1. #7841
    Quote Originally Posted by Led ++ View Post
    Hey guys, I can run 100 meters faster then 99.3% of other people, but I must be bad because 0.7% daily training powerhouses run it slightly faster.

    Also, if you think there really is no difference between low-mid diamond and bronze-plat, I highly suggest you watch something else then the top 5% of MILLIONS of people play.
    You see, this is exactly what I'm talking about when I say improvement comes from outside of LoL. You are simply unable to acquire and process information.

    I said "Not really much of a difference in the grand scheme of things, plat is bronze with a border. When it comes to game knowledge or understanding the basics of the game, everyone below and including D5 is at such a low level that trying to find a difference between them is futile, the game simply starts at D3+.".

    You understood "there really is no difference between low-mid diamond and bronze-plat".

    You went from "little difference" to know difference"
    You went from "D5 to Bronze" to "low-mid diamond and bronze-plat".
    You completely ignored the subject, game knowledge and mastering the basics of the game.

    Instead of understanding there are ways to improve fast/without the requirement of being actually in game, you chose to filter the information presented through your own bias and get offended. This type of mentality is why it's bad to watch your own replays.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Crizo2017 View Post
    If you don't watch yourself how will you know what you're doing wrong?...
    By watching people that already have thousands of games at a higher level and forgetting everything you think you know about the game. Most players require a brain wash in order to get rid of their bad habits. You are most likely not good enough to know what you're doing wrong or what you don't know about the game yet.

    Show me a short clip of the 2 basic InSec variations and I'll break it down with you, step by step. At least tell me why there are 2 InSec variations and the scenarios you would use them in. Even a simple correct InSec would do, 3 times in a row I'd like someone on this forum to show me an InSec.
    It's an ancient move, everyone does it, everyone knows it but there are 5 ways to do it. 1 way is utter garbage, 3 have requirements and 1 is the standard proper InSec.
    Last edited by Ichifails; 2017-03-17 at 10:45 AM.

  2. #7842
    If you guys want to have a discussion about this, I would recommend making a new thread specifically for it instead of cluttering this one with an off topic discussion.
    Last edited by Faltemer; 2017-03-17 at 12:17 PM.

  3. #7843
    Quote Originally Posted by Faltemer View Post
    If you guys want to have a discussion about this, I would recommend making a new thread specifically for it instead of cluttering this one with an off topic discussion.
    It's a vent thread, I'm venting that people like this exist.

  4. #7844
    Quote Originally Posted by Ichifails View Post
    It's a vent thread, I'm venting that people like this exist.
    an the self awareness was lost

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ichifails View Post
    Show me a short clip of the 2 basic InSec variations and I'll break it down with you, step by step. At least tell me why there are 2 InSec variations and the scenarios you would use them in. Even a simple correct InSec would do, 3 times in a row I'd like someone on this forum to show me an InSec.
    It's an ancient move, everyone does it, everyone knows it but there are 5 ways to do it. 1 way is utter garbage, 3 have requirements and 1 is the standard proper InSec.
    I don't play Lee sin, never had prior to today so I think...
    >Proper InSec - is Lee his q, ward hop, kick
    >Requirements - A prior ward, incoming wave, an enemy out of position/ your team mate went deep an acts as a proxy ward
    >Utter Garbage - probs using flash while target has flash thus wasting flash an dying for free
    Quote Originally Posted by Life-Binder View Post
    U6 easily has the best charcters introduce in SUper, aside from Beerus and BLack

  5. #7845
    Riot needs to give bigger discounts on their skins more often. it was ridiculous to have to pay no discount when Star Guardian Lux came out. and of course I can't say no to star guardian Lux. just take my money even though i don't have any!

  6. #7846
    Quote Originally Posted by Crizo2017 View Post
    an the self awareness was lost

    - - - Updated - - -

    I don't play Lee sin, never had prior to today so I think...
    >Proper InSec - is Lee his q, ward hop, kick
    >Requirements - A prior ward, incoming wave, an enemy out of position/ your team mate went deep an acts as a proxy ward
    >Utter Garbage - probs using flash while target has flash thus wasting flash an dying for free
    There's a very good reason I wanted a video of it. You can hide summoner names in the options.

