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    [Discussion] IRC Meeting!!

    The Place: The RP IRC Channel (Linky)
    The Time: Thursday, June 30th, 2:00 PM Pacific Standard Time / 5:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time / 10:00 PM British Summer Time / 11:00 PM Central European Summer Time
    The Topic: Stickies, the general discussion forum add, and the RP buddie system (and possible continuation of the previous topics.)

    For a copy of the previous meeting's discussion, see below.

    [17:06] <Terin> The reason why I've asked for a meeting is quite simple. I feel theres a lot of things we actually
            haven't managed to sort out in the roleplaying forum since the last meeting we had, where a lot of things were
    [17:07] <Terin> One of my major concerns have been regarding new people. I don't think we've been active enough about
            promoting what our part of the forum stands for, and what you can find there. The second part is getting those
            who actually do come around to our forum a feel of being welcome, and having some backup in joining up.
    [17:09] <Terin> But, I'm going to take a point and start with where I've, in attempts to change things on the forum, ran
            my head against the wall. - The moderators. 
    [17:09] <Terin> Now this is not meant to come off offensively, so please interrupt me if you feel it does.
    [17:14] <Terin> I honestly think Black Mage has been away and too... non senstial to the forum to be a moderator, and I
            suggest we swap him out for someone else. This someone else could very likely be Khorianas, who's put a lot of
            effort and thought into the forum, and I know he cares for the wellbeing of the roleplaying community a lot.
    [17:15] <+Khorianas> I would have appreciated if you had gone through this with me.
    [17:15] <Terin> It is my thought. Wheter you want to or not, is another discussion.
    [17:21] <Madgod> As for replacing Black... he's been with us for a long time, and I'd rather not have another Garots
            issue come along
    [17:21] <Madgod> if anyone remembers the general circumstances of that.
    [17:21] <Madgod> I'd prefer if that was a last minute resort
    [17:21] <Terin> As for that, we need moderators we can count on and trust in.
    [17:21] <Terin> And I honestly don't feel we can count on Black Mage at all atm.
    [17:22] <Terin> I've tried PM'ing him like, over a week ago, and still haven't recieved any response.
    [17:23] <+Aramore> I do think that Black needs to go
    [17:24] <+Aramore> I don't care what the circumstances are around im
    [17:24] <+Aramore> he's not a moderator as it stands
    [17:24] <@Sunshine> it's no shame to be removed from a moderator position; it's just a practical question of whether the
            person is doing something or not.
    [17:24] <@Sunshine> as far as when, it may be delayed slightly because of the current outage, but we'll see
    [17:24] <@Sunshine> sometime very soon.
    [17:25] <Madgod> I'm not arguing against that. I would just rather not have another Garots thing go on.
    [17:25] <+Aramore> Well we'd rather have an active mod
    [17:25] <+Terin> I'd rather go through another Garots and have a better forum, than have nothing happen at all.
    [17:25] <Madgod> Garots never came back to RP (even though he said he would, multiple times), after he was removed as a
    [17:25] <@Sunshine> if you mean the drama, there's something a little different here, and we can handle things in a
            better way.
    [17:25] <Madgod> Hopefully.
    [17:26] <@Sunshine> focus not on removing mods for right now, but figure out the rest
    [17:26] <Madgod> I'd just rather not lose a RPer, considering how relatively few we have.
    [17:26] <+Terin> Anyway, onwards to next step.
    [17:26] <+Terin> The promotion of the roleplaying forums and how we deal with new rp'ers.
    [17:27] <+Terin> First off, I was thinking we need to be more active. Possibly writing summaries of whats going on in
            the General forum. Write something about what one can expect, and see happen in the roleplaying forums.
    [17:27] <+Terin> So that people actually have an idea something like us exist.
    [17:28] <+Terin> A thinog that was also brought up on last meeting, but never happened.
    [17:28] <+Terin> I was thinking we could have a post functioning somewhat like a blog.
    [17:28] <@Sunshine> Bibi mentioned one ad on the front page; you're welcome to have a thread in the general forums and
            post periodically
    [17:28] <@Sunshine> if it's not overbumped.
    [17:28] <@Sunshine> (where by overbumping i mean every 5 minutes or whatever)
    [17:29] <+Terin> Where someone writes updates regarding the forum, every few days.
    [17:29] <Madgod> that actually makes things a LOT better.
    [17:29] <Madgod> We could update the page with new RP's that are up or something.
    [17:29] <+Terin> Exactly.
    [17:29] <+Terin> General news from the RP forum.
    [17:29] <Madgod> Factions too, because those might give people ideas on making a character or something.
