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  1. #1

    Battle for Azeroth Live Today!

    Battle for Azeroth Live Today!
    Battle for Azeroth goes live globally today, releasing at the same time for everyone!

    What is Not Coming This Week?
    Blizzard has broken down the release of certain content post expansion launch!
    • The Uldir Raid
      • September 4 - Normal and Heroic open
      • September 11 - Mythic, Raid Finder Wing 1: Halls of Containment (Taloc, MOTHER, Zek’voz, Herald of N’zoth)
      • September 25 - Raid Finder Wing 2: Crimson Descent (Fetid Devourer, Vectis, Zul, Reborn)
      • October 9 - Raid Finder Wing 3: Heart of Corruption (Mythrax the Unraveler, G’huun)
    • Warfronts - A few weeks after launch
    • Mythic Plus Season 1 - September 4
    • Battle for Azeroth PvP Season 1 - September 4

    How to Level Quicker in Battle for Azeroth
    If you are a player who is interested mostly in max level content, there are ways of speeding up your leveling process.

    Essential Items
    Before the new expansion is released, there are a few items that you should stock up on.
    • Potion of Prolonged Power: a nice stat increase that you should be using every time before combat, especially during the first few levels
    • Defiled Augment Runes, or a Lightforged Augment Rune if you have the required reputation for it. These are a small stat increase, but as long as you always keep one active, they will help out a little.
    • Flasks: main stat increase that you should always have active
    • Food that increases your secondary stats. You can either stick with food that gives 375, or craft some Sugar-Crusted Fish Feasts, which give Versatility instantly after sitting down to eat
    • Drums of Fury: great for speeding up fights against named enemies
    • Goblin Glider Kit: unless you’re a Demon Hunter, you should probably have a few of these to help you easily get to places from mountains.
    • Reins of the Azure Water Strider: having a mount that can walk on water can be very beneficial at times

    During your leveling process, legendaries will be available up to level 116, after which they just become items with high ilvl.
    Depending on the class and specialization you play, you will want to have at least two gear sets saved, but there may be more.
    • Combat Gear Set: this is what you will wear for most of your leveling process. Keep in mind that items such as Sephuz's Secret can be procced on cooldown while leveling, as long as you have an ability to do so.
    • Speed Set: moving around faster saves a lot of time when leveling.
    • Optional Defensive and AoE Set: if you feel like you might be a little undergeared, a defensive set to help you kill named enemies might be necessary. You can also make a gear set with AoE legendaries if want to group up more mobs.
    • Level 116 and Above: because legendaries lose their special effect, at this point you will want to equip two legendaries with the most stats on them.

    Artifact Weapon
    Hold on to any high ilvl relics you might have, even if they have bad traits on them. The artifact traits and relics become inactive while leveling, so having your weapon be at its highest possible ilvl will be the only thing that matters.

    War Mode
    Unless you’re uncomfortable with PvP, you should definitely enable War Mode for the 10% experience bonus, and the access to 3 new talents. PvP talents can offer very nice offensive, as well as defensive options when leveling, which on certain classes will speed up this process significantly.

    There are a few Add-Ons which can help you out during leveling, especially when it comes to pathing, and efficiency. Azeroth Auto Pilot (from the creator of ConsLegion) will guide you through a predetermined questing path, and give you specific directions on exactly what you should be doing. It also has a few other features, such as automatically accepting and turning in quests, which saves time.
    If you want to follow your own questing path, you should use Auto Quest Turn In.

    Leveling Tips
    Here are some suggestions to make the process as efficient as possible.