  7. #7847
    Please, if you want to have this back and forth, take it to PMs. This thread is about venting frustrations with having bad games. Acting like you are superior to everyone else and saying everyone D5 and below are trash is not the kind of discussion for this thread. Multiple people have reported these posts for off-topic, and I am inclined to agree. Consider this a warning as any further posts will receive an infraction.

  8. #7848
    Back to bitching.

    Just got AFk'ed by 2 people my support (thresh) and my mid (arhi), because I picked kog'maw who is a "terrible" pick.
    they played the first 7 minutes and when we died bot (killed the ADC and with the help of my passive the jungler killed the support)
    but nope according to our lovely (what I can only assume as) duo in mid / support I was going to feed so there was no point playing.

  9. #7849
    Yesterday I finally managed to climb to Platinum V!

    Needed three promotions since I had lots of trolls, afk and ragequits on my first two promotions.

    Second promotion was more or less a close call, but first one...oh my god.

    There was a game where I had Ahri mid, J4 jungle, Lucian adc and a top I can't remember (but he did damage, that's for sure).

    Minute 3 of the game, J4 ganks Ahri on mid, gets counterganked and Ahri dies at Viktor's hands.

    Minute 3, Ahri 0/1/0 and Viktor 1/0/0. Ahri had more farm.

    She enrages, flames J4 non stop and decides that she is gonna troll the game and make J4 (and us) lose.

    For 40 minutes, she goes alone to top or bot lane, to farm, splitpush (as Ahri) and die and feed the enemy team.

    Meanwhile, we four fight them for objectives 4v5 all game, winning fights as J4 had tons of damage, Lucian too and I as Leona could cc them non stop (full CDR tank).

    We lost because Ahri didn't even want to help in a single tf, not even at minute 55, when we opened their base and she was full build. She only had to fight ONE time with us and we would win for sure.
    Instead, she decided to go alone, get killed, and make us all lose.

    I can't even know how I was able to not flame and insult here...sometimes League of Legends proves my patience...

    I'd say "Thank god I'm finally Platinum V", but I don't know what's worse, Gold I or Plat V.

    Sometimes I wonder, is there a "safe spot" where people are not trolling, kids enraging and flaming or afk? I've been told that Platinum III - I is a good place, and if you manage to survive Diamond V and climb to Diamond IV - III things are a lot lot better, but man...

  10. #7850
    Been playing a few games recently, just support. Last two games my ADC AFK's, even though we were stomping our lane :<

  11. #7851
    Had a game where I died in midlane due to a mistake I made so 1-0 for my opponent.. pinged my jg to back off from another gank we made at btm but she chose to invade opponent's jg, made my opponent 2-0.. walked to midlane with low hp, got killed again... opponent is 3-0 while I'm 0/1/5 as a midlaner and..................... I became useless because the opponent is a Syndra and can kill me off in 1 combo with Q R Q (even when he misses W / E)

  12. #7852
    This season has been the most dissapointing one so far ever since I've started playing back in season 1.

    I'm stuck at silver 4 LOL with a W/L ratio of 40 wins and 65 losses or some crap, This is the first time since season one I've even had a worse than 5 to 25 wins more than losses ever since, i just finished a game as kog'maw where I lost due to our mid laner trolling since our support didn't help him when he was 0/10, during the teamfight I almost carried the game, ended up 28/3 as kog. God am I annoyed, now I get it why people call it elo hell, silver trully is cancerous, at least in EUW.. So much flaming, whining and overall negative and really S**** behaviour from a vast majority of the players.

    Side note: I've always been medium/high and sometimes low gold, maximum I reach was 2090 Elo back in season 2. Now I am much more casual in ranked games although I feel like the community is getting much much worse with each passing season. During my placements I endedu p being 1 W 9 L, I only had 1 bad game in them and I lost them constantly, going solo or DUO is the same crap.. always a ton of flaming, and even when it's not on my team and they're just not that great in which I honestly don't mind losing.. But all this toxicity just ends up killing my joy of playing the game, and please dont say that /mute solves crap because it doesn't. People will be toxic in a way or another, abusing pings, feeding on your lane and the list goes on....