    [17:29] <Sy-Nali> if i may add a thought here
    [17:30] <Sy-Nali> not to say i don't think the idea is nice, just something maybe worth to keep in mind
    [17:30] <Sy-Nali> having as many people joining the rp forums as possible is probably not the best idea, since many may
            not actually have the dedication and patience to really be active and do more than three posts and then leave
    [17:31] <Sy-Nali> so promotion is all well and good, but shoving it up everyone's ass is not
    [17:31] <+Terin> How we're going to deal with new roleplayers.
    [17:32] <+Terin> Currently the forum is, in my opinion, quite hard to figure out as a newcomer. There's many posts, many
            links, many guides that you'd have to figure out and get through.
    [17:32] <+Terin> So what I've been working on is creating a buddy system where the new roleplayers get an experienced
            roleplayer helping them out and getting started.
    [17:32] <+Terin> That way, it may become a more fun experience and cause more people to put effort into it.
    [17:32] <Sy-Nali> have to agree on this with Terin, as i experienced it myself a few weeks ago. i had no clue
    [17:32] <+Terin> And people that do not want to put effort into it, will not contact any of the "buddies"
    [17:33] <+Terin> So we'll more or less hit two flies with one punch.
    [17:33] <+Terin> Obviously, this means some people on the forum will have to put effort into getting new people to feel
    [17:33] <+Terin> But I am sure there's people like that out there.
    [17:36] <Madgod> what's this mean with the stickies?
    [17:36] <Madgod> Because we already cut them in half last time.
    [17:36] <+Terin> What I suggested was making a "Hot links" thread.
    [17:36] <+Khorianas> Maddy: that was my thought.
    [17:36] <+Terin> And linking to all the other threads in that one.
    [17:37] <+Khorianas> burying the threads gets less people to read them.
    [17:37] <Madgod> That's what we said last time, IIRC.
    [17:37] <+Terin> The point is, it doesn't matter if they're buried.
    [17:37] <+Khorianas> Fishing up the how to do a character thread lead to an influx in bios. So I'd rather have it stay
            on top
    [17:37] <+Khorianas> I'd disagree.
    [17:37] <Madgod> We have the three big ones, the absences thread, and then the "THE REST OF 'EM!" thread.
    [17:38] <+Terin> What I mean is, we'd end up with like
    [17:38] <+Terin> Absence, Bio's and Hotlinks, at best.
    [17:38] <+Terin> And hotlinks would be a thread with like: "Bios - Go here" etc, something small and easy to look
    [17:38] <+Khorianas> We had that. and it didn't work imho.
    [17:39] <+Terin> What was wrong with that system then?
    [17:39] <+Khorianas> Finding the stuff. And having to click through 3 reopening browser windows.
    [17:39] <@Sunshine> for what it's worth, a) assuming a buddy system, the buddy would/should/could point out relevant
            threads before the person moves on, and b) there's probably nothing wrong with one more sticky if there's really
            only that many
    [17:39] <+Terin> Exactly my thought.
    [17:40] <+Terin> The experienced roleplayers will know where to look.
    [17:40] <+Khorianas> So you want to drop the burden on the veterans basically?
    [17:40] <+Terin> And for the record, I want to remove all the "We open thread one, and in thread one we open thread two,
            and in thread two we open thread three"
    [17:40] <+Terin> I want it to be thread one leading to thread three, if you want to go to thread three immediately.
    [17:40] <+Aramore> Not sure what you mean there
    [17:40] <+Terin> I mean stuff like.
    [17:41] <+Terin> If we have a Hotlinks and the hotlinks have "Bio"
    [17:41] <+Terin> Then in bio you have "Lifespans" and "Nicknames" and such
    [17:41] <+Terin> That might be okay in this term for the b io, but not for other things.
    [17:41] <+Terin> I feel there's too much "Leading around" in the threads.
    [17:41] <+Terin> So you end up with ten open browser windows at once.
    [17:41] <@Sunshine> i think everyone's in agreement on that point
    [17:42] <+Terin> And I am sure we can compress it some way or the other.
    [17:42] <@Sunshine> i think the stickies are okay as is; we have a few major ones out and the others should all be at a
            single level in the important links thread
    [17:42] <+Terin> So you'd only have to open hotlinks, and then click to find the way around.
    [17:43] <@Sunshine> they're good as is, i mean. with some rearrangement of the major links thread if needed to make sure
            everything's there.
    [17:43] <+Terin> Because when I wrote my first bio.
    [17:43] <+Terin> It was like:
    [17:43] <+Terin> Open Bio. -> Open naming thread. -> Open lifespans. -> Open general guide. 
    [17:44] <+Terin> and suddenly I sat with like 5-6 open browser windows, confusing myself at which one to look at : <
    [17:44] <+Aramore> Lifespans would be a WoWpedia link anyways
    [17:44] <+Aramore> we can't just steal all the wowpedia infor and call it a day
    [17:44] <+Terin> Yes, I'm quite aware :p
