Cataclysm - The Shattering
I went through all the old zones pages and updated all of them with screenshots from the latest build of the beta (if you're wondering, that's a little more than 1400 screenshots). All these zones will be changed when Patch 4.0.3a is deployed on live servers, most likely next week or the week after. I also included links to Wowpedia for people who are looking for a few extra lore informations, etc ...

With the expansion getting closer, expect a lot of similar updates to Cataclysm articles in the next few days.


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Eastern Kingdoms

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Wintergrasp Balancing in 4.0.3
Originally Posted by Zarhym (Blue Tracker)
In patch 4.0.3, Wintergrasp queuing was changed so that each battle attempts to match the factions at a 1-to-1 ratio. This is the exact system being used for Tol Barad in Cataclysm. While we understand that this inflates queue times for factions which are vastly overpopulated on select realms, we prefer this system over using Tenacity. In addition, the new system at least encourages playing on a faction that's better balanced against the opposing faction. With the old Wintergrasp functionality, players were almost encouraged to be on an overpopulated faction, further contributing to realm balance issues.

That said, we'll review realms with significant faction imbalances on a case-by-case basis in the event we need to take further action.

Rated Battlegrounds FAQ
The Rated Battlegrounds FAQ has been updated to what seems to be a final version.
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is just around the corner -- and that means Rated Battlegrounds will soon be available. While Rated Battlegrounds will only be open to level-85 characters, we know many of you may still have some questions about this new system, so we’ve put together an FAQ to help address some of the more common inquiries we've seen.

Q. What are Rated Battlegrounds?
A. Like the Arena system, Rated Battlegrounds are an alternative way for players to battle against opponents of similar skill levels and accrue rating to purchase powerful PvP gear. Instead of competing in a 2v2, 3v3, or 5v5 bracket, though, you'll be testing your mettle in familiar environments like Arathi Basin and Eye of the Storm, as well as all-new Battlegrounds set to release in Cataclysm.

Q. How are Rated Battlegrounds structured?
A. Rated Battlegrounds are broken down into two brackets: 10v10 and 15v15. These brackets rotate weekly and can be viewed in-game via the calendar by activating the Battleground holiday filter.

Q. What Battlegrounds are eligible for Rated Battleground matches?
A. Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, Eye of the Storm, Strand of the Ancients, Battle for Gilneas, and Twin Peaks.

Q. What happened to the 25v25 bracket?
A. We decided to remove this bracket. We don't feel it's feasible to ask players to coordinate a group of 25 players for Rated Battlegrounds. If any player happens to drop group just before a match begins, the raid group would not be able to enter the battle. We anticipate most players or guilds will stick with fairly dedicated 10-player groups, and making the jump to 15-player groups shouldn't be too difficult.

Q. How can I queue for a Rated Battleground?
A. Before entering the queue, you must first create a raid with the full number of players required for the weekly bracket (10 or 15). Any level-85 player on your realm and of your faction may participate in the battle regardless of guild association.

Once you have a raid of the appropriate size, simply open up the PvP window, click on the Conquest tab, highlight "Rated Battleground," and then click "Join Battle."

Q. Can I queue up solo and just be matched with a Rated Battleground team?
A. No. You will need to first join a raid of the appropriate size and level before you can queue up for a Rated Battleground. Individual queuing will not be available for Rated Battlegrounds.

Q. Do all players in the raid group have to be from the same guild in order to queue for a Rated Battleground?
A. No. So long as the raid group size matches the weekly bracket and is comprised of level-85 players, you can queue up for a Rated Battleground no matter what guild you are in. Guild membership has no effect on the formation of Battleground teams.

Winning a Rated Battleground with a team composed of at least 80% guild members, however, will result in the additional benefit of guild experience gain for that guild.

Q. How can I tell if my Rated Battleground team meets the minimum guild requirement?
A. If you join a Rated Battleground with the minimum number of required guild members, a special guild banner will appear in the upper-left corner of the in-game mini-map. This will let you know if you are eligible for the bonus guild experience.

Q. What are the normal benefits of winning a Rated Battleground?
A. When you win a Rated Battleground, you will be rewarded Conquest points, up to your weekly cap. Weekly caps are individual for each player and are based on your highest single PvP rating from the previous week (the cap resets on Tuesdays). This rating can be derived from your 2v2, 3v3, or 5v5 Arena rating or your Rated Battleground rating.

Q. What Rated Battleground rating do players start out with?
A. Players start at zero Rated Battleground rating and progress upward from there. If you lose a battle, your Rated Battleground rating will only be reduced if that rating is currently higher than your Match Making Value (MMV). For the most part, a rating only goes up.

Q. What’s MMV?
A. Match Making Value (or MMV for short) is our best measure of an individual player's skill. MMV is the skill rating per format (2v2, 3v3, 5v5, Battleground) and per character that is used for matchmaking. It exists to help the matchmaking system create great matches as quickly as possible for all players. It's generally not a rating we show, with the exception of an average MMV for Arena teams.

