 18 Discipline 4 Piece Bonus will always target a character with the least HP regardless of whether they're injured.

  • Tanaan Jungle, with the exception of Fang'rila, does not have General or Local Defense chat channels.
  • Horde Garrison Herb Garden assets can temporarily disappear from view.
  • Throne of Thunder: The mini map appears white in certain areas.
  • Male Tauren character models may become stuck sitting in Rank 2 and Rank 3 versions of the Guard Shack asset.
  • Hillsbrad Foothills does not have General or Local Defense chat channels.
  • You may be dismounted when flying between Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Kun'lai Summit.

  • Bodyguard Followers do not heal themselves after combat ends if the player is mounted at the time

  • There are no starting blobs for any of the Docks intro quests.
  • Players who faction change, and have completed some progress towards the achievement "Securing Draenor", will be unable to complete it.

Characters, Creatures, and Mounts:
  • The attachment points for Grimoire of Haste and Burn Corpse are backwards, causing the scroll and torch to animate awkwardly whenever those spells are cast.

User Interface:
  • Experience rewards sometimes display and animate erroneously for ships that were destroyed during a failed naval mission.
  • You are unable to use the bodyguard trait of Leorajh to access the command interface.
  • Game tooltips sometimes get stuck in a state where they only remain on screen for a fraction of a second.
  • The equipment manager fails to populate after relogging from an improper disconnect, requiring a 'proper' relog to fix
  • Shipyards: The ship leveling up animation may flash the screen.
  • The in-game Shop does not display the 'product already owned' checkmark for the Cenarion Hatchling.
  • The Raid Finder re-queue button can enter a non-functional state.
  • Player cooldown tracking is inaccurate when re-logging.
  • Several voiceover sound files cannot be heard in the Hellfire Citadel raid.

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
What was the thinking behind the decision to abandon class trainers? It cost time and money, sure, but it got people moving around
It felt immersive, but at the cost of flying back to SW at every ding, messing with quest flow. Not sure what's best. (Muffinus)

Any reason to not have flying combat? Limit movement speed, have specific sets of abilities tailored to mounts?Nothing ----
Nothing specific, though 3D combat is a challenge, hard to tell where enemies are coming from, see: Ogri'la/Vashj'ir (Muffinus)

Anywho, can we get a confirmation if WoW's imps are like Diablo's homunculi as in they are created from flesh but are neither
Imps are demons. Homunculi in Kara are demons with cool names. (Muffinus)

Pets and Pet Battles
yes, Kura/Eris account, Draenor Tamers account... 15 tiny terrors, 15 bags per char on PTR right now?
Intended for now, potentially will be reduced to account-based in a future patch. (Muffinus)

AskMrRobot - Live Loot Ranking, Player Comparisons, Combat Logs
AskMrRobot continues to update things for Patch 6.2 and has added some more tools, like the Player Comparison feature. This will compare your character and gameplay to another similar character who performed better on a fight, allowing you to see what is different. The Live Loot Ranking tool will tell you which player will benefit most from upgrades that drop.

Dark Legacy Comics #494
DLC #494 takes a look at the return of flying to Draenor.

by Published on 2015-06-22 10:27 AM

Update (9:30 PM EDT): The official notes are up and have a few class changes and non-class related nerfs:

  • In the wake of the string of defeats suffered by the Iron Horde, all enemies in Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry on Normal, Heroic, and Mythic difficulties are Demoralized, reducing their health and damage by 20%.
  • Big Crates of Salvage are no longer guaranteed from successfully completing level 100 Follower Missions.
  • Reduced the frequency of high-value gold missions appearing across multiple characters.
  • As Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry are no longer the latest tier of raid content, Mythic garrison missions for each zone no longer award bonus gold.
  • Blingtron’s Secret Vault has moved to a new, even more secret location. But, his stash of riches has grown considerably because of the decreased number of raids on his vault.