    [17:44] <+Terin> I'm merely saying we can reduce it to be less of a cluster.
    [17:44] <Madgod> Terin: It's better than having a bunch of people fishing through a long list of threads. The links in
            the bio thread are right there in the parts where they matter.
    [17:44] <+Aramore> it would be easier tio see exactly what you call a cluster if we could see the forums : (
    [17:45] <+Khorianas> I think it is quite allright atm.
    [17:45] <Madgod> You'd have the same exact thing if you had them in a list on another thread, except that it'd be less
    [17:45] <@Sunshine> i'd suggest discussion of stickies be postponed until a future date when the site comes back up
    [17:45] <+Terin> Back to the original topics.
    [17:45] <+Terin> 1: The Moderators being hard to reach atm.
    [17:45] <+Terin> 2: New roleplayers.
    [17:46] <+Terin> And 3: The layout of our forums.
    [17:46] <@Sunshine> so put 3 aside for now; does anyone have additional comments on 1/2?
    [17:46] <+Khorianas> 2 and 3 have been discussed twice the last 4(?) months I think.
    [17:46] <@Sunshine> 2 seems to have not been accomplished
    [17:46] <+Aramore> it worked for awhile
    [17:46] <+Aramore> we did get about 5-10 new people
    [17:47] <@Sunshine> there are a few new roleplayers, but it's still a very small board
    [17:47] <+Aramore> well bios
    [17:48] <+Terin> What do we do about 1?
    [17:48] <@Sunshine> what's the purpose for having more moderators?
    [17:48] <+Terin> A lot easier to keep track on.
    [17:49] <+Aramore> people to reach
    [17:49] <Madgod> Sunshine: So I don't go crazy
    [17:49] <@Sunshine> what's the responsibility of the moderators right now?
    [17:49] <+Terin> They set the general rules of roleplays, keep people in check, assist on bios, new people, keep trolls
            and the general layout of the forums clean.
    [17:49] <@Sunshine> if this is about one person making decisions and rules for the entire roleplay community, it
            shouldn't be happening in the first place
    [17:49] <+Khorianas> Terin: the mods said nothing , we discuss stuff,.
    [17:50] <@Sunshine> as far as assisting on bios, helping with new people, reminding people of rules during roleplays,
            that's a community effort
    [17:50] <Madgod> I've always talked with the community before editing the rules.
    [17:50] <+Khorianas> You have which is right.
    [17:50] <+Khorianas> That's why I wondered about the motion.
    [17:50] <+Khorianas> Sunshine is also completele right.
    [17:51] <Madgod> I'm not sure about anyone else, but I get quite a few PM's concerning questions and such.
    [17:51] <+Terin> Sunshine: If two members disagree on how the rules in a roleplay is bent, a moderator generally steps
            in. - And I'd say we're good as a community to give our help.
    [17:51] <Madgod> Mods have overseen such things, though I only recall meeting for such twice
    [17:52] <@Sunshine> but is having a moderator there any different than having anyone there who knows what they're doing?
            aside from a status symbol
    [17:52] <+Khorianas> Not really.
    [17:52] <+Khorianas> and iirc A thread is ruled by the OP usually
    [17:52] <+Terin> ( As long as the op is there :p )
    [17:52] <Madgod> We smack any troll who stumbles in here.
    [17:52] <Sy-Nali> i think the status symbol can mean something there though, at least and especially among new people
    [17:53] <+Khorianas> Maddy: which is done alright.
    [17:53] <Madgod> Or really, I, I think... I dunno if the other RP mods have infracted anyone.
    [17:53] <Madgod> 'least in the RP forums.
    [17:53] <+Terin> The status symbol does mean something, yes.
    [17:53] <@Sunshine> trolls are the main point of the RP mods
    [17:53] <+Terin> For instance, if more experienced roleplayers - like me and Khorianas - have a go at each other over
            something that might be.. silly, its not like we'll be completely devoid of logic in a RP
    [17:54] <+Terin> ..But we'll still need someone to tell us to stfu, and who is out of line.
    [17:54] <+Aramore> unlike the regular forums where it's just being a mod
    [17:54] <+Terin> Which does happen too.
    [17:54] <@Sunshine> i was hoping that you'd be able to sort it out yourselves in a thread, or get the opinion of the
            others :p
    [17:54] <+Terin> We might, we might not.
    [17:55] <+Terin> The main point for needing more than one active mod though is also bound in
    [17:55] <+Terin> If the roleplayers disagree with the mod.
    [17:55] <+Terin> Sorta like
    [17:55] <+Terin> It all being more democrative than one being emo or nto.
    [17:55] <Madgod> To answer your question, Sunshine, on how many mods we really need... I'd like at least one active
            person, and Elyaan's been on-and-off for a couple weeks. A third I doubt is really all that necessary right now
    [17:56] <Madgod> Until we start advertising to the rest of the forums, two is plenty.
    [17:56] <+Aramore> and as Elyaan doesn't do much RP modding and Black Mage is less active than Garots was
