1. #49381
    The Unstoppable Force Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yvaelle View Post
    Offensive supports are legit. I play TLD + Spellthief Sona, slap an Ardent/Lichbane/Ludens/Athenes/Deathcap on her if I get fed
    I also play Zyra and Leona support though - so offensive is really almost the only way I play support.

    Different topic: Eve is my second most played champion (only to Vi) and I was an Eve OTP before mastery came out which would have made her my most played if that existed previously. I'm not happy with the rework, she's got a bunch of issues and the worst bit is the devs aren't listening to anyone in the Evelynn Mains subreddit (where all the Eve OTPs lurk) - we're posting on the official forums of course - but none of us have gotten a good response yet.
    I pretty much do the opposite I play as a little heal bitch with sona/taric doing every thing in my power to keep people alive. last time I played was urgot rework release and I remember doing support urgot and eat people it was pretty great, I really want to get. Back into playing and trying only support urgot.

  2. #49382
    Quote Originally Posted by Yvaelle View Post
    Different topic: Eve is my second most played champion (only to Vi) and I was an Eve OTP before mastery came out which would have made her my most played if that existed previously. I'm not happy with the rework, she's got a bunch of issues and the worst bit is the devs aren't listening to anyone in the Evelynn Mains subreddit (where all the Eve OTPs lurk) - we're posting on the official forums of course - but none of us have gotten a good response yet.
    To speak trully, i'm also kinda worried about eve rework.

    What is worrying you @Yvaelle?
    To me is that i can no longer "cheese" with stealth before level 6.
    If she doesn't scale good late game AND she has no stealth early...then she will only be good "mid game".
    Also her build with the most win rate was "AD Tanky" and it will probably be no longer possible if she has no AD ratios nor Attack Speed steroids. Meaning she will have extremely squishy builds full glass cannon.

    I think that's all i'm worried about.
    Last edited by mmocaf0660f03c; 2017-09-29 at 05:01 PM.

  3. #49383
    The Unstoppable Force Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowpunkz View Post
    To speak trully, i'm also kinda worried about eve rework.

    What is worrying you @Yvaelle?
    To me is that i can no longer "cheese" with stealth before level 6.
    If she doesn't scale good late game AND she has no stealth early...then she will only be good "mid game".
    Also her build with the most win rate was "AD Tanky" and it will probably be no longer possible if she has no AD ratios nor Attack Speed steroids. Meaning she will have extremely squishy builds full glass cannon.

    I think that's all i'm worried about.
    This is the first champ I really don't see why they would rework her like this, if you ask me she looks a lot worse her voice is a lot worse and some how with a lot more voice lines I feel she has a lot less character and her game play doesn't make sense to me. I mean ahri was already pretty much a succubus I don't see they would do any of theses changes.

  4. #49384
    Fluffy Kitten Yvaelle's Avatar
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    Just to rattle off a few of Evelynn's problems:

    She's not hybrid anymore - previously yes - her highest win rate build was AD. Eve's hybridization meant she could be flexible to enemy comp despite getting counterpicked, which was really important because she was otherwise very easily counterpicked - simply pick things that are mobile, or have cc, or are tanky, or at least tanky to magic - and Eve wouldn't be able to gank that lane. If the enemy team knew you couldn't gank say, Top, then they could put a lot more attention toward protecting Mid/Bot - that was Eve's biggest weakness. The counterplay for Eve, was to not go AP glass cannon - and instead play an AD/Tanky build that could survive a brawl with the tankier counterpicks - putting them back on the menu: and also meant all the magic resistant enemies weren't so resistant to Trinity Force Evelynn.

    So what she lost by not being a hybrid wasn't simply so off-meta picks, she lost an essential piece of her counterplay. I actually agree she needs to be clearly an AP-dominant champion because she will be much easier to balance and more responsive to buffs/nerfs then - but it's too extreme right now. AD doesn't do shit for her - and that also leads into the next problem: Jungling.