Update: The patch will also make new midsummer drops (like Frostscythe of Lord Ahune and Icebound Cloak) item level 670!

Patch 6.2 Live This Week!
The first major content patch of Warlords of Draenor is almost here! We will be updating this post, so keep checking back.

  • Hellfire Citadel - The Hellfire Citadel in Tanaan Jungle awaits!
  • World Boss - Kazzak is back, this time with a new title: Supreme Lord Kazzak!
  • New Zone - Tanaan Jungle is a Timeless Isle style experience, with rare spawns and treasures, as well as faction hubs, bosses, and reputations.
  • Legendary Ring Questline - Khadgar is back, asking you to complete Naval Missions and collect items from Hellfire Citadel.
  • Mythic Dungeons - Harder dungeons with a weekly lockout, 685 gear, and bonus rolls.
  • Garrison Shipyard - Fewer followers and less micromanagement in this garrison mission iteration.
  • Campaign Rewards - Open to anyone with a Level 3 garrison, this will unlock your Shipyard and Tanaan.
  • New Factions - Less endless mob grinding and better rewards than the Patch 6.0 factions.
  • New Mounts - Boars, Wolves, PvP mounts, Fel themed mounts, and others are all up for grabs.
  • Currency Changes - A new Bonus Roll currency, new mission currency, and Apexis Crystal improvements.
  • Bonus Events - Weekend events that give a boost and reward to certain activities.
  • Timewalker Dungeons - Scale down and run old dungeons during the Bonus Event for 660 gear. Mechanar not included.
  • PvP Updates - Ashran has been improved again and a new PvP season begins soon.
  • Professions - Epic gems, new crafting upgrades, and gathering professions are useful again.
  • Character Model Updates - Slight tweaks to running animations and eyebrows.
  • Darker Nights - The northern half of Kalimdor has become a little bit darker at night.
  • New Heirlooms - New Heirloom rings and trinkets are available, as well as a few more Lightforge pieces.
  • Naval Hats - A patch that adds a Shipyard wouldn't be complete without some new Naval hats.
  • Pepe Costumes - Pepe is a ninja, pirate, knight, and Viking in this patch.
  • New Battle Pets - Tanaan Jungle has new pets, including some legendary pets to battle.
  • WoWDB - As always, we need your help collecting data from in game by installing the WoWDB addon.

Patch 6.2 Notes
The final notes are live!

New Raid - Hellfire Citadel
Normal and Heroic difficulty open this week! Check out our boss pages below for their abilities, loot, and encounter videos.

World Boss
Kazzak is back, this time with a new title: Supreme Lord Kazzak. He resides in Tanaan Jungle, near the Throne of Kil'jaeden.

Class Guides
Classes have had a few changes in Patch 6.2. Icy Veins is finishing up their guide updates today!

New Zone
Tanaan Jungle is finally accessible, bringing us a Timeless Isle style experience, with rare spawns and treasures, as well as new features like faction hubs, bosses, and reputations.

Legendary Ring Questline
This time around, the legendary quest will require you to upgrade your shipyard to Level 2 (Upgrading The Fleet) and do some Naval missions in addition to collecting items from Hellfire Citadel.

The ring may be upgradeable, as the Power Infusion and game data suggest it can be upgraded to item level 795.

Alts get another catch-up mechanic in Patch 6.2, with more frequent missions rewarding Abrogator Stone and Elemental Rune.

Level Type Spec Name
735FingerAll Tanks Sanctus, Sigil of the Unbroken
735FingerAll Strength Thorasus, the Stone Heart of Draenor
735FingerHealer Etheralus, the Eternal Reward
735FingerAll Agility Maalus, the Blood Drinker
735FingerAll Intellect Nithramus, the All-Seer

Name Level Followers Cost Duration Follower XP Rewards
Stalking the Master

Capture Ironfist Harbor and interrogate prisoners as to the whereabouts of Gul'dan's flagship.