    [17:56] <@Sunshine> i agree that it's necessary to have two active mods, purely so that it's not a burden on the one
            single mod
    [17:57] <+Terin> Elyaan is also busy in the other forums when he's here, I believe.
    [17:57] <Madgod> Once (if) we start advertising, we should test those waters.  If me and the second mod are swamped,
            then we should grab a third
    [17:57] <@Sunshine> i doubt we'll need a third
    [17:57] <Madgod> maybe even fourth, but I doubt that'd be necessary.
    [17:57] <@Sunshine> i doubt it will be swamped in any way shape or form
    [17:58] <+Terin> So what is the general consensus? Two mods, needing a new one?
    [17:58] <Madgod> Elyaan seemingly had some problems recently. I'd give him the benefit of the doubt for at least a
            little while.
    [17:59] <+Terin> I just know that I've felt as if Madgod has been alone for far too long, as I've also expressed to him
            a while back.
    [17:59] <@Sunshine> has Elyaan been interested in the actual administration of the RP forums, other than the one
    [18:00] <+Aramore> I think he was about for the reorganisation then didn't do much modding since
    [18:00] <Madgod> I believe Aramore has the right of the situation, yeah.
    [18:00] <+Terin> I don't know what to answer. He's been away for so long, and when he's here he's also got duties in
            other parts of the forums.
    [18:00] <@Sunshine> what I'm really looking for in an RP mod is someone who will act on equal footing with Madgod in
            helping to take care of the boards
    [18:01] <+Terin> I don't know if Elyaan can do that, while also rping with us and keeping track on his own part.
    [18:01] <@Sunshine> and who is interested in exerting effort to expand the forum, encouraging new roleplayers (with the
            help of the community on both)
    [18:01] <+Terin> ^ Tbh, I think that fits mostly everyone in the channel atm.
    [18:02] <+Khorianas> I'd have to ask then, is the recent size/activity of the RP Forum a problem Sunshine ?
    [18:03] <@Sunshine> if the forum remains as is, it's likely to be pushed down on the forum list, if nothing else. but
            that's all in Bibi's hands.
    [18:04] <@Sunshine> i don't want to make anybody panic; it's just that if the forums do actually die, there's little
            reason to keep an empty forum (especially in prime location near the top of the list)
    [18:05] <@Sunshine> so, we'll see how things go
    [18:06] <@Sunshine> as far as who would make a good secondary mod; i'm curious to hear suggestions, but likely in
            private (via PM on the forums when they come back up or on irc whenever)
    [18:06] <@Sunshine> or self-nominations, either way
    [18:06] <@Sunshine> just because i don't want to put anyone on the spot here
    [18:07] <@Sunshine> also, as far as the second point, i'm curious how everyone feels about both advertising and about a
            'buddy system'
    [18:07] <+Khorianas> I don't want advertising tbh.
    [18:07] <@Sunshine> even in the form of a thread in general discussions?
    [18:07] <+Shujaa> If I may, I got into the forum just recently and have a few things to say about that.
    [18:07] <+Khorianas> Most likely it will lead to an influx of people that loose interest and lead to rps dying.
    [18:07] <@Sunshine> sure Shujaa 
    [18:10] <+Shujaa> The first thing I did was reading all the stickies and found the beginner RPs, which was great, but it
            was really, really intimidating actually trying to get into those threads. There were three at the time, one was
            completely dead with only 2-3 posts and didn't really suit me (I find comedic RP feels intimidating to start out
            with) and then there was another thread with like...7 pages, 
    [18:10] <+Shujaa> and now that hread is like 10-15 pages. There's no way a newbie is gonna read through all that to make
            one post. I posted in the third one, which was only like 3 pages at the tme cause it felt like I actually have a
            shot at getting into that.
    [18:10] <Madgod> dun think so.
    [18:10] <+Shujaa> So while I love the idea of beginner RPs it's not working imo if they're not properly tended to.
    [18:10] <+Aramore> The point in the Tavern RP
    [18:11] <+Shujaa> A buddy system might a be really good idea to have instead or as a compliment to that.
    [18:11] <+Aramore> was just to RP for a few hours and then leave with nothing lost
    [18:11] <+Aramore> but it's turned into a thread where it's got its own complex story
    [18:12] <+Shujaa> Well...when I wanted to post in one thread, I want to stay true to what's going on there. So I want to
            read everyone else's posts.  Like, is there a brawl? Who is actually there, what is happening? etc
    [18:13] <+Terin> Yeah.. and that quickly gets confusion with 10 people posting.
    [18:13] <+Shujaa> And if the thread is so long I think it's very intimidating
    [18:13] <+Khorianas> Mhm. the reading up in the tavern threads is hard.
    [18:13] <+Khorianas> But it got revived when we did the night/day change.