Q. Will my MMV go down in the event of a Rated Battleground loss?
A. Yes; however, unlike Arenas, all players in a Rated Battleground team will win or lose the same amount of Rated Battleground rating per match depending on its outcome.

Q. Does MMV for Rated Battlegrounds function the same as it does in Arenas (i.e. does it go up more when you beat a higher-rated team, and go down more when you lose to a lower-rated team)?
A. Yes. Your MMV will go up faster if you defeat a Rated Battleground team with a higher average MMV.

Q. What’s the plan to prevent your Rated Battleground rating from skyrocketing at high win ratios? If your rating only goes down when it is above your MMV, it seems that ratings will just be high on average (compared to Arena).
A. If your Rated Battleground rating gets inflated much beyond your MMV, you’ll only receive a minimal amount of points when you win. Similarly, you’ll lose many more points after a defeat, until your Rated Battleground rating gets back in line with your MMV. This will prevent inflation.

Q. Can consumables and engineering items be used in Rated Battlegrounds?
A.Yes, but they will follow the same rules and restrictions as Arenas.

Q. Will Rated Battleground teams only be matched against other teams in their Battlegroup?
A. No. Rated Battlegrounds will be region-wide, meaning that when you queue for a Rated Battleground, you will have the opportunity to be matched against a team from any of our North American World of Warcraft realms.

Q. Are there any plans to reward players with the highest Rated Battleground rating, similar to Arenas?
A. Epic ground mounts will be rewarded at the end of each season to the top 0.5% of players according to Rated Battleground rating. Titles are also available as you gain rating in the system. The titles are rewarded directly from achievements earned from gaining the required rating.

Fan Arts
The Blizzard Fan Art Section has been updated with 4 new Fan Arts.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 4.0.3a Shattering preview, Wintergrasp Balance, Rated Battlegrounds, Fan Arts started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 110 Comments
  1. larcom's Avatar
    artwork looks cool

    also, glad to see some clarification on the RBG's. Hopefully they turn out to be a lot of fun.
  1. garylisk's Avatar
    Not first!

    I love the first pic, by the way.
  1. Judic's Avatar
    Thanks for all the work you put in!
  1. Balir's Avatar
    Take that all you female worgen haters! /rude
  1. Veiled's Avatar
    Thanks bibi`
  1. mmoc31817de774's Avatar
    Q&A's are dubble.
  1. Qamar's Avatar
    Will need to find 10 people to queue? :[
  1. andy_mitchelluk's Avatar
    This new change in WG is annoying already. Before, we had a pretty even balance with Alliance to Horde wins. Now Horde are winning EVERY fight. Also, some people on my realm have reported being in the queue for WG and not even getting in at all, despite the zone being almost empty.
  1. Eixel's Avatar
    I think you've pasted the FAQ twice Boub

    Loving the artwork!
  1. mmoc884d1d8c06's Avatar
    Amazing! I'm going to love 7v7 Wintergrasp on realms like Burning Steppes, really fun.
  1. Karot's Avatar
    I'm amazed they didn't consider this WG change from the very beginning. GG
  1. Sabrescene's Avatar
    Thanks for the Old Zone Compilation, I'm getting more excited about cata each day.
    Just curious, it seems you missed Teldrassil/Darnassus and Thunderbluff. I'm not sure if there were much/any changes in these zones anyway but I just noticed that they weren't there.
  1. Howard Moon's Avatar
    In addition, the new system at least encourages playing on a faction that's better balanced against the opposing faction.
    So Blizz is going to give us a free realm change? :P
  1. valiorik's Avatar
    1-to-1 ratio sux. We don't have any ally in our server QQ
  1. Hexme's Avatar
    Was looking at the zones (not all of em) and I noticed....the lack of quests from 80-85.
  1. mmoc44e5154f48's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by valiorik View Post
    1-to-1 ratio sux. We don't have any ally in our server QQ
    And that's exactly why this change was needed. At the moment everyone flocks to one side so they always win WG, causing severe server imbalance. Now the need for imbalance is removed, balance will return and WG will be fine again.

    I'm sure Blizzard will offer free transfers or faction changes for realms with balance issues. Before no one took these offers, because they wanted to be on the winning team. Hopefully now they will understand balance is better and do take the offer.

    You only have the community to thank for this change. If they hadn't created the imbalance just to win some stupid PvP event, this would not be needed.
  1. thilicen's Avatar
    The 1-1 change is godlike. We went from winning only after 3 AM to winning almost everything on my server. Guess they got kind of a shock when they didn't outnumber us 150 to 20
  1. Demona3's Avatar
    This screenshot made me lol.
  1. Sollace's Avatar
    Does Darn get air guards as well? I dont see it in the list of zones there.
  1. Sinra's Avatar
    Art is beautiful as always. And I totally can't wait for the world changes. 4 years of playing, I'm ready!

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