    Live Evelynn can build some early AD to help her clear in the jungle, Live Evelynn can rush Gunblade to benefit from the hybrid scaling and add some more burst damage. Because AD doesn't do anything for her now, she's completely reliant on her ability damage to clear the Jungle. This is a problem because her Jungle clear is currently Not Good. While Q is a cool idea, the mana cost is enormous, you can OOM PBE Evelynn off just the first two camps, even while kiting, because you need to cast your Q like 5 times at 55 mana (level 1) each.

    This means new Evelynn absolutely MUST start Blue if she wants a shot at a 4-5 camp clear. Not only does this make her embarrassingly predictable (so predictable she likely won't be high ELO competitive), but even after a few levels she really relies on that Blue buff (which means she can never give it to mid, which that alone might make her not high ELO competitive, and if you steal it from her she's fucked). This is also due to the removal of mana regeneration on her passive. She's completely reliant on Q to jungle clear, Q is prohibitively expensive, and AD (the other way to improve her jungle clear) does nothing but add to her auto attacks (which makes it not viable in the same way that AD Syndra is not a thing: ratios are a must).

    Her Jungle clear is slow, it's not the slowest - but Eve went from one of the fastest and healthiest early clears, to below average speed, and very very vulnerable to early ganks (maybe the most vulnerable jungler now). She is completely reliant on proccing her passive health sustain between camps to heal up a bit, which means she needs to sit below 50% HP the entire clear, on a champion with no health or armor or escapes to begin with. Also, unlike someone like Olaf who also sits low HP the whole clear (for more damage/AS) because she doesn't have AD ratios and relies entirely on Q for early damage, you just ward her blue camp - wait for her to use Q (8 second cooldown) then dive her - and you will win that fight every single time, regardless of who you are ganking her on. She can't leap when visible, she can't sprint away, she auto attacks for less than most full AP mids right now - there has never been a freer kill for a level 1 or level 2 counterjungle gank than PBE Evelynn in the game. Jungle Soraka would absolutely be more dangerous than Jungle Evelynn at level 1 or 2 right now, if you catch her after she engaged a camp and used her Q. She can't heal without exiting combat (for Demon Shade), she has no damage without Q, she's got NOTHING.

    Not having stealth before 6 I'm kind of alright with - but the problem with it is - modern junglers have such high tempo that junglers who only come online post-6 are often useless. Look at Shyvana or Diana jungle - both of them have great, fast, healthy pre-6 jungle clears - and both of them have strong ganks post-6 - but because their ganks are shit pre-6 they struggle right now: because the meta junglers right now will have 3-4 ganks before 6. Live Evelynn was a queen of pre-6 ganks, PBE Evelynn will be rendered irrelevant before she gets camouflage or her ult (both at 6). It's a massive power spike getting both of those at the same time, but it runs the very real risk of being too little too late - because if Lee Sin's 5:0 before you hit 6, it doesn't matter how much damage your ult does or how cool you look in stealth - games done son: your jungle belongs to him, and your lanes belong to him, and if you leave fountain he'll kick your screen grey.

    Let's talk about post-6 though now, since I'm finally through the shittiest parts. Post 6, when Evelynn gets some items if everything goes well, she's pretty great. I like the changes to mid/late game, and she's got actual potential in late game now - which is pretty new for her. She's got a lot of skillshots to land in sequence, but her potential burst damage is big. The downside here, is that her burst window is now gated around her ultimate - this is bad - because currently Evelynn relies on snowballing because her burst damage just comes off Ravage, which has like an 8 second cooldown - so current Eve can gank top, then mid, then bot, then mid, then top, then mid, then bot - etc. She can just walk up and down the river ganking everyone all the time - this is how she snowballs. PBE Evelynn bursts hard if she lands everything, but she can only do it once every 140 seconds. Effectively, Evelynn can't snowball anymore. For an Assassin, that's pretty devastating - it might be a death sentence.