    • The first expansion quest kicks off in Silithus, so you can wait at Magni for release. He will give you the Heart of Azeroth and your first Azerite Armor Piece.
    • Level through your continent's 3 zones -
      • Suggested Alliance Order - Drustvar then Tiragarde Sound then Stormsong Valley
      • Suggested Horde Order - Zuldazar then Nazmir then Vol'dun
    • Save your foothold War Campaign quests for after you complete a zone. Doing all 3 gives about one level. After your first zone is complete return to your capital hub to start the quest.
    • Instead of vendoring quest rewards, take them to the scrapper after each zone. This will reward you with reagents and Expulsom (the new Blood of Sargeras).
    • At 120 you will mainly gear up by queuing for normal dungeons (item level 310 gear) until you have a item level 305 and can gear for heroic dungeons (item level 325 gear).
    • Make sure to do your 10 Regular Mythic Dungeons for the week. (Note that you can manually zone into heroic dungeons with a 5 man group under the required item level.)
    • You need to have all reputations to friendly to unlock Battle for Azeroth world quests. Finish up any lingering quests until you make this requirement.
    • Prioritize the Champions of Azeroth reputation as each rank gives you +15 item level to your Heart of Azeroth, as well as a 355 item level Azerite Armor piece at exalted. Purchase a Contract: Champions of Azeroth as soon as possible!
    • You will want to work on getting 7th Legion / Honorbound reputations to revered for the War Campaign Completion and to unlock the Allied Races.

    Patch 8.0.1 Recap
    If you are just coming back, be sure to take a look at the Patch 8.0.1 recap for all of the system changes made to the game.

    Class Guides
    Icy Veins is ready to go with updated class guides!

    New Continents
    Battle for Azeroth introduces two new continents with 3 zones each to explore! Each faction levels in their respective zone and utilizes both continents for max level. Click the maps below for in depth previews!

    • Kul Tiras (Alliance) - Tiragarde Sound, Drustvar, and Stormsong Valley
    • Zandalar (Horde) - Zuldazar, Nazmir, and Vol'dun

    Heart of Azeroth Necklace and Azerite Armor System
    Battle for Azeroth has a new system of gear progression that involves the new Artifact necklace you receive right away, Heart of Azeroth, and Azerite Armor slots. Click below for a complete guide on how this new system works.

    Island Expeditions
    Battle for Azeroth brings a new Island Expeditions feature. Taking what the team liked from Mists of Pandaria's scenarios and stepping it up, these expeditions take a team of three players to uncharted islands across the Great sea in search of Azerite against advanced AI opponents.

    • The first team to collect a certain amount of Azerite wins.
    • Each island is randomly generated and so there is always something unique and new to find.
    • The enemy AI does not behave like normal scripted creature AI. They will fight in a much more unpredictable way.
    • Island Expeditions are role agnostic, meaning that they do not require a Tank, Healer and DPS in order to succeed.
    • Difficulties include Normal, Heroic and Mythic.
    • There is also a PvP mode where the enemy AI is replaced with 3 players of the opposite faction.

    Warfronts are 20 man PvE large scale battles in which a team fights for control of a strategic point against the opposite faction AI.

    • Stromgarde in Arathi Highlands is the first Warfront.
    • Each faction will periodically take control of Arathi Highlands by doing a Warfront.
    • The faction who doesn't control Arathi Highlands contributes resources to open up the ability to get it back.
    • Having control of Arathi Highlands gives you access to rares and a world boss.
    • Gear is a reward for completing a Warfront.

    Arathi Highlands Visual Updates
    Arathi Highlands has received some major upgrades for level 120 characters who unlock Warfronts during the war campaign.

    Battle for Azeroth Dungeons
    Each faction has 4 leveling dungeons. All dungeons open up to both factions at level cap. Keep in mind that Kings' Rest and Siege of Boralus will only be available as Mythic dungeons, unlocked as you work through your war campaign.

    Mythic Plus Changes and Additions
    Blizzard has continued to build upon the Mythic Plus system for Battle for Azeroth, adding in some changes!

    Allied Races

    Battle for Azeroth PvP Changes
    Several new additions to PvP are now live!

    • Doing PvP activities rewards you with Conquest Points again! You will receive a piece of gear when you reach the cap for the week.
    • War Mode Bounties introduced in the pre-expansion patch continue in the new continents.
    • War Mode Air Drops introduced in the pre-expansion continue in the new continents.
    • The Dueler's Guild is a new location in the faction hubs that lets you queue up to fight other players one on one in a style similar to Brawler's Guild.
    • New Arenas
      • Hook Point (Kul Tiras)
      • Magumbala (Zandalar)

    Battle for Azeroth World Bosses
    Battle for Azeroth has 3 new world bosses on each continent and 2 faction specific ones in Arathi Highlands for a total of 8 new bosses. Each one has a world quest associated with them and operate much like in Legion. The faction who controls Arathi Highlands has access to their boss during that time.