1002× 1252 days60005000 XP
Giving Chase

Captured prisoners indicated that Gul'dan's flagship was last seen in this area of dangerous shoals.

1002× 1252 days60005000 XP
In Hot Pursuit

You've located Gul'dan's flagship! Maneuver with the wind to take out her carrier escort...

1003× 1252 days60005000 XP
Ambush on the High Seas

Gul'dan has sent submarine hunter-killers to thwart your mission. Lure them into a trap!

1002× 1252 days60005000 XP
Boarding the Master's Call

You've run Gul'dan's flagship aground, but now all her guns are trained toward the sea. Prepare for the worst.

1003× 1252 days6000

Mythic Dungeons
Patch 6.2 adds Mythic difficulty to dungeons, one step above Heroic difficulty. These dungeons are on a weekly lockout, drop item level 685 gear, and allow you to use Seal of Inevitable Fate for bonus rolls.

Garrison Shipyard
The Shipyard is where you will build ships and send them on missions. It is accessible after doing a few quests to unlock Tanaan Jungle, availble to anyone with a Level 3 garrison. The new missions reward gold, gear, crafting reagents, legendary questline items, and more. Some of the missions are required for the new legendary questline.

Garrison Campaign Rewards
Patch 6.2 expands upon the garrison campaign with a new quest line. Everyone with a Tier 3 garrison can and will want to complete (at least part) of this new line, as it unlocks and rewards several useful things. You will see Yrel, Gul'dan, Vol'jin, Varian and other notable characters. There is no need to complete any of the previous Garrison Campaign to do these quests.

New Factions
Unlike the Patch 6.0 factions, the new factions in Patch 6.2 aren't based entirely on killing mobs endlessly. Reputation is mostly earned through daily quests and the rewards are useful. They offer mounts, pets, tabards, ship upgrades, transmog gear, a permanent Augment Rune, and more!

Patch 6.2 adds new mounts from Raids, PvP, Factions, the Garrison, and more!

Updated Warlock Demon Models
Warlocks get updated versions of many of the old demon models, excluding the updated infernal model.

Currency Changes
Patch 6.2 adds some new currencies and makes changes to older ones.

Old Apexis Crystal Gear

Patch 6.2 changed the Apexis Crystal gear prices to gold rather than Apexis Crystals. Each item level 675 item is 20,000 gold, so it will cost you 120,000 gold for all 6 slots. Raid Finder Hellfire Citadel loot ranges from item level 675 to 685 depending on the boss / item.

Item Level Name Item Cost
630 Crystal5000
645 Exceptional5000
655 Flawless10000
675 Ethereal20000

New Apexis Crystal Items

The items that don't increase player power require reputation with the Order of the Awakened faction added in Patch 6.2.

Baleful armor items cost 5,000 Apexis Crystal and the Baleful weapons cost 10,000 Apexis Crystal. These same items can be looted from creatures and objects in Tanaan Jungle and some are rewarded from quests. Similar items for several slots are also rewarded by some of the Naval Missions.

These items can then be upgraded to item level 695 with the Empowered Apexis Fragment, which costs 20,000 Apexis Crystal. This is higher than Raid Finder gear, which is 675 to 685 and higher than some Normal gear, which is 690 to 705. Players will receive one for free, along with several Baleful items for completing the new part of the Garrison Campaign added in Patch 6.2. Also keep in mind that the Baleful items can randomly be upgraded to item level 675 upon creation!

