From this guy: @Scaleface
Formerly known as Arafal
Point of interest. The WOW reveal is tomorrow with a dragon-like race.
D&D (which includes a dragon race) has a reveal coming Friday that they're teasing right now.
Theory: WoW is getting a new RPG release for 5e and they're promoting the crossover with the new race.
Just look at D&D
Doesn't seem like a hard concept to nail.
I mean... the model we got leaked looks very out of proportions than the type of dragon race I expected. Also sword and shield might work, but everything else will just look ridiculous imo.
The image you gave me looks more like a reptilian race than the Dragon esque race we got in the leaked images.
If these three images are legit I think this is going to go down as one of the most hated expansion reveals in WoW history.
That's what I'm hypothesizing. That there will be a new WoW Tabletop RPG revealed on Friday that will include this new race as a representation of 5e's Dragonborn. As part of that, they're implementing this race in WoW.
This is all predicated on us getting any dragon race, whether the imaged one or another.
Reminds me more of Worgen, really.
Also look more like NPC models. No visible gear or anything. Not convinced they're even WoW models, and certainly not a player race.
The talent UI also screams fake. Looks kinda like you're supposed to pick up base abilities from the Class version. I fail to see how that could be a compelling decision. "Hey, here's your chance to completely botch your character by failing to take up necessary abilities to be able to play it!"
But why? We have both bipedal and quadrapedal dragonkin using armor. In fact all dragonkin- not dragons but dragonkin- use armor. Why would they change that for the PC? Are they just trying to make it a metamorphisis like ability? If so... it just is a weird decision and I don't see it being likely to be true. Well, the race may be but the leak looks fake. Amazing that the leak comes just hours after an hour saying something similar exists.