    Battle for Azeroth Reputation Guides
    Battle for Azeroth will feature a variety of new reputations to grind to exalted. Click below to learn more about each of them and what they have to offer. Especially important is the Champions of Azeroth faction, as they provide a boost to your Heart of Azeroth as you earn more reputation.




    Additional Enemy Territory Flight Path Camps
    As you progress through your War campaign you will set up foothold bases in each zone of the enemy continent. Initially, these are your only base of operations and flight paths in the continent, but gaining reputation with the 7th Legion/Honorbound will allow you to purchase Scouting Reports in order to unlock more flight path camps throughout the continent. Upon purchasing one of these reports you must complete a mission at the mission table to receive the quest to head to the location on the map and unlock the flight path.

    Alliance Flight Path Scouting Reports

    Horde Flight Path Scouting Reports

    Battle for Azeroth World Quests
    Battle for Azeroth has continued the world quest system and there is a multitude of new quests and emissaries. To unlock world quests you must reach Level 120 and complete the quest Uniting Kul Tiras (A) or Uniting Zandalar (H). This means that you must also have completed the War Campaign quests up this point, which involves doing all three war campaign foothold quests in the zones on the opposite continent.

    • Emissaries can reward Azerite Armor Caches.
    • Each faction will have World Quests on both continents at max level.
    • World Quests are a good source of Azerite.
    • World Quests can also give bonus reputation as a reward.

    Battle for Azeroth Professions
    As with any expansion, Battle for Azeroth offers a variety of new recipes and items to craft or gather. Click below to find out just what is being added for each profession!

    • Kul Tiran and Zandalari Professions are now available to learn and level!
    • Each profession is separated into expansions and leveled separately from one another.
    • Each expansion has its own leveling path for items from that expansion, similar to the Mists of Pandaria cooking.
    • You can choose to go back and level older expansion crafting, or you can simply level the current expansion.
    • This allows you to craft items with current expansion materials without needing older expansion materials to level.
    • You can still go back and level older expansion crafting skills as well.
    • To clarify further, an example of this means that you can level your "Cataclysm Tailoring" by crafting Cataclysm patterns, but this doesn't stop you from progressing your "Kul Tiran / Zandalari Tailoring" with the new expansion's patterns.
    • First Aid is gone and its patterns are redistributed into Tailoring and Alchemy. Your First Aid crafts will have to be relearned in their respective new profession.

    New Black Market Auction House Locations
    • Alliance - You can find Madam Gosu in Boralus at Hook Point.
    • Horde - You will find Madam Goya just outside the dock area of the Horde capitol of Dazar'alor in a small Tortollan hub in Zuldazar.

    Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder Part 1 Requirements Guide
    Players are able to start earning the requirements for the first part of the flying achievement in Battle for Azeroth. Earning the Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part One achievement will increase your mount speed in all Battle for Azeroth zones. Here is a list of the requirements. Note that you do not need to complete both the Horde and Alliance questing zones to complete the achievement, but one or the other along with the War Campaign.

    • Battle for Azeroth Explorer - For this achievement you must fully uncover the map for all Battle for Azeroth zones on both continents.
    • Kul Tourist or Zandalar Forever! - For this achievement you must complete the main story quest chains in either all Kul Tiras zones or Zandalar zones.
    • Ready for War or Ready for War - This achievement requires completing either the Alliance or the Horde War Campaign quest chain.
    • Wide World of Quests - Complete 100 different world quests in Battle for Azeroth zones.
    • Azerothian Diplomat - Earn revered status with all Alliance/Neutral or Horde/Neutral reputations in Battle for Azeroth.

    There are a lot of new mounts to collect in Battle for Azeroth!

    New Icons
    Battle for Azeroth has a multitude of new icons!

    New Music
    There is a large amount of new music in Battle for Azeroth!

    WoWDB Addon Data Collection
    Quickly populating the database with new additions is done with the help of many players. The more people that contribute data, the more accurate and quickly we can update the database.