    There are also a string of other bullshit issues:
    - Her Camouflage isn't camouflage, unlike every other camo in the game, PBE Evelynn's breaks on damage - and the devs have confirmed this unique issue is intentional, which is 100% bullshit. Every other camouflage, including Live Evelynn, shimmers when you hit someone - for Eve it destealths her and stops her health regen.
    - Her ult has a pretty small radius actually, and the damage is delayed by about a second and a half. This means that if the person you are ulting is walking somewhere, they will walk out of the damage even if you ulted them point-blank in the face. Nevermind people with dashes or flashes (since the animation goes off immediately, it gives you a solid second+ window to walk away, dash out, or flash out - and avoid all the damage. The result is that most Eve OTPs are now using her ultimate backwards everytime - intentionally whiff your ult into a wall, use the back-leap to engage out of nowhere - way more useful.
    - on Live re-entering stealth takes like 6-2 seconds based on level, on PBE it always takes 4 seconds, this is bad for mid/late game because it's a long ass time to jerk off in a lane after a gank before you can start moving on if you don't want to give away your hand (ex. if you move toward another lane, or your jungle, or the enemy jungle)
    - other shit I don't even remember, I'm just too tired of crying to go on

    TL;DR - she looks awesome now, I like her new voice (old voice actor was better, but I like the new lines and content), all hew new abiltiies look amazing and her kit overall is very cool conceptually. Unfortunately, everything about how she plays, how she counterplays, when her power spikes occur, it's all trash. I probably have the equivalent of 400k Evelynn mastery across my accounts, all mastery 7, all from ranked - and as she stands today I can't imagine ever picking her over my other junglers for ranked. If she went live as is, I'd maybe screw around in Normals with her - that's about it.
    Last edited by Yvaelle; 2017-09-29 at 06:12 PM.
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  5. #49385
    Banned Tennis's Avatar
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    You wish you lived here
    Had one of my more memorable games.

    It was 4 v 5 and our Malz afked.

    I was MasterYi and doing decent.

    We somehow managed to win. I ended up getting so fed that they were getting killed to easily. Plus they had little CC.

    Felt really good because when we first realized he was afk, it looked grim! But Yi scales really well so once I started to get items I could easily 1 v 2/3

  6. #49386
    Just won a 4v5 game where the support was AFK since level 1. He eventually came back but we had to hold the game for a long long time.
    Everything changed with a teleport play by me
    This was the play that changed the game.
    I really love Illaoi man


    - - - Updated - - -

    What do you guys think about the new emote system?
    I think it's the most toxic thing ever created in league of legends
    I hope i can "silence" it in any way.
    What were they thinking with this one? It's only going to be used as BM :S
    Last edited by mmocaf0660f03c; 2017-10-02 at 08:10 PM.

  7. #49387

    What items did you have at that point? They cast skills on you but it was just tickling you. On the dmg part, it's crazy lol, I met some really good Illaoi(s) before, and I hate it especially when my whole team gets baited into a choke point (but love it if it's the enemy lol).

    Sidenote - Though Illaoi is strong, I still don't mind fighting her, free 5 gold early game lol.

    @everyone else

    I've been wanting to use Eve (just that I'm on Tahm Kench now). Don't know if I should feel sad that I havent gotten used to her old kit or not lol. I think I'll put her up on my next 2 rotation after my TK and Fizz hits mastery 5 (then I'll do Ornn, then Eve, since it seems like she's not a good choice now).

    As for new emote system.... I think emotes are really fun and giving the option to obtain some exclusive permanent emotes would be really cool (just that I don't usually use it). It's kind of intimidating when people kill you and spam mastery emotes (even if they die after, it still gets me a little I think).

    But sometimes, they use it in a friendly way, it may just be a misinterpretation/etc. Just that most of time people spam lvl 7 emotes on me, I press ctrl+5 but I get an error saying that my mastery is too low =/...