    [18:13] <Madgod> The buddy system, I think, would be a good idea, but I'm worried about cliques and the like, for some
            weird reason. May not be a big deal at all and I'm just being a weird worrysome person.
    [18:13] <+Khorianas> perhaps we have to "format" the tavern thread every week or so.
    [18:14] <+Aramore> Yeah I agree with that Khor
    [18:14] <@Sunshine> giving a personal contact is a good idea i believe
    [18:14] <+Shujaa> Well beginner thread are good, but there needs to be some system in place to make it so they don't end
            up like the tavern...whether it be recaps in the main post, or new threads starting
    [18:14] <@Sunshine> and putting it at the bottom of every one of the 'major' stickies is probably a good idea
    [18:14] <@Sunshine> (the ones which are not included in the big list)
    [18:15] <@Sunshine> i mean, the bio one and the starting rp one
    [18:15] <@Sunshine> or whatever htey were
    [18:15] <@Sunshine> just something like "Just a reminder, feel free to contact X, Y, or Z if you have trouble!"
    [18:15] <@Sunshine> that should lower the PM burden on madgod
    [18:15] <+Khorianas> I would even put them at the START of the stickies. Like "If something of the following confuses
            you don't hesitate to ask XYZ,..
    [18:16] <+Khorianas> If people give up half way they don't read it.
    [18:16] <@Sunshine> either way
    [18:16] <+Terin> Its a yes!
    [18:17] <Madgod> Well then we should have volunteers for RP Buddies, then.
    [18:19] <@Sunshine> seems natural to break it up on type of character (ally/horde/other) or on class type
    [18:19] <Madgod> Hence why I prefer the wide range of characters thing.
    [18:19] <@Sunshine> if you wanted to divide somehow
    [18:20] <+Terin> I broke it up on classes personally.
    [18:20] <+Terin> Since faction can always be bystanded by going to Dalaran or something of the like.
    [18:21] <Madgod> I could do pretty much all of them :P
    [18:21] <+Khorianas> WEll if we give them links to our character threads it is pretty obvious who can help you.
    [18:21] <+Terin> I don't think we should give links and make themhave a look at our characters.
    [18:21] <+Terin> Thats just confusion.
    [18:22] <+Khorianas> well it is a lot to read again that's true.
    [18:22] <Madgod> Yeah
    [18:22] <Madgod> Especially considering I've got... 10-12 bios which are fairly lengthly
    [18:22] <+Khorianas> But i would still list the people and perhaps comment on what they know about .
    [18:22] <Madgod> I wouldn't expect any newbie to go and read through ALL of them.
    [18:22] <+Khorianas> rather than alignments/classes etc.
    [18:23] <+Terin> Its just that reading like the way you suggest Khorianas.
    [18:23] <+Terin> If Madgod's name is on the top
    [18:23] <+Terin> and he can do pretty much everything
    [18:23] <+Terin> why would you read on through the list?
    [18:23] <Madgod> I can reffer people to others
    [18:23] <Madgod> if that has to happen
    [18:23] <+Terin> - Its still a lot of unneccesary work.
    [18:24] <+Terin> If we can just use the thread to refer people around.
    [18:24] <@Sunshine> i like the idea of distributing
    [18:24] <+Khorianas> But with what do we discriminate then?
    [18:25] <+Terin> Classes gives us a lot of room.
    [18:25] <@Sunshine> you can mention that they're welcome to PM someone else if they'd prefer, but this way it makes it
            easier both for the new people (because they don't have to try to figure out who to talk to or get sent around
            to multiple people) and for the people who get overwhelmed with PMs (madgod) because he won't have to redirect
    [18:25] <+Khorianas> Classes are inacurate in actual RP. A bloodknight a Sunwalker and a Silver Hand Paladin would fall
            in the same register.
    [18:25] <@Sunshine> class types or factions
    [18:25] <Madgod> general types of characters, we can say.
    [18:25] <+Terin> That doesn't mean that the one who's dealing with Paladins doesn't know about the differences.
    [18:26] <+Terin> And in case I for instance don't know enough about bloodknights, I could refer him/her to you.
    [18:26] <Madgod> If someone has an idea for a class and doesn't know who to go with
    [18:26] <Madgod> we can have them PM someone on the list and they'll clarify
    [18:26] <Madgod> "Necromancer? Oh, Maddy's good with those guys, mess around with him"
    [18:27] <Madgod> "Sunwalker? That's a paladin, so talk with Khor"
    [18:27] <+Khorianas> well it will be the best approach maybe but the redistributing will still happen.
    [18:27] <Madgod> It'd be less common though
    [18:27] <+Terin> its a system we can improve upon, when / if we'll need to.
    [18:28] <+Terin> Our first objective should be getting new people around.
    [18:29] <+Terin> I'm glad we all got this talk though. I'm sure we'll manage.  As for the posts I've already made
            schemes to Maddy that I'll help him modify to fit the forums in accordance to what we've talked about tonight.
    Last edited by Sunshine; 2011-06-27 at 11:10 PM. Reason: word wrap

