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  1. #21
    The Unstoppable Force Super Kami Dende's Avatar
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    >Blizzard adds way to Target Items with a bit of Work

    Its like people forget they are playing an MMO.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by JacobusRex View Post
    My solution? There's so much wrong with the systems in the game, the Blizzard company, the Blizzard developers & community managers / leadership that my solution would be a thesis on how to dismantle the company, start over from scratch and burn the contract with Activision.
    Didn't the OG devs try that twice already? Flagship, Carbine... third time's the charm?
    OMG 13:37 - Then Jesus said to His disciples, "Cleave unto me, and I shall grant to thee the blessing of eternal salvation."

    And His disciples said unto Him, "Can we get Kings instead?"

  3. #23
    Epic! Whitedragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JacobusRex View Post
    If that's how you see it, I guess? Perspectives...

    So yeah, let's troll people for doing what we told them to do in the first place, stockpile azerite armor, and not reward those who actually play the game and pay our bills with a little boost towards a new goal... makes complete sense.
    They have never let you fast pass into better gear before, why did you think they would do it now? Also by hanging on to it you ARE getting a head start on everyone else, you may actually be able to get one free piece of gear right out of the gate on a patch launch if you save enough, which is a big jump. This system (Like all the ones before it) are never meant to be the best gearing path, but one to help with large chunks of bad luck.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by tclphz View Post
    I'm confused about the complaint. We're getting a new raid tier soon so ilvl will be higher hence higher ilvl azerite.

    So best I can read, the OP just wants loots faster.
    You didn't understand it at all it seems.

    I am upset that this new system not only trolls us for doing what we were told to be doing for months now (grinding mulitple pieces of azerite gear) but then slaps us in the face with these ridiculous costs for gear we actually get to choose / want that are only affordable by doing things that we may not want to be doing to progress.

    I for one do not enjoy Mythic+ grinding or breaking my skull against raid encounters I have to have stupid feasts, flasks, pots and other expensive time-sinking crap for, with openly hostile PUGs / frustrated guild raiders. I'd rather be able to craft or discover azerite armor out in the world than run through a dungeon listening to people being awful to each other. But nope. Can't do that! Gotta keep that subscription going with OUR way of doing things, or you can just not play at all.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Packers01 View Post
    So what is your solution OP?
    Here's mine. Delete azerite and give back tier sets. Easy.
    Quote Originally Posted by rogoth View Post
    I'm glad you brought up IQ, the last standardised IQ test I took I scored a 127, the threshold for 'Genius' is 140, and the threshold for 'Gifted Genius' is 165+, based on the fact the global average IQ is 84, and the fact you're likely Americanwhere the national IQ is BELOW the global average and falling consistently which has led to calls for global intervention in your abysmal education system, I feel you have VERY LITTLE room to talk about IQ levels, but thanks for trying.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Meat Rubbing Specialist View Post
    >Blizzard adds way to Target Items with a bit of Work

    Its like people forget they are playing an MMO.
    Cynical response, as always, from you.

    "It's like people forget they are playing an MMO that has to be boring, grindy and uninteresting." Is more what I got from you.

    You shame me for wanting to be able to earn gear but maybe more reasonably frequent than once a damn month? If so, then I feel even more sorry for you.

  7. #27
    When people asked for badges (I was one of them), this was absolutely so far from what we wanted.

    It is so bad. It is so dumb. Who the fuck allowed these decisions and thought that the players would like it?

    It is DUMB.

  8. #28
    if we may believe all the pew pew whiners (that are somewhere around 1-5% of the playerbase), BfA stands for

    BeFore Apocalypse

    god thanks we have some brain and some form of differentiation, so we still can assume that BfA stands for

    Bait for Armchair-Developers

    in enchanting dust we trust.

  9. #29
    Titan Seranthor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JacobusRex View Post
    You didn't understand it at all it seems.

    I am upset that this new system not only trolls us for doing what we were told to be doing for months now (grinding mulitple pieces of azerite gear) but then slaps us in the face with these ridiculous costs for gear we actually get to choose / want that are only affordable by doing things that we may not want to be doing to progress.