  8. #49388
    Quote Originally Posted by flyingspacesheep View Post

    What items did you have at that point? They cast skills on you but it was just tickling you. On the dmg part, it's crazy lol, I met some really good Illaoi(s) before, and I hate it especially when my whole team gets baited into a choke point (but love it if it's the enemy lol).
    I can't remember the exact items But i definitely had a Frozen Mallet completed (because is always my first item no matter what) and i was probably working towards my Black Cleaver at that point.
    I just love the 700 health and slow on Illaoi. It completely changes the gameplay of an otherwise immobile champion and it gives all the stats she needs. (AD + Health)

    As for new emote system.... I think emotes are really fun and giving the option to obtain some exclusive permanent emotes would be really cool (just that I don't usually use it). It's kind of intimidating when people kill you and spam mastery emotes (even if they die after, it still gets me a little I think).

    But sometimes, they use it in a friendly way, it may just be a misinterpretation/etc. Just that most of time people spam lvl 7 emotes on me, I press ctrl+5 but I get an error saying that my mastery is too low =/...
    Man...i'm going to get so tilted if people decide to spam their emotes on me.
    It's going to be a legit tactic to mess with your opponents emotions xD
    Last edited by mmocaf0660f03c; 2017-10-03 at 09:23 PM.

  9. #49389
    Fluffy Kitten Yvaelle's Avatar
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    Ya Frozen Mallet is game-changing for Illaoi, just because so much of her kit is around landing her tentacle skillshots and soul tear or whatever its called. If she can get into melee and they can't get away then she wins.

    I'm also a big fan of Death's Dance on her though, her damage profile is kinda like "take some damage going in, but then get into ult range and do crazy damage" - DD dot helps her shrug off some of that early initiate poke, sustain longer at low HP for the big missing % hp tentacle slaps making her much harder to finish off, and of course, do tons of damage with her big AD ratios.

    I need to go play more Illaoi again though. Last time I tried to Top I was really focused on the Fiora/Camille thing, Illaoi/Quinn are still my stronger top laners though (both situationally).
    Youtube ~ Yvaelle ~ Twitter

  10. #49390
    I love Illaoi with all my heart (i think is the most impressive design on all Leagues history) but sometimes is really demotivating to play her when the enemy team fully understands the champion and all she is capable of.

    That clip i showed was a Silver IV game (i only play casually now) and those poor souls were completely oblivious to what was about to happen when they stacked together.
    They only started running once they experienced the damage on their faces.
    But in higher elos it's so frustrating to play Illaoi. I've had games where the enemy team flashes as soon as i press R.

    For me the most fun thing about the champion is that you are almost immune to ganks. Almost every time is a guaranteed double kill.
    Having a Top lane immune to ganks is very strong indeed but i get really sad everytime i see a 3 man flash as soon as i press R

  11. #49391
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowpunkz View Post
    I love Illaoi with all my heart

    flash as soon as i press R
    I like Ahri but not with all my heart BAHAHAHA, cos half of it goes to Katarina.

    And yea, I think the problem as you go down in elo, is that the people you meet with starts to anticipate stuff lesser and lesser. Like.. everything just hits cos they don't bother to dodge/care about what you're gonna do to them.

    On the other hand, it makes games much more enjoyable since you'll feel like you're faker or something lol.

  12. #49392
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowpunkz View Post
    I love Illaoi with all my heart (i think is the most impressive design on all Leagues history) but sometimes is really demotivating to play her when the enemy team fully understands the champion and all she is capable of.

    That clip i showed was a Silver IV game (i only play casually now) and those poor souls were completely oblivious to what was about to happen when they stacked together.
    They only started running once they experienced the damage on their faces.
    But in higher elos it's so frustrating to play Illaoi. I've had games where the enemy team flashes as soon as i press R.

    For me the most fun thing about the champion is that you are almost immune to ganks. Almost every time is a guaranteed double kill.
    Having a Top lane immune to ganks is very strong indeed but i get really sad everytime i see a 3 man flash as soon as i press R
    you just made a point of how it isn't impressive
    Quote Originally Posted by Life-Binder View Post
    U6 easily has the best charcters introduce in SUper, aside from Beerus and BLack

  13. #49393
    Ugh, Illaoi is so bad though, the design of her is shit. Sure she is a lane bully, but horrible mid/late in teamfights if the enemy team got even the slightest resemblance of a brain.