  2. #2
    Haven't been in a single RP yet, since i kindacreated a character and then kinda forgot this forum after all my schoolwork was done..
    now i'm back anyway, and since i haven't been here for long, maybe i'll just lurk around in the IRC
    meanwhile, i'll keep looking fir interesting threads where my char may fit in.

  3. #3
    Bumping because I can.Also because this should be seen by everyone and the higher up the page it is the more likely people will see it.

  4. #4
    I might be a little late. Looking forward to it though.

  5. #5
    Please, feel free to explain to me what a Role Playing Moderator does. I've informed you people that I'll participate where I'm required. No one asks. No one even PM'd me regarding getting involved in this discussion. If I'm not included, how am I meant to participate?

    If it suits you, remove my name from this forum. Not standing for this bullshit anymore.

  6. #6
    Elyaan, I am sorry, the forums have been annoying and I've been real busy too. I figured Madgod would've poked you as a part of the moderator team - that is miscommunication on our part. We had no intentions of leaving your out at all. This is an apology.

    What I don't understand is the hostility in your post above. Clearly, as you care for this forum, a discussion on how to make it better is a good place to get things going, and the oppinions of the roleplayers are written above. Instead of going mental, would you please add your viewpoints to the topics we discussed? - We'd love to hear your thoughts, before we make any decisions or change too much. Thanks a bunch.

    ~ Saerwen.

  7. #7
    Like to come but can't come that time

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by sáfarie View Post
    Like to come but can't come that time
    We will be posting the logs (or the gist of them if there's a LOT of clutter) after the meeting, so if you can't make it, you can still see what happened, what we talked about, etc.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Saerwen View Post
    Elyaan, I am sorry, the forums have been annoying and I've been real busy too. I figured Madgod would've poked you as a part of the moderator team - that is miscommunication on our part. We had no intentions of leaving your out at all. This is an apology.

    What I don't understand is the hostility in your post above. Clearly, as you care for this forum, a discussion on how to make it better is a good place to get things going, and the oppinions of the roleplayers are written above. Instead of going mental, would you please add your viewpoints to the topics we discussed? - We'd love to hear your thoughts, before we make any decisions or change too much. Thanks a bunch.

    ~ Saerwen.
    You know of my thoughts on the idea. I like it. Go ahead.

  10. #10
    Last reminder! The meeting is in 30 minutes, as of this post. Well technically, in 31 minutes. Anyway, see y'all then!
    Last edited by The Madgod; 2011-06-30 at 09:00 PM. Reason: iPhones suck

  11. #11

    Post TODO List.

    So. After our meeting a list of the things we agreed on to do, with the people responsible for the parts:
    • Write up Getting Started Thread & Buddy introduction -DONE (Saerwen
    • Polish Character Creation Sticky -DONE (thanks to Madgod)
    • Polish Starting/Joining an RP Sticky -DONE (Nonfic)
    • Volunteer for the Buddy System with specific field in this Thread (Every RP Veteran)
    Edit Buddies so far templated up:


    classes: Warrior, Rogue, Hunter, Druid, Paladin
    Races: Human, Dwarf, Gnome, Dragons(specifically Greens), Worgens, and possibly Draenei and Night Elves
    Other: Melee classes and Alliance side Lore

    Timezone: ECT(East Coast)


    All classes and races, general Lore.

    Timezone: BST / GMT (England)


    Classes: Warrior, Spellbreaker, Druids
    Races: Tauren, Blood- High- and Nightelves, Black Dragons
    Other: speech in Character

    Timezone: ??


    Classes: Paladins(Alliance) Priest (Holy and Shadow, also mainly alliance,) Warriors, Death Knights
    Races: Alliance races, mainly Human Dwarfs Gnomes and Worgen
    Other: Scarlet Crusader fetish ( my words ~Khor)

    Timezone: BST / GMT (Wales)


    Classes: Death Knight, Rogue, Hunter, Warlock, hybrids.
    Races: Forsaken, Blood Elves.
    Other: writing advice.

    Timezone: EST


    Classes: Melee Classes
    Other: Warface,How to roleplay without in-depth lore knowledge.
    Timezone: EST


    Classes: Paladins(Horde) Priest(Forsaken Shadow) Hunter, Shaman, Warrior, exotic Classes.
    Races: Bloodelves, Forsaken, Orcs, Trolls, Goblins.
    Other: Timeline advice / General Lore advice / Bio advice.