  13. #7853
    Promo series to Platinum. First game is a win. All around good game from both teams. Managed to win it in the end.

    Theeeeen the feeding happens. A jungle main gets I guess secondary roll or fill to top lane. He picks AP Shaco top with TP and Ignite. Now I know some people are godlike on Shaco top. But a this ELO? I don't think so. He feeds the living shit out of the opossing irelia who proceeds to take an early inhib as we can't stop her with 2 people and the pressure is just to much across the map. All this because this twat decided it would be fun to play AP Shaco top. Did I mention that he decided to blame all this on our jungler? Who was actually playing really really well and was a big reason as to why we could hold on for so long. But it was always a 4v5 as Shaco was either dead, splitpushing as AP shaco or chasing somebody only to die shortly after. If we even had a decent top lane pick who fed his ass off we would have won that game but the Shaco made it impossible for us to win.

    Second game. My solo laners and jungle decide it's a good idea to feed a Rengar. Surrender at 20.

    Thirth game. Opossing team locks in Katarina and Akali in the first rotation. Obviously Akali is going top and Kat to mid. Second rotation a rammus jungle gets locked in. What does our last pick, our top lane choose? Fucking Vayne top. I figure. Maybe pre-6 you can do something but after that you'll just get buttfucked over and over again. The possible bullying never happend because the Rammus got some easy ganks off resulting in an Akali that would obliterate everything she touched.

    This is coming after a 6 game win streak where in both my team and the opossing team the players where somewhat decent and the games where highly competitive.
    But then promotion series happen. It's like I'm thrown back a whole league. League of Legend, you love it and hate it at the same time.

  14. #7854
    Okay I just want to whine abit, I think Sejuani's passive is too darn strong lol. My whole team got owned by a Sej that snowballed a Yasuo.

  15. #7855
    Failed my promo series, first 2 games were on me :-(

    Played Dr. Mundo top first pick so I went with a safer late game option, vs a riven and got destoryed, I've tower dived many a time as mundo but never have I been dived solo multiple times.
    ended the game 1/9/5
    Of course as a fool I was on tilt but didn't notice it, went straight back into ranked, this time as trundle, vsed a darius and whiel I didn't fed this game, he made teleport plays while I stupidly still had exhaust (from the last game) team couldn't recover from a fed darius so again I blame myself.

    Took 2 days off to chill.
    Came back last night, Won the forst game, got jungle got my top laner a kill, their top laner TPed straight back into lane while I was still around, another kill for my top laner and then my top laner tped bottom and got a double kill, needless to say it was over within 25 minutes.

    Last game I had series was 1/2 we had a great team everyone was doing well etc, about 30 minutes in our thresh who up until this point was working with us quite well, he died in a really stupid way (he flashed over dragon pit for a mountain drake into 5 of thier team with no vision and threw a lantern over nobody followed as we had all pinged him away multiple times) he then announced to us that I was in my series and if we lost I would lose my series, well he decided that someone lost his series for him a few games ago and I wasn't as good as him and I deserved to lose mine.
    Proceeded to just start farming midlane and not backing when the enemy came for him.

    Lost my series 1/3 hard to keep my chin up after that but I caused the majority of it I know that.

  16. #7856
    Quote Originally Posted by rykon1459918 View Post
    he then announced to us that I was in my series and if we lost I would lose my series, well he decided that someone lost his series for him a few games ago and I wasn't as good as him and I deserved to lose mine.
    Proceeded to just start farming midlane and not backing when the enemy came for him.
    Woah this was really bad. In my region, I could take a video/screenshot and report him both in-game and directly. It'll usually result in some form of punishment. And if he's one that does it often or to others, like if he behaves like that in one game, he probably would behave the same way in other games too, there's even a chance for more severe punishments like bans and stuff.

  17. #7857
    Quote Originally Posted by flyingspacesheep View Post
    Woah this was really bad. In my region, I could take a video/screenshot and report him both in-game and directly. It'll usually result in some form of punishment. And if he's one that does it often or to others, like if he behaves like that in one game, he probably would behave the same way in other games too, there's even a chance for more severe punishments like bans and stuff.
    I did all the usual reporting methods, not much else can be done, he will get a ban eventually anyways the system always catches up, but yeah thanks.