Level Type Name Cost Source
100Jewelcrafting Design Gemcutter Module: Multistrike3,000, 3000 × Vendor
1Companion Pets Blazing Firehawk2000 × Vendor
1Other Rukhmar's Sacred Memory50000 × Vendor
100Mount Reins of the Corrupted Dreadwing150000 × Vendor
1Consumable Contract: Solar Priest Vayx1000 × Vendor
650Misc Baleful Bracers5000 × Looted, Vendor
650Misc Baleful Tunic5000 × Looted, Quest, Vendor
650Misc Baleful Treads5000 × Looted, Quest, Vendor
650Misc Baleful Gauntlets5000 × Looted, Quest, Vendor
650Misc Baleful Hood5000 × Looted, Vendor
650Misc Baleful Leggings5000 × Looted, Vendor
650Misc Baleful Spaulders5000 × Looted, Vendor
650Misc Baleful Girdle5000 × Looted, Quest, Vendor
650Misc Baleful Ring5000 × Looted, Vendor
650Misc Baleful Choker5000 × Looted, Vendor
650Misc Baleful Cloak5000 × Looted, Vendor
650Misc Baleful Trinket5000 × Looted, Vendor
650Misc Baleful Armament10000 × Looted, Vendor
685Misc Empowered Apexis Fragment20000 × Quest, Vendor

Bonus Events
Patch 6.2 adds Bonus Events that take place Friday through Monday that grant a passive bonus to a particular game activity and offer a once-per-event quest with a noteworthy reward for accomplishing a related goal.

  • Apexis Bonus Event - Triples the amount of crystals from eligible creatures.
  • Arena Skirmish Bonus Event - Arena Skirmishes will award Honor at triple the usual rate.
  • Battleground Bonus Event - Random Battlegrounds will award Honor at triple the usual rate
  • Draenor Dungeon Event - Defeating enemies in any level 100 Heroic or Mythic dungeon will award reputation with an appropriate Draenor faction.
  • Pet Battle Bonus Event - Your pets will earn experience at triple the usual rate.
  • Timewalking Dungeon Event - Players level 71+ may revisit past dungeons from The Burning Crusade. Bosses will yield loot appropriate for a player's natural level.
  • Timewalking Dungeon Event - Players level 81+ may revisit past dungeons from the Wrath of the Lich King. Bosses will yield loot appropriate for a player's natural level.

Level Name Rewards Objective
100The Time to Strike
Complete 5 Objectives in Apexis-yielding areas.
100The Arena Calls
Win 10 Arena Skirmish battles.
100Battle Hardened
Win 5 Rated Battleground matches.
100Emissary of War
Complete 4 dungeons on Mythic difficulty.
100The Very Best
Defeat 5 players through Find Battle with a team of level 25 pets.
100A Burning Path Through Time
Complete 5 Timewalking dungeons.
100A Frozen Path Through Time
Complete 5 Timewalking dungeons.

Timewalker Dungeons
Patch 6.2 allows you to go back and do old dungeons during the Bonus Event while being scaled down to the appropriate item level.

Adventure Guide
The Adventure Guide will suggest relevant content based on character level, item level, quest progress, achievements, and more.

PvP Updates
Patch 6.2 brings some updates to Ashran and a new PvP season.

  • Warlords Season 2 is starting soon.
  • All gear between item levels 560 and 690 will now scale up to 690 in PvP combat.
  • Non-PvP gear above item level 715 will scale down to 715 in PvP combat.
  • PvP gear above item level 715 will not be capped in PvP combat.
  • PvP trinkets with a use effect are having their effect reduced and cooldown reduced to 1 minute, down from 2. (Example)
  • The Versatility PvP gear is being obtained in a different way, see the blue post below.
  • Ashran
    • Winning an Ashran event now awards Honor instead of Conquest.
    • Defeating Grand Marshal Tremblade or High Warlord Volrath no longer awards a Gleaming Ashmaul Strongbox.
    • Players can no longer queue for Ashran while in a raid and are now automatically placed into a raid after entering.
    • Events now occur more frequently.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
In Patch 6.2, Warlords of Draenor’s PvP zone Ashran is getting some new quests and an eerie new area to explore. Here’s a rundown of what you’ll encounter on the glorious battlefield between Warspear and Stormshield.