    Timezone: CEST / CET (Germany)

    The Madgod:

    Classes: Mages, Warlocks, Warriors, Hunters, Rogues, Druids, and Death knights.
    Races: Any.
    Other: General Lore questions.

    Timezone: EST (Michigan)


    All classed and races.

    Timezone: CEST/CET (Denmark)
    Last edited by Khorianas; 2011-07-04 at 07:56 AM.

  12. #12
    Role-player Nonfictionless's Avatar
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    I will volunteer to help out with the following race/classes/etc.

    -Warrior, Rogue, Hunter, Druid, Paladin
    -Human, Dwarf, Gnome, Dragons(specifically Greens but with a general knowledge of all), Worgens, and I would be comfortable with Draenei and Night Elves

    Generally Melee classes and Alliance side Lore

    Also I am East Coast Time Zone, but I'm up like all the time anyways.

  13. #13
    Volunteering: I can help with any class, race, or faction. I am just that awesome.

  14. #14
    I can be a Lore-specialist, or something. I literately am on Wowpedia all the time, researching quests and whatnot. Just a thought, as I want to help out too.

    Taurens, especially Warriors, Elves (High, Blood, or Night), with Spell-breakers or Druids, and Dragons (Black) as an Shaman.

    Stragedy (*cough*RISK*cough*), speaking as a race (Very good with again Elvenkind), and emotions (Acting like them).
    Last edited by Sal the Shieldhog; 2011-06-30 at 11:51 PM.

  15. #15
    Rhugl yn y Cymraeg Aramore's Avatar
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    Dearest fellow members of the RP forums,

    On the day of the first of July in the year of our lord twice thousand and eleven I do solemnly offer myself as a buddy for the following aspects of Lore:

    Paladins (Mainly Alliance) , Priest (Holy Light and Shadows branches, not so much nelf and troll etc.), Warriors and Death Knights.

    My faction knowledge lays mostly within the alliance focussing on the Humans, Dwarfs, Gnomes and Worgen.


    I live in Ye Olde Britland so my time zone is currently BST. (For reference it is currently 00:40 here).

    Yours Sincerely.


  16. #16
    1 Character Creation

    To get started you first of all need a character.
    We have a template that we usually use when writing our Character Bios. Here the copy and paste version:


    The links behind each section will lead you to help topics concerning this specific question.

    Name: Remember that different races have different sounding names: Khorianas' Guide to Naming

    Age: the racial lifespans of WoWPedia should help you figure out how old your character is in years, since all races have different Life spans.

You may go with every playable race, or if you want to test your skills even exotic NPC races.

Quite obvious.

Which languages is you character able to speak? Remember a warrior won’t be fluent in 5 languages.

Every World of Warcraft Class is possible here. For advanced characters, exotic choices do exist.

    Faction(optional): (this refers to user-made factions. NOT if the character is Alliance or Horde aligned. Please see here for more information regarding custom factions)

    Personality*: (What is your character like? Is he extroverted? Loud? Stoic? Describe how your character is and how he is perceived by others.)

    Likes/Dislikes*: What does your character enjoy? What does really get on his or her nerves?

    Appearance*: How do you look? If you are familiar with the WoWmodelviewer or have an artistic talent, a picture says more than a thousand words. Also scars, tattoos and the like belong here.

Here it gets serious. What are your character’s strengths and weaknesses? Negative character traits from the Personality section may appear here, like being hotheaded for example. Also physical weaknesses like a blind eye etc belong here.

    History*: The Past of your character, from your birth to present day. This part serves the purpose To explain why your character is the way he or she is. It can be extensive or rather short, but should explain the charcter you described in the previous sections. This part is not required for the beginner RPs. Here's a Timeline, if you wanted to reference major points in Warcraft lore while keeping your character accurate.

    For all the background questions there is a very extensive Questionnaire that has many questions that might come up in an RP and that may help inspire your character.

    * For starters, these sections don't have to be extensive. You may even join beginner RPs without them.

    So now you should have an Idea of who your character is. If you want you may put your work up as a thread tagged with [Bio] <Character Name> but this is not necessary for the beginner RPs again.
    My take on char Creation. The Formating and sig part can be taken from maddy.
    Last edited by Khorianas; 2011-06-30 at 11:50 PM.

  17. #17
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Not sure if I even qualify to volunteer considering my limited history on this forum but I'll put myself out there.

    Races for which I am especially knowledgeable:
    -Forsaken, undead in general, Blood Elf, High Elf, Night Elf, Dragons (esp. red), and I'd be comfortable with humans.