    Well what a fun week its been for league, from Placements in gold all the way back to silver II 94LP
    I did honestly cause 1-2 of those losses but the a lot we just had late game team and could never get to the late game.
    time to take a break for a week I think.

  18. #7858
    Quote Originally Posted by rykon1459918 View Post
    I did all the usual reporting methods, not much else can be done, he will get a ban eventually anyways the system always catches up, but yeah thanks.

    Well what a fun week its been for league, from Placements in gold all the way back to silver II 94LP
    I did honestly cause 1-2 of those losses but the a lot we just had late game team and could never get to the late game.
    time to take a break for a week I think.
    Yea with adequate reports, the system always catches up.

    Well, it happens at times when unfortunate circumstances add up and sometimes we tilt too. I don't deny that some people need breaks like stop playing for a week or so, but within that week, there's gonna be someone else who's improving while your game remains stagnant and you may "lose touch" for another few games more when you come back.

    Unless you're already playing just 1-2 games daily, I recommend you to stick to that (just head into ranked) and try to adjust your mind set to focus on reducing any mistakes (like everytime you die, ask yourself why and how to avoid those situations-was it the pick & ban phase? Are you depending on the jg too much? How else can you contribute to the game?) and to the extent that you won't get too affected whenever there is a loss of LP/lane.

    This is based on personal experience. For me, it's because I don't have much time, so I only get to play 1 or 2 games daily and the only mode I play is ranked, this has enabled me to preserve some game sense and helped to maintain my rank every season (from season 4 to now). I then go onto my other account or Flex queue to play, to train and/or unwind a little (or to affirm myself that I deserve my original rank). Not that I'd win 100% of the time, but at least it gives me a gauge of my "real rank" while I learn more about the different champions/game.

    Just don't give up and continue to work on your game, you'll reach your desired rank sooner or later as long as there is consistency. I remember season 5 where I needed to do P1 > D5 promos 5 times, before I got that breakthrough and I had to risk demoting back into P1 just to try and keep up with the players in the new tier, it made me learn different ways of play along with my limits and etc.

    Just ytd, after a long day out, I lost a game pretty badly, partly due to my fault (imagine I was TF, I pressed R, was in range, I "thought" that I pressed R again to the location but I didn't notice that it didn't register/maybe I didn't even press it, by the time I realized, the moment was gone and this was just 1 of the bad plays). My opponent was a Kassadin that was pretty good (partly because his jg and top laner took over the game, but he did make quite a few good plays), so after losing that, I decided to queue again and hope that I can go up against him again.

    I did, and this time round I focused on reducing my own mistakes and to bait out his mistakes based on my previous experience (plus my own analysis of the way my jungler played). It ended with a sweep from my side and all that Kassadin could do, was to talk about how he owned me totally in the previous game and etc, which I just ignored and since his team said that he was toxic (and blamed him as well), I helped them to put in a report end-game :P.
    Last edited by flyingspacesheep; 2017-05-24 at 02:40 AM.

  19. #7859
    Quote Originally Posted by Mandra2018 View Post
    There needs to be a mute mastery option.

    Even when they're on my team. I hate people who are being carried through an flex like they're somehow the reason the team is winning.
    Or a limit to how many times you can press the god damn thing each minute.
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  20. #7860
    Quote Originally Posted by Mandra2018 View Post
    There needs to be a mute mastery option.

    Even when they're on my team. I hate people who are being carried through an flex like they're somehow the reason the team is winning.
    Quote Originally Posted by Feederino Senpai View Post
    Or a limit to how many times you can press the god damn thing each minute.
    Hah, I'm not a fan of muting people because I feel that sometimes important information could be missed. I know a guy that mutes all right from the start, so sometimes I see him, I say hi, he doesn't respond at all and is just in his own world most of the game.

    I don't think anybody likes anyone who gets carried and thinks that the team's winning cos of him lol. On the other hand, we can just relax with these kinds of people because they are usually just either self-centred or doesn't have enough knowledge to break the game down by parts (and just look purely at scores) or both.

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