New Quests for Dominance
Faction bosses and events will no longer reward Conquest points after Patch 6.2, but will continue to reward Honor points and strongboxes. To fill your pockets with lots of Conquest points going forward, you’ll want to pick up and complete these new quests:

  • Slay Them All! – A weekly quest to rack up 200 honor kills for a reward of 200 Conquest points.
  • Ashran Dominance – Rewards 500 Conquest points when you kill the enemy faction boss and win five events—also weekly.
  • Continue the Domination – A repeatable quest that unlocks after Ashran Dominance is completed. Rewards 500 Conquest points when you kill the enemy faction boss and win five events.

Meanwhile, Belloc Brightblade and Harrison Jones have followed the siren-like call of a new artifact being unearthed in Ashran. They each offer a quest leading you to fight your way into a new section of the zone...

An Eerie New Area
The Ashran Excavation has been revealed, and its unearthly inhabitants are none too pleased about the presence of you and other visitors.
Once you enter the Ashran Excavation, you’ll find yourself inside a very large underground area. Similar to other parts of Ashran, a competitive event is randomly triggered in the area. When the event begins, your goal is to collect Apexis Marks of Redemption by taking down the Arakkoa ghosts that haunt the depths.

Somewhere in this underground labyrinth, you’ll find a ghost named Rukmaz—one of the few entities here who doesn’t want to kill you on sight. He’s a collector of Marks of Redemption, and he’s waiting to award victory over the Ashran Excavation to whichever faction turns in 50 Marks first.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Since we started testing the new patch on the public test realm, we’ve taken a lot of time to read a great deal of your feedback on PvP, with a lot of focus on how Versatility items are being handled in Patch 6.2. We want to make sure we’re making our intentions clear regarding Champion’s Strongboxes.

First, it’s important to consider what isn’t changing in the next season. Like any other season, players will be able to acquire a full set of Wild Gladiator gear, including their weapons, by doing nothing more than competing in the Arena and then going to the gear vendor. Play Arenas steadily, and you’ll earn a full set of gear at the maximum ilevel possible for PvP. This ensures that a player can be competitive at the highest levels without ever worrying about Champion’s Strongboxes.

At the same time, when a player wants to pursue a very specific set of gear, we want Patch 6.2 to have some new avenues to do so.

We’re making some items obtainable exclusively from Champion’s Strongboxes, and there are two ways to get them. The first way you can earn a Champion’s Strongbox is by winning 3 rated battlegrounds in a week. Before Patch 6.2, you had a chance to win an item for each of your first 3 wins, but in Patch 6.2 you’re guaranteed to get an item after your third win each week. You can also earn an additional Champion’s Strongbox each week by completing the weekly quest Ashran Dominance.

We’ve heard loud and clear that some players take issue with the fact that Champion’s Strongboxes are only available from Rated Battlegrounds and Ashran. We feel that the unique nature of the reward lends itself well to being obtained via PvP content that is exclusive to an expansion, as Ashran is for Warlords of Draenor. We also like it when a reward like this requires a higher degree of player organization, like Rated Battlegrounds do.

As always, our goal is to make it possible for players to acquire the gear they need to compete and enjoy PvP in WoW, while bringing some variety to the acquisition process. Overall, players will be receiving more gear next season than ever before.

We appreciate your feedback on PvP, and look forward to seeing you out there.

Patch 6.2 adds epic gems, new crafting upgrades, and makes some older ones cheaper.

  • The Primal Traders now sell all of the reagents for half of their old cost, with the exception of the Sorcerous items, which are down 15 Primal Spirit, down from 25.
  • The daily cooldown crafting spells now create double the amount of materials.

Felblight is the new version of Savage Blood and can only be gathered in Tanaan:

It is used for crafting epic gems, profession item upgrades, and Glyph of Ascendance:

Crafted Item Upgrades
Stage 5 and Stage 6 upgrades for your crafted items are here, requiring 30 and 60 Felblight respectively. Recipes are sold by the traders in your garrison.