    I am most at ease with the Forsaken and the Blood Elves, over anything else.

    On the subject of classes..
    -Death Knight, Rogue, Hunter, Warlock, and a myriad of hybrids (most notably necromancer, dark ranger, and standard-edition ranger).

    I'm also coo' with all around writing advice.

    I am especially specialized in making shit up and elaborating on vague ideas or facts only briefly mentioned in the lore. To extreme detail.

    EST. I speak only English.
    Last edited by Synaxis; 2011-06-30 at 11:46 PM.

  18. #18
    Mechagnome Valakin's Avatar
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    Look behind you
    As of now, the categories I will volunteer for are:
    1. Melee classes
    2. How to Succeed In Roleplaying Without Knowing Lore
    3. Warfare

    I am EST and speak English (and a small bit of French)
    Last edited by Valakin; 2011-07-01 at 12:07 AM.

  19. #19
    I can do all classes, though I'd prefer mages, warlocks, warriors, hunters, rogues, druids, and death knights.

    I'm fine with any race.

    I'm also a lore nerd, and therefore a good source of info :P

    Aaaand as for timezone, I'm EST as I live in Michigan. As reference, it's 8:07 as of this post.

  20. #20
    Role-player Nonfictionless's Avatar
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    Joining a RP

    There are two main types of RPs, Open and Closed. The main difference between these are that in an Open RP you can jump in at anytime and in a Closed RP you have to sign-up or be invited in.

    Open RP
    These types of RPs are open for you to come in and join at anytime. You will want to make sure your character is right for this RP and that you join in without disrupting the story already going on. Basically you don't want to bring your paladin into an RP full of undead working together to assassinate some because it won't make any sense to the plot. However bringing in your own undead could mesh right in. Also try to remember that if your character is just joining in try not do things like jumping into the middle of a fight that your character wasn't even near to begin with. Meeting up at their next location or catching up with them is always a great start.

    Closed RP
    Again, these are essentially the same as an Open RP but with one main difference that you can't just jump in. Closed RPs will have one person in charge that admitts people into the RP. These types generally have a sign up thread for you to post in with what character you wish to bring in. Also if you see a Closed RP already in progress you can alway send a private message to the person in charge of the RP and ask to jump in and they will usually give you a place to do so.

    Generally you do not need a Bio written down and posted on these forums to join either type of RP. Sometimes people who start Closed RPs may require them though. It is always a good idea when first entering an RP that doesn't require a Bio that you make sure to describe your character fully so people can interact with you better. I mean you wouldn't want someone to come in and start inacting with you thinking you were a Blood Elf when you were actually a Goblin the whole time. Things like race and class have a huge impact on the way others interact with you.

    Beginner Open RPs
    The Academy - Not sure how to fight in a RP? Here's a place to start!
    The Salty Sailor Tavern - Want your character to grab some ale and strike up a conversation? Look no further!
    The Endless Adventure - Don't like bars? Well here's an interesting alternative!
    The Brewery, Satellite of Tempest Keep - Feel like joining a comical RP? Jump into The Brewery, a colossal Naaruvian Inn!

    Some Sign-up Closed RP Examples
    In the Sands... - A great example of all the different types of rules you can set down for your own RP.
    Tendrils of Nightmare - An example of how classes are limited on many sides of a conflict.
    The Cursed Tower - A excellent example of using background to set the mood of the RP and revealing the start of the story at the same time.

    Starting a RP

    Making your own RP is a bit more complicated. You have to create the story, choose the setting, fill in the background information and set any rules you feel nessecary. You also will be in charge of making sure the RP stays on track and people generally stick to the rules you set down (Mods can help you there). You also can choose to make it open or closed, who joins and if they need a written bio or not.

    Generic RP Themes

    Survival RP - You're stranded on an island, or lost in the jungle. How do you work together and survive?
    Horror RP - Essentially the plotline of any horror movie. A group of people are slowly picked off. Who will remain?
    Quest RP - You go on a quest, and meet people along the way who will help or hinder you.
    Inn RP - What's better than sitting at a bar, drinking ale, and listening to the chatter and music of an inn or tavern?
    Boarding House RP - A group of people live together. Usually with very comedic results.
    War RP - A war, with either the alliance vs horde, the alliance & horde vs a common foe, the alliance & horde vs a common foe, while the horde and alliance subtly try to undermine eachother, so one comes out of the battle on top, or even custom factions pitted against eachother, a common foe, the alliance, or the horde. This is generally a SRP. Powerful characters (ex: Dragons) must be neutral in the conflicts, either as a bystander or as someone who does not do ill to the horde or alliance (its okay to help destroy the common foe though (the horde and alliance will most likely need the help)

    This is what I came up with, let me know what you think.
    Last edited by Nonfictionless; 2011-07-01 at 12:35 AM.

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