    I enjoyed playing her when so got released, before everyone knew you could simply counter her whole kit by taking 5 steps back and wait for the ult to go out. Also there aren't much threat from her if you chose the place to fight - aka a place with zero tentacles. She will have to land an E, then slam that down, wait for the tentacles to spawn THEN she can do damage. Or hope people don't just run out of her ult or kill her while she is mid air.
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  14. #49394
    Quote Originally Posted by Amanni View Post
    you just made a point of how it isn't impressive
    I just think the design is out of this world and that probably the person who came up with the idea of Illaoi was smoking that grass xD
    Because is such an imaginative champion. Tentacles and stealing someone's soul is such a cool design.

    But yeah, i think she is pretty easy to deal with if you know her completely...

    But godamit i refuse to believe she is useless. Maybe there is a way to play with her strenghts or maybe play around the fact that people run away from you to come up with a different strategy. I just haven't thought about it it yet
    Maybe play that Korean build people are talking about on youtube...
    Last edited by mmocaf0660f03c; 2017-10-04 at 12:51 PM.

  15. #49395
    So, I'm a complete newbie to LoL and giving it a go since my GF is into it, but man...it's a bit overwhelming initially haha. I get how the game basically works, but there's just so many champions and other things, yeah...

    I guess my question is, what are some good beginner resources out there? She's been having me doing ADC with her as support on bottom lane (which I've been failing at, though maybe it's cause I don't really get the free champions the game is giving to me to use), but I guess overall I'm more interested in lane battling than support or jungle. Is there like a list of beginner friendly champions for those tasks? I mean there's just so many champions, and while the riot website breaks them down by class, that doesn't tell me what position they're actually suited for readily lol. I couldn't really tell you if I prefer ranged or melee, but I will say it's annoying waiting for mp or resources to regen, seems to be pretty slow.


  16. #49396
    Quote Originally Posted by xezar View Post
    Is there like a list of beginner friendly champions for those tasks?
    Not everyone can start the game and suddenly become challenger because there are so many aspects in this game. I think the first thing you need to decide, is whether or not you want to focus on being an ADC and play with ur GF or if you want to head in another direction, but I think having fun is most important, while you build the relationship with her.

    Usually, Top's something like a Tank/split pusher, Mid will usually be a dmg carry that has the potential to burst people off, jungler will either be tank/dmg but the focus will be if he/she can pull off ganks and support lanes at the right place and time while SPs control the game, depending on how he/she wards/dewards/roams, they can dictate the pace of the game. Lastly, ADC, you will need to some time to farm up abit but it's always fun to fight 2v2s btm as long as you're not the one losing out too much haha.

    You can buy the cheapest champs and focus on one or two. You'll need to discover the limits of your champ, like how you should engage, what's a safe distance and etc, at the same time since you'll be up against different champs, you'll slowly learn what you need to avoid when fighting those champs.

    A simple Mid/Top which you can start with, would be Annie. Q refunds mana and helps you last hit and she has a decent burst, pretty straight forward, just flash in and cast all your skills then hope that your opponent dies. (there's more to it but u'll discover it) Or for me, I started out with Morgana. You just shield yourself and run away whenever someone tries to gank you, I max W and time it so that I hit at least 5 creeps at one go, so it's just farm and farm and farm till I see a chance to kill (or take tower), but the problem comes when my opponent knows how to counter me (which is to push my lane faster than I can push his).

    For ADC, I think I started out straight with Lucian and Caitlyn. Lucian has less range but a potential for high burst, he's a really good champ for catching opponents off guard and killing them while Caitlyn has a long reach to poke and stay safe, a decent waveclear but the problem comes when your opponents can dive straight into you, the clever use of her traps will help you to survive longer and you can do a lot with the reach especially once you have items.