    To help out, just click here if you have the Twitch Desktop App already installed.

    When you are playing the addon will gather data and save it. When you are done playing, Twitch will see the game close and upload the collected data from the addon.

    Last edited by chaud; 2018-08-13 at 03:42 PM.

  2. #2
    Information overload...!

  3. #3
    Have fun everyone!

  4. #4
    Food that increases your secondary stats. You can either stick with food that gives 375, or craft some Sugar-Crusted Fish Feasts, which give Versatility instantly after sitting down to eat
    Isn't 375 food squished down after 8.0?

  5. #5
    Fluffy Kitten Stoy's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Zashule View Post
    Isn't 375 food squished down after 8.0?
    Fixed, thanks!

  6. #6
    So basically plant your 110s at Magni?

    Is that any 110s or only ones which have completed the Battle of Lordaeron scenario?

  7. #7
    The link to the Voldunai rep page is broken.

  8. #8
    - No new race, just a load of unlockable "Sub" races with models already included as player races.

    - No new class. That just speaks volumes.

    - Great soap opera but I used to buy WoW MMO expansion's to play the actual game, not pay for a soap opera.

    - No more PVP servers. Haha thanks Blizz. But I liked PVP servers, I like the thrill of surviving and risk getting ganked by default without having to choose war mode or not, even that basic thrill is now gone.

    - No Darnassus or Undercity unless you can get in through the magic portal which you didn't previously have to. You get less, not more, with this expansion.

    - Sylvanas & The Horde character trashing. Huh? How are Horde players expected to pay a sub so they can be vilified? Does Blizzard really think players will pay to be character assassinated? We will see.

    Will BFA be a bellyflop expansion? I'm not liking the odds this time. Even WoD had some kind of unique selling point feature, despite that being the garrison, it was something.
    Last edited by mmocb54112e783; 2018-08-13 at 06:23 PM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Nixius View Post
    - No new race, just a load of unlockable "Sub" races with models already included as player races.

    - No new class. That just speaks volumes.

    - Great soap opera but I used to buy WoW MMO expansion's to play the actual game, not pay for a soap opera and to 'follow' a soap opera's story development.

    - No more PVP servers. Haha thanks Blizz. But I liked PVP servers, I like the thrill of surviving and risk getting ganked, now gone.

    - No Darnassus or Undercity unless you can get in through the magic portal which you didn't previously have to. You get less, not more, with this expansion.

    - Sylvanas & The Horde character trashing. Huh? How are Horde players expected to pay a sub so they can be vilified? Does Blizzard really think players will pay to be character assassinated? We will see.

    Will BFA be a bellyflop expansion? I'm not liking the odds this time. Even WoD had some kind of unique selling point feature, despite that being the garrison, it was something.
    I cannot wait 2 years down the road for the next expansion and see where you backflip to to reach the same disappointment you've had since WoD.

    I am unable to defend BFA namely cause I haven't experienced it, but the odds of reading your posts are glowing, so at least I got that.

    I got some Zandalari ahead of me, so far I look forward to it.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Nixius View Post
    - No new race, just a load of unlockable "Sub" races with models already included as player races.

    - No new class. That just speaks volumes.

    - Great soap opera but I used to buy WoW MMO expansion's to play the actual game, not pay for a soap opera and to 'follow' a soap opera's story development.

    - No more PVP servers. Haha thanks Blizz. But I liked PVP servers, I like the thrill of surviving and risk getting ganked by default without having to choose war mode or not, even that basic thrill is now gone.

    - No Darnassus or Undercity unless you can get in through the magic portal which you didn't previously have to. You get less, not more, with this expansion.

    - Sylvanas & The Horde character trashing. Huh? How are Horde players expected to pay a sub so they can be vilified? Does Blizzard really think players will pay to be character assassinated? We will see.

    Will BFA be a bellyflop expansion? I'm not liking the odds this time. Even WoD had some kind of unique selling point feature, despite that being the garrison, it was something.
    1. Heavily requested feature from what I saw on the forums. A good chunk of the playerbase wanted sub races or separate customisation options for races. This meets that request.