The older upgrade items are now Unstable and can be broken back down. The base upgrade items now increase the item level of the crafted item through the first 4 stages. The base upgrade item also requires less materials now.

Name Reagents Skill
Wildswater 175 30 30
Alchemy (1)
1 705 705 705
Elemental Distillate 350 60 60
Alchemy (1)
1 706 706 706
Name Reagents Skill
Mighty Steelforged Essence 175 30 30
Blacksmithing (1)
1 700 700 700
Mighty Truesteel Essence 175 30 30
Blacksmithing (1)
1 700 700 700
Savage Steelforged Essence 350 60 60
Blacksmithing (1)
1 700 700 700
Savage Truesteel Essence 350 60 60
Blacksmithing (1)
1 700 700 700
Name Reagents Skill
Advanced Muzzlesprocket 175 30 30
Engineering (1)
1 700 703 705
Bi-Directional Fizzle Reducer 175 30 30
Engineering (1)
1 700 703 705
Taladite Firing Pin 350 60 60
Engineering (1)
1 700 703 705
Infrablue-Blocker Lenses 350 60 60
Engineering (1)
1 700 703 705
Name Reagents Skill
Mighty Weapon Crystal 175 30 30
Inscription (1)
1 700 703 705
Mighty Ensorcelled Tarot 175 30 30
Inscription (1)
1 700 703 705
Savage Weapon Crystal 350 60 60
Inscription (1)
1 700 703 705
Savage Ensorcelled Tarot 350 60 60
Inscription (1)
1 700 703 705
Name Reagents Skill
Mighty Taladite Amplifier 175 30 30
Jewelcrafting (1)
1 700 700 700
Savage Taladite Amplifier 350 60 60
Jewelcrafting (1)
1 700 700 700
Name Reagents Skill
Mighty Burnished Essence 175 30 30
Leatherworking (1)
1 700 700 700
Savage Burnished Essence 350 60 60
Leatherworking (1)
1 700 700 700
Name Reagents Skill
Mighty Hexweave Essence 175 30 30
Tailoring (1)
1 700 700 700
Savage Hexweave Essence 350 60 60
Tailoring (1)
1 700 700 700

Jewelcrafting - Epic Gems
Epic gems are finally here, but the method of obtaining cuts and cutting gems is a little bit different from previous expansions.

Name Reagents
Immaculate Critical Strike Taladite  Taladite Crystal × 100 ,  Felblight × 15 ,  Greater Critical Strike Taladite × 1
Immaculate Haste Taladite  Taladite Crystal × 100 ,  Felblight × 15 ,  Greater Haste Taladite × 1
Immaculate Mastery Taladite  Taladite Crystal × 100 ,  Felblight × 15 ,  Greater Mastery Taladite × 1
Immaculate Multistrike Taladite  Taladite Crystal × 100 ,  Felblight × 15 ,  Greater Multistrike Taladite × 1
Immaculate Versatility Taladite  Taladite Crystal × 100 ,  Felblight × 15 ,  Greater Versatility Taladite × 1
Immaculate Stamina Taladite  Taladite Crystal × 100 ,  Felblight × 15 ,  Greater Stamina Taladite × 1

Inscription - "Mass" Milling
Milling herbs will be faster in Patch 6.2, as you can now mill 20 herbs at once, up from 5. The recipes are 20 x Cerulean Pigment from the Herb Trader in your garrison.

Scribes can also make the new Glyph of Ascendance.

Level Type Name Cost
100Inscription Technique Recipe: Mass Mill Frostweed20 × 
100Inscription Technique Recipe: Mass Mill Fireweed20 × 
100Inscription Technique Recipe: Mass Mill Gorgrond Flytrap20 × 
100Inscription Technique Recipe: Mass Mill Starflower20 × 
100Inscription Technique Recipe: Mass Mill Nagrand Arrowbloom20 × 
100Inscription Technique Recipe: Mass Mill Talador Orchid20 × 

Tanaan Jungle and the Darkmoon Faire get new fish and rewards in Patch 6.2!

Level Type Name Cost
1Companion Pets Blorp's Bubble50 × 
1Companion Pets Translucent Shell100 × 
1Cooking Recipe Recipe: Sugar-Crusted Fish Feast25 × 
1Cooking Recipe Recipe: Lemon Herb Filet10 × 
1Cooking Recipe Recipe: Fancy Darkmoon Feast50 × 
1Junk Seafarer's Slidewhistle25 × 
1Other Day-Old Darkmoon Doughnut1 × 
1Potion Darkmoon Firewater25 × 
1Quest Faded Treasure Map100 × 

Cooking got a few new foods in Patch 6.2, including Fel Eggs and Ham. Be sure to read the tooltip!

Level Type Name Cost
1Cooking Recipe Recipe: Sugar-Crusted Fish Feast25 × 
1Cooking Recipe Recipe: Lemon Herb Filet10 × 
1Cooking Recipe Recipe: Fancy Darkmoon Feast50 × 
100Cooking Recipe Recipe: Fel Eggs and Ham??

Character Model Updates
Patch 6.2 continues to refine the new character models, updating the Night Elf Female and Orc Female running animations and Human Female Eyebrows.

Gnome Character Selection Screen Changes
Patch 6.2 adds some more detail to the Gnome character selection screen.

Darker Nights
Warlords of Draenor added darker nights in a few areas and Patch 6.2 will expand upon that by darkening most of the northern half of Kalimdor.

New Heirlooms
A few new heirlooms have been added:

  • Heirloom rings have been added as rewards from garrison missions! These are the first heirloom rings other than the fishing tournament reward that players can obtain.
  • Another Heirloom trinket was added as a reward from a garrison mission.
  • The Lightforge set has a few more Intellect pieces to round out the set.
  • Two new PvP-centered heirlooms have been added to the arena chests in Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale and the Deathmatch Pavilion on Darkmoon Island.

Level Type Name Source
605Trinket Defending ChampionGurubashi Arena
605Trinket Returning ChampionDarkmoon Deathmatch
605Trinket Touch of the VoidGarrison Mission
85Finger Captain Sander's Returned BandGarrison Mission
85Finger Admiral Taylor's Loyalty RingGarrison Mission
85Finger Signet of the Third FleetGarrison Mission
85Plate Pristine Lightforge HelmVendor
85Plate Pristine Lightforge BreastplateVendor
85Plate Pristine Lightforge LegplatesVendor

New Tabards
You can pick up the Order of the Awakened Tabard and Saberstalkers Tabard at Exalted. The Hand of the Prophet Tabard and Vol'jin's Headhunters Tabard are blank.

Naval Hats
Patch 6.2 adds some new naval themed hats as rewards from Naval Mission achievements! There are also some other versions of the hat that aren't in use yet.

Level Type Name Source Model Viewer
1Neck Captain's Hat Petty Officer
1Neck Captain's Hat Petty Officer
1Neck Fleet Commander's Hat Charting a Course
1Neck Fleet Commander's Hat Charting a Course

New Pepe Costumes
Everyone's favorite bird got some new costumes and an achievement to go with them (I Found Pepe!) in Patch 6.2.

Level Type Name
1Other A Tiny Plated Helm
1Other A Tiny Viking Helmet
1Other A Tiny Pirate Hat
1Other A Tiny Ninja Shroud

New Toys
There are several new items classified as Toys!

Level Type Name Cost Source
100Junk Felflame Campfire?? Bramblefell
1Junk Seafarer's Slidewhistle25 × Vendor
1Junk Burning Blade??Garrison Mission
1Other Skoller's Bag of Squirrel Treats?? Skoller
100Other Karabor Councilor's Attire300Vendor
100Other Frostwolf Grunt's Battlegear240Vendor
1Other Personal Spotlight100Vendor
100Other Ghostly Iron Buccaneer's Hat?? Captain Ironbeard
1Other Spirit Wand100 × Vendor
1Other Magic Pet Mirror500 × Vendor
1Other Indestructible Bone50 × Vendor
100Devices Vial of Red Goo?? Remnant of the Blood Moon
100Consumable Jewel of Hellfire?? Jewel of Hellfire
100Consumable The Perfect Blossom??Looted
100Consumable Podling Camouflage?? Ripened Strange Fruit
100Other Dazzling Rod?? Dazzling Rod
100Other Accursed Tome of the Sargerei?? Tome of Secrets

New Battle Pets
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
As we continue to explore new territory in Draenor, it should come as no surprise that new battle pets and new battle pet rewards will be found. Thus far, Draenor has contained a great deal of diversity for pet battlers, and Patch 6.2 will be no different. Let’s take a look at some of what’s in store for your collection.

Please note: Spoilers are ahead! If you want to discover the new battle pets and rewards for yourself, don’t read any further!

Tanaan Stop Action
First and foremost, Tanaan Jungle is where the action can be found on all fronts. You will find battle pets of all types dotting the landscape, four of which are new and just waiting to be caught for the first time:

Keep an eye out for the new quest “A Fel Puppy Of My Own”, through which you can acquire the delightful new Fel Pup.

But the jungle doesn’t only provide garden-variety battle pets. If you look carefully, you’ll find that there are 15 fel-corrupted legendary pets scattered throughout Tanaan. Your Pet Battle Master in your garrison will have some new information for you to get started. You can only defeat any of these legendaries once per day, and when you do, you’ll receive a container of Fel-Touched Pet Supplies, which will include:

  • Gold
  • Pet Charms
  • Pet Bandages

And has a small chance to include:

We’ve also got a new achievement for you when you defeat all 15 legendary opponents in Tanaan Jungle.

You’re Too Charming
Patch 6.2 is going to introduce a new vendor to your level 3 Garrison Menagerie. Tiffy Trapspring and Giada Goldleash have been attracted to your impressive stash of Pet Charms, and want to take them off your hands in exchange for the following pets:

And the following toys:

And the Hunt Continues
A number of new battle pets coming to World of Warcraft with patch 6.2 can be found all over the worlds. Back home in Azeroth, adventurers will cheer when they find the non-combative Nethaera's Light glowing in Dalaran. Meanwhile, two new fishing pets are turning up at the Darkmoon Faire. One is called Blorp (also a non-combat pet), and the other is the wondrous Ghostshell Crab.

Even more pets have found their way to the fields of battle on Draenor. Look carefully, and you may find:
  • Crimsonwing Moth -- A rare spawn in Talador with many spawn points, and only one ever appearing in the zone at a time.
  • Sapphire Firefly – A rare spawn in Spires of Arak who also has many spawn points and appears only once at a time.

New Loading Screen - Hellfire Citadel

OpenRaid Updated For Patch 6.2
Our friends over at OpenRaid are ready to go for Patch 6.2!

AskMrRobot Updated For Patch 6.2
AskMrRobot is also nearly ready to go, with Patch 6.2 item data loaded. Keep in mind that set bonuses, trinkets, and stat weights are not up to date yet. They also have a helpful recap of gear coming in the patch.

WoWDB Addon Data Collection
Quickly populating the database with 6.2 additions is done with the help of many players. The more people that contribute data, the more accurately and quickly we can update the database.

To help out, just click here if you have Curse Client already installed. If the link doesn't work for you, open Tools -> Options -> Plugins and check the box.

When you are playing the addon will gather data and save it. When you are done playing, Curse Client will see the game close and upload the collected data from the addon. You can see the last time data was uploaded by looking in the Plugins tab of the options, as well as making sure the addon is enabled there. Be sure you have Curse Client open before you close WoW so that the data will upload!

The addon now supports Live, Beta, and the PTR, so be sure to add all of your WoW installs to the client.

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