  17. #49397
    Quote Originally Posted by xezar View Post
    So, I'm a complete newbie to LoL and giving it a go since my GF is into it, but man...it's a bit overwhelming initially haha. I get how the game basically works, but there's just so many champions and other things, yeah...

    I guess my question is, what are some good beginner resources out there? She's been having me doing ADC with her as support on bottom lane (which I've been failing at, though maybe it's cause I don't really get the free champions the game is giving to me to use), but I guess overall I'm more interested in lane battling than support or jungle. Is there like a list of beginner friendly champions for those tasks? I mean there's just so many champions, and while the riot website breaks them down by class, that doesn't tell me what position they're actually suited for readily lol. I couldn't really tell you if I prefer ranged or melee, but I will say it's annoying waiting for mp or resources to regen, seems to be pretty slow.

    Bot lane is the easiest to grasp and she can teach you in lane. It may seem like there isn't any lane battling, but trust me there can be a lot of lane battling in bottom lane.

    Champion spells, you just have to learn it one by one.

  18. #49398
    Thoughts on Evelynn now that we can play her?
    My first game went so well. I know it's too early for conclusions but her damage is 100% better than old evelynn.
    I didn't have any problems with her ulty (R). The target always died. Beginners luck? I don't know, but it felt good.
    I ended up 11/1/7
    Her burst damage is amazing and i only have one complaint about her so far. It's very hard to get to a moving target with Evelynn because she doesn't have a MOV speed boost. You have to slowly walk to your target and her dash on E is almost melee range.

    I'm excited about the rework but i need to have frustrating games with her to know the reality. This game went too well

    edit: @flyingspacesheep make a video on Evelynn rework plz. My videos suck. xD

    Last edited by mmocaf0660f03c; 2017-10-11 at 05:31 PM.

  19. #49399
    Quote Originally Posted by flyingspacesheep View Post
    Not everyone can start the game and suddenly become challenger because there are so many aspects in this game. I think the first thing you need to decide, is whether or not you want to focus on being an ADC and play with ur GF or if you want to head in another direction, but I think having fun is most important, while you build the relationship with her.

    Usually, Top's something like a Tank/split pusher, Mid will usually be a dmg carry that has the potential to burst people off, jungler will either be tank/dmg but the focus will be if he/she can pull off ganks and support lanes at the right place and time while SPs control the game, depending on how he/she wards/dewards/roams, they can dictate the pace of the game. Lastly, ADC, you will need to some time to farm up abit but it's always fun to fight 2v2s btm as long as you're not the one losing out too much haha.

    You can buy the cheapest champs and focus on one or two. You'll need to discover the limits of your champ, like how you should engage, what's a safe distance and etc, at the same time since you'll be up against different champs, you'll slowly learn what you need to avoid when fighting those champs.

    A simple Mid/Top which you can start with, would be Annie. Q refunds mana and helps you last hit and she has a decent burst, pretty straight forward, just flash in and cast all your skills then hope that your opponent dies. (there's more to it but u'll discover it) Or for me, I started out with Morgana. You just shield yourself and run away whenever someone tries to gank you, I max W and time it so that I hit at least 5 creeps at one go, so it's just farm and farm and farm till I see a chance to kill (or take tower), but the problem comes when my opponent knows how to counter me (which is to push my lane faster than I can push his).

    For ADC, I think I started out straight with Lucian and Caitlyn. Lucian has less range but a potential for high burst, he's a really good champ for catching opponents off guard and killing them while Caitlyn has a long reach to poke and stay safe, a decent waveclear but the problem comes when your opponents can dive straight into you, the clever use of her traps will help you to survive longer and you can do a lot with the reach especially once you have items.
    I was more interested in learning other lanes for when we're not playing together and such.

    And thanks for the suggestions everyone!

  20. #49400
    Signups for the PBE are open!


    I already have mine :3
    It works for Europe, just signup with your account and your region.

    More info here:
    Last edited by mmocaf0660f03c; 2017-10-14 at 11:47 PM.

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