    2. Cata, BC and WoD. Not every expansion needs one. We literally just had a new class with Legion too. Or are you going to pull the "my opinion of those expansions" card to claim it objectively speaks volumes?

    3. Nobody is making you pay attention to the story whatsoever. I mean if you want to unlock flying sure but even then you don't exactly have to pay attention.

    4. Yeah and people didn't like tryhard 110s coming to gank them in Hellfire because they couldn't gank people their own level and turned tail and ran like a coward when a 110 showed up. This fixes the problem. And let's face it "World PvP" hasn't been an actual thing for years. Also the thrill is still there. Turn it on.

    5. Now you are just complaining for the sake of it. This was known for a long time.

    6. I'm sure you know the inner workings of every player and if they are going to cancel their sub or not.... /s

    In short your opinion while entitled to it is all over the place. Has nothing to do with "liking the odds". 3 of your points are complaining for the sake of it and 2 are attempting to speak for players.
    Last edited by Eleccybubb; 2018-08-13 at 06:36 PM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    1. Heavily requested feature from what I saw on the forums. A good chunk of the playerbase wanted sub races or separate customisation options for races. This meets that request.

    2. Cata, BC and WoD. Not every expansion needs one. We literally just had a new class with Legion too.

    3. Nobody is making you pay attention to the story whatsoever. I mean if you want to unlock flying sure but even then you don't exactly have to pay attention.

    4. Yeah and people didn't like tryhard 110s coming to gank them in Hellfire because they couldn't gank people their own level. This fixes the problem. And let's face it "World PvP" hasn't been an actual thing for years. Also the thrill is still there. Turn it on.

    5. Now you are just complaining for the sake of it. This was known for a long time.

    6. I'm sure you know the inner workings of every player and if they are going to cancel their sub or not.... /s

    In short your opinion while entitled to it is all over the place. Has nothing to do with "liking the odds". 3 of your points are complaining for the sake of it and 2 are attempting to speak for players.

    1. Lots of requests are made on the forums. But not for the races offered. High Elves were requested, we got junkie void snorters instead. And moose headed Tauren instead of Taunka? No these B4A "sub" races were not asked for.

    2. A new class would not have hurt and would have made up for the "sub" races instead of no new original race in BFA.

    3. The story is all that's offered forcing players to pay attention to it to get value for their money. That wasn't always so and if I want to watch a soap opera I will switch on the TV for free.

    4. Some players liked the PVP ganking or not enough to pay a sub for it and PVP servers were(!) where the highest paying populations were at, now I would not be surprised if there are unsubs because the war mode change was forced upon us without consent and the PVP servers are missed enough to cause mass unsubs.

    5. I'm not complaining for the sake of it. Like you say it was known for a long time, I have been complaining about it for a long time. And will continue to complain for a long time to come.

    6. No one knows since Blizz were cowards and stopped publishing subscription stats in their quarterly earning reports.

    It's not an entitled opinion, it's a complaint. Enough for me to conclude that BFA is not an expansion. BFA... It's a mere update. And a disagreeable update enough for me to have irreconciblie differences with Blizz indefinitely. They have ruined a game, quite deliberately from my perspective, that I like very much. What a shame.
    Last edited by mmocb54112e783; 2018-08-13 at 06:41 PM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Nixius View Post
    1. Well yes they were if you actually browse. Nightborne was one that was requested.

    2. And yet again why do you think we need one every expansion? Because you clearly do.

    3. Well no it's not but feel free to think that.

    4. Key word some. Blizzard clearly felt from feedback that it was a majority who hated it.

    5. Yes you really are.

    6. "Cowards". Lol you were never owed that information so stop acting like you were. Talk about reaching for straws.

    Feel free to push it as a complaint. But most of your "complaints" are for the sake of it and a couple attempt to speak for people. I mean I'm not saying you can't think about what you want about the game. But your opinion piece comes off as messy from my perspective.

    You not only attempt to speak for a crowd of players you have no idea about you also imply that Blizzard owed you those sub numbers.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Jodmos View Post
    So basically plant your 110s at Magni?

    Is that any 110s or only ones which have completed the Battle of Lordaeron scenario?
    Any idea where Magni is in Silithus if you didn't do the artifact depletion chain?

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    1. Well yes they were if you actually browse. Nightborne was one that was requested.

    2. And yet again why do you think we need one every expansion? Because you clearly do.

    3. Well no it's not but feel free to think that.

    4. Key word some. Blizzard clearly felt from feedback that it was a majority who hated it.

    5. Yes you really are.

    6. "Cowards". Lol you were never owed that information so stop acting like you were. Talk about reaching for straws.

    Feel free to push it as a complaint. But most of your "complaints" are for the sake of it and a couple attempt to speak for people.
    1. I do browse the forums. There's a lot more upset players there about the sub races, more upset than I will ever be.

    2. I said it would not have hurt. I stick by that.

    3. It really is all that's offered.

    4. I hope the feedback of lost subs speaks louder.

    5. No I'm really not, but I'm not going to repeat myself forever, this will be my final post on the matter. For now.

    6. They got scared. Blizzard will always be seen as cowards after offering the sub stats then removing them no matter how the spin doctoring tries to protect them.

  15. #15
    Immortal Nnyco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by btlcryct View Post
    Any idea where Magni is in Silithus if you didn't do the artifact depletion chain?
    50.42, east of hive'zora, west of the sword

    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    Crabs have been removed from the game... because if I see another one I’m just going to totally lose it. *sobbing* I’m sorry, I just can’t right now... I just... OK just give me a minute, I’ll be OK..

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Nnyco View Post
    50.42, east of hive'zora, west of the sword

    Thanks!! I flew over there from Uldum, but must've been too high to see him. Found him now.

  17. #17
    Field Marshal TheFailadin's Avatar
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    All this waiting oof

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Nixius View Post
    - No new race, just a load of unlockable "Sub" races with models already included as player races.

    - No new class. That just speaks volumes.

    - Great soap opera but I used to buy WoW MMO expansion's to play the actual game, not pay for a soap opera.

    - No more PVP servers. Haha thanks Blizz. But I liked PVP servers, I like the thrill of surviving and risk getting ganked by default without having to choose war mode or not, even that basic thrill is now gone.

    - No Darnassus or Undercity unless you can get in through the magic portal which you didn't previously have to. You get less, not more, with this expansion.

    - Sylvanas & The Horde character trashing. Huh? How are Horde players expected to pay a sub so they can be vilified? Does Blizzard really think players will pay to be character assassinated? We will see.

    Will BFA be a bellyflop expansion? I'm not liking the odds this time. Even WoD had some kind of unique selling point feature, despite that being the garrison, it was something.
    Ah yes, he who frantically grasps at straws in order to anger himself enough so he could rage about something, anything, due to a lack thereof in his life.

    An empty husk. A shallow mind. A concave skull. For when there is nothing left to cry about, he would eventually stop thinking. He would become rendered inanimate.

    On a side note: I've now prepared to grind for 24 hours with a friend. Not even my idea and I'm still hyped for it.

    Time for a quick 2 hour nap before the games begin

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Greathoudini View Post
    Ah yes, he who frantically grasps at straws in order to anger himself enough so he could rage about something, anything, due to a lack thereof in his life.

    An empty husk. A shallow mind. A concave skull. For when there is nothing left to cry about, he would eventually stop thinking. He would become rendered inanimate.

    On a side note: I've now prepared to grind for 24 hours with a friend. Not even my idea and I'm still hyped for it.

    Time for a quick 2 hour nap before the games begin
    Man you are lucky. I'm an insomniac so a nap is like the dream for me. Luckily I managed to have a good amount of sleep for once last night.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Greathoudini View Post
    Ah yes, he who frantically grasps at straws in order to anger himself enough so he could rage about something, anything, due to a lack thereof in his life.

    An empty husk. A shallow mind. A concave skull. For when there is nothing left to cry about, he would eventually stop thinking. He would become rendered inanimate.

    On a side note: I've now prepared to grind for 24 hours with a friend. Not even my idea and I'm still hyped for it.

    Time for a quick 2 hour nap before the games begin
    Yeah attack me personally instead of the points made. I will consider that a hit nerve.

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