    I for one do not enjoy Mythic+ grinding or breaking my skull against raid encounters I have to have stupid feasts, flasks, pots and other expensive time-sinking crap for, with openly hostile PUGs / frustrated guild raiders. I'd rather be able to craft or discover azerite armor out in the world than run through a dungeon listening to people being awful to each other. But nope. Can't do that! Gotta keep that subscription going with OUR way of doing things, or you can just not play at all.
    It's Blizzard's game... If you dont like it you really should make noises in the way that gets their attention... your gnashing of teeth here will accomplish nothing... Making the choice to stop paying Blizzard for hurting your feefees is the way to go... Stop paying, move on until they do what you want.

    --- Want any of my Constitutional rights?, ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ
    I come from a time and a place where I judge people by the content of their character; I don't give a damn if you are tall or short; gay or straight; Jew or Gentile; White, Black, Brown or Green; Conservative or Liberal. -- Note to mods: if you are going to infract me have the decency to post the reason, and expect to hold everyone else to the same standard.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by durrtygoodz View Post
    Here's mine. Delete azerite and give back tier sets. Easy.
    Agree. "But da balance, mon! its harder!"

    IDGAF. Figure it out. Tier sets are WoW.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by JacobusRex View Post
    You didn't understand it at all it seems.

    I am upset that this new system not only trolls us for doing what we were told to be doing for months now (grinding mulitple pieces of azerite gear) but then slaps us in the face with these ridiculous costs for gear we actually get to choose / want that are only affordable by doing things that we may not want to be doing to progress.

    I for one do not enjoy Mythic+ grinding or breaking my skull against raid encounters I have to have stupid feasts, flasks, pots and other expensive time-sinking crap for, with openly hostile PUGs / frustrated guild raiders. I'd rather be able to craft or discover azerite armor out in the world than run through a dungeon listening to people being awful to each other. But nope. Can't do that! Gotta keep that subscription going with OUR way of doing things, or you can just not play at all.
    Yeah, this sounds exactly like you want free loots without any effort. Crafting azerites a fine idea, but they could just charge a similarly high price for crafting and you'd be here whining that it's too expensive.
    You are everything, I never knew, I always wanted.

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Meat Rubbing Specialist View Post
    >Blizzard adds way to Target Items with a bit of Work

    Its like people forget they are playing an MMO.
    At this point I'm certain they'd think WoD is the perfect expansion. MMOs are a grind yet it seems they want to log on Tuesdays (or weds EU) clear raid and log.

    Saw these exact arguments in mop and Legion. Also many I seen doing this are also salivating over classic. The grindiest of grinds.

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by JacobusRex View Post
    Cynical response, as always, from you.

    "It's like people forget they are playing an MMO that has to be boring, grindy and uninteresting." Is more what I got from you.

    You shame me for wanting to be able to earn gear but maybe more reasonably frequent than once a damn month? If so, then I feel even more sorry for you.
    cynical ? ... muhahahahahahaha. YOU call that cynical ? i have bad news for you: i think ABSOLUTELLY NOTHING is cynical in this answer. i think that guy just showed what happened, aka facts. news at 11pm.

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Seranthor View Post
    It's Blizzard's game... If you dont like it you really should make noises in the way that gets their attention... your gnashing of teeth here will accomplish nothing... Making the choice to stop paying Blizzard for hurting your feefees is the way to go... Stop paying, move on until they do what you want.
    That never works... especially for big companies like Blizz with almost a decade of financial dictatorship over the market.

  15. #35
    Titan Seranthor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JacobusRex View Post
    That never works... especially for big companies like Blizz with almost a decade of financial dictatorship over the market.
    And boohooing on a 3rd party forum works better?

    --- Want any of my Constitutional rights?, ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ
    I come from a time and a place where I judge people by the content of their character; I don't give a damn if you are tall or short; gay or straight; Jew or Gentile; White, Black, Brown or Green; Conservative or Liberal. -- Note to mods: if you are going to infract me have the decency to post the reason, and expect to hold everyone else to the same standard.

  16. #36
    if that kids had ever played standard classsical mmorpgs like EQ, Star Wars Online, Classic WoW, etc. ... THAT would be a hard awakening.

    ...rewards „more frequent than once in month“ .... „must be grind ?“

    muhahahahahahaha. lol guys, seriously, you are in the wrong genre. jokes aside, you REALLY play the wrong game, if you REALLY think the grind in WoW today is hard and the rewards are too rare.

    you made my day... lol

  17. #37
    Titan Seranthor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niwes View Post
    if that kids had ever played standard classsical mmorpgs like EQ, Star Wars Online, Classic WoW, etc. ... THAT would be a hard awakening.

    ...rewards „more frequent than once in month“ .... „must be grind ?“

    muhahahahahahaha. lol guys, seriously, you are in the wrong genre. jokes aside, you REALLY play the wrong game, if you REALLY think the grind in WoW today is hard and the rewards are too rare.

    you made my day... lol
    Imagine the level of tears if they were a cleric and had to camp Ragefire?

    --- Want any of my Constitutional rights?, ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ
    I come from a time and a place where I judge people by the content of their character; I don't give a damn if you are tall or short; gay or straight; Jew or Gentile; White, Black, Brown or Green; Conservative or Liberal. -- Note to mods: if you are going to infract me have the decency to post the reason, and expect to hold everyone else to the same standard.

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Niwes View Post
    if we may believe all the pew pew whiners (that are somewhere around 1-5% of the playerbase), BfA stands for

    BeFore Apocalypse

    god thanks we have some brain and some form of differentiation, so we still can assume that BfA stands for

    Bait for Armchair-Developers

    in enchanting dust we trust.
    Maybe you should try posting in binary, because it appears you haven't grasped English yet. Unless you just use that signature to inform everyone what a nerd you are.

  19. #39
    The Lightbringer
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    I dunno dude I don't really see it as a grind in the sense of "I will do everything I can to get this shit" and more of "eventually I will get something from doing shit I already do but normally don't get anything from". That's fine with me honestly. You know what I bitched about the most with Azerite gear and the M+ box? That I kept getting pieces in it every single week and they were uselessly bad. Now that problem's solved for me in every way. I'm not instantly getting something good or better but if I don't get shit from raid again (spoiler: I won't get shit from raid again), I will eventually get something from this system after like a month. Yeah, a month is a long time but you know what the alternative is in the current system? I get nothing over that month and then nothing at the end of it anyway. This system benefits me and it's neither glamorous, innovative nor perfect but it works for me.

    Long story short you do what you normally do and eventually get something rather than nothing if your luck sucks. If you're approaching it as a super grindy thing you must grind all day erryday, then yeah you're going to think the payoff is really long and really shit for your effort because it is. It's almost like it's not meant to be that way. Call that a time gate if you want but if you just play normally and raid and do your box like everyone else, you'll get something nice eventually from the box instead of getting fuck all of nothing which is how things work now.
    Paladin Bash has spoken.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Seranthor View Post
    And boohooing on a 3rd party forum works better?
    And here we have Seranthor who thinks I should either say only nice things about a failing game, use their official forums to post stuff they still will never read unless I call them out directly by name, or just not sub to the game in which case all my hours of paid-for playing will have been for naught and they'll just continue to ignore my existence.

    Does it really matter where I post it? I just wanted to share my thoughts regardless of who cares or not. What people say is, regardless, just their opinions too. Wrong as they may be because of fanboyism or self righteousness... but still.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Niwes View Post
    if that kids had ever played standard classsical mmorpgs like EQ, Star Wars Online, Classic WoW, etc. ... THAT would be a hard awakening.

    ...rewards „more frequent than once in month“ .... „must be grind ?“

    muhahahahahahaha. lol guys, seriously, you are in the wrong genre. jokes aside, you REALLY play the wrong game, if you REALLY think the grind in WoW today is hard and the rewards are too rare.

    you made my day... lol
    Aside from being a douche, I never said classic WoW or classic mmorpgs were fun, nor did I mention them at all. I'm talking about THIS GAME as it is NOW. If that's too hard for you to understand, that's truly laughable.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by PaladinBash View Post
    Yeah, a month is a long time but you know what the alternative is in the current system? I get nothing over that month and then nothing at the end of it anyway. This system benefits me and it's neither glamorous, innovative nor perfect but it works for me.

    Long story short you do what you normally do and eventually get something rather than nothing if your luck sucks. If you're approaching it as a super grindy thing you must grind all day erryday, then yeah you're going to think the payoff is really long and really shit for your effort because it is. It's almost like it's not meant to be that way. Call that a time gate if you want but if you just play normally and raid and do your box like everyone else, you'll get something nice eventually from the box instead of getting fuck all of nothing which is how things work now.
    Please don't take this as an insult in any way, but you sound really burnt out by the game. You'll really just accept these BS systems as they are? You won't speak up for changes that favor you the player, enriching your experiences in the game play and game time you